3.46 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
4var browser_core_1 = require("@datadog/browser-core");
5var logger_1 = require("./logger");
6var logs_1 = require("./logs");
7exports.datadogLogs = makeLogsGlobal(logs_1.startLogs);
8browser_core_1.defineGlobal(browser_core_1.getGlobalObject(), 'DD_LOGS', exports.datadogLogs);
9function makeLogsGlobal(startLogsImpl) {
10 var isAlreadyInitialized = false;
11 var globalContextManager = browser_core_1.createContextManager();
12 var customLoggers = {};
13 var beforeInitSendLog = new browser_core_1.BoundedBuffer();
14 var sendLogStrategy = function (message, currentContext) {
15 beforeInitSendLog.add([message, currentContext]);
16 };
17 var logger = new logger_1.Logger(sendLog);
18 return browser_core_1.makeGlobal({
19 logger: logger,
20 init: browser_core_1.monitor(function (userConfiguration) {
21 if (!browser_core_1.checkIsNotLocalFile() || !canInitLogs(userConfiguration)) {
22 return;
23 }
24 if (userConfiguration.publicApiKey) {
25 userConfiguration.clientToken = userConfiguration.publicApiKey;
26 console.warn('Public API Key is deprecated. Please use Client Token instead.');
27 }
28 sendLogStrategy = startLogsImpl(userConfiguration, logger, globalContextManager.get);
29 beforeInitSendLog.drain(function (_a) {
30 var message = _a[0], context = _a[1];
31 return sendLogStrategy(message, context);
32 });
33 isAlreadyInitialized = true;
34 }),
35 setLoggerGlobalContext: browser_core_1.monitor(globalContextManager.set),
36 addLoggerGlobalContext: browser_core_1.monitor(globalContextManager.add),
37 removeLoggerGlobalContext: browser_core_1.monitor(globalContextManager.remove),
38 createLogger: browser_core_1.monitor(function (name, conf) {
39 if (conf === void 0) { conf = {}; }
40 customLoggers[name] = new logger_1.Logger(sendLog, conf.handler, conf.level, tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, conf.context), { logger: { name: name } }));
41 return customLoggers[name];
42 }),
43 getLogger: browser_core_1.monitor(function (name) {
44 return customLoggers[name];
45 }),
46 });
47 function canInitLogs(userConfiguration) {
48 if (isAlreadyInitialized) {
49 if (!userConfiguration.silentMultipleInit) {
50 console.error('DD_LOGS is already initialized.');
51 }
52 return false;
53 }
54 if (!userConfiguration || (!userConfiguration.publicApiKey && !userConfiguration.clientToken)) {
55 console.error('Client Token is not configured, we will not send any data.');
56 return false;
57 }
58 if (userConfiguration.sampleRate !== undefined && !browser_core_1.isPercentage(userConfiguration.sampleRate)) {
59 console.error('Sample Rate should be a number between 0 and 100');
60 return false;
61 }
62 return true;
63 }
64 function sendLog(message) {
65 sendLogStrategy(message, browser_core_1.combine({
66 date: Date.now(),
67 view: {
68 referrer: document.referrer,
69 url: window.location.href,
70 },
71 }, globalContextManager.get()));
72 }
74exports.makeLogsGlobal = makeLogsGlobal;
75//# sourceMappingURL=logs.entry.js.map
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