1 | # Advanced Email Validator
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8 | Verify email address checking MX records, and SMTP connection, check for disposable email addresses and free email providers.
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10 | ## Features
11 | ✅ Check email address validity
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13 | ✅ Check email address domain validity in domain TLD list
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15 | ✅ Check email address MX records
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17 | ✅ Check email address SMTP connection
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19 | ✅ Check email address disposable or burnable status
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21 | ✅ Check email address free email provider status
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23 | 🚨 Check domain age and quality score - _**soon**_
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25 | 🚨 Check domain registration status - _**soon**_
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27 | ## Use cases
28 | - Increase delivery rate of email campaigns by removing spam emails
29 | - Increase email open rate and your marketing IPs reputation
30 | - Protect your website from spam, bots and fake emails
31 | - Protect your product signup form from fake emails
32 | - Protect your website forms from fake emails
33 | - Protect your self from fraud orders and accounts using fake emails
34 | - Integrate email address verification into your website forms
35 | - Integrate email address verification into your backoffice administration and order processing
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38 | ## API / Cloud Hosted Service
39 | We offer this `email verification and validation and more advanced features` in our Scalable Cloud API Service Offering - You could try it here [Email Verification](https://dev.me/products/email)
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42 | ## Self-hosting - installation and usage instructions
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44 | ## Installation
45 | Install the module through YARN:
46 | ```yarn
47 | yarn add @devmehq/email-validator-js
48 | ```
49 | Or NPM
50 | ```npm
51 | npm install @devmehq/email-validator-js
52 | ```
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54 | ## Examples
55 | ```typescript
56 | import { verifyEmail } from '@devmehq/email-validator-js';
57 |
58 | const { validFormat, validSmtp, validMx } = await verifyEmail({ emailAddress: 'foo@email.com', verifyMx: true, verifySmtp: true, timeout: 3000 });
59 | // validFormat: true
60 | // validMx: true
61 | // validSmtp: true
62 | ```
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64 | When a domain does not exist or has no MX records, the domain validation will fail, and the mailbox validation will return `null` because it could not be performed:
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66 | ```typescript
67 | const { validFormat, validSmtp, validMx } = await verifyEmail({ emailAddress: 'foo@bad-domain.com', verifyMx: true, verifySmtp: true, timeout: 3000 });
68 | // validFormat: true
69 | // validMx: false
70 | // validSmtp: null
71 | ```
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73 | A valid Yahoo domain will still return `validSmtp` true because their SMTP servers do not allow verifying if a mailbox exists.
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75 | ## Configuration options
76 | ### `timeout`
77 | Set a timeout in seconds for the smtp connection. Default: `10000`.
78 | ### `verifyMx`
79 | Enable or disable domain checking. This is done in two steps:
80 | 1. Verify that the domain does indeed exist;
81 | 2. Verify that the domain has valid MX records.
82 | Default: `false`.
83 | ### `verifySmtp`
84 | Enable or disable mailbox checking. Only a few SMTP servers allow this, and even then whether it works depends on your IP's reputation with those servers. This library performs a best effort validation:
85 | * It returns `null` for Yahoo addresses, for failed connections, for unknown SMTP errors.
86 | * It returns `true` for valid SMTP responses.
87 | * It returns `false` for SMTP errors specific to the address's formatting or mailbox existence.
88 | Default: `false`.
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90 | ### Disposable email providers database ( ✅ Always Updated )
91 | [Disposable email providers](./src/disposable-email-providers.json)
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93 | ### Free email providers database ( ✅ Always Updated )
94 | [Free email providers](./src/free-email-providers.json)
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96 | ## Testing
97 | ```bash
98 | yarn test
99 | ```
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101 | ## Contributing
102 | Please feel free to open an issue or create a pull request and fix bugs or add features, All contributions are welcome. Thank you!
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104 | ## LICENSE [MIT](LICENSE.md)