3.81 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3var adapt_1 = require("@cycle/run/lib/adapt");
4var DocumentDOMSource_1 = require("./DocumentDOMSource");
5var BodyDOMSource_1 = require("./BodyDOMSource");
6var ElementFinder_1 = require("./ElementFinder");
7var isolate_1 = require("./isolate");
8var MainDOMSource = /** @class */ (function () {
9 function MainDOMSource(_rootElement$, _sanitation$, _namespace, _isolateModule, _eventDelegator, _name) {
10 if (_namespace === void 0) { _namespace = []; }
11 this._rootElement$ = _rootElement$;
12 this._sanitation$ = _sanitation$;
13 this._namespace = _namespace;
14 this._isolateModule = _isolateModule;
15 this._eventDelegator = _eventDelegator;
16 this._name = _name;
17 this.isolateSource = function (source, scope) {
18 return new MainDOMSource(source._rootElement$, source._sanitation$, source._namespace.concat(isolate_1.getScopeObj(scope)), source._isolateModule, source._eventDelegator, source._name);
19 };
20 this.isolateSink = isolate_1.makeIsolateSink(this._namespace);
21 }
22 MainDOMSource.prototype._elements = function () {
23 if (this._namespace.length === 0) {
24 return this._rootElement$.map(function (x) { return [x]; });
25 }
26 else {
27 var elementFinder_1 = new ElementFinder_1.ElementFinder(this._namespace, this._isolateModule);
28 return this._rootElement$.map(function () { return elementFinder_1.call(); });
29 }
30 };
31 MainDOMSource.prototype.elements = function () {
32 var out = adapt_1.adapt(this._elements().remember());
33 out._isCycleSource = this._name;
34 return out;
35 };
36 MainDOMSource.prototype.element = function () {
37 var out = adapt_1.adapt(this._elements()
38 .filter(function (arr) { return arr.length > 0; })
39 .map(function (arr) { return arr[0]; })
40 .remember());
41 out._isCycleSource = this._name;
42 return out;
43 };
44 Object.defineProperty(MainDOMSource.prototype, "namespace", {
45 get: function () {
46 return this._namespace;
47 },
48 enumerable: true,
49 configurable: true
50 });
51 MainDOMSource.prototype.select = function (selector) {
52 if (typeof selector !== 'string') {
53 throw new Error("DOM driver's select() expects the argument to be a " +
54 "string as a CSS selector");
55 }
56 if (selector === 'document') {
57 return new DocumentDOMSource_1.DocumentDOMSource(this._name);
58 }
59 if (selector === 'body') {
60 return new BodyDOMSource_1.BodyDOMSource(this._name);
61 }
62 var namespace = selector === ':root'
63 ? []
64 : this._namespace.concat({ type: 'selector', scope: selector.trim() });
65 return new MainDOMSource(this._rootElement$, this._sanitation$, namespace, this._isolateModule, this._eventDelegator, this._name);
66 };
67 MainDOMSource.prototype.events = function (eventType, options, bubbles) {
68 if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
69 if (typeof eventType !== "string") {
70 throw new Error("DOM driver's events() expects argument to be a " +
71 "string representing the event type to listen for.");
72 }
73 var event$ = this._eventDelegator.addEventListener(eventType, this._namespace, options, bubbles);
74 var out = adapt_1.adapt(event$);
75 out._isCycleSource = this._name;
76 return out;
77 };
78 MainDOMSource.prototype.dispose = function () {
79 this._sanitation$.shamefullySendNext(null);
80 //this._isolateModule.reset();
81 };
82 return MainDOMSource;
84exports.MainDOMSource = MainDOMSource;
85//# sourceMappingURL=MainDOMSource.js.map
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