6.87 kBYAMLView Raw
2# Specify templates for creating widgets, and predefined
3# widgets to be added to the dashboard.
4# The kes helper function will use these information to create
5# dashboard.
8## template for creating widgets for alarms
10 type: metric
11 width: 6
12 height: 3
13 properties:
14 title: alarmTemplate
15 annotations:
16 alarms:
17 - arn:aws:cloudwatch:{{AWS_REGION}}:{{AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}:alarm:alarmTemplate
18 view: singleValue
20## header widget for alarms
22- type: text
23 width: 24
24 height: 1
25 properties:
26 markdown: "## Alarms"
28## header widget for ECS
30- type: text
31 width: 24
32 height: 1
33 properties:
34 markdown: "# Elastic Container Service"
36## header widget for ES
38- type: text
39 width: 24
40 height: 1
41 properties:
42 markdown: "# Elasticsearch Service"
44## additional widgets for ES
46- type: text
47 width: 24
48 height: 1
49 properties:
50 markdown: "## Overall health"
51- type: metric
52 width: 6
53 height: 6
54 properties:
55 metrics:
56 - - expression: m1/3
57 label: ClusterStatus.green
58 id: e1
59 color: "#093"
60 - - AWS/ES
61 - ClusterStatus.green
62 - DomainName
63 - '{{stackName}}-{{es.name}}'
64 - ClientId
65 - '{{AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}'
66 - color: "#dbdb8d"
67 yAxis: left
68 id: m1
69 visible: false
70 - - "."
71 - ClusterStatus.yellow
72 - "."
73 - "."
74 - "."
75 - "."
76 - color: "#c7c7c7"
77 id: m2
78 visible: false
79 - - expression: m2*2/3
80 label: ClusterStatus.yellow
81 id: e2
82 color: "#e07700"
83 - - AWS/ES
84 - ClusterStatus.red
85 - DomainName
86 - '{{stackName}}-{{es.name}}'
87 - ClientId
88 - '{{AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}'
89 - id: m3
90 color: "#C00"
91 view: timeSeries
92 stacked: false
93 region: '{{AWS_REGION}}'
94 title: Cluster status
95 fill: Below
96 period: 60
97 stat: Maximum
98 yAxis:
99 left:
100 min: 0
101 max: 1
102 showUnits: false
103 legend:
104 position: hidden
105- type: metric
106 width: 6
107 height: 6
108 properties:
109 metrics:
110 - - expression: "(m3*(-1))+1"
111 label: ClusterIndexWritesBlocked-green
112 id: e1
113 color: "#093"
114 - - expression: m3*2
115 label: ClusterIndexWritesBlocked-red
116 id: e2
117 color: "#C00"
118 - - AWS/ES
119 - ClusterIndexWritesBlocked
120 - DomainName
121 - '{{stackName}}-{{es.name}}'
122 - ClientId
123 - '{{AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}'
124 - id: m3
125 color: "#C00"
126 visible: false
127 view: timeSeries
128 stacked: false
129 region: '{{AWS_REGION}}'
130 title: Cluster writes status
131 fill: Below
132 period: 60
133 stat: Maximum
134 yAxis:
135 left:
136 min: 0
137 max: 2
138 showUnits: false
139 legend:
140 position: hidden
141- type: metric
142 width: 6
143 height: 6
144 properties:
145 metrics:
146 - - expression: m3
147 label: MasterReachableFromNode-green
148 id: e1
149 color: "#093"
150 - - expression: "(m3*(-2))+2"
151 label: MasterReachableFromNode-red
152 id: e2
153 color: "#C00"
154 - - AWS/ES
155 - MasterReachableFromNode
156 - DomainName
157 - '{{stackName}}-{{es.name}}'
158 - ClientId
159 - '{{AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}'
160 - id: m3
161 color: "#C00"
162 visible: false
163 view: timeSeries
164 stacked: false
165 region: '{{AWS_REGION}}'
166 title: Master instance connection status
167 fill: Below
168 period: 60
169 stat: Maximum
170 yAxis:
171 left:
172 min: 0
173 max: 2
174 showUnits: false
175 legend:
176 position: hidden
177- type: metric
178 width: 6
179 height: 6
180 properties:
181 metrics:
182 - - expression: "(m3*(-1))+1"
183 label: AutomatedSnapshotFailure-green
184 id: e1
185 color: "#093"
186 - - expression: m3*2
187 label: AutomatedSnapshotFailure-red
188 id: e2
189 color: "#C00"
190 - - AWS/ES
191 - AutomatedSnapshotFailure
192 - DomainName
193 - '{{stackName}}-{{es.name}}'
194 - ClientId
195 - '{{AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}'
196 - id: m3
197 color: "#C00"
198 visible: false
199 view: timeSeries
200 stacked: false
201 region: '{{AWS_REGION}}'
202 title: Snapshot failure status
203 fill: Below
204 period: 60
205 stat: Maximum
206 yAxis:
207 left:
208 min: 0
209 max: 2
210 showUnits: false
211 legend:
212 position: hidden
213- type: metric
214 width: 6
215 height: 6
216 properties:
217 view: timeSeries
218 stacked: false
219 metrics:
220 - - AWS/ES
221 - Nodes
222 - DomainName
223 - '{{stackName}}-{{es.name}}'
224 - ClientId
225 - '{{AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}'
226 region: '{{AWS_REGION}}'
227 title: Total nodes (Count)
228 period: 60
229 stat: Minimum
230 yAxis:
231 left:
232 showUnits: false
233- type: metric
234 width: 6
235 height: 6
236 properties:
237 view: timeSeries
238 stacked: false
239 metrics:
240 - - expression: FLOOR(m1/1024)
241 label: FreeStorageSpace
242 id: e1
243 - - AWS/ES
244 - FreeStorageSpace
245 - DomainName
246 - '{{stackName}}-{{es.name}}'
247 - ClientId
248 - '{{AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}'
249 - id: m1
250 visible: false
251 region: '{{AWS_REGION}}'
252 title: Total free storage space (GiB)
253 period: 60
254 stat: Sum
255 yAxis:
256 left:
257 showUnits: false
258- type: metric
259 width: 6
260 height: 6
261 properties:
262 metrics:
263 - - expression: m3
264 label: KibanaHealthyNodes-green
265 id: e1
266 color: "#093"
267 - - expression: "(m3*(-2))+2"
268 label: KibanaHealthyNodes-red
269 id: e2
270 color: "#C00"
271 - - AWS/ES
272 - KibanaHealthyNodes
273 - DomainName
274 - '{{stackName}}-{{es.name}}'
275 - ClientId
276 - '{{AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}'
277 - id: m3
278 color: "#C00"
279 visible: false
280 view: timeSeries
281 stacked: false
282 region: '{{AWS_REGION}}'
283 title: Kibana health status
284 fill: Below
285 period: 60
286 stat: Minimum
287 yAxis:
288 left:
289 min: 0
290 max: 2
291 showUnits: false
292 legend:
293 position: hidden
294- type: metric
295 width: 6
296 height: 6
297 properties:
298 view: timeSeries
299 stacked: false
300 metrics:
301 - - AWS/ES
302 - DeletedDocuments
303 - DomainName
304 - '{{stackName}}-{{es.name}}'
305 - ClientId
306 - '{{AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}'
307 region: '{{AWS_REGION}}'
308 title: Deleted documents (Count)
309 period: 60
310 stat: Average
311 yAxis:
312 left:
313 showUnits: false
314- type: metric
315 width: 6
316 height: 6
317 properties:
318 view: timeSeries
319 stacked: false
320 metrics:
321 - - AWS/ES
322 - SearchableDocuments
323 - DomainName
324 - '{{stackName}}-{{es.name}}'
325 - ClientId
326 - '{{AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}}'
327 region: '{{AWS_REGION}}'
328 title: Searchable documents (Count)
329 period: 60
330 stat: Average
331 yAxis:
332 left:
333 showUnits: false