2.02 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
3 * A collection of utilities for working with URLs
4 * @module URLUtils
5 *
6 * @example
7 * const { buildURL } = require('@cumulus/common/URLUtils');
8 *
9 * buildURL({ protocol: 'http', host: 'example.com' }); // => 'http://example.com'
10 */
11var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
12 return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
14Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
15exports.buildURL = void 0;
16const isString_1 = __importDefault(require("lodash/isString"));
17const url_join_1 = __importDefault(require("url-join"));
18const url_1 = require("url");
19const isNil_1 = __importDefault(require("lodash/isNil"));
21 * Build a URL
22 *
23 * @param {Object} params - URL parameters
24 * @param {string} params.protocol - the protocol ('http', 'ftp', 's3', etc)
25 * @param {string} params.host - the host
26 * @param {string|integer} [params.port] - the port
27 * @param {string|string[]} [params.path] - path segment(s) to add to the end of
28 * the URL. Can be either a string or an array of strings, which will be
29 * joined together.
30 * @returns {string} a URL
31 * @throws {TypeError} if protocol or host are not specified
32 *
33 * @alias module:URLUtils
34 *
35 * @example
36 * buildURL({
37 * protocol: 'http'
38 * host: 'example.com',
39 * port: 8080,
40 * path: ['path', 'to', 'file.txt']
41 * }); // => 'http://example.com:8080/path/to/file.txt'
42 */
43exports.buildURL = (params) => {
44 const { protocol, host, port, path = [], } = params;
45 if (isNil_1.default(protocol))
46 throw new TypeError('protocol is required');
47 if (isNil_1.default(host))
48 throw new TypeError('host is required');
49 const url = new url_1.URL(`${protocol}://${host}`);
50 if (port && protocol !== 's3')
51 url.port = port;
52 if (isString_1.default(path))
53 url.pathname = path;
54 else if (path.length > 0)
55 url.pathname = url_join_1.default(...path);
56 return url.toString().replace(/\/$/, '');
58//# sourceMappingURL=URLUtils.js.map
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