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1# @cosva-lab/form-builder
3> React form builder.
5[![NPM](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@cosva-lab/form-builder.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@cosva-lab/form-builder) [![JavaScript Style Guide](https://img.shields.io/badge/code_style-standard-brightgreen.svg)](https://standardjs.com)
7## Install
10npm install --save @cosva-lab/form-builder
13## Usage
16import React from 'react';
17import {
18 FieldsRender,
19 FieldsBuilder,
20 createField,
21 FieldTranslateProvider,
22} from '@cosva-lab/form-builder';
23import { Grid, Button, ButtonGroup } from '@material-ui/core';
25export default function App() {
26 const [fieldsBuilder] = React.useState(
27 new FieldsBuilder({
28 validate: false,
29 fields: [
30 {
31 name: 'name',
32 label: 'Name',
33 value: '',
34 breakpoints: {
35 sm: 6,
36 },
37 validChange: true,
38 validations: [
39 {
40 rule: 'isEmpty',
41 message: 'This field can not be empty',
42 },
43 ],
44 },
45 {
46 name: 'birth_date',
47 label: 'Birth date',
48 type: 'date',
49 value: '',
50 breakpoints: {
51 sm: 6,
52 },
53 validations: [
54 {
55 rule: 'isEmpty',
56 message: 'This field can not be empty',
57 },
58 ],
59 },
60 {
61 name: 'email',
62 label: 'Email',
63 value: '',
64 breakpoints: {
65 sm: 6,
66 },
67 validations: [
68 {
69 rule: 'isEmail',
70 message: "This field don't is email",
71 },
72 ],
73 },
74 createField<File[]>({
75 name: 'files',
76 type: 'file',
77 value: [],
78 breakpoints: {
79 sm: 12,
80 },
81 validChange: true,
82 validations: [
83 {
84 rule: 'isEmpty',
85 message: 'This field can not be empty',
86 },
87 ({ value }) => {
88 const max = 3;
89 return value && value.length > max
90 ? {
91 message: `You cannot upload more than ${max} files`,
92 state: true,
93 }
94 : undefined;
95 },
96 ],
97 }),
98 ],
99 }),
100 );
101 const {
102 fields,
103 changeField,
104 validate,
105 restoreLast,
106 saveData,
107 restore,
108 } = fieldsBuilder;
110 return (
111 <FieldTranslateProvider translator={({ message }) => message}>
112 <Grid container>
113 <ButtonGroup
114 fullWidth
115 aria-label="full width outlined button group"
116 >
117 <Button
118 color="default"
119 onClick={async () => {
120 restore();
121 }}
122 >
123 Reset
124 </Button>
125 <Button
126 color="default"
127 onClick={async () => {
128 restoreLast();
129 }}
130 >
131 Restore
132 </Button>
133 <Button
134 color="default"
135 onClick={async () => {
136 saveData();
137 }}
138 >
139 Save
140 </Button>
141 </ButtonGroup>
142 </Grid>
143 <Grid container spacing={4}>
144 <FieldsRender
145 {...{
146 fields,
147 changeField: changeField(),
148 validate,
149 }}
150 />
151 </Grid>
152 <Grid container justify="flex-end">
153 <Button
154 variant="outlined"
155 color="primary"
156 onClick={() => {
157 fieldsBuilder.hasErrors({
158 setErrors: true,
159 });
160 }}
161 >
162 Validate
163 </Button>
164 <Button
165 variant="outlined"
166 color="secondary"
167 onClick={async () => {
168 if (!(await fieldsBuilder.hasErrors())) {
169 console.log(fieldsBuilder.getFieldsObject());
170 }
171 }}
172 >
173 Get Values
174 </Button>
175 </Grid>
176 </FieldTranslateProvider>
177 );
181## License
183MIT © [andres112013](https://github.com/andres112013)