11.8 kBJSONView Raw
2 "$id": "http://compodoc.app/schema",
3 "type": "object",
4 "definitions": {},
5 "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#",
6 "properties": {
7 "config": {
8 "$id": "/properties/config",
9 "type": "string",
10 "title": "A configuration file : .compodocrc, .compodocrc.json, .compodocrc.yaml or compodoc property in package.json",
11 "default": "",
12 "examples": [".compodocrc"]
13 },
14 "tsconfig": {
15 "$id": "/properties/tsconfig",
16 "type": "string",
17 "title": "A tsconfig.json file",
18 "default": "",
19 "examples": [""]
20 },
21 "output": {
22 "$id": "/properties/output",
23 "type": "string",
24 "title": "Where to store the generated documentation",
25 "default": "documentation",
26 "examples": [""]
27 },
28 "extTheme": {
29 "$id": "/properties/extTheme",
30 "type": "string",
31 "title": "External styling theme file",
32 "default": "",
33 "examples": [""]
34 },
35 "name": {
36 "$id": "/properties/name",
37 "type": "string",
38 "title": "Title documentation",
39 "default": "Application documentation",
40 "examples": [""]
41 },
42 "language": {
43 "$id": "/properties/language",
44 "type": "string",
45 "title": "Language used for the generated documentation (en-US, fr-FR, zh-CN)",
46 "default": "en-US",
47 "examples": [""]
48 },
49 "assetsFolder": {
50 "$id": "/properties/assetsFolder",
51 "type": "string",
52 "title": "External assets folder to copy in generated documentation folder",
53 "default": "",
54 "examples": [""]
55 },
56 "open": {
57 "$id": "/properties/open",
58 "type": "boolean",
59 "title": "Open the generated documentation",
60 "default": false,
61 "examples": [false]
62 },
63 "silent": {
64 "$id": "/properties/silent",
65 "type": "boolean",
66 "title": "In silent mode, log messages aren't logged in the console",
67 "default": false,
68 "examples": [false]
69 },
70 "serve": {
71 "$id": "/properties/serve",
72 "type": "boolean",
73 "title": "Serve generated documentation (default http://localhost:8080/)",
74 "default": false,
75 "examples": [true]
76 },
77 "port": {
78 "$id": "/properties/port",
79 "type": "integer",
80 "title": "Change default serving port",
81 "default": 0,
82 "examples": [8080]
83 },
84 "watch": {
85 "$id": "/properties/watch",
86 "type": "boolean",
87 "title": "Watch source files after serve and force documentation rebuild",
88 "default": false,
89 "examples": [false]
90 },
91 "exportFormat": {
92 "$id": "/properties/exportFormat",
93 "type": "string",
94 "title": "Export in specified format (json, html)",
95 "default": "",
96 "examples": ["html"]
97 },
98 "files": {
99 "$id": "/properties/files",
100 "type": "string",
101 "title": "Files provided by external tool, used for coverage test",
102 "default": "",
103 "examples": ["src/myapp.component.ts"]
104 },
105 "theme": {
106 "$id": "/properties/theme",
107 "type": "string",
108 "title": "Choose one of available themes, default is 'gitbook' (laravel, original, material, postmark, readthedocs, stripe, vagrant)",
109 "default": "gitbook",
110 "examples": [""]
111 },
112 "hideGenerator": {
113 "$id": "/properties/hideGenerator",
114 "type": "boolean",
115 "title": "Do not print the Compodoc link at the bottom of the page",
116 "default": false,
117 "examples": [false]
118 },
119 "hideDarkModeToggle": {
120 "$id": "/properties/hideDarkModeToggle",
121 "type": "boolean",
122 "title": "Do not show dark mode toggle button at the top right position of the page",
123 "default": false,
124 "examples": [false]
125 },
126 "toggleMenuItems": {
127 "$id": "/properties/toggleMenuItems",
128 "type": "array",
129 "items": {
130 "$id": "/properties/toggleMenuItems/items",
131 "type": "string",
132 "title": "Close by default items in the menu values : ['all'] or one of these ['modules','components','directives','classes','injectables','interfaces','pipes','additionalPages']",
133 "default": "",
134 "examples": ["all"]
135 }
136 },
137 "navTabConfig": {
138 "$id": "/properties/navTabConfig",
139 "type": "array",
140 "items": {
141 "$id": "/properties/navTabConfig/items",
142 "type": "object",
143 "properties": {
144 "id": {
145 "$id": "/properties/navTabConfig/items/properties/id",
146 "type": "string",
147 "title": "The Id Schema ",
148 "default": "",
149 "examples": [""]
150 },
151 "label": {
152 "$id": "/properties/navTabConfig/items/properties/label",
153 "type": "string",
154 "title": "The Label Schema ",
155 "default": "",
156 "examples": [""]
157 }
158 }
159 }
160 },
161 "templates": {
162 "$id": "/properties/templates",
163 "type": "string",
164 "title": "Path to directory of Handlebars templates to override built-in templates",
165 "default": "",
166 "examples": [""]
167 },
168 "includes": {
169 "$id": "/properties/includes",
170 "type": "string",
171 "title": "Path of external markdown files to include",
172 "default": "",
173 "examples": [""]
174 },
175 "includesName": {
176 "$id": "/properties/includesName",
177 "type": "string",
178 "title": "Name of item menu of externals markdown files",
179 "default": "",
180 "examples": [""]
181 },
182 "coverageTest": {
183 "$id": "/properties/coverageTest",
184 "type": "integer",
185 "title": "Test command of documentation coverage with a threshold (default 70)",
186 "default": 70,
187 "examples": [70]
188 },
189 "coverageMinimumPerFile": {
190 "$id": "/properties/coverageMinimumPerFile",
191 "type": "integer",
192 "title": "Test command of documentation coverage per file with a minimum (default 0)",
193 "default": 0,
194 "examples": [0]
195 },
196 "coverageTestThresholdFail": {
197 "$id": "/properties/coverageTestThresholdFail",
198 "type": "boolean",
199 "title": "Test command of documentation coverage (global or per file) will fail with error or just warn user (true: error, false: warn)",
200 "default": false,
201 "examples": [true]
202 },
203 "disableSourceCode": {
204 "$id": "/properties/disableSourceCode",
205 "type": "boolean",
206 "title": "Do not add source code tab and links to source code",
207 "default": false,
208 "examples": [false]
209 },
210 "disableDomTree": {
211 "$id": "/properties/disableDomTree",
212 "type": "boolean",
213 "title": "Do not add dom tree tab",
214 "default": false,
215 "examples": [false]
216 },
217 "disableTemplateTab": {
218 "$id": "/properties/disableTemplateTab",
219 "type": "boolean",
220 "title": "Do not add template tab",
221 "default": false,
222 "examples": [false]
223 },
224 "disableGraph": {
225 "$id": "/properties/disableGraph",
226 "type": "boolean",
227 "title": "Do not add the dependency graph",
228 "default": false,
229 "examples": [false]
230 },
231 "disableCoverage": {
232 "$id": "/properties/disableCoverage",
233 "type": "boolean",
234 "title": "Do not add the documentation coverage report",
235 "default": false,
236 "examples": [false]
237 },
238 "disablePrivate": {
239 "$id": "/properties/disablePrivate",
240 "type": "boolean",
241 "title": "Do not show private in generated documentation",
242 "default": false,
243 "examples": [false]
244 },
245 "disableProtected": {
246 "$id": "/properties/disableProtected",
247 "type": "boolean",
248 "title": "Do not show protected in generated documentation",
249 "default": false,
250 "examples": [false]
251 },
252 "disableInternal": {
253 "$id": "/properties/disableInternal",
254 "type": "boolean",
255 "title": "Do not show @internal in generated documentation",
256 "default": false,
257 "examples": [false]
258 },
259 "disableLifeCycleHooks": {
260 "$id": "/properties/disableLifeCycleHooks",
261 "type": "boolean",
262 "title": "Do not show Angular lifecycle hooks in generated documentation",
263 "default": false,
264 "examples": [false]
265 },
266 "disableRoutesGraph": {
267 "$id": "/properties/disableRoutesGraph",
268 "type": "boolean",
269 "title": "Do not add the routes graph",
270 "default": false,
271 "examples": [false]
272 },
273 "disableSearch": {
274 "$id": "/properties/disableSearch",
275 "type": "boolean",
276 "title": "Do not add the search input",
277 "default": false,
278 "examples": [false]
279 },
280 "disableDependencies": {
281 "$id": "/properties/disableDependencies",
282 "type": "boolean",
283 "title": "Do not add the dependencies list",
284 "default": false,
285 "examples": [false]
286 },
287 "disableProperties": {
288 "$id": "/properties/disableProperties",
289 "type": "boolean",
290 "title": "Do not add the properties list",
291 "default": false,
292 "examples": [false]
293 },
294 "minimal": {
295 "$id": "/properties/minimal",
296 "type": "boolean",
297 "title": "Minimal mode with only documentation. No search, no graph, no coverage.",
298 "default": false,
299 "examples": [false]
300 },
301 "customFavicon": {
302 "$id": "/properties/customFavicon",
303 "type": "string",
304 "title": "Use a custom favicon",
305 "default": "",
306 "examples": [""]
307 },
308 "customLogo": {
309 "$id": "/properties/customLogo",
310 "type": "string",
311 "title": "Use a custom logo",
312 "default": "",
313 "examples": [""]
314 },
315 "gaID": {
316 "$id": "/properties/gaID",
317 "type": "string",
318 "title": "Google Analytics tracking ID",
319 "default": "",
320 "examples": [""]
321 },
322 "gaSite": {
323 "$id": "/properties/gaSite",
324 "type": "string",
325 "title": "Google Analytics site name",
326 "default": "",
327 "examples": [""]
328 }
329 }