5.58 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1#! /usr/bin/env node
3const c = require('chalk');
4const _ = require('lodash/fp');
5const Promise = require('bluebird');
6const updateNvmrc = require('./updatees/nvmrc');
7const updateTravis = require('./updatees/travis');
8const {
9 updateLock,
10 updateDependencies,
11 updateDevDependencies,
12 updatePackageEngines
13} = require('./updatees/package');
14const updateDockerfile = require('./updatees/dockerfile');
15const {commitFiles} = require('./core/git');
16const {syncGithub} = require('./core/github');
17const {findLatest} = require('./core/node');
18const {makeError} = require('./core/utils');
20const parseArgvToArray = _.pipe(_.split(','), _.compact);
22const bumpNodeVersion = async (latestNode, config) => {
23 process.stdout.write(c.bold.blue(`\n\nā¬†ļø About to bump node version:\n`));
24 const nodeVersion = _.trimCharsStart('v', latestNode.version);
25 await Promise.all([
26 updateTravis(nodeVersion, config.node.travis),
27 updatePackageEngines(nodeVersion, latestNode.npm, config.node.package, !!config.exact),
28 updateNvmrc(nodeVersion, config.node.nvmrc),
29 updateDockerfile(nodeVersion, config.node.dockerfile)
30 ]);
32 process.stdout.write(`+ Successfully bumped Node version to v${c.bold.blue(nodeVersion)}\n`);
33 return {
34 branch: `update-node-v${nodeVersion}`,
35 message: `Upgrade Node to v${nodeVersion}`,
36 pullRequest: {
37 title: `Upgrade Node to v${nodeVersion}`,
38 body: `:rocket: Upgraded Node version to v${nodeVersion}`
39 }
40 };
43const bumpDependencies = async (pkg, cluster) => {
44 process.stdout.write(
45 c.bold.blue(`\n\nā¬†ļø About to bump depencies cluster ${c.bold.white(cluster.name)}:\n`)
46 );
47 const installedDependencies = await updateDependencies(pkg, cluster.dependencies);
48 const installedDevDependencies = await updateDevDependencies(pkg, cluster.devDependencies);
49 const allInstalledDependencies = installedDependencies.concat(installedDevDependencies);
50 if (_.isEmpty(allInstalledDependencies)) {
51 process.stdout.write('+ No dependencies to update were found');
52 return {};
53 }
54 process.stdout.write(
55 `+ Successfully updated ${
56 allInstalledDependencies.length
57 } dependencies of cluster ${c.bold.blue(cluster.name)}:\n${allInstalledDependencies
58 .map(
59 ([dep, oldVersion, newVersion]) =>
60 ` - ${c.bold(dep)}: ${c.dim(oldVersion)} -> ${c.blue.bold(newVersion)}`
61 )
62 .join('\n')}\n`
63 );
64 return {
65 branch: cluster.branch || `update-dependencies-${cluster.name}`,
66 message: `${
67 cluster.message || 'Upgrade dependencies'
68 }\n\nUpgraded dependencies:\n${allInstalledDependencies
69 .map(([dep, oldVersion, newVersion]) => `- ${dep} ${oldVersion} -> ${newVersion}`)
70 .join('\n')}\n`,
71 pullRequest: {
72 title: cluster.message || 'Upgrade dependencies',
73 body: `### :outbox_tray: Upgraded dependencies:\n${allInstalledDependencies
74 .map(
75 ([dep, oldVersion, newVersion]) =>
76 `- [\`${dep}\`](https://www.npmjs.com/package/${dep}): ${oldVersion} -> ${newVersion}`
77 )
78 .join('\n')}\n`
79 }
80 };
83const commitAndMakePullRequest = config => async options => {
84 const {branch, message, pullRequest} = options;
86 if (!config.baseBranch) throw makeError('No base branch is defined');
87 if (config.local) {
88 return commitFiles(null, message);
89 }
90 const status = await syncGithub(
91 config.repoSlug,
92 config.baseBranch,
93 branch,
94 message,
95 {
96 body: _.get('body', pullRequest),
97 title: _.get('title', pullRequest),
98 label: config.label,
99 reviewers: parseArgvToArray(config.reviewers),
100 team_reviewers: parseArgvToArray(config.teamReviewers)
101 },
102 config.token
103 );
104 if (!status.commit)
105 process.stdout.write('+ Did not made a Pull request, nothing has changed šŸ˜“\n');
106 else if (status.pullRequest) {
107 process.stdout.write(
108 `+ Successfully handled pull request ${c.bold.blue(`(#${status.pullRequest.number})`)}
109 - šŸ“Ž ${c.bold.cyan(status.pullRequest.html_url)}
110 - šŸ”– ${c.bold.dim(status.commit)}
111 - šŸŒ³ ${c.bold.green(status.branch)}\n`
112 );
113 } else {
114 process.stdout.write(
115 `+ Some issue seems to have occured with publication of changes ${status.commit}\n`
116 );
117 }
118 return status;
121module.exports = async config => {
122 const _commitAndMakePullRequest = commitAndMakePullRequest(config);
123 const clusters = config.dependencies;
125 const RANGE = config.node_range || _.getOr('^8', 'packageContent.engines.node', config);
126 const latestNode = await findLatest(RANGE);
127 if (config.node) {
128 const bumpCommitConfig = await bumpNodeVersion(latestNode, config);
129 await _commitAndMakePullRequest(bumpCommitConfig);
130 }
131 const clusterDetails = await Promise.mapSeries(clusters, async cluster => {
132 const branchDetails = await bumpDependencies(config.package, cluster);
133 if (!branchDetails.branch) return {};
134 await updateLock(config.packageManager);
135 const {branch, commit, pullRequest} = await _commitAndMakePullRequest(branchDetails);
136 return {branchDetails, pullRequest, branch, commit};
137 }).catch(err => {
138 process.stdout.write(`${err}\n`);
139 process.stdout.write(`${err.stack}\n`);
140 return process.exit(1);
141 });
142 process.stdout.write(c.bold.green('\n\nUpdate-node run with success šŸ“¤\n'));
143 _.forEach(clusterDetail => {
144 if (clusterDetail.branch)
145 process.stdout.write(
146 `- ${c.bold.green(clusterDetail.branch)}: ${c.dim.bold(
147 clusterDetail.pullRequest.html_url
148 )}\n`
149 );
150 }, clusterDetails);
151 process.stdout.write('\n');