5.1 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1import * as JSS from 'jss';
2import jssPresetDefault from 'jss-preset-default';
3import { Signal } from '@lumino/signaling';
4import { ROOT } from '.';
5export class Stylist {
6 constructor() {
7 this.fonts = new Map();
8 this._notebookStyles = new Map();
9 this._jss = JSS.create(jssPresetDefault());
10 this._fontCache = new Map();
11 this._cacheUpdated = new Signal(this);
12 this._globalStyles = document.createElement('style');
13 }
14 get cacheUpdated() {
15 return this._cacheUpdated;
16 }
17 registerNotebook(notebook, register) {
18 if (register) {
19 this._notebookStyles.set(notebook, document.createElement('style'));
20 notebook.disposed.connect(this._onDisposed, this);
21 this.hack();
22 }
23 else {
24 this._onDisposed(notebook);
25 }
26 }
27 _onDisposed(notebook) {
28 var _a;
29 if (this._notebookStyles.has(notebook)) {
30 (_a = this._notebookStyles.get(notebook)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.remove();
31 this._notebookStyles.delete(notebook);
32 notebook.disposed.disconnect(this._onDisposed, this);
33 }
34 }
35 get stylesheets() {
36 return [this._globalStyles, ...Array.from(this._notebookStyles.values())];
37 }
38 notebooks() {
39 return Array.from(this._notebookStyles.keys());
40 }
41 stylesheet(meta, notebook, clear = false) {
42 let sheet = notebook
43 ? this._notebookStyles.get(notebook)
44 : this._globalStyles;
45 let style = notebook
46 ? this._nbMetaToStyle(meta, notebook)
47 : this._settingsToStyle(meta);
48 let jss = this._jss.createStyleSheet(style);
49 let css = jss.toString();
50 if (sheet && sheet.textContent !== css) {
51 sheet.textContent = css;
52 }
53 this.hack();
54 }
55 _nbMetaToStyle(meta, notebook) {
56 const id = notebook.id;
57 let jss = { '@font-face': [], '@global': {} };
58 let idStyles = (jss['@global'][`.jp-NotebookPanel[id='${id}']`] = {});
59 if (meta.fonts) {
60 for (let fontFamily in meta.fonts) {
61 jss['@font-face'] = jss['@font-face'].concat(meta.fonts[fontFamily]);
62 }
63 }
64 let styles = meta.styles || {};
65 for (let k in styles) {
66 if (k === ROOT) {
67 for (let rootK in styles[k]) {
68 if (styles == null || styles[k] == null) {
69 continue;
70 }
71 idStyles[rootK] = styles[k][rootK];
72 }
73 }
74 else if (typeof styles[k] === 'object') {
75 idStyles[`& ${k}`] = styles[k];
76 }
77 else {
78 idStyles[k] = styles[k];
79 }
80 }
81 return jss;
82 }
83 _settingsToStyle(meta) {
84 let raw = JSON.stringify(meta.styles);
85 let styles = JSON.parse(raw);
86 let faces = {};
87 for (let font of Array.from(this.fonts.keys())) {
88 if (raw.indexOf(`'${font}'`) > -1 && !faces[font]) {
89 const cachedFont = this._fontCache.get(font);
90 if (cachedFont != null) {
91 faces[font] = cachedFont;
92 }
93 else {
94 // tslint:disable-next-line
95 new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
96 const options = this.fonts.get(font);
97 if (options == null) {
98 reject();
99 return;
100 }
101 else {
102 options.faces().then(faces => {
103 if (this._fontCache.has(font)) {
104 return;
105 }
106 this._fontCache.set(font, faces);
107 this._cacheUpdated.emit(void 0);
108 resolve();
109 }, function (err) {
110 console.error('rejected!', err);
111 reject();
112 });
113 }
114 });
115 }
116 }
117 }
118 let flatFaces = Object.keys(faces).reduce((m, face) => {
119 const foundFaces = faces[face];
120 if (faces && foundFaces != null) {
121 return m.concat(foundFaces);
122 }
123 }, []);
124 return {
125 '@global': styles,
126 '@font-face': flatFaces
127 };
128 }
129 dispose() {
130 this._globalStyles.remove();
131 for (let notebook of Array.from(this._notebookStyles.keys())) {
132 this._onDisposed(notebook);
133 }
134 }
135 hack(show = true) {
136 if (show) {
137 setTimeout(() => this.stylesheets.map(s => {
138 document.body.appendChild(s);
139 }), 0);
140 }
141 else {
142 this.stylesheets.map(el => el.remove());
143 }
144 }
146//# sourceMappingURL=stylist.js.map
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