1 | # CovalentSideSheet
2 |
3 | Main injectable to import and call the `open` method with any TemplateRef or Component
4 |
5 | ## td-side-sheet-title
6 |
7 | `td-side-sheet-title` adds title styling to an element (optional)
8 |
9 | ## td-side-sheet-close
10 |
11 | `td-side-sheet-close` will close the open side sheet on click, enter, etc.
12 |
13 | ## td-side-sheet-content
14 |
15 | `td-side-sheet-content` creates an element to hold the content with margins that follow Material spec and also scroll when the content is larger than the view port
16 |
17 | ## td-side-sheet-actions
18 |
19 | `td-side-sheet-actions` creates a sticky footer that can hold multiple actions (optional)
20 |
21 | ## Setup
22 |
23 | Import the [CovalentSideSheetModule] in your NgModule:
24 |
25 | ```typescript
26 | import { CovalentSideSheetModule } from '@covalent/core/side-sheet';
27 | @NgModule({
28 | imports: [
29 | CovalentSideSheetModule,
30 | ...
31 | ],
32 | ...
33 | })
34 | export class MyModule {}
35 | ```
36 |
37 | ## Usage
38 |
39 | Basic Example:
40 |
41 | ```typescript
42 | import { ExampleSideSheetComponent } from './example.sidebar/example.sidesheet.component';
43 | import { CovalentSideSheet } from '.@covalent/core/side-sheet';
44 |
45 | export class AppComponent {
46 | constructor(private sideSheet: CovalentSideSheet) {
47 | this.sideSheet.open(ExampleSidebarComponent);
48 | }
49 | }
50 | ```
51 |
52 | Example component html content with optional directives to support styling:
53 |
54 | ```html
55 | <span td-sidesheet-title>
56 | Side Sheet Title
57 | <button mat-icon-button td-side-sheet-close>close</button>
58 | </span>
59 | <td-side-sheet-content> Sidesheet Content </td-side-sheet-content>
60 | <td-sidesheet-actions>
61 | <button mat-icon-button td-side-sheet-close>close</button>
62 | <button mat-icon-button td-side-sheet-close>save</button>
63 | </td-sidesheet-actions>
64 | ```