1.27 kBTypeScriptView Raw
2 * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
3 * Licensed under the MIT License.
4 */
5import * as BB from 'botbuilder';
6import * as CLM from '@conversationlearner/models';
7export declare class Utils {
8 static SendTyping(adapter: BB.BotAdapter, address: any): void;
9 /** Trick to get errors to render on Azure */
10 private static ReplaceErrors;
11 /** Handle that catch clauses can be any type */
12 static ErrorString(error: any, context?: string): string;
13 static ReadFromFile(url: string): Promise<string>;
15export declare const addEntitiesById: (valuesByName: CLM.FilledEntityMap) => CLM.FilledEntityMap;
16export declare function replace<T>(xs: T[], updatedX: T, getId: (x: T) => any): T[];
17export declare function botChecksum(callbacks: CLM.Callback[], templates: CLM.Template[]): string;
18export declare function isSDKOld(curVersion: string): Promise<boolean>;
19export declare function IsCardValid(card: string | Partial<BB.Activity>): boolean;
20export declare function GetLogicAPIError(logicResult: CLM.LogicResult | undefined): CLM.LogicAPIError | null;
21export declare const CL_DEVELOPER = "ConversationLearnerDeveloper";
22export declare const UI_RUNNER_APPID = "UIRunner_AppId";
23export declare const DEFAULT_MAX_SESSION_LENGTH: number;