5.75 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
3 return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
5Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
6exports.Feathers = void 0;
7const version_1 = __importDefault(require("./version"));
8const events_1 = require("events");
9const commons_1 = require("@feathersjs/commons");
10const hooks_1 = require("@feathersjs/hooks");
11const events_2 = require("./events");
12const hooks_2 = require("./hooks");
13const service_1 = require("./service");
14const hooks_3 = require("./hooks");
15const debug = (0, commons_1.createDebug)('@feathersjs/feathers');
16class Feathers extends events_1.EventEmitter {
17 constructor() {
18 super();
19 this.services = {};
20 this.settings = {};
21 this.mixins = [hooks_2.hookMixin, events_2.eventMixin];
22 this.version = version_1.default;
23 this._isSetup = false;
24 this.registerHooks = (0, hooks_3.enableHooks)(this);
25 this.registerHooks({
26 around: [events_2.eventHook]
27 });
28 }
29 get(name) {
30 return this.settings[name];
31 }
32 set(name, value) {
33 this.settings[name] = value;
34 return this;
35 }
36 configure(callback) {
37 callback.call(this, this);
38 return this;
39 }
40 defaultService(location) {
41 throw new Error(`Can not find service '${location}'`);
42 }
43 service(location) {
44 const path = ((0, commons_1.stripSlashes)(location) || '/');
45 const current = this.services.hasOwnProperty(path) ? this.services[path] : undefined;
46 if (typeof current === 'undefined') {
47 this.use(path, this.defaultService(path));
48 return this.service(path);
49 }
50 return current;
51 }
52 _setup() {
53 this._isSetup = true;
54 return Object.keys(this.services)
55 .reduce((current, path) => current.then(() => {
56 const service = this.service(path);
57 if (typeof service.setup === 'function') {
58 debug(`Setting up service for \`${path}\``);
59 return service.setup(this, path);
60 }
61 }), Promise.resolve())
62 .then(() => this);
63 }
64 get setup() {
65 return this._setup;
66 }
67 set setup(value) {
68 this._setup = value[hooks_1.HOOKS]
69 ? value
70 : (0, hooks_1.hooks)(value, (0, hooks_1.middleware)().params('server').props({
71 app: this
72 }));
73 }
74 _teardown() {
75 this._isSetup = false;
76 return Object.keys(this.services)
77 .reduce((current, path) => current.then(() => {
78 const service = this.service(path);
79 if (typeof service.teardown === 'function') {
80 debug(`Tearing down service for \`${path}\``);
81 return service.teardown(this, path);
82 }
83 }), Promise.resolve())
84 .then(() => this);
85 }
86 get teardown() {
87 return this._teardown;
88 }
89 set teardown(value) {
90 this._teardown = value[hooks_1.HOOKS]
91 ? value
92 : (0, hooks_1.hooks)(value, (0, hooks_1.middleware)().params('server').props({
93 app: this
94 }));
95 }
96 use(path, service, options) {
97 if (typeof path !== 'string') {
98 throw new Error(`'${path}' is not a valid service path.`);
99 }
100 const location = ((0, commons_1.stripSlashes)(path) || '/');
101 const subApp = service;
102 const isSubApp = typeof subApp.service === 'function' && subApp.services;
103 if (isSubApp) {
104 Object.keys(subApp.services).forEach((subPath) => this.use(`${location}/${subPath}`, subApp.service(subPath)));
105 return this;
106 }
107 const protoService = (0, service_1.wrapService)(location, service, options);
108 const serviceOptions = (0, service_1.getServiceOptions)(protoService);
109 for (const name of service_1.protectedMethods) {
110 if (serviceOptions.methods.includes(name)) {
111 throw new Error(`'${name}' on service '${location}' is not allowed as a custom method name`);
112 }
113 }
114 debug(`Registering new service at \`${location}\``);
115 // Add all the mixins
116 this.mixins.forEach((fn) => fn.call(this, protoService, location, serviceOptions));
117 this.services[location] = protoService;
118 // If we ran setup already, set this service up explicitly, this will not `await`
119 if (this._isSetup && typeof protoService.setup === 'function') {
120 debug(`Setting up service for \`${location}\``);
121 protoService.setup(this, location);
122 }
123 return this;
124 }
125 async unuse(location) {
126 const path = ((0, commons_1.stripSlashes)(location) || '/');
127 const service = this.services[path];
128 if (service && typeof service.teardown === 'function') {
129 await service.teardown(this, path);
130 }
131 delete this.services[path];
132 return service;
133 }
134 hooks(hookMap) {
135 const untypedMap = hookMap;
136 if (untypedMap.before || untypedMap.after || untypedMap.error || untypedMap.around) {
137 // regular hooks for all service methods
138 this.registerHooks(untypedMap);
139 }
140 else if (untypedMap.setup || untypedMap.teardown) {
141 // .setup and .teardown application hooks
142 (0, hooks_1.hooks)(this, untypedMap);
143 }
144 else {
145 // Other registration formats are just `around` hooks
146 this.registerHooks({
147 around: untypedMap
148 });
149 }
150 return this;
151 }
153exports.Feathers = Feathers;
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