1 | <h1>
2 | <img src="https://raw.github.com/cyclejs/core/master/logo.png" /> Cycle.js
3 | </h1>
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5 | > Cycle.js is a functional and reactive JavaScript framework for cleaner code
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7 | ## Installing
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9 | [](http://badge.fury.io/js/%40cycle%2Fcore)
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11 | `npm install rx @cycle/core`
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13 | Note: `rx` is a **required** dependency. Without it, nothing will change.
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15 | ## I came here because I want to...
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17 | - Understand how Cycle.js works in general: go to http://cycle.js.org
18 | - Understand how Cycle *Core* itself works: read the [docs](https://github.com/cyclejs/core/blob/master/docs/api.md) and the [tests](https://github.com/cyclejs/core/tree/master/test)
19 | - File a bug report for anything Cycle-related: [open an issue](https://github.com/cyclejs/core/issues/new)
20 | - Ask a question such as "How do I ...?" on one of these channels:
21 | - Ask it in the [Gitter chat room](https://gitter.im/cyclejs/core)
22 | - [Open a StackOverflow question with `cyclejs` tag](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/cyclejs)
23 | - [Open an issue here](https://github.com/cyclejs/core/issues/new). Please note all discussion-like issues are labeled `discussion` and immediately closed. This doesn't mean we unconsidered your discussion. We only leave actual issues open.
24 | - [Read discussion issues](https://github.com/cyclejs/core/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aclosed+label%3A"discussion+%28is+always+a+closed+issue%29")
25 | - Contribute a new driver: [open an issue](https://github.com/cyclejs/core/issues/new)
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27 | ## LICENSE
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29 | [The MIT License (MIT)](https://github.com/cyclejs/core/blob/master/LICENSE)
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31 | - - -
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33 | [](https://travis-ci.org/cyclejs/core)
34 | [](https://david-dm.org/cyclejs/core)
35 | [](https://david-dm.org/cyclejs/core#info=devDependencies)
36 | [](http://js.org)