4.52 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.TslintLineSwitchParser = void 0;
4const tslib_1 = require("tslib");
5const inversify_1 = require("inversify");
6const ts = require("typescript");
7const tsutils_1 = require("tsutils");
8const matchAll = /^/;
9let TslintLineSwitchParser = class TslintLineSwitchParser {
10 parse({ sourceFile }) {
11 const result = [];
12 const re = /\/[/*]\s*tslint:(enable|disable)(-line|-next-line)?(:)?/gm;
13 for (let match = re.exec(sourceFile.text); match !== null; match = re.exec(sourceFile.text)) {
14 // not using `context.getCommentAtPosition` here is intentional, because it doesn't benefit from caching the converted AST
15 const comment = tsutils_1.getCommentAtPosition(sourceFile, match.index);
16 if (comment === undefined || comment.pos !== match.index)
17 continue;
18 const ruleNames = sourceFile.text.substring(comment.pos + match[0].length, comment.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.SingleLineCommentTrivia ? comment.end : { pos: comment.pos, end: comment.end }.end - 2);
19 let rules;
20 if (/\S/.test(ruleNames)) {
21 rules = parseRules(ruleNames, comment.pos + match[0].length);
22 }
23 else {
24 rules = match[3] === ':' ? [] : [{ predicate: matchAll }];
25 }
26 const enable = match[1] === 'enable';
27 switch (match[2]) {
28 case '-line': {
29 const lineStarts = sourceFile.getLineStarts();
30 const { line } = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, comment.pos);
31 result.push({
32 rules,
33 enable,
34 pos: lineStarts[line],
35 // no need to switch back if there is no next line
36 end: lineStarts.length === line + 1 ? undefined : lineStarts[line + 1],
37 location: { pos: comment.pos, end: comment.end },
38 });
39 break;
40 }
41 case '-next-line': {
42 const lineStarts = sourceFile.getLineStarts();
43 const line = ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, comment.pos).line + 1;
44 if (lineStarts.length === line) {
45 // there is no next line, return an out-of-range switch that can be reported
46 result.push({
47 rules, enable,
48 pos: sourceFile.end + 1,
49 end: undefined,
50 location: { pos: comment.pos, end: comment.end },
51 });
52 }
53 else {
54 result.push({
55 rules,
56 enable,
57 pos: lineStarts[line],
58 // no need to switch back if there is no next line
59 end: lineStarts.length === line + 1 ? undefined : lineStarts[line + 1],
60 location: { pos: comment.pos, end: comment.end },
61 });
62 }
63 break;
64 }
65 default:
66 result.push({ rules, enable, pos: comment.pos, end: undefined, location: { pos: comment.pos, end: comment.end } });
67 }
68 }
69 return result;
70 }
72TslintLineSwitchParser = tslib_1.__decorate([
73 inversify_1.injectable()
74], TslintLineSwitchParser);
75exports.TslintLineSwitchParser = TslintLineSwitchParser;
76function parseRules(raw, offset) {
77 const re = /(\s+|$)/g;
78 const skippedWhitespace = raw.search(/\S/);
79 offset += skippedWhitespace;
80 raw = raw.substr(skippedWhitespace);
81 let pos = 0;
82 let fixPos = -skippedWhitespace;
83 const result = [];
84 for (let match = re.exec(raw);; match = re.exec(raw)) {
85 const rule = raw.slice(pos, match.index);
86 result.push({
87 predicate: rule === 'all' ? matchAll : rule,
88 location: { pos: pos + offset, end: match.index + offset },
89 fixLocation: { pos: fixPos + offset, end: match.index + offset },
90 });
91 if (match[0].length === 0)
92 break;
93 pos = re.lastIndex;
94 fixPos = match.index; // fix always removes the preceeding comma
95 }
96 return result;
98//# sourceMappingURL=line-switches.js.map
\No newline at end of file