1 | import * as i0 from '@angular/core';
2 | import { Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, Optional, Input, NgModule } from '@angular/core';
3 | import * as i2 from '@angular/common';
4 | import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
5 | import * as i3 from '@angular/material/tooltip';
6 | import { MatTooltipModule } from '@angular/material/tooltip';
7 | import * as i4 from '@angular/material/icon';
8 | import { MatIconModule } from '@angular/material/icon';
9 | import * as i1 from '@angular/cdk/bidi';
10 | import { trigger, state, style, AUTO_STYLE, transition, group, query, animateChild, animate } from '@angular/animations';
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
25 | const tdCollapseAnimation = trigger('tdCollapse', [
26 | state('1', style({
27 | height: '0',
28 | overflow: 'hidden',
29 | })),
30 | state('0', style({
31 | height: AUTO_STYLE,
32 | overflow: AUTO_STYLE,
33 | })),
34 | transition('0 => 1', [
35 | style({
36 | overflow: 'hidden',
37 | height: AUTO_STYLE,
38 | }),
39 | group([
40 | query('@*', animateChild(), { optional: true }),
41 | animate('{{ duration }}ms {{ delay }}ms {{ ease }}', style({
42 | height: '0',
43 | overflow: 'hidden',
44 | })),
45 | ]),
46 | ], { params: { duration: 150, delay: '0', ease: 'ease-in' } }),
47 | transition('1 => 0', [
48 | style({
49 | height: '0',
50 | overflow: 'hidden',
51 | }),
52 | group([
53 | query('@*', animateChild(), { optional: true }),
54 | animate('{{ duration }}ms {{ delay }}ms {{ ease }}', style({
55 | overflow: 'hidden',
56 | height: AUTO_STYLE,
57 | })),
58 | ]),
59 | ], { params: { duration: 150, delay: '0', ease: 'ease-out' } }),
60 | ]);
61 |
62 | class TdJsonFormatterComponent {
63 | _changeDetectorRef;
64 | _dir;
65 | |
66 |
67 |
68 | static KEY_MAX_LENGTH = 30;
69 | |
70 |
71 |
73 | |
74 |
75 |
76 | static PREVIEW_LIMIT = 5;
77 | _key;
78 | _data;
79 | _children;
80 | _open = false;
81 | _levelsOpen = 0;
82 | |
83 |
84 |
85 |
86 | set levelsOpen(levelsOpen) {
87 | if (!Number.isInteger(levelsOpen)) {
88 | throw new Error('[levelsOpen] needs to be an integer.');
89 | }
90 | this._levelsOpen = levelsOpen;
91 | this._open = levelsOpen > 0;
92 | }
93 | get levelsOpen() {
94 | return this._levelsOpen;
95 | }
96 | get open() {
97 | return this._open;
98 | }
99 | |
100 |
101 |
102 |
103 | set key(key) {
104 | this._key = key;
105 | }
106 | get key() {
107 | const elipsis = this._key && this._key.length > TdJsonFormatterComponent.KEY_MAX_LENGTH
108 | ? '…'
109 | : '';
110 | return this._key
111 | ? this._key.substring(0, TdJsonFormatterComponent.KEY_MAX_LENGTH) +
112 | elipsis
113 | : this._key ?? '';
114 | }
115 | |
116 |
117 |
118 |
119 | set data(data) {
120 | this._data = data;
121 | this.parseChildren();
122 | }
123 | get data() {
124 | return this._data;
125 | }
126 | get children() {
127 | return this._children ?? [];
128 | }
129 | get isRTL() {
130 | if (this._dir) {
131 | return this._dir.dir === 'rtl';
132 | }
133 | return false;
134 | }
135 | constructor(_changeDetectorRef, _dir) {
136 | this._changeDetectorRef = _changeDetectorRef;
137 | this._dir = _dir;
138 | }
139 | |
140 |
141 |
142 | refresh() {
143 | this._changeDetectorRef.markForCheck();
144 | }
145 | |
146 |
147 |
148 | toggle() {
149 | this._open = !this._open;
150 | }
151 | isObject() {
152 | return this.getType(this._data) === 'object';
153 | }
154 | isArray() {
155 | return Array.isArray(this._data);
156 | }
157 | hasChildren() {
158 | return (this._children && this._children.length > 0) ?? false;
159 | }
160 | |
161 |
162 |
163 | getValue(value) {
164 | const type = this.getType(value);
165 | if (type === 'undefined' || type === 'null') {
166 | return type;
167 | }
168 | else if (type === 'date') {
169 | value = new Date(value).toString();
170 | }
171 | else if (type === 'string') {
172 | value = '"' + value + '"';
173 | }
174 | else if (type === 'function') {
175 |
176 | return (value
177 | .toString()
178 | .replace(/[\r\n]/g, '')
179 | .replace(/\{.*\}/, '') + '{…}');
180 | }
181 | else if (Array.isArray(value)) {
182 | return this.getObjectName() + ' [' + value.length + ']';
183 | }
184 | return value;
185 | }
186 | |
187 |
188 |
189 |
190 | getType(object) {
191 | if (typeof object === 'object') {
192 | if (!object) {
193 | return 'null';
194 | }
195 | if (Array.isArray(object)) {
196 | return 'object';
197 | }
198 | const date = new Date(object);
199 | if (Object.prototype.toString.call(date) === '[object Date]' &&
200 | !Number.isNaN(date.getTime())) {
201 | return 'date';
202 | }
203 | }
204 | return typeof object;
205 | }
206 | |
207 |
208 |
209 |
210 | getObjectName() {
211 | const object = this._data;
212 | if (this.isObject() && !object.constructor) {
213 | return 'Object';
214 | }
215 | const funcNameRegex = /function (.{1,})\(/;
216 | const results = funcNameRegex.exec(object.constructor.toString());
217 | if (results && results.length > 1) {
218 | return results[1];
219 | }
220 | else {
221 | return '';
222 | }
223 | }
224 | |
225 |
226 |
227 | getPreview() {
228 | let previewData;
229 | let startChar = '{ ';
230 | let endChar = ' }';
231 | if (this.isArray()) {
232 | const previewArray = Object.entries(this._data).slice(0, TdJsonFormatterComponent.PREVIEW_LIMIT) ?? [];
233 | previewData = previewArray.map((obj) => {
234 | return this.getValue(obj);
235 | });
236 | startChar = '[';
237 | endChar = ']';
238 | }
239 | else {
240 | const previewKeys = this._children?.slice(0, TdJsonFormatterComponent.PREVIEW_LIMIT) ?? [];
241 | previewData = previewKeys.map((key) => {
242 | return key + ': ' + this.getValue(this._data[key] ?? undefined);
243 | });
244 | }
245 | const previewString = previewData.join(', ');
246 | const ellipsis = previewData.length >= TdJsonFormatterComponent.PREVIEW_LIMIT ||
247 | previewString.length > TdJsonFormatterComponent.PREVIEW_STRING_MAX_LENGTH
248 | ? '…'
249 | : '';
250 | return (startChar +
251 | previewString.substring(0, TdJsonFormatterComponent.PREVIEW_STRING_MAX_LENGTH) +
252 | ellipsis +
253 | endChar);
254 | }
255 | parseChildren() {
256 | if (this.isObject()) {
257 | this._children = Object.keys(this._data ?? {});
258 | }
259 | }
260 | static ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "17.1.2", ngImport: i0, type: TdJsonFormatterComponent, deps: [{ token: i0.ChangeDetectorRef }, { token: i1.Dir, optional: true }], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.Component });
261 | static ɵcmp = i0.ɵɵngDeclareComponent({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "17.1.2", type: TdJsonFormatterComponent, selector: "td-json-formatter", inputs: { levelsOpen: "levelsOpen", key: "key", data: "data" }, ngImport: i0, template: "<div class=\"td-json-formatter-wrapper\">\n <a\n class=\"td-key\"\n [class.td-key-node]=\"hasChildren()\"\n [class.td-key-leaf]=\"!hasChildren()\"\n [tabIndex]=\"isObject() ? 0 : -1\"\n (keydown.enter)=\"toggle()\"\n (click)=\"toggle()\"\n >\n <mat-icon class=\"td-node-icon\" *ngIf=\"hasChildren()\">\n {{\n open\n ? 'keyboard_arrow_down'\n : isRTL\n ? 'keyboard_arrow_left'\n : 'keyboard_arrow_right'\n }}\n </mat-icon>\n <span *ngIf=\"key\" class=\"key\">{{ key }}:</span>\n <span class=\"value\">\n <span\n [class.td-empty]=\"!hasChildren()\"\n *ngIf=\"isObject()\"\n [matTooltip]=\"getPreview()\"\n matTooltipPosition=\"after\"\n >\n <span class=\"td-object-name\">{{ getObjectName() }}</span>\n <span class=\"td-array-length\" *ngIf=\"isArray()\"\n >[{{ data['length'] }}]</span\n >\n </span>\n <span *ngIf=\"!isObject()\" [class]=\"getType(data)\">{{\n getValue(data)\n }}</span>\n </span>\n </a>\n <div class=\"td-object-children\" [@tdCollapse]=\"!(hasChildren() && open)\">\n <ng-template let-key ngFor [ngForOf]=\"children\">\n <td-json-formatter\n [key]=\"key\"\n [data]=\"data[key]\"\n [levelsOpen]=\"levelsOpen - 1\"\n ></td-json-formatter>\n </ng-template>\n </div>\n</div>\n", styles: [":host{display:block}.td-json-formatter-wrapper{padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px}.td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-key{box-sizing:border-box;display:flex;flex-direction:row;align-items:flex-start;align-content:center;max-width:100%;justify-content:flex-start}.td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-key.td-key-node:hover{cursor:pointer}.td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children.ng-animating{overflow:hidden}.td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children .td-key,.td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children .td-object-children{padding-left:24px}::ng-deep [dir=rtl] .td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children .td-key,::ng-deep [dir=rtl] .td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children .td-object-children{padding-right:24px;padding-left:0}.td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children .td-key.td-key-leaf,.td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children .td-object-children.td-key-leaf{padding-left:48px}::ng-deep [dir=rtl] .td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children .td-key.td-key-leaf,::ng-deep [dir=rtl] .td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children .td-object-children.td-key-leaf{padding-right:48px;padding-left:0}.td-json-formatter-wrapper .value{margin-left:5px}::ng-deep [dir=rtl] .td-json-formatter-wrapper .value{padding-right:5px;padding-left:0}.td-json-formatter-wrapper .value .td-empty{opacity:.5;text-decoration:line-through}.td-json-formatter-wrapper .value .string,.td-json-formatter-wrapper .value .date{word-break:break-word}\n"], dependencies: [{ kind: "directive", type: i2.NgForOf, selector: "[ngFor][ngForOf]", inputs: ["ngForOf", "ngForTrackBy", "ngForTemplate"] }, { kind: "directive", type: i2.NgIf, selector: "[ngIf]", inputs: ["ngIf", "ngIfThen", "ngIfElse"] }, { kind: "directive", type: i3.MatTooltip, selector: "[matTooltip]", inputs: ["matTooltipPosition", "matTooltipPositionAtOrigin", "matTooltipDisabled", "matTooltipShowDelay", "matTooltipHideDelay", "matTooltipTouchGestures", "matTooltip", "matTooltipClass"], exportAs: ["matTooltip"] }, { kind: "component", type: i4.MatIcon, selector: "mat-icon", inputs: ["color", "inline", "svgIcon", "fontSet", "fontIcon"], exportAs: ["matIcon"] }, { kind: "component", type: TdJsonFormatterComponent, selector: "td-json-formatter", inputs: ["levelsOpen", "key", "data"] }], animations: [tdCollapseAnimation], changeDetection: i0.ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush });
262 | }
263 | i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "17.1.2", ngImport: i0, type: TdJsonFormatterComponent, decorators: [{
264 | type: Component,
265 | args: [{ changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush, selector: 'td-json-formatter', animations: [tdCollapseAnimation], template: "<div class=\"td-json-formatter-wrapper\">\n <a\n class=\"td-key\"\n [class.td-key-node]=\"hasChildren()\"\n [class.td-key-leaf]=\"!hasChildren()\"\n [tabIndex]=\"isObject() ? 0 : -1\"\n (keydown.enter)=\"toggle()\"\n (click)=\"toggle()\"\n >\n <mat-icon class=\"td-node-icon\" *ngIf=\"hasChildren()\">\n {{\n open\n ? 'keyboard_arrow_down'\n : isRTL\n ? 'keyboard_arrow_left'\n : 'keyboard_arrow_right'\n }}\n </mat-icon>\n <span *ngIf=\"key\" class=\"key\">{{ key }}:</span>\n <span class=\"value\">\n <span\n [class.td-empty]=\"!hasChildren()\"\n *ngIf=\"isObject()\"\n [matTooltip]=\"getPreview()\"\n matTooltipPosition=\"after\"\n >\n <span class=\"td-object-name\">{{ getObjectName() }}</span>\n <span class=\"td-array-length\" *ngIf=\"isArray()\"\n >[{{ data['length'] }}]</span\n >\n </span>\n <span *ngIf=\"!isObject()\" [class]=\"getType(data)\">{{\n getValue(data)\n }}</span>\n </span>\n </a>\n <div class=\"td-object-children\" [@tdCollapse]=\"!(hasChildren() && open)\">\n <ng-template let-key ngFor [ngForOf]=\"children\">\n <td-json-formatter\n [key]=\"key\"\n [data]=\"data[key]\"\n [levelsOpen]=\"levelsOpen - 1\"\n ></td-json-formatter>\n </ng-template>\n </div>\n</div>\n", styles: [":host{display:block}.td-json-formatter-wrapper{padding-top:2px;padding-bottom:2px}.td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-key{box-sizing:border-box;display:flex;flex-direction:row;align-items:flex-start;align-content:center;max-width:100%;justify-content:flex-start}.td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-key.td-key-node:hover{cursor:pointer}.td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children.ng-animating{overflow:hidden}.td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children .td-key,.td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children .td-object-children{padding-left:24px}::ng-deep [dir=rtl] .td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children .td-key,::ng-deep [dir=rtl] .td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children .td-object-children{padding-right:24px;padding-left:0}.td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children .td-key.td-key-leaf,.td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children .td-object-children.td-key-leaf{padding-left:48px}::ng-deep [dir=rtl] .td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children .td-key.td-key-leaf,::ng-deep [dir=rtl] .td-json-formatter-wrapper .td-object-children .td-object-children.td-key-leaf{padding-right:48px;padding-left:0}.td-json-formatter-wrapper .value{margin-left:5px}::ng-deep [dir=rtl] .td-json-formatter-wrapper .value{padding-right:5px;padding-left:0}.td-json-formatter-wrapper .value .td-empty{opacity:.5;text-decoration:line-through}.td-json-formatter-wrapper .value .string,.td-json-formatter-wrapper .value .date{word-break:break-word}\n"] }]
266 | }], ctorParameters: () => [{ type: i0.ChangeDetectorRef }, { type: i1.Dir, decorators: [{
267 | type: Optional
268 | }] }], propDecorators: { levelsOpen: [{
269 | type: Input
270 | }], key: [{
271 | type: Input
272 | }], data: [{
273 | type: Input
274 | }] } });
275 |
276 | class CovalentJsonFormatterModule {
277 | static ɵfac = i0.ɵɵngDeclareFactory({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "17.1.2", ngImport: i0, type: CovalentJsonFormatterModule, deps: [], target: i0.ɵɵFactoryTarget.NgModule });
278 | static ɵmod = i0.ɵɵngDeclareNgModule({ minVersion: "14.0.0", version: "17.1.2", ngImport: i0, type: CovalentJsonFormatterModule, declarations: [TdJsonFormatterComponent], imports: [CommonModule, MatTooltipModule, MatIconModule], exports: [TdJsonFormatterComponent] });
279 | static ɵinj = i0.ɵɵngDeclareInjector({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "17.1.2", ngImport: i0, type: CovalentJsonFormatterModule, imports: [CommonModule, MatTooltipModule, MatIconModule] });
280 | }
281 | i0.ɵɵngDeclareClassMetadata({ minVersion: "12.0.0", version: "17.1.2", ngImport: i0, type: CovalentJsonFormatterModule, decorators: [{
282 | type: NgModule,
283 | args: [{
284 | imports: [CommonModule, MatTooltipModule, MatIconModule],
285 | declarations: [TdJsonFormatterComponent],
286 | exports: [TdJsonFormatterComponent],
287 | }]
288 | }] });
289 |
290 |
291 |
292 |
293 |
294 | export { CovalentJsonFormatterModule, TdJsonFormatterComponent };
295 |