1 |
2 | 'use strict';
3 |
4 | const chalk = require('chalk');
5 | const fs = require('fs');
6 | const inquirer = require('inquirer');
7 | const p = require('util').promisify;
8 | const path = require('path');
9 | const strip = require('../utils').strip;
10 |
11 | module.exports = {
12 | description:
13 | 'Wrap the top-level application template (application.hbs) with a `<div class="ember-view">` element.',
14 | url: 'https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/pull/280',
15 | default: true,
16 | since: '3.1.0',
17 | callback: async function (project, value, shouldRunCodemod) {
18 | if (value !== false) {
19 | return;
20 | }
21 |
22 | let root = project.root;
23 | let prefix = project.config().podModulePrefix;
24 | let isPod = !!prefix;
25 |
26 | let templatePath, originalContent;
27 |
28 | if (isPod) {
29 |
30 | console.log(
31 | chalk.yellow(
32 | `${chalk.bold(
33 | 'Note:'
34 | )} There is an automated refactor script available for this feature, but it does not currently support "pod" apps. PRs welcome!\n`
35 | )
36 | );
37 | return;
38 | } else {
39 | templatePath = 'app/templates/application.hbs';
40 | }
41 |
42 | let absolutePath = path.join(root, templatePath);
43 |
44 | try {
45 | originalContent = await p(fs.readFile)(absolutePath, {
46 | encoding: 'UTF-8',
47 | });
48 | } catch (err) {
49 | if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
50 | return;
51 | } else {
52 | throw err;
53 | }
54 | }
55 |
56 | if (shouldRunCodemod === undefined) {
57 | console.log(strip`
58 | Disabling ${chalk.bold('application-template-wrapper')}...
59 |
60 | This will remove the \`<div class="ember-view">\` wrapper for the top-level application template (\`${templatePath}\`).
61 |
62 | While this may be a desirable change, it might break your styling in subtle ways:
63 |
64 | - Perhaps you were targeting the \`.ember-view\` class in your CSS.
65 |
66 | - Perhaps you were targeting the \`<div>\` element in your CSS (e.g. \`body > div > .some-child\`).
67 |
68 | - Depending on your choice of \`rootElement\`, your app might not be wrapped inside a block-level element anymore.
69 |
70 | For more information, see ${chalk.underline(
71 | 'https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/pull/280'
72 | )}.
73 |
74 | To be very conservative, I could add the \`<div class="ember-view">\` wrapper to your application.hbs. (You can always remove it later.)
75 | `);
76 |
77 | let response = await inquirer.prompt({
78 | type: 'confirm',
79 | name: 'shouldRewrite',
80 | message: 'Would you like me to do that for you?',
81 | default: false,
82 | });
83 |
84 | console.log();
85 |
86 | shouldRunCodemod = response.shouldRewrite;
87 | }
88 |
89 | if (shouldRunCodemod) {
90 | let lines = originalContent.split('\n');
91 | let hasFinalNewLine;
92 |
93 | let lastLine = lines.pop();
94 |
95 | if (lastLine === '') {
96 | hasFinalNewLine = true;
97 | } else {
98 |
99 | lines.push(lastLine);
100 | hasFinalNewLine = false;
101 | }
102 |
103 | let content = [];
104 |
105 | content.push('<div class="ember-view">');
106 |
107 | lines.forEach((line) => {
108 | content.push(line === '' ? '' : ` ${line}`);
109 | });
110 |
111 | content.push('</div>');
112 |
113 | if (hasFinalNewLine) {
114 | content.push('');
115 | }
116 |
117 | console.log(` ${chalk.yellow('overwrite')} ${templatePath}`);
118 |
119 | await p(fs.writeFile)(templatePath, content.join('\n'), {
120 | encoding: 'UTF-8',
121 | });
122 |
123 | console.log();
124 | }
125 | },
126 | };