1 |
2 | 'use strict';
3 |
4 | const chalk = require('chalk');
5 | const fs = require('fs');
6 | const inquirer = require('inquirer');
7 | const glob = require('glob');
8 | const mkdirp = require('mkdirp');
9 | const p = require('util').promisify;
10 | const path = require('path');
11 | const strip = require('../utils').strip;
12 |
13 | const ComponentFile = strip`
14 | import Component from '@ember/component';
15 |
16 | export default Component.extend({
17 | });
18 | `;
19 |
20 |
21 | const INDENT_START = '';
22 |
23 | module.exports = {
24 | description:
25 | 'Use Glimmer Components semantics for template-only components (component templates with no corresponding .js file).',
26 | url: 'https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/pull/278',
27 | default: false,
28 | since: '3.1.0',
29 | callback: async function (project, value, shouldRunCodemod) {
30 | if (value !== true) {
31 | return;
32 | }
33 |
34 | let root = project.root;
35 | let projectConfig = project.config();
36 |
37 | let { modulePrefix, podModulePrefix } = projectConfig;
38 | let podsFolder;
39 | if (podModulePrefix) {
40 | if (!modulePrefix || !podModulePrefix.startsWith(`${modulePrefix}/`)) {
41 | console.log(
42 | chalk.yellow(
43 | `${chalk.bold(
44 | 'Note:'
45 | )} There is an automated refactor script available for this feature, but your \`podModulePrefix\` could not be processed correctly.\n`
46 | )
47 | );
48 | return;
49 | }
50 |
51 | podsFolder = podModulePrefix.slice(modulePrefix.length + 1);
52 | if (!podsFolder) {
53 | console.log(
54 | chalk.yellow(
55 | `${chalk.bold(
56 | 'Note:'
57 | )} There is an automated refactor script available for this feature, but your \`podModulePrefix\` could not be processed correctly.\n`
58 | )
59 | );
60 | return;
61 | }
62 | }
63 |
64 | let templates = [];
65 | let components = [];
66 |
67 |
68 | let templatesRoot = path.join(root, 'app/templates/components');
69 | let templateCandidates = await p(glob)('**/*.hbs', { cwd: templatesRoot });
70 |
71 | templateCandidates.forEach((template) => {
72 | let templatePath = path.join('app/templates/components', template);
73 |
74 | let jsPath = path.join(
75 | 'app/components',
76 | template.replace(/\.hbs$/, '.js')
77 | );
78 | if (fs.existsSync(path.join(root, jsPath))) return;
79 |
80 | let tsPath = path.join(
81 | 'app/components',
82 | template.replace(/\.hbs$/, '.ts')
83 | );
84 | if (fs.existsSync(path.join(root, tsPath))) return;
85 |
86 | templates.push(templatePath);
87 | components.push(jsPath);
88 | });
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 | let componentsRoot = path.join(root, 'app/components');
93 | templateCandidates = await p(glob)('**/template.hbs', {
94 | cwd: componentsRoot,
95 | });
96 |
97 | templateCandidates.forEach((template) => {
98 | let templatePath = path.join('app/components', template);
99 |
100 | let jsPath = path.join(
101 | 'app/components',
102 | template.replace(/template\.hbs$/, 'component.js')
103 | );
104 | if (fs.existsSync(path.join(root, jsPath))) return;
105 |
106 | let tsPath = path.join(
107 | 'app/components',
108 | template.replace(/template\.hbs$/, 'component.ts')
109 | );
110 | if (fs.existsSync(path.join(root, tsPath))) return;
111 |
112 | templates.push(templatePath);
113 | components.push(jsPath);
114 | });
115 |
116 |
117 |
118 | componentsRoot = path.join(root, `app/${podsFolder}/components`);
119 | templateCandidates = await p(glob)('**/template.hbs', {
120 | cwd: componentsRoot,
121 | });
122 |
123 | templateCandidates.forEach((template) => {
124 | let templatePath = path.join(`app/${podsFolder}/components`, template);
125 |
126 | let jsPath = path.join(
127 | `app/${podsFolder}/components`,
128 | template.replace(/template\.hbs$/, 'component.js')
129 | );
130 | if (fs.existsSync(path.join(root, jsPath))) return;
131 |
132 | let tsPath = path.join(
133 | `app/${podsFolder}/components`,
134 | template.replace(/template\.hbs$/, 'component.ts')
135 | );
136 | if (fs.existsSync(path.join(root, tsPath))) return;
137 |
138 | templates.push(templatePath);
139 | components.push(jsPath);
140 | });
141 |
142 | if (templates.length === 0) {
143 | return;
144 | }
145 |
146 | if (shouldRunCodemod === undefined) {
147 | console.log(strip`
148 | Enabling ${chalk.bold('template-only-glimmer-components')}...
149 |
150 | This will change the semantics for template-only components (components without a \`.js\` file).
151 |
152 | Some notable differences include...
153 |
154 | - They will not have a component instance, so statements like \`{{this}}\`, \`{{this.foo}}\` and \`{{foo}}\` will be \`null\` or \`undefined\`.
155 |
156 | - They will not have a wrapper element: what you have in the template will be what is rendered on the screen.
157 |
158 | - Passing classes in the invocation (i.e. \`{{my-component class="..."}}\`) will not work, since there is no wrapper element to apply the classes to.
159 |
160 | For more information, see ${chalk.underline(
161 | 'https://github.com/emberjs/rfcs/pull/278'
162 | )}.
163 |
164 | While these changes may be desirable for ${chalk.italic(
165 | 'new components'
166 | )}, they may unexpectedly break the styling or runtime behavior of your ${chalk.italic(
167 | 'existing components'
168 | )}.
169 |
170 | To be conservative, it is recommended that you add a \`.js\` file for existing template-only components. (You can always delete them later if you aren't relying on the differences.)
171 |
172 | The following components are affected:`);
173 |
174 | for (let i = 0; i < templates.length; i++) {
175 | console.log(strip`
177 | - ${chalk.underline(templates[i])}
178 | ${chalk.gray(
179 | `(Recommendation: add ${chalk.cyan.underline(components[i])})`
180 | )}
181 | `);
182 | }
183 |
184 | let response = await inquirer.prompt({
185 | type: 'confirm',
186 | name: 'shouldGenerate',
187 | message: 'Would you like me to generate these component files for you?',
188 | default: true,
189 | });
190 |
191 | shouldRunCodemod = response.shouldGenerate;
192 |
193 | console.log();
194 | }
195 |
196 | if (shouldRunCodemod) {
197 | for (let i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
198 | let componentPath = components[i];
199 | console.log(` ${chalk.green('create')} ${componentPath}`);
200 | let absolutePath = path.join(project.root, componentPath);
201 | await mkdirp(path.dirname(absolutePath));
202 | await p(fs.writeFile)(absolutePath, ComponentFile, {
203 | encoding: 'UTF-8',
204 | });
205 | }
206 |
207 | console.log();
208 | }
209 | },
210 | };