812 BTypeScriptView Raw
1import { ExpoConfig } from '@expo/config';
2import webpack from 'webpack';
3import { ManifestOptions, ManifestProps } from './WebpackPWAManifestPlugin.types';
5 * Generate a `manifest.json` for your PWA based on the `app.json`.
6 * This plugin must be **after HtmlWebpackPlugin**.
7 *
8 * To test PWAs in chrome visit `chrome://flags#enable-desktop-pwas`
9 */
10export default class WebpackPWAManifest {
11 assets: any;
12 hasHTMLPlugin: boolean;
13 manifest: ManifestOptions;
14 expoConfig: ExpoConfig;
15 options: any;
16 HtmlWebpackPlugin: any;
17 projectRoot: string;
18 constructor(appJson: ExpoConfig, { noResources, filename, publicPath, HtmlWebpackPlugin, projectRoot }: ManifestProps);
19 getManifest(): ManifestOptions;
20 apply(compiler: webpack.Compiler): void;
22export { WebpackPWAManifest };