1 | # td-dynamic-menu
2 |
3 | `td-dynamic-menu` element supports the creation of n-level deep cascading menus with
4 | group labels and URL/action links and actions using a JSON object.
5 |
6 | ## API Summary
7 |
8 | #### Model
9 |
10 | ```typescript
11 | // Trigger button launches top level menu. Must specify text and/or icon.
12 | export interface IMenuTrigger {
13 | id?: string; // Optional identifier
14 | text?: string; // Text to display on button
15 | icon?: string; // Optional icon
16 | svgIcon?: string; // Optional svgIcon
17 | iconClasses?: string[]; // Optional styling classes
18 | }
19 |
20 | // Menu items can serve one of four roles:
21 | // - Submenu trigger (has children property)
22 | // - URL link (has link property)
23 | // - Action link (has action property)
24 | // - Grouping label (has neither children, link or action properties)
25 | export interface IMenuItem {
26 | id?: string; // Optional identifier
27 | text: string; // Display text
28 | icon?: string; // Optional icon
29 | svgIcon?: string; // Optional svgIcon
30 | iconClasses?: string[]; // Optional styling classes
31 | // If children provided, item is a submenu trigger
32 | // Represents the contents of the submenu
33 | children?: IMenuItem[];
34 | // If link provided, item is a URL link
35 | link?: string; // href (relative or fully qualified).
36 | newTab?: boolean; // Indicates where URL should be displayed, current or new browser tab
37 | // If action provided, item is an action link
38 | // A click on this item will emit itemClicked event
39 | action?: string;
40 | }
41 |
42 | // Click action event payload derived from IMenuItem
43 | export interface ITdDynamicMenuLinkClickEvent {
44 | text: string;
45 | action: string;
46 | }
47 | ```
48 |
49 | #### Inputs
50 |
51 | - trigger: IMenuTrigger
52 | - Definition for trigger button.
53 | - items: IMenuItem[]
54 | - One or more items to be displayed in menu.
55 |
56 | #### Output
57 |
58 | - itemClicked: ITdDynamicMenuLinkClickEvent
59 | - Emitted when an action link is pressed.
60 |
61 | ## Setup
62 |
63 | Import the **[CovalentDynamicMenuModule]** in your NgModule:
64 |
65 | ```typescript
66 | import { CovalentDynamicMenuModule } from '@covalent/core/dynamic-menu';
67 | @NgModule({
68 | imports: [
69 | CovalentDynamicMenuModule,
70 | ...
71 | ],
72 | ...
73 | })
74 | export class MyModule {}
75 | ```
76 |
77 | ## Usage
78 |
79 | Basic Example:
80 |
81 | ```typescript
82 | trigger: IMenuTrigger = {
83 | id: 'triggerbutton',
84 | icon: 'list',
85 | text: 'Trigger With Text And Icon',
86 | };
87 |
88 | items: IMenuItem[] = [
89 | { // Grouping label
90 | id: 'platform',
91 | text: 'Platform',
92 | },
93 | { // Submenu trigger
94 | id: 'covalentlinkstrigger',
95 | text: 'Covalent Links',
96 | svgIcon: 'assets:covalent',
97 | children: [
98 | { // URL link
99 | id: 'quickstartlink',
100 | text: 'Quickstart',
101 | icon: 'flash_on',
102 | link: 'https://github.com/Teradata/covalent-quickstart',
103 | newTab: true,
104 | },
105 | { // URL link
106 | id: 'electronlink',
107 | text: 'Electron App',
108 | icon: 'laptop_mac',
109 | link: 'https://github.com/Teradata/covalent-electron',
110 | newTab: true,
111 | },
112 | { // URL link
113 | id: 'datalink',
114 | text: 'Covalent Data',
115 | icon: 'aspect_ratio',
116 | link: 'https://github.com/Teradata/covalent-data',
117 | newTab: true,
118 | },
119 | ],
120 | },
121 | { // Grouping label
122 | id: 'framework',
123 | text: 'Framework',
124 | },
125 | { // Submenu trigger
126 | id: 'angularlink',
127 | text: 'Angular Link',
128 | svgIcon: 'assets:angular',
129 | children: [
130 | { // URL link
131 | text: 'Angular Homepage',
132 | link: 'https://angular.io/',
133 | newTab: true,
134 | },
135 | ],
136 | },
137 | { // Grouping label
138 | id: 'actions',
139 | text: 'Actions',
140 | },
141 | { // Action link
142 | id: 'actionlink',
143 | text: 'Do Action',
144 | icon: 'directions_run',
145 | action: 'Go Run',
146 | },
147 | ];
148 | ```
149 |
150 | ```html
151 | <td-dynamic-menu [trigger]="trigger" [items]="items"></td-dynamic-menu>
152 | ```