1.26 kBJSONView Raw
2 "private": false,
3 "publishConfig": {
4 "access": "public"
5 },
6 "name": "@commercetools/sdk-middleware-auth",
7 "version": "6.1.2",
8 "description": "Middleware for different authentication flows of commercetools platform API, to use with @commercetools/sdk-client",
9 "keywords": [
10 "commercetools",
11 "sdk",
12 "middleware",
13 "auth",
14 "oauth"
15 ],
16 "homepage": "https://commercetools.github.io/nodejs/",
17 "bugs": "https://github.com/commercetools/nodejs/issues",
18 "license": "MIT",
19 "author": "Nicola Molinari <nicola.molinari@commercetools.com> (https://github.com/emmenko)",
20 "main": "dist/sdk-middleware-auth.cjs.js",
21 "module": "dist/sdk-middleware-auth.es.js",
22 "browser": "dist/sdk-middleware-auth.umd.js",
23 "repository": {
24 "type": "git",
25 "url": "https://github.com/commercetools/nodejs.git"
26 },
27 "files": [
28 "dist"
29 ],
30 "scripts": {
31 "prebuild": "rimraf dist/**",
32 "build": "yarn build:bundles",
33 "build:bundles": "cross-env NODE_ENV=production rollup -c ../../rollup.config.js -n CommercetoolsSdkMiddlewareAuth -i ./src/index.js"
34 },
35 "dependencies": {
36 "node-fetch": "^2.3.0"
37 },
38 "devDependencies": {
39 "nock": "12.0.2"
40 },
41 "gitHead": "4457161634ac495f2f4bacbadf3eecc65d2e91c1"