1.63 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "@feathersjs/feathers",
3 "description": "A framework for real-time applications and REST API with JavaScript and TypeScript",
4 "version": "4.5.10",
5 "homepage": "http://feathersjs.com",
6 "repository": {
7 "type": "git",
8 "url": "git://github.com/feathersjs/feathers.git"
9 },
10 "keywords": [
11 "feathers",
12 "REST",
13 "socket.io",
14 "realtime"
15 ],
16 "main": "lib/index.js",
17 "types": "index.d.ts",
18 "author": {
19 "name": "Feathers contributors",
20 "email": "hello@feathersjs.com",
21 "url": "https://feathersjs.com"
22 },
23 "license": "MIT",
24 "funding": {
25 "type": "github",
26 "url": "https://github.com/sponsors/daffl"
27 },
28 "bugs": {
29 "url": "https://github.com/feathersjs/feathers/issues"
30 },
31 "directories": {
32 "lib": "lib"
33 },
34 "files": [
35 "CHANGELOG.md",
37 "README.md",
38 "src/**",
39 "lib/**",
40 "*.d.ts",
41 "*.js"
42 ],
43 "scripts": {
44 "test": "mocha --config ../../.mocharc.json",
45 "write-version": "node -e \"console.log('module.exports = \\'' + require('./package.json').version + '\\';')\" > lib/version.js",
46 "reset-version": "node -e \"console.log('module.exports = \\'development\\';')\" > lib/version.js",
47 "version": "npm run write-version",
48 "publish": "npm run reset-version"
49 },
50 "engines": {
51 "node": ">= 10"
52 },
53 "publishConfig": {
54 "access": "public"
55 },
56 "dependencies": {
57 "@feathersjs/commons": "^4.5.10",
58 "debug": "^4.2.0",
59 "events": "^3.2.0",
60 "uberproto": "^2.0.6"
61 },
62 "devDependencies": {
63 "mocha": "^8.2.1"
64 },
65 "gitHead": "6fe8fcc2da94d10105c1ef5d4f1a198c2be61b23"