1 | # TdSearchBoxComponent: td-search-box
2 |
3 | `td-search-box` element to generate a search box with animations.
4 |
5 | ## API Summary
6 |
7 | #### Inputs
8 |
9 | - backIcon?: string
10 | - The icon used to close the search toggle, only shown when [alwaysVisible] is false. Defaults to 'search' icon.
11 | - searchIcon?: string
12 | - The icon used to open/focus the search toggle. Defaults to 'search' icon.
13 | - clearIcon?: string
14 | - The icon used to clear the search input. Defaults to 'cancel' icon.
15 | - showUnderline?: boolean
16 | - Sets if the input underline should be visible. Defaults to 'false'.
17 | - debounce?: number
18 | - Debounce timeout between keypresses. Defaults to 400.
19 | - alwaysVisible?: boolean
20 | - Sets if the input should always be visible. Defaults to 'false'.
21 | - placeholder?: string
22 | - Placeholder for the underlying input component.
23 |
24 | #### Events
25 |
26 | - searchDebounce?: string
27 | - Event emitted after the [debounce] timeout.
28 | - Emits a [string].
29 | - search?: string
30 | - Event emitted after the key enter has been pressed.
31 | - Emits a [string].
32 | - clear?: string
33 | - Event emitted after the clear icon has been clicked.
34 | - Emits [void].
35 | - blur: function
36 | - Event emitted after the blur event has been called in underlying input.
37 | - Emits [void].
38 |
39 | ## Usage
40 |
41 | Example for HTML usage:
42 |
43 | ```html
44 | <td-search-box
45 | backIcon="arrow_back"
46 | placeholder="Search here"
47 | [(ngModel)]="searchInputTerm"
48 | [showUnderline]="false|true"
49 | [debounce]="500"
50 | [alwaysVisible]="false|true"
51 | (searchDebounce)="searchInputTerm = $event"
52 | (search)="searchInputTerm = $event"
53 | (clear)="searchInputTerm = ''"
54 | (blur)="onBlurEvent()"
55 | >
56 | </td-search-box>
57 | ```
58 |
59 | # TdSearchInputComponent: td-search-input
60 |
61 | `td-search-input` element to generate a search input with its animated cancel button.
62 |
63 | ## API Summary
64 |
65 | #### Inputs
66 |
67 | - debounce?: number
68 | - Debounce timeout between keypresses. Defaults to 400.
69 | - placeholder?: string
70 | - Placeholder for the underlying input component.
71 | - showUnderline?: boolean
72 | - Sets if the input underline should be visible. Defaults to 'false'.
73 | - clearIcon?: string
74 | - The icon used to clear the search input. Defaults to 'cancel' icon.
75 | - appearance?: MatFormFieldAppearance
76 | - Appearance style for the underlying input component.
77 |
78 | #### Events
79 |
80 | - searchDebounce: function
81 | - Event emitted after the [debounce] timeout.
82 | - Emits a [string].
83 | - search: function
84 | - Event emitted after the key enter has been pressed.
85 | - Emits a [string].
86 | - clear: function
87 | - Event emitted after the clear icon has been clicked.
88 | - Emits [void].
89 | - blur: function
90 | - Event emitted after the blur event has been called in underlying input.
91 | - Emits [void].
92 |
93 | #### Methods
94 |
95 | - focus: function
96 | - Method to focus to underlying input.
97 | - clearSearch: function
98 | - Method to clear the underlying input.
99 |
100 | ## Usage
101 |
102 | Example for HTML usage:
103 |
104 | ```html
105 | <td-search-input
106 | appearance="fill|outline"
107 | placeholder="Search here"
108 | [(ngModel)]="searchInputTerm"
109 | [showUnderline]="false|true"
110 | [debounce]="500"
111 | (searchDebounce)="searchInputTerm = $event"
112 | (search)="searchInputTerm = $event"
113 | (clear)="searchInputTerm = ''"
114 | >
115 | </td-search-input>
116 | ```
117 |
118 | ## Setup
119 |
120 | Import the [CovalentSearchModule] in your NgModule:
121 |
122 | ```typescript
123 | import { CovalentSearchModule } from '@covalent/core/search';
124 | @NgModule({
125 | imports: [
126 | CovalentSearchModule,
127 | ...
128 | ],
129 | ...
130 | })
131 | export class MyModule {}
132 | ```