1 | ## TdLayoutComponent - td-layout
2 |
3 | `<td-layout>` is a blank main sidenav component that gets hooked as parent of all the other layouts. (triggered by their menu buttons)
4 |
5 | ## API Summary
6 |
7 | #### Inputs
8 |
9 | - mode: 'over' | 'side' | 'push'
10 | - The mode or styling of the sidenav. Defaults to 'over'.
11 | - opened: boolean
12 | - Whether or not the sidenav is opened. Use this binding to open/close the sidenav.
13 | - Defaults to 'false'.
14 | - sidenavWidth: string
15 | - Sets the 'width' of the sidenav in either 'px' or '%'.
16 | - Defaults to '320px'.
17 | - containerAutosize: boolean
18 | - Sets 'autosize' of the sidenav-container.
19 | - Defaults to 'false'.
20 |
21 | ## Usage
22 |
23 | `[td-sidenav-content]` is used to include content in the main sidenav.
24 |
25 | Example for Main Layout:
26 |
27 | ```html
28 | <td-layout [mode]="'side'" [opened]="true" [sidenavWidth]="'257px'">
29 | <div td-sidenav-content>.. more sidenav content</div>
30 | .. main content
31 | </td-layout>
32 | ```
33 |
34 | To toggle/close/open the main sidenav from child layouts/components, you can use the `[tdLayoutToggle]`, `[tdLayoutClose]` or `[tdLayoutOpen]` directives on any element and its click event will trigger the sidenav action.
35 |
36 | Example:
37 |
38 | ```html
39 | <button mat-icon-button [tdLayoutToggle]="true">
40 | // or tdLayoutOpen / tdLayoutClose
41 | <mat-icon>menu</mat-icon>
42 | </button>
43 | ```
44 |
45 | To disable the sidenav action, just set the input to false.
46 |
47 | ```html
48 | <button mat-icon-button [tdLayoutToggle]="false">
49 | <mat-icon>menu</mat-icon>
50 | </button>
51 | ```
52 |
53 | ## Installation
54 |
55 | This component can be installed as npm package.
56 |
57 | ```bash
58 | npm i -save @covalent/core
59 | ```
60 |
61 | ## Setup
62 |
63 | Import the **[CovalentLayoutModule]** in your NgModule:
64 |
65 | ```typescript
66 | import { CovalentLayoutModule } from '@covalent/core/layout';
67 | @NgModule({
68 | imports: [
69 | CovalentLayoutModule,
70 | ...
71 | ],
72 | ...
73 | })
74 | export class MyModule {}
75 | ```
76 |
77 | ### Theming
78 |
79 | See [theming](https://teradata.github.io/covalent/#/docs/theme) in the covalent docs for more info.
80 |
81 | ## TdNavigationDrawerComponent - td-navigation-drawer
82 |
83 | `<td-navigation-drawer>` is a component that follows the [material design spec](https://material.io/guidelines/patterns/navigation-drawer.html#navigation-drawer-specs) is used as an addon component for `td-layout`.
84 |
85 | ## API Summary
86 |
87 | #### Inputs
88 |
89 | - sidenavTitle: string
90 | - Title set in toolbar.
91 | - icon: string
92 | - Icon name to be displayed before the title.
93 | - logo: string
94 | - Logo icon name to be displayed before the title.
95 | - If [icon] is set, then this will not be shown.
96 | - avatar: string
97 | - Avatar url to be displayed before the title.
98 | - If [icon] or [logo] are set, then this will not be shown.
99 | - color: string
100 | - Optional sidenav toolbar color.
101 | - navigationRoute: string
102 | - Option to set the combined route for the icon, logo, and sidenavTitle.
103 | - backgroundUrl: SafeResourceUrl
104 | - Image to be displayed as the background of the toolbar.
105 | - URL used will be sanitized, but it should be always from a trusted source to avoid XSS.
106 | - name: string
107 | - String to be displayed as part of the navigation drawer sublabel.
108 | - If [email] is not set, then [name] will be the toggle menu text.
109 | - email: string
110 | - String to be displayed as part of the navigation drawer sublabel in the [toggle] menu text.
111 | - If [email] and [name] are not set, then the toggle menu is not rendered.
112 |
113 | ## Usage
114 |
115 | `[td-sidenav-content]` is used to include content in the main sidenav.
116 |
117 | `[td-navigation-drawer-menu]` is used to include content to the `toggle` user menu. if no tag is used, then the toggle button dissapears.
118 |
119 | Example for Main Layout / Navigation Drawer Combo:
120 |
121 | ```html
122 | <td-layout>
123 | <td-navigation-drawer
124 | sidenavTitle="title"
125 | logo="logo"
126 | icon="icon"
127 | name="name"
128 | password="password"
129 | color="color"
130 | navigationRoute="/"
131 | >
132 | .. main drawer content
133 | <div tdNavigationDrawerMenu>.. menu drawer content</div>
134 | </td-navigation-drawer>
135 | <div td-sidenav-content>.. more sidenav content</div>
136 | .. main content
137 | </td-layout>
138 | ```