1 | # TypeScript Thrift Parser
2 |
3 | A parser for Thrift written in TypeScript. The resulting AST can be used to codegen JavaScript from a Thrift file, or just to inspect the Thrift structure.
4 |
5 | ## Usage
6 |
7 | A successful parse returns a ThriftDocument object. An unsuccessful parse returns a ThriftErrors object.
8 |
9 | ```js
10 | import { parse, ThriftDocument } from '@creditkarma/thrift-parser'
11 |
12 |
13 | const rawThrift: string =`
14 | struct MyStruct {
15 | 1: required i32 id
16 | }
17 | `;
18 |
19 | const thriftAST: ThriftDocument | ThriftErrors = parse(rawThrift);
20 |
21 | switch(thriftAST.type) {
22 | case 'ThriftDocument':
23 | // Do something with valid AST
24 | case 'ThriftErrors':
25 | // Report or recover from errors
26 | }
27 | ```
28 |
29 | You can also use Thrift Parser from the command line or npm scripts. When using from the command line the generated AST is saved to file as JSON.
30 |
31 | ```sh
32 | $ thrift-parser --rootDir thrift --outDir thrift-json --fastFail false some_file.thrift
33 | ```
34 |
35 | In this usage there are three options:
36 |
37 | * --rootDir: where to initiate file search and save
38 | * --outDir: relative to rootDir where to save output files
39 | * --fastFail: If true fail on first error encountered
40 |
41 | ### Build
42 |
43 | ```sh
44 | $ npm install
45 | $ npm run build
46 | ```
47 |
48 | ### Test
49 |
50 | ```sh
51 | $ npm test
52 | ```
53 |
54 | ## AST Structure
55 |
56 | The root of the returned AST is either a ThriftDocument (successful parse) or a ThriftErrors (unsuccessful parse).
57 |
58 | ### ThriftDocument
59 |
60 | ```typescript
61 | {
62 | type: "ThriftDocument",
63 | body: Array<ThriftStatement>
64 | }
65 | ```
66 |
67 | ### ThriftErrors
68 |
69 | ```typescript
70 | {
71 | type: "ThriftErrors",
72 | errors: Array<ThriftError>
73 | }
74 | ```
75 |
76 | #### ThriftError
77 |
78 | A descriptor of what went wrong while parsing the specified Thrift source.
79 |
80 | ```typescript
81 | {
82 | type: "ParseError" | "ScanError",
83 | message: string,
84 | loc: TextLocation
85 | }
86 | ```
87 |
88 | ### Thrift Statements
89 |
90 | Thrift Statements represent each of the main constructs that can be defined in Thrift source.
91 |
92 | #### NamespaceDefinition
93 |
94 | ```
95 | namespace <identifier> <identifier>
96 | ```
97 |
98 | ```typescript
99 | {
100 | type: "NamespaceDefinition",
101 | scope: Identifier,
102 | name: Identifier
103 | }
104 | ```
105 |
106 | #### IncludeDefinition
107 |
108 | ```
109 | include '<path>'"
110 | ```
111 |
112 | ```typescript
113 | {
114 | type: "IncludeDefinition",
115 | path: StringLiteral
116 | }
117 | ```
118 |
119 | #### TypedefDefinition
120 |
121 | ```
122 | typedef <field-type> <identifier>
123 | ```
124 |
125 | ```typescript
126 | {
127 | type: "TypedefDefinition",
128 | name: Identifier,
129 | definitionType: FieldType
130 | }
131 | ```
132 |
133 | #### ConstDefinition
134 |
135 | ```
136 | const <field-type> <identifier> = <initializer>
137 | ```
138 |
139 | ```typescript
140 | {
141 | type: "ConstDefinition",
142 | name: Identifier,
143 | fieldType: FieldType,
144 | initializer: ConstValue,
145 | }
146 | ```
147 |
148 | #### EnumDefinition
149 |
150 | ```
151 | enum <identifier> { <members> }
152 | ```
153 |
154 | ```typescript
155 | {
156 | type: "EnumDefinition",
157 | name: Identifier,
158 | members: Array<EnumMember>
159 | }
160 | ```
161 |
162 | #### StructDefinition
163 |
164 | ```
165 | struct <identifier> { <fields> }
166 | ```
167 |
168 | ```typescript
169 | {
170 | type: "StructDefinition",
171 | name: Identifier,
172 | fields: Array<FieldDefinition>
173 | }
174 | ```
175 |
176 | #### UnionDefinition
177 |
178 | ```
179 | union <identifier> { <fields> }
180 | ```
181 |
182 | ```typescript
183 | {
184 | type: "UnionDefinition",
185 | name: Identifier,
186 | fields: Array<FieldDefinition>
187 | }
188 | ```
189 |
190 | #### ExceptionDefinition
191 |
192 | ```
193 | exception <identifier> { <fields> }
194 | ```
195 |
196 | ```typescript
197 | {
198 | type: "ExceptionDefinition",
199 | name: Identifier,
200 | fields: Array<FieldDefinition>
201 | }
202 | ```
203 |
204 | #### ServiceDefinition
205 |
206 | ```
207 | service <identifier> (extends <identifier>)? { <functions> }
208 | ```
209 |
210 | ```typescript
211 | {
212 | type: "ServiceDefinition",
213 | name: Identifier,
214 | extends: Identifier | null,
215 | functions: Array<FunctionDefinition>
216 | }
217 | ```
218 |
219 | ## Viewing with ASTExplorer
220 |
221 | ASTExplorer is a web app for visualizing ASTs. You type source. It shows you the resulting syntax tree based on the parser you've selected. I've included the integrations for this parser. To get that up and running you'll need to clone ASTExplorer.
222 |
223 | ```sh
224 | $ git clone https://github.com/fkling/astexplorer.git
225 | $ cd astexplorer/website
226 | $ npm install
227 | ```
228 |
229 | You will now need to install thrift-parser for ASTExplorer
230 |
231 | ```sh
232 | $ npm install @creditkarma/thrift-parser
233 | ```
234 |
235 | Cool, now we need to copy some stuff into the ASTExplorer project.
236 |
237 | If the ASTExplorer project and the @creditkarma/thrift-parser project are siblings you can type this into the temrinal (from astexplorer/website)...
238 |
239 | ```sh
240 | $ cp -r ../../thrift-parser/astexplorer/thrift ./src/parsers/thrift
241 | ```
242 |
243 | You'll now need to build ASTExplorer and start the server
244 |
245 | ```sh
246 | $ npm run build
247 | $ npm start
248 | ```
249 |
250 | By default this will start ASTExplorer on localhost:8080
251 |
252 | There is a dropdown to select the language you want to use, choose 'Thrift IDL'
253 |
254 | Note: I have had some trouble getting `npm run build` to work. However, the watch build is much more reliable.
255 |
256 | ```sh
257 | $ npm run watch
258 | ```
259 |
260 | Then in another terminal window run `start`.
261 |
262 | ```sh
263 | $ npm start
264 | ```
265 |
266 | ## Contributing
267 |
268 | For more information about contributing new features and bug fixes, see our [Contribution Guidelines](https://github.com/creditkarma/CONTRIBUTING.md).
269 | External contributors must sign Contributor License Agreement (CLA)
270 |
271 | ## License
272 |
273 | This project is licensed under [Apache License Version 2.0](./LICENSE) |
\ | No newline at end of file |