3.47 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1const path = require('path');
2const prompt = require('@creuna/prompt');
4const getComponentPath = require('./utils/get-component-path');
5const messages = require('./messages');
6const supportedCommands = require('./supported-commands');
8function runScript({
9 dataFileExtension,
10 dataFileContent,
11 command,
12 componentsPath,
13 eslintConfig,
14 shellArguments,
15 staticSitePath
16}) {
17 const { pathOrName } = prompt({
18 pathOrName: {
19 text:
20 command === supportedCommands.page
21 ? 'Name of page'
22 : 'Name of component',
23 value: shellArguments[0]
24 }
25 });
27 const { shouldBeStateful } =
28 command === supportedCommands.component
29 ? prompt({
30 shouldBeStateful: {
31 text: 'Should the component be stateful?',
32 type: Boolean,
33 value: shellArguments[1] === '-s' ? true : undefined
34 }
35 })
36 : {};
38 const { groupName, humanReadableName, pageUrl } =
39 command === supportedCommands.page
40 ? prompt({
41 humanReadableName: {
42 text: 'Human readable name (optional)',
43 optional: true,
44 value: shellArguments[1]
45 },
46 groupName: {
47 text: 'Group name for the index page (optional)',
48 optional: true,
49 value: shellArguments[2]
50 },
51 pageUrl: {
52 text: 'Custom url for the page (optional)',
53 optional: true,
54 value: shellArguments[3]
55 }
56 })
57 : {};
59 const { newComponentName } =
60 command === supportedCommands.rename
61 ? prompt({
62 newComponentName: {
63 text: 'New name of component',
64 value: shellArguments[1]
65 }
66 })
67 : {};
69 const {
70 newComponent,
71 newPage,
72 rename,
73 toStateful,
74 toStateless
75 } = require('@creuna/react-scripts');
77 const isPath = pathOrName.includes(path.sep);
78 const componentName = path.basename(pathOrName, path.extname(pathOrName));
79 const pageBasePath = isPath
80 ? path.join(staticSitePath, path.dirname(pathOrName))
81 : staticSitePath;
82 const componentBasePath = isPath
83 ? path.join(componentsPath, path.dirname(pathOrName))
84 : componentsPath;
86 switch (command) {
87 case supportedCommands.component:
88 return newComponent({
89 componentName,
90 eslintConfig,
91 folderPath: componentBasePath,
92 shouldBeStateful
93 });
94 case supportedCommands.page:
95 return newPage({
96 componentName,
97 dataFileContent,
98 dataFileExtension,
99 eslintConfig,
100 folderPath: pageBasePath,
101 groupName,
102 humanReadableName,
103 url: pageUrl
104 });
105 case supportedCommands.rename:
106 return rename({
107 eslintConfig,
108 filePath: getComponentPath({ basePath: componentsPath, pathOrName }),
109 newComponentName
110 });
111 case supportedCommands.stateful:
112 return toStateful({
113 eslintConfig,
114 filePath: getComponentPath({ basePath: componentsPath, pathOrName })
115 });
116 case supportedCommands.stateless:
117 return toStateless({
118 eslintConfig,
119 filePath: getComponentPath({ basePath: componentsPath, pathOrName })
120 });
121 }
124module.exports = function(options) {
125 return runScript(options)
126 .then(response => {
127 messages.emptyLine();
128 messages.messageList(response.messages);
129 messages.emptyLine();
130 })
131 .catch(messages.error);