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1# Release notes
3## Release 4.23.1
4* Added additional logic to update_autoscale_ucs.py script to account for .1 vs .11 vs .111 when running replace function.
5Previously, script would replace all instances of specified values, including ip values for ltm nodes which was not desired
6behavior. Script now contains logic to regex mpre specific matches, ie: versus, and only for hostname,
7gw, self-ip, & dhcp-mgmt which is required when restoring instance with UCS.
9## Release 4.23.0
10* Use a retry on /tm/shared/licensing/registration. This sometimes give an ECONNRESET error.
12## Release 4.22.0
13* Add getNodesByResourceId to cloudProvider
14* Update bigip module to improve UCS restore; promise is rejected to trigger workaround when system restarts happen
15* Fix autoscale script to define correct path to primary key
16* Update default log filename for aws verifyDeployment.js script
18## Release 4.21.0
19* Enhance workflow used for electing primary host in autoscale solution
20 - the primary election workflow prefers running cluster config over UCS restore when electing a new master
21 - the election is done using lowest private mgmt ip as well as lastBackup date, which is stored under instance metadata in Cloud Storage
22* Expose tenant parameter in onboard.js script to allow include/append deployment specific metadata in tenant value stored on BIGIQ side; example:
23 - default tenant value: ```hostname=<hostname>, mgmtPrivdate=<address>```
24 - with deployment specific tenant value: ```"<deployment_specific_tenant_value>,hostname=<hostname>, mgmtPrivdate=<address>"```
25* Add script to AWS provider to verify deployment completion based on sync status; script sends signal to AWS Cloud Formation Web Service to complete deployment
26* Update Azure cloud provider to allow only primary host handle license revocation and metadata deletion
27* Rename variable/parameter 'master' to 'primary'
29## Release 4.20.0
30* Update AWS Cloud provider to resolve issue with autoscale solution when licenses are not revoked on BIGIQ side
32## Release 4.19.0
33* Update autoscale script to populate lastBackup date within instance metadata when UCS generated. The lastBackup date will be shared with other hosts when they get in sync with master.
34* Enable logic on autoscale.js script for preventing restoring UCS file when new master elected and new master was in sync with previous master.
36## Release 4.18.0
37* Improve availability check for BIGIP system
38* Update format for the tenant string used for sending BIGIP host metadata to BIGIQ as part of licensing via BIGIQ system
39 * Old: ```{ "mgmtAddress": "<ip_address>", "hostname": "<hostname>"}```
40 * New: ```"mgmtAddress": "<ip_address>", "hostname": "<hostname>"```
42## Release 4.17.1
43* Resolved big-iq onboard error "Public URI path not registered"
44 * Update bigIp.js to only use availability check '/shared/iapp/package-management-tasks/available' when system is a bigip.
46## Release 4.17.0
47* Update verifyHash with new checksum for f5-appsvcs-3.18.0
49## Release 4.16.0
50* Update verifyHash with new checksum for f5-cloud-libs-azure
51* Modified Azure scripts to minimize amount of API calls
52* Autoscale scripts now make use of Azure bulk API feature
54## Release 4.15.1
55* Use baseMac rather than hostMac for determining MAC address when licensing from BIG-IQ
57## Release 4.15.0
58* Fix updateAutoScaleUcs script to address problem with restoring UCS file on new BIGIP device
59* Introduce optimization for sync cluster termination; devices won't be deleted from ASM specific data sync groups
60* Expose parameter in AWS Clour provider to allow pass number of message consumed in signle autoscale run
61* Fix to pervent failure during UCS temp directory creation
63## Release 4.14.0
64* Update httpUtil to include logging HTTP body for error message handling
65* Add option to skip active check after provisioning
67## Release 4.13.3
68* Update verifyHash with new checksum for f5-cloud-libs-azure
69* Update Azure provider failover script to populate enableAcceleratedNetworking property on Networking Interface
71## Release 4.12.0
72* Added BIG-IP hostname and mgmt address into BIG-IQ 'tenant' field when requesting license from BIG-IQ.
73* Added autoscale timeout for autoscale script execution.
74* Added logic to pass BIG-IP private address to BIG-IQ when BIG-IP is provisioned in Azure cloud.
75* Fixed "passphrase decryption failure" problem which occurs when new master joins autoscale cluster.
77## Release 4.11.0
78* Enable retry logic for TMSH command execution to mitigate problem when TMSH command fails due to MCP un-availability
79* Add validation for generated UCS file to prever corrupted UCS file problem
80* Update condition for triggering master re-election for autoscale solution; this should prevent the problem when master host is stuck at BECOMING_MASTER state
82## Release 4.10.3
83* Add additional endpoint checks in the BIG-IP ready check, including /mgmt/tm/sys/ready
84* Add retry for ILX package installation
85* Add retry for a /mgmt/tm/sys/config save event
86* Add retry for tmsh command execution, resolves issue during encrypt/decrypt operations
87* Update retry logic for module installation
89## Release 4.10.2
90* Add retry for BIG-IQ version info
92## Release 4.10.1
93* Handle trunks in createOrModify
95## Version 4.10.0
96* Use more recent BIG-IQ licensing APIs for reg key pools
98## Version 4.9.2
99* Fix to correctly handle the 'CREATED' BIG-IP async Task Status
101## Version 4.9.1
102* Fix to handle response containing more than 1 device from /cm/device
103* Fix to set required BIG-IP modules for Azure Autoscale solutions
105## Version 4.9.0
106* Support for ignoring device trust sync complete failures due to disconnected device
107* Fix to handle updating hostname when multiple devices exist on BIG-IP
108* Fix to handle updating the httpsPort when adding BIG-IP to license pool on BIG-IQ
109* Support for updating device group settings when group already exists
110* Fix to successfully mount tmpfs during temporary password generation
111* Support matching IP configurations with Self IPs in Azure Failover
112* Support providing a list of BIG-IP modules to Azure autoscale solutions
114## Version 4.8.3
115* Updated verifyHash file to include f5.aws_advanced_ha.v1.4.0rc5.tmpl
117## Version 4.8.2
118* Allow NPM install to run on Windows
119* getDataFromUrl accepts arbitrary HTTP(S) options
120* f5-cloud-libs-consul supports specifying path to a CA Certificate Bundle
122## Version 4.8.1
123* Update cloud-libs password generation to pass new Password Policy
124* Fix for network.js not completing on certain Azure instance sizes with certain licenses
125* Fix for completing BIG-IQ setup during onboarding
127## Version 4.8.0
128* Added BIG-IQ LM Cluster Public IP Failover script
129* Added the f5-cloud-libs-consul Cloud Provider
130* Added support for wildcard propertyPaths in genericNodeProvider
131* Fix to allow F5 product to be specified when calling joinCluster
132* Fix dependency in f5-cloud-libs-gce to support Node 4
134## Version 4.7.0
135* Added check if f5-cloud-libs is running in a container
136* Added timestamp to f5-cloud-libs analytics
137* Fix to ensure primary Subscription is used during Azure Failover if subscription list fails in Azure Gov Cloud
138* Fix in Google Provider to ensure UCS backups are cleaned up locally, and in Google Cloud Storage
140## Version 4.6.1
141* Added Service Discovery support for Azure Gov Cloud
142* Support for directly providing a BIG-IP Auth Token during authentication
143* Fix to handle errors when installing an already installed iLX package
144* Fix to handle errors when updating default self-allow ports
145* Fix to ensure multiple cluster-update processes do not run concurrently on the same BIG-IP
146* Fix to ensure Azure autoscale configuration is not overwritten during an autoscale event
148## Version 4.6.0
149* Add new genericNodeProvider for Service Discovery of services cataloged in a generic JSON document
150* Support for clustering BIG-IQ in Google
151* Add interface as a valid destination when creating BIG-IP routes
152* Fix an issue where Service Discovery could not run on BIG-IP v12.1
153* Support for falling back to HTTP Basic Auth when licensing a BIG-IP from a BIG-IQ
154* Support installation of iLX packages during f5-cloud-libs onboarding
155 * f5-cloud-libs verifyHash can now verify the latest LTS release of AS3
156* Update BIG-IQ licensing failure logging to include failure messages from BIG-IQ
157* Support for installing private keys with consistent key names across BIG-IP and f5-cloud-libs versions
158* Add auto-detection of BIG-IQ license provider by license pool type
159* Support multiple Azure subscriptions in Azure failover
160 * Includes support for User Defined Routes in multiple Azure subscriptions
161* Support BIG-IQ failover in AWS
162* Fix for Google provider to determine instance region
163* Fix for enabling f5-cloud-libs log file rotation
165## Version 4.5.1
166* Fix for running f5-cloud-libs on BIG-IP 12.1
167* Fix for autoscale BIG-IP 13.1 in f5-cloud-libs-gce
169## Version 4.5.0
170* Support for clustering BIG-IQ in AWS and Azure
171* Fix for tagging instance in single instance AWS Auto Scale Group
172* Support for retrieving SSL certificates in nested AWS S3 folders
173* Support for specifying Discovery Address when onboarding a BIQ-IQ
174* Support for updating objects in partitions other than Common
175* Fix 1nicSetup.sh to retrieve Gateway CIDR from dhcp lease
176* Add --force-reboot option in onboard.js and network.js
177* Fix path in getNameServer.sh script
178* Autoscale.js ensures ConfigSync IP address is set when cluster is updated
180## Version 4.4.0
181* Support for enabling ASM sync in DeviceGroup if ASM module is provisioned
182* Add option for signaling CloudFormation when a BIG-IP or BIG-IQ has been onboarded
183* Scripts now signal if they were unsuccessful, log their exceptions, and exit if another script encounters an exception
184 * Added --error-file option to specify filename to log script exceptions
185* Scripts handle defaults for optional parameters. For example --metrics is legal with no metrics provided.
186* Support for BIG-IP 14.1 (differences in ifconfig)
188## Version 4.3.0
189* Support for onboarding a BIG-IQ
190* Support for symmetric encryption of credentials (to handle large credentials)
191* scripts/getNodes.js script
192 * Replaces f5-cloud-workers cloudNodesWorker
193 * Support for retrieving pool members in a cloud different from where BIG-IP is running
194* Add --no-unreachable option to onboard.js to prevent use of the unreachable API when licensing from BIG-IQ 5.4+
196## Version 4.2.0
197* Support for setting management route via network.js
198* Support for reading from rest storage
199* Fix for vlan name in 1 nic configurations
201## Version 4.1.0
202* Support for revoke of CLPv2 license for autoscaling solutions that license from BIG-IQ 5.3+
203* Support for licensing an unreachable device from BIG-IQ 5.4+
204 * --cloud parameter is required when calling onboard.js when licensing via BIG-IQ 5.4+
205* Support revoke for standalone licensing script
206* More reliable provisioning of ASM and AFM
208## Version 4.0.0
209**This version is not backwards compatible. The install location of `f5-cloud-libs`
210and `f5-cloud-libs-<cloud>` has changed to support installation from npm**
212* Scripts now exit with status code 1 on failure
213* Support autoscaling with BYOL and utility billing instances in one cluster
214* Support autoscaling with DNS updates
215* Support for automatic backups in autoscaling solutions
216* Update scripts and lib code to the [Airbnb JavaScript style guide](https://github.com/airbnb/javascript)
217* Provide independent licensing script callable from tmsh
218* Add options for CLPv2 when licensing via BIG-IQ
220## Version 3.6.0
221* Add --shell option to scripts/runScript.js
223## Version 3.5.0
224* Autoscale improvements
225 * More device group options in autoscale.js
226 * Use save-on-auto-sync when creating device group
227 * Fix password syncing in master election
229## Version 3.4.0
230* Autoscale improvements
231 * Handle replacing master
232 * Revoke license if licensed from BIG-IQ
234## Version 3.3.0
235* License BIG-IP from BIG-IQ 5.2 and 5.3
237## Version 3.2.0
238* Support for S3 ARN for licensing via BIG-IQ
240## Version 3.1.0
241* Support for licensing via BIG-IQ
242* Support for service discovery
244## Version 3.0.1
245* Add retry for password-url when licensing via BIG-IQ.
247## Version 3.0.0
248**This version is not backwards compatible. The format for options on network.js has changed.
249See node scripts/network.js --help for details**
251* License BIG-IP from BIG-IQ 5.0 and 5.1
252* More options for network.js
253 * Add arbitrary routes
254 * Support mtu on vlans
255 * Support port lockdown on self IPs
256* Updates to signaling. --wait-for now means 'run if the signal has been sent' rather than 'run when the signal is sent'
257* More robust reboot handling.
259## Version 2.3.0
260* Support for Azure autoscaling
261* Support --password-url in network.js
262* Restore from stored UCS
264## Version 2.2.0
265* Restore from saved UCS file if present in storage account
267## Version 2.1.0
268* Allows for autoscaling and clustering without providing a password in the template
269* Add hash verification for all downloaded files
270* Fix race condition when running multiple f5-cloud-libs scripts at once
272## Version 2.0.0
273* onboard.js option of --set-password is no longer available, use --update-user instead.
274* All scripts that take --password now also support --password-url. Only 'file' URLs are supported for now.
275* Add option to suppress console output (--no-console).
276* Add support for verifying hash of downloaded f5-cloud-libs tarball.
277* Add some parsing of sync messages to get sync to work more often.
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