1 | > Lint your commits, angular-style
2 |
3 | # @commitlint/config-angular
4 |
5 | Shareable `commitlint` config enforcing the [Angular commit convention](https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#commit).
6 | Use with [@commitlint/cli](../cli) and [@commitlint/prompt-cli](../prompt-cli).
7 |
8 | ## Getting started
9 |
10 | ```sh
11 | npm install --save-dev @commitlint/config-angular @commitlint/cli
12 | echo "module.exports = {extends: ['@commitlint/config-angular']};" > commitlint.config.js
13 | ```
14 |
15 | ## Rules
16 |
17 | ### Problems
18 |
19 | The following rules are considered problems for `@commitlint/config-angular` and will yield a non-zero exit code when not met.
20 | Consult [docs/rules](https://conventional-changelog.github.io/commitlint/#/reference-rules) for a list of available rules.
21 |
22 | #### type-enum
23 |
24 | - **condition**: `type` is found in value
25 | - **rule**: `always`
26 | - **value**
27 |
28 | ```
29 | [
30 | 'build',
31 | 'ci',
32 | 'docs',
33 | 'feat',
34 | 'fix',
35 | 'perf',
36 | 'refactor',
37 | 'revert',
38 | 'style',
39 | 'test'
40 | ]
41 | ```
42 |
43 | ```sh
44 | echo "foo: some message" # fails
45 | echo "fix: some message" # passes
46 | ```
47 |
48 | #### type-case
49 |
50 | - **description**: `type` is in case `value`
51 | - **rule**: `always`
52 | - **value**
53 | ```
54 | 'lowerCase'
55 | ```
56 |
57 | ```sh
58 | echo "FIX: some message" # fails
59 | echo "fix: some message" # passes
60 | ```
61 |
62 | #### type-empty
63 |
64 | - **condition**: `type` is empty
65 | - **rule**: `never`
66 |
67 | ```sh
68 | echo ": some message" # fails
69 | echo "fix: some message" # passes
70 | ```
71 |
72 | #### scope-case
73 |
74 | - **condition**: `scope` is in case `value`
75 | - **rule**: `always`
76 |
77 | ```
78 | 'lowerCase'
79 | ```
80 |
81 | ```sh
82 | echo "fix(SCOPE): some message" # fails
83 | echo "fix(scope): some message" # passes
84 | ```
85 |
86 | #### subject-case
87 |
88 | - **condition**: `subject` is in one of the cases `['sentence-case', 'start-case', 'pascal-case', 'upper-case']`
89 | - **rule**: `never`
90 |
91 | ```sh
92 | echo "fix(SCOPE): Some message" # fails
93 | echo "fix(SCOPE): Some Message" # fails
94 | echo "fix(SCOPE): SomeMessage" # fails
95 | echo "fix(SCOPE): SOMEMESSAGE" # fails
96 | echo "fix(scope): some message" # passes
97 | echo "fix(scope): some Message" # passes
98 | ```
99 |
100 | #### subject-empty
101 |
102 | - **condition**: `subject` is empty
103 | - **rule**: `never`
104 |
105 | ```sh
106 | echo "fix:" # fails
107 | echo "fix: some message" # passes
108 | ```
109 |
110 | #### subject-full-stop
111 |
112 | - **condition**: `subject` ends with `value`
113 | - **rule**: `never`
114 | - **value**
115 |
116 | ```
117 | '.'
118 | ```
119 |
120 | ```sh
121 | echo "fix: some message." # fails
122 | echo "fix: some message" # passes
123 | ```
124 |
125 | #### subject-exclamation-mark
126 |
127 | - **condition**: `subject` must not have a `!` before the `:` marker
128 | - **rule**: `never`
129 |
130 | The [angular commit
131 | convention](hhttps://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#commit)
132 | does not use a `!` to define a breaking change in the commit subject. If you
133 | want to use this feature please consider using the [conventional commit
134 | config](https://github.com/conventional-changelog/commitlint/tree/master/%40commitlint/config-conventional#commitlintconfig-conventional).
135 |
136 | #### header-max-length
137 |
138 | - **condition**: `header` has `value` or less characters
139 | - **rule**: `always`
140 | - **value**
141 |
142 | ```
143 | 72
144 | ```
145 |
146 | ```sh
147 | echo "fix: some message that is way too long and breaks the line max-length by several characters" # fails
148 | echo "fix: some message" # passes
149 | ```
150 |
151 | ### Warnings
152 |
153 | The following rules are considered warnings for `@commitlint/config-angular` and will print warning messages when not met.
154 |
155 | #### body-leading-blank
156 |
157 | - **condition**: Body begins with blank line
158 | - **rule**: `always`