5.95 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
4const fuzzy_1 = tslib_1.__importDefault(require("fuzzy"));
5const base_1 = tslib_1.__importStar(require("../base"));
6const fs = tslib_1.__importStar(require("fs-extra"));
7const path = tslib_1.__importStar(require("path"));
8const CustomErrors_1 = require("../errors/CustomErrors");
9const opConfig_1 = require("../constants/opConfig");
10const utils_1 = require("../utils");
11class List extends base_1.default {
12 constructor() {
13 super(...arguments);
14 this.opResults = [];
15 this.getApiOps = async (inputs) => {
16 try {
17 const { data: opResults } = await this.services.api.find(`teams/${this.state.config.team.name}/ops`, {
18 headers: {
19 Authorization: this.accessToken,
20 },
21 });
22 this.opResults = opResults;
23 return Object.assign({}, inputs, { opResults });
24 }
25 catch (err) {
26 this.debug('%0', err);
27 throw new CustomErrors_1.APIError(err);
28 }
29 };
30 this.getLocalOps = async (inputs) => {
31 const localWorkflows = [];
32 try {
33 const manifest = await fs.readFile(path.join(process.cwd(), opConfig_1.OP_FILE), 'utf8');
34 if (!manifest)
35 return inputs;
36 const { workflows = [], ops = [] } = utils_1.parseYaml(manifest);
37 workflows.forEach(workflow => (workflow.local = true));
38 const localCommands = ops.map(ops => (Object.assign({}, ops, { local: true })));
39 return Object.assign({}, inputs, { opResults: [...inputs.opResults, ...localWorkflows, ...localCommands] });
40 }
41 catch (_a) {
42 return Object.assign({}, inputs);
43 }
44 };
45 this.filterOutGlueCodes = (inputs) => {
46 try {
47 const opResults = inputs.opResults.filter(input => input.type !== 'glue_code');
48 this.opResults = opResults;
49 return Object.assign({}, inputs, { opResults });
50 }
51 catch (err) {
52 this.debug('%0', err);
53 }
54 };
55 this.promptOps = async (inputs) => {
56 if (inputs.opResults.length == 0) {
57 this.log(this.ux.colors.whiteBright('ā— Sorry you have no ops yet! If you want help with creating one, please go to: https://cto.ai/docs/getting-started'));
58 process.exit();
59 }
60 const { selectedOp } = await this.ux.prompt({
61 type: 'autocomplete',
62 name: 'selectedOp',
63 pageSize: 5,
64 message: `\nSelect a ${this.ux.colors.multiBlue('\u2022Command')} or ${this.ux.colors.multiOrange('\u2022Workflow')} to run ${this.ux.colors.reset.green('ā†’')}\n${this.ux.colors.reset.dim('šŸŒŽ = Public šŸ”‘ = Private šŸ–„ = Local šŸ” Search:')} `,
65 source: this._autocompleteSearch.bind(this),
66 bottomContent: `\n \n${this.ux.colors.white(`Or, run ${this.ux.colors.callOutCyan('ops help')} for usage information.`)}`,
67 });
68 return Object.assign({}, inputs, { selectedOp });
69 };
70 this._autocompleteSearch = async (_, input = '') => {
71 const { list, options } = this._fuzzyFilterParams();
72 const fuzzyResult = fuzzy_1.default.filter(input, list, options);
73 return fuzzyResult.map(result => result.original);
74 };
75 this._fuzzyFilterParams = () => {
76 const list = this.opResults.map(op => {
77 const name = this._formatOpOrWorkflowName(op);
78 return {
79 name: `${name} - ${op.description || op.publishDescription}`,
80 value: op,
81 };
82 });
83 const options = { extract: el => el.name };
84 return { list, options };
85 };
86 this._formatOpOrWorkflowName = (op) => {
87 const name = this.ux.colors.reset.white(op.name);
88 if (op.type === opConfig_1.WORKFLOW_TYPE) {
89 return `${this.ux.colors.reset(this.ux.colors.multiOrange('\u2022'))} ${this._formatOpOrWorkflowEmoji(op)} ${name}`;
90 }
91 else {
92 return `${this.ux.colors.reset(this.ux.colors.multiBlue('\u2022'))} ${this._formatOpOrWorkflowEmoji(op)} ${name}`;
93 }
94 };
95 this._formatOpOrWorkflowEmoji = (opOrWorkflow) => {
96 if (opOrWorkflow.local) {
97 return 'šŸ–„ ';
98 }
99 else if (opOrWorkflow.isPublic == false) {
100 return 'šŸ”‘ ';
101 }
102 else {
103 return 'šŸŒŽ ';
104 }
105 };
106 this.showRunMessage = (inputs) => {
107 const { selectedOp: { name, local }, } = inputs;
108 let runCmd = 'ops run .';
109 if (!local) {
110 runCmd = `ops run ${name}`;
111 }
112 this.log(`\nšŸ’» Run ${this.ux.colors.green('$')} ${this.ux.colors.italic.dim(runCmd)} to test your op. ${local
113 ? "(This points to the relative path where the 'ops.yml' file lives)"
114 : ''}\n`);
115 return inputs;
116 };
117 }
118 async run() {
119 try {
120 await this.isLoggedIn();
121 const listPipeline = utils_1.asyncPipe(this.getApiOps, this.getLocalOps, this.filterOutGlueCodes, this.promptOps, this.showRunMessage);
122 await listPipeline({});
123 }
124 catch (err) {
125 this.debug('%0', err);
126 this.config.runHook('error', { err, accessToken: this.accessToken });
127 }
128 }
130List.description = 'Lists the ops you have in your team';
131List.flags = {
132 help: base_1.flags.help({ char: 'h' }),
134exports.default = List;