9.22 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
2var __defNormalProp = (obj, key, value) => key in obj ? __defProp(obj, key, { enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value }) : obj[key] = value;
3var __name = (target, value) => __defProp(target, "name", { value, configurable: true });
4var __publicField = (obj, key, value) => {
5 __defNormalProp(obj, typeof key !== "symbol" ? key + "" : key, value);
6 return value;
9// src/index.ts
10var _Collection = class extends Map {
11 ensure(key, defaultValueGenerator) {
12 if (this.has(key))
13 return this.get(key);
14 const defaultValue = defaultValueGenerator(key, this);
15 this.set(key, defaultValue);
16 return defaultValue;
17 }
18 hasAll(...keys) {
19 return keys.every((k) => super.has(k));
20 }
21 hasAny(...keys) {
22 return keys.some((k) => super.has(k));
23 }
24 first(amount) {
25 if (typeof amount === "undefined")
26 return this.values().next().value;
27 if (amount < 0)
28 return this.last(amount * -1);
29 amount = Math.min(this.size, amount);
30 const iter = this.values();
31 return Array.from({ length: amount }, () => iter.next().value);
32 }
33 firstKey(amount) {
34 if (typeof amount === "undefined")
35 return this.keys().next().value;
36 if (amount < 0)
37 return this.lastKey(amount * -1);
38 amount = Math.min(this.size, amount);
39 const iter = this.keys();
40 return Array.from({ length: amount }, () => iter.next().value);
41 }
42 last(amount) {
43 const arr = [...this.values()];
44 if (typeof amount === "undefined")
45 return arr[arr.length - 1];
46 if (amount < 0)
47 return this.first(amount * -1);
48 if (!amount)
49 return [];
50 return arr.slice(-amount);
51 }
52 lastKey(amount) {
53 const arr = [...this.keys()];
54 if (typeof amount === "undefined")
55 return arr[arr.length - 1];
56 if (amount < 0)
57 return this.firstKey(amount * -1);
58 if (!amount)
59 return [];
60 return arr.slice(-amount);
61 }
62 at(index) {
63 index = Math.floor(index);
64 const arr = [...this.values()];
65 return arr.at(index);
66 }
67 keyAt(index) {
68 index = Math.floor(index);
69 const arr = [...this.keys()];
70 return arr.at(index);
71 }
72 random(amount) {
73 const arr = [...this.values()];
74 if (typeof amount === "undefined")
75 return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];
76 if (!arr.length || !amount)
77 return [];
78 return Array.from({ length: Math.min(amount, arr.length) }, () => arr.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length), 1)[0]);
79 }
80 randomKey(amount) {
81 const arr = [...this.keys()];
82 if (typeof amount === "undefined")
83 return arr[Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length)];
84 if (!arr.length || !amount)
85 return [];
86 return Array.from({ length: Math.min(amount, arr.length) }, () => arr.splice(Math.floor(Math.random() * arr.length), 1)[0]);
87 }
88 reverse() {
89 const entries = [...this.entries()].reverse();
90 this.clear();
91 for (const [key, value] of entries)
92 this.set(key, value);
93 return this;
94 }
95 find(fn, thisArg) {
96 if (typeof thisArg !== "undefined")
97 fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
98 for (const [key, val] of this) {
99 if (fn(val, key, this))
100 return val;
101 }
102 return void 0;
103 }
104 findKey(fn, thisArg) {
105 if (typeof thisArg !== "undefined")
106 fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
107 for (const [key, val] of this) {
108 if (fn(val, key, this))
109 return key;
110 }
111 return void 0;
112 }
113 sweep(fn, thisArg) {
114 if (typeof thisArg !== "undefined")
115 fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
116 const previousSize = this.size;
117 for (const [key, val] of this) {
118 if (fn(val, key, this))
119 this.delete(key);
120 }
121 return previousSize - this.size;
122 }
123 filter(fn, thisArg) {
124 if (typeof thisArg !== "undefined")
125 fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
126 const results = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]();
127 for (const [key, val] of this) {
128 if (fn(val, key, this))
129 results.set(key, val);
130 }
131 return results;
132 }
133 partition(fn, thisArg) {
134 if (typeof thisArg !== "undefined")
135 fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
136 const results = [
137 new this.constructor[Symbol.species](),
138 new this.constructor[Symbol.species]()
139 ];
140 for (const [key, val] of this) {
141 if (fn(val, key, this)) {
142 results[0].set(key, val);
143 } else {
144 results[1].set(key, val);
145 }
146 }
147 return results;
148 }
149 flatMap(fn, thisArg) {
150 const collections = this.map(fn, thisArg);
151 return new this.constructor[Symbol.species]().concat(...collections);
152 }
153 map(fn, thisArg) {
154 if (typeof thisArg !== "undefined")
155 fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
156 const iter = this.entries();
157 return Array.from({ length: this.size }, () => {
158 const [key, value] = iter.next().value;
159 return fn(value, key, this);
160 });
161 }
162 mapValues(fn, thisArg) {
163 if (typeof thisArg !== "undefined")
164 fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
165 const coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]();
166 for (const [key, val] of this)
167 coll.set(key, fn(val, key, this));
168 return coll;
169 }
170 some(fn, thisArg) {
171 if (typeof thisArg !== "undefined")
172 fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
173 for (const [key, val] of this) {
174 if (fn(val, key, this))
175 return true;
176 }
177 return false;
178 }
179 every(fn, thisArg) {
180 if (typeof thisArg !== "undefined")
181 fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
182 for (const [key, val] of this) {
183 if (!fn(val, key, this))
184 return false;
185 }
186 return true;
187 }
188 reduce(fn, initialValue) {
189 let accumulator;
190 if (typeof initialValue !== "undefined") {
191 accumulator = initialValue;
192 for (const [key, val] of this)
193 accumulator = fn(accumulator, val, key, this);
194 return accumulator;
195 }
196 let first = true;
197 for (const [key, val] of this) {
198 if (first) {
199 accumulator = val;
200 first = false;
201 continue;
202 }
203 accumulator = fn(accumulator, val, key, this);
204 }
205 if (first) {
206 throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty collection with no initial value");
207 }
208 return accumulator;
209 }
210 each(fn, thisArg) {
211 this.forEach(fn, thisArg);
212 return this;
213 }
214 tap(fn, thisArg) {
215 if (typeof thisArg !== "undefined")
216 fn = fn.bind(thisArg);
217 fn(this);
218 return this;
219 }
220 clone() {
221 return new this.constructor[Symbol.species](this);
222 }
223 concat(...collections) {
224 const newColl = this.clone();
225 for (const coll of collections) {
226 for (const [key, val] of coll)
227 newColl.set(key, val);
228 }
229 return newColl;
230 }
231 equals(collection) {
232 if (!collection)
233 return false;
234 if (this === collection)
235 return true;
236 if (this.size !== collection.size)
237 return false;
238 for (const [key, value] of this) {
239 if (!collection.has(key) || value !== collection.get(key)) {
240 return false;
241 }
242 }
243 return true;
244 }
245 sort(compareFunction = _Collection.defaultSort) {
246 const entries = [...this.entries()];
247 entries.sort((a, b) => compareFunction(a[1], b[1], a[0], b[0]));
248 super.clear();
249 for (const [k, v] of entries) {
250 super.set(k, v);
251 }
252 return this;
253 }
254 intersect(other) {
255 const coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]();
256 for (const [k, v] of other) {
257 if (this.has(k) && Object.is(v, this.get(k))) {
258 coll.set(k, v);
259 }
260 }
261 return coll;
262 }
263 difference(other) {
264 const coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]();
265 for (const [k, v] of other) {
266 if (!this.has(k))
267 coll.set(k, v);
268 }
269 for (const [k, v] of this) {
270 if (!other.has(k))
271 coll.set(k, v);
272 }
273 return coll;
274 }
275 merge(other, whenInSelf, whenInOther, whenInBoth) {
276 const coll = new this.constructor[Symbol.species]();
277 const keys = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...this.keys(), ...other.keys()]);
278 for (const k of keys) {
279 const hasInSelf = this.has(k);
280 const hasInOther = other.has(k);
281 if (hasInSelf && hasInOther) {
282 const r = whenInBoth(this.get(k), other.get(k), k);
283 if (r.keep)
284 coll.set(k, r.value);
285 } else if (hasInSelf) {
286 const r = whenInSelf(this.get(k), k);
287 if (r.keep)
288 coll.set(k, r.value);
289 } else if (hasInOther) {
290 const r = whenInOther(other.get(k), k);
291 if (r.keep)
292 coll.set(k, r.value);
293 }
294 }
295 return coll;
296 }
297 sorted(compareFunction = _Collection.defaultSort) {
298 return new this.constructor[Symbol.species](this).sort((av, bv, ak, bk) => compareFunction(av, bv, ak, bk));
299 }
300 toJSON() {
301 return [...this.values()];
302 }
303 static defaultSort(firstValue, secondValue) {
304 return Number(firstValue > secondValue) || Number(firstValue === secondValue) - 1;
305 }
306 static combineEntries(entries, combine) {
307 const coll = new _Collection();
308 for (const [k, v] of entries) {
309 if (coll.has(k)) {
310 coll.set(k, combine(coll.get(k), v, k));
311 } else {
312 coll.set(k, v);
313 }
314 }
315 return coll;
316 }
318var Collection = _Collection;
319__name(Collection, "Collection");
320__publicField(Collection, "default", _Collection);
321var src_default = Collection;
322export {
323 Collection,
324 src_default as default
326//# sourceMappingURL=index.mjs.map
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