4.99 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
3 return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
5Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
6const util_1 = __importDefault(require("util"));
7const is_ignored_1 = __importDefault(require("@commitlint/is-ignored"));
8const parse_1 = __importDefault(require("@commitlint/parse"));
9const rules_1 = __importDefault(require("@commitlint/rules"));
10const commit_message_1 = require("./commit-message");
11const types_1 = require("@commitlint/types");
12async function lint(message, rawRulesConfig, rawOpts) {
13 const opts = rawOpts
14 ? rawOpts
15 : { defaultIgnores: undefined, ignores: undefined };
16 const rulesConfig = rawRulesConfig || {};
17 // Found a wildcard match, skip
18 if ((0, is_ignored_1.default)(message, { defaults: opts.defaultIgnores, ignores: opts.ignores })) {
19 return {
20 valid: true,
21 errors: [],
22 warnings: [],
23 input: message,
24 };
25 }
26 // Parse the commit message
27 const parsed = message === ''
28 ? { header: null, body: null, footer: null }
29 : await (0, parse_1.default)(message, undefined, opts.parserOpts);
30 if (parsed.header === null &&
31 parsed.body === null &&
32 parsed.footer === null) {
33 // Commit is empty, skip
34 return {
35 valid: true,
36 errors: [],
37 warnings: [],
38 input: message,
39 };
40 }
41 const allRules = new Map(Object.entries(rules_1.default));
42 if (opts.plugins) {
43 Object.values(opts.plugins).forEach((plugin) => {
44 if (plugin.rules) {
45 Object.keys(plugin.rules).forEach((ruleKey) => allRules.set(ruleKey, plugin.rules[ruleKey]));
46 }
47 });
48 }
49 // Find invalid rules configs
50 const missing = Object.keys(rulesConfig).filter((name) => typeof allRules.get(name) !== 'function');
51 if (missing.length > 0) {
52 const names = [...allRules.keys()];
53 throw new RangeError(`Found invalid rule names: ${missing.join(', ')}. Supported rule names are: ${names.join(', ')}`);
54 }
55 const invalid = Object.entries(rulesConfig)
56 .map(([name, config]) => {
57 if (!Array.isArray(config)) {
58 return new Error(`config for rule ${name} must be array, received ${util_1.default.inspect(config)} of type ${typeof config}`);
59 }
60 const [level] = config;
61 if (level === types_1.RuleConfigSeverity.Disabled && config.length === 1) {
62 return null;
63 }
64 const [, when] = config;
65 if (typeof level !== 'number' || isNaN(level)) {
66 return new Error(`level for rule ${name} must be number, received ${util_1.default.inspect(level)} of type ${typeof level}`);
67 }
68 if (config.length < 2 || config.length > 3) {
69 return new Error(`config for rule ${name} must be 2 or 3 items long, received ${util_1.default.inspect(config)} of length ${config.length}`);
70 }
71 if (level < 0 || level > 2) {
72 return new RangeError(`level for rule ${name} must be between 0 and 2, received ${util_1.default.inspect(level)}`);
73 }
74 if (typeof when !== 'string') {
75 return new Error(`condition for rule ${name} must be string, received ${util_1.default.inspect(when)} of type ${typeof when}`);
76 }
77 if (when !== 'never' && when !== 'always') {
78 return new Error(`condition for rule ${name} must be "always" or "never", received ${util_1.default.inspect(when)}`);
79 }
80 return null;
81 })
82 .filter((item) => item instanceof Error);
83 if (invalid.length > 0) {
84 throw new Error(invalid.map((i) => i.message).join('\n'));
85 }
86 // Validate against all rules
87 const pendingResults = Object.entries(rulesConfig)
88 // Level 0 rules are ignored
89 .filter(([, config]) => !!config && config.length && config[0] > 0)
90 .map(async (entry) => {
91 const [name, config] = entry;
92 const [level, when, value] = config; //
93 const rule = allRules.get(name);
94 if (!rule) {
95 throw new Error(`Could not find rule implementation for ${name}`);
96 }
97 const executableRule = rule;
98 const [valid, message] = await executableRule(parsed, when, value);
99 return {
100 level,
101 valid,
102 name,
103 message,
104 };
105 });
106 const results = (await Promise.all(pendingResults)).filter((result) => result !== null);
107 const errors = results.filter((result) => result.level === 2 && !result.valid);
108 const warnings = results.filter((result) => result.level === 1 && !result.valid);
109 const valid = errors.length === 0;
110 return {
111 valid,
112 errors,
113 warnings,
114 input: (0, commit_message_1.buildCommitMesage)(parsed),
115 };
117exports.default = lint;
118//# sourceMappingURL=lint.js.map
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