1 | # tdLoading
2 |
3 | Simply add the `tdLoading` attribute with a [name] value to the element you want to mask.
4 |
5 | Dont forget to add the asterisk syntax before the `tdLoading` directive if its not used in a `<ng-template>` element. More ingo on the asterisk (\*) syntax [here](https://angular.io/guide/structural-directives#asterisk)
6 |
7 | ## API Summary
8 |
9 | #### Inputs
10 |
11 | - tdLoading: string
12 | - Name reference of the loading mask, used to register/resolve requests to the mask.
13 | - tdLoadingType?: LoadingType or ["linear" | "circular"]
14 | - Sets the type of loading mask depending on value.
15 | - Defaults to [LoadingType.Circular | "circular"]
16 | - tdLoadingMode?: LoadingMode or ["determinate" | "indeterminate"]
17 | - Sets the mode of loading mask depending on value.
18 | - Defaults to [LoadingMode.Indeterminate | "indeterminate"].
19 | - tdLoadingStrategy?: LoadingStrategy or ["replace" | "overlay"]
20 | - Sets the strategy of loading mask depending on value.
21 | - Defaults to [LoadingMode.Replace | "replace"]
22 | - tdLoadingColor?: "primary" | "accent" | "warn"
23 | - Sets the theme color of the loading component.
24 | - Defaults to "primary"
25 | - tdLoadingUntil?: any
26 | - If its null, undefined or false it will be used to register requests to the mask.
27 | - Else if its any value that can be resolved as true, it will resolve the mask.
28 | - [name] is optional when using [until], but can still be used to register/resolve it manually.
29 |
30 | # tdLoadingService
31 |
32 | This service is designed to be a factory of loading masks and serves as a facade for their usage.
33 |
34 | Simply add this service as a provider to be able to use it in a component.
35 |
36 | TdLoadingService.create() method receives as parameter an object that implements the [ITdLoadingConfig] interface.
37 |
38 | ```typescript
39 | interface ITdLoadingConfig {
40 | name: string;
41 | type?: LoadingType;
42 | mode?: LoadingMode;
43 | color?: 'primary' | 'accent' | 'warn';
44 | }
45 | ```
46 |
47 | ## API Summary
48 |
49 | #### Methods
50 |
51 | - register: function(name?: string, registers: number = 1)
52 | - Registers a request for the loading mask referenced by the name parameter.
53 | - Can optionally pass registers argument to set a number of register calls.
54 | - If no paramemeters are used, then default main mask will be used
55 | - resolve: function(name?: string, resolves: number = 1)
56 | - Resolves a request for the loading mask referenced by the name parameter.
57 | - Can optionally pass resolves argument to set a number of resolve calls.
58 | - If no paramemeters are used, then default main mask will be used.
59 | - resolveAll: function(name?: string)
60 | - Resolves all requests for the loading mask referenced by the name parameter.
61 | - If no paramemeters are used, then default main mask will be used.
62 | - setValue: function(name: string, value: number)
63 | - Set value on a loading mask referenced by the name parameter.
64 | - Usage only available if its mode is 'determinate'.
65 | - create: function(options: ITdLoadingConfig
66 | - Creates a fullscreen loading mask and attaches it to the DOM with the given configuration.
67 | - Only displayed when the mask has a request registered on it.
68 |
69 | ## Setup
70 |
71 | Import the [CovalentLoadingModule] in your NgModule:
72 |
73 | ```typescript
74 | import { CovalentLoadingModule } from '@covalent/core/loading';
75 | @NgModule({
76 | imports: [
77 | CovalentLoadingModule,
78 | ...
79 | ],
80 | ...
81 | })
82 | export class MyModule {}
83 | ```
84 |
85 | ## Usage
86 |
87 | Example for (\*) syntax:
88 |
89 | ```html
90 | <div
91 | *tdLoading="'stringName'; type:'circular'; mode:'indeterminate'; strategy:'replace'; color:'primary'"
92 | >
93 | ...
94 | </div>
95 | ```
96 |
97 | ```typescript
98 | import { TdLoadingService } from '@covalent/core/loading';
99 | ...
100 | })
101 | export class Demo {
102 | constructor(private _loadingService: TdLoadingService) {
103 | ...
104 | }
105 |
106 | registerLoading(): void {
107 | this._loadingService.register('stringName');
108 | }
109 |
110 | resolveLoading(): void {
111 | this._loadingService.resolve('stringName');
112 | }
113 | }
114 | ```
115 |
116 | Exmaple for (\*) until async syntax:
117 |
118 | ```html
119 | <div
120 | *tdLoading="let item until observable | async; type:'circular'; color:'primary'"
121 | >
122 | {{item}}
123 | </div>
124 | ```
125 |
126 | Example for `<ng-template>` syntax:
127 |
128 | ```html
129 | <ng-template
130 | tdLoading="stringName"
131 | tdLoadingType="circular"
132 | tdLoadingMode="indeterminate"
133 | tdLoadingStrategy="replace"
134 | tdLoadingColor="primary"
135 | >
136 | ...
137 | </ng-template>
138 | ```
139 |
140 | ```typescript
141 | import { TdLoadingService } from '@covalent/core/loading';
142 | ...
143 | })
144 | export class Demo {
145 | constructor(private _loadingService: TdLoadingService) {
146 | ...
147 | }
148 |
149 | registerLoading(): void {
150 | this._loadingService.register('stringName');
151 | }
152 |
153 | resolveLoading(): void {
154 | this._loadingService.resolve('stringName');
155 | }
156 | }
157 | ```
158 |
159 | Example for `<ng-template>` until syntax:
160 |
161 | ```html
162 | <ng-template tdLoading [tdLoadingUntil]="boolean"> ... </ng-template>
163 | ```
164 |
165 | Example creating a global mask with the `tdLoadingService`:
166 |
167 | ```typescript
168 | import { TdLoadingService, LoadingType, LoadingMode } from '@covalent/core/loading';
169 | ...
170 | export class Demo {
171 | constructor(private _loadingService: TdLoadingService) {
172 | this._loadingService.create({
173 | name: 'stringName',
174 | type: LoadingType.Circular,
175 | mode: LoadingMode.Indeterminate,
176 | color: 'accent',
177 | });
178 | }
179 |
180 | registerLoading(): void {
181 | this._loadingService.register('stringName');
182 | }
183 |
184 | resolveLoading(): void {
185 | this._loadingService.resolve('stringName'); // or this._loadingService.resolveAll('stringName');
186 | }
187 | }
188 | ```