1 | import { __spreadArray, __assign, __awaiter, __generator, __rest, __extends } from 'tslib';
2 | import { ErrorFactory, deepEqual, isBrowserExtension, isMobileCordova, isReactNative, FirebaseError, querystring, getModularInstance, base64Decode, isIE, getUA, createSubscribe, querystringDecode, extractQuerystring, isEmpty } from '@firebase/util';
3 | import { SDK_VERSION, _getProvider, _registerComponent, registerVersion, getApp } from '@firebase/app';
4 | import { Logger, LogLevel } from '@firebase/logger';
5 | import { Component } from '@firebase/component';
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
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13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
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21 |
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23 |
24 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 | var FactorId = {
29 |
30 | PHONE: 'phone'
31 | };
32 |
33 |
34 |
35 |
36 |
37 | var ProviderId = {
38 |
39 | FACEBOOK: 'facebook.com',
40 |
41 | GITHUB: 'github.com',
42 |
43 | GOOGLE: 'google.com',
44 |
45 | PASSWORD: 'password',
46 |
47 | PHONE: 'phone',
48 |
49 | TWITTER: 'twitter.com'
50 | };
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 | var SignInMethod = {
57 |
58 | EMAIL_LINK: 'emailLink',
59 |
60 | EMAIL_PASSWORD: 'password',
61 |
62 | FACEBOOK: 'facebook.com',
63 |
64 | GITHUB: 'github.com',
65 |
66 | GOOGLE: 'google.com',
67 |
68 | PHONE: 'phone',
69 |
70 | TWITTER: 'twitter.com'
71 | };
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 | var OperationType = {
78 |
79 | LINK: 'link',
80 |
81 | REAUTHENTICATE: 'reauthenticate',
82 |
83 | SIGN_IN: 'signIn'
84 | };
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 | var ActionCodeOperation = {
91 |
93 |
95 |
97 |
99 |
101 |
103 | };
104 |
105 |
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109 |
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111 |
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119 |
120 |
121 | function _debugErrorMap() {
122 | var _a;
123 | return _a = {},
124 | _a["admin-restricted-operation" ] = 'This operation is restricted to administrators only.',
125 | _a["argument-error" ] = '',
126 | _a["app-not-authorized" ] = "This app, identified by the domain where it's hosted, is not " +
127 | 'authorized to use Firebase Authentication with the provided API key. ' +
128 | 'Review your key configuration in the Google API console.',
129 | _a["app-not-installed" ] = 'The requested mobile application corresponding to the identifier (' +
130 | 'Android package name or iOS bundle ID) provided is not installed on ' +
131 | 'this device.',
132 | _a["captcha-check-failed" ] = 'The reCAPTCHA response token provided is either invalid, expired, ' +
133 | 'already used or the domain associated with it does not match the list ' +
134 | 'of whitelisted domains.',
135 | _a["code-expired" ] = 'The SMS code has expired. Please re-send the verification code to try ' +
136 | 'again.',
137 | _a["cordova-not-ready" ] = 'Cordova framework is not ready.',
138 | _a["cors-unsupported" ] = 'This browser is not supported.',
139 | _a["credential-already-in-use" ] = 'This credential is already associated with a different user account.',
140 | _a["custom-token-mismatch" ] = 'The custom token corresponds to a different audience.',
141 | _a["requires-recent-login" ] = 'This operation is sensitive and requires recent authentication. Log in ' +
142 | 'again before retrying this request.',
143 | _a["dependent-sdk-initialized-before-auth" ] = 'Another Firebase SDK was initialized and is trying to use Auth before Auth is ' +
144 | 'initialized. Please be sure to call `initializeAuth` or `getAuth` before ' +
145 | 'starting any other Firebase SDK.',
146 | _a["dynamic-link-not-activated" ] = 'Please activate Dynamic Links in the Firebase Console and agree to the terms and ' +
147 | 'conditions.',
148 | _a["email-change-needs-verification" ] = 'Multi-factor users must always have a verified email.',
149 | _a["email-already-in-use" ] = 'The email address is already in use by another account.',
150 | _a["emulator-config-failed" ] = 'Auth instance has already been used to make a network call. Auth can ' +
151 | 'no longer be configured to use the emulator. Try calling ' +
152 | '"connectAuthEmulator()" sooner.',
153 | _a["expired-action-code" ] = 'The action code has expired.',
154 | _a["cancelled-popup-request" ] = 'This operation has been cancelled due to another conflicting popup being opened.',
155 | _a["internal-error" ] = 'An internal AuthError has occurred.',
156 | _a["invalid-app-credential" ] = 'The phone verification request contains an invalid application verifier.' +
157 | ' The reCAPTCHA token response is either invalid or expired.',
158 | _a["invalid-app-id" ] = 'The mobile app identifier is not registed for the current project.',
159 | _a["invalid-user-token" ] = "This user's credential isn't valid for this project. This can happen " +
160 | "if the user's token has been tampered with, or if the user isn't for " +
161 | 'the project associated with this API key.',
162 | _a["invalid-auth-event" ] = 'An internal AuthError has occurred.',
163 | _a["invalid-verification-code" ] = 'The SMS verification code used to create the phone auth credential is ' +
164 | 'invalid. Please resend the verification code sms and be sure to use the ' +
165 | 'verification code provided by the user.',
166 | _a["invalid-continue-uri" ] = 'The continue URL provided in the request is invalid.',
167 | _a["invalid-cordova-configuration" ] = 'The following Cordova plugins must be installed to enable OAuth sign-in: ' +
168 | 'cordova-plugin-buildinfo, cordova-universal-links-plugin, ' +
169 | 'cordova-plugin-browsertab, cordova-plugin-inappbrowser and ' +
170 | 'cordova-plugin-customurlscheme.',
171 | _a["invalid-custom-token" ] = 'The custom token format is incorrect. Please check the documentation.',
172 | _a["invalid-dynamic-link-domain" ] = 'The provided dynamic link domain is not configured or authorized for the current project.',
173 | _a["invalid-email" ] = 'The email address is badly formatted.',
174 | _a["invalid-emulator-scheme" ] = 'Emulator URL must start with a valid scheme (http:// or https://).',
175 | _a["invalid-api-key" ] = 'Your API key is invalid, please check you have copied it correctly.',
176 | _a["invalid-cert-hash" ] = 'The SHA-1 certificate hash provided is invalid.',
177 | _a["invalid-credential" ] = 'The supplied auth credential is malformed or has expired.',
178 | _a["invalid-message-payload" ] = 'The email template corresponding to this action contains invalid characters in its message. ' +
179 | 'Please fix by going to the Auth email templates section in the Firebase Console.',
180 | _a["invalid-multi-factor-session" ] = 'The request does not contain a valid proof of first factor successful sign-in.',
181 | _a["invalid-oauth-provider" ] = 'EmailAuthProvider is not supported for this operation. This operation ' +
182 | 'only supports OAuth providers.',
183 | _a["invalid-oauth-client-id" ] = 'The OAuth client ID provided is either invalid or does not match the ' +
184 | 'specified API key.',
185 | _a["unauthorized-domain" ] = 'This domain is not authorized for OAuth operations for your Firebase ' +
186 | 'project. Edit the list of authorized domains from the Firebase console.',
187 | _a["invalid-action-code" ] = 'The action code is invalid. This can happen if the code is malformed, ' +
188 | 'expired, or has already been used.',
189 | _a["wrong-password" ] = 'The password is invalid or the user does not have a password.',
190 | _a["invalid-persistence-type" ] = 'The specified persistence type is invalid. It can only be local, session or none.',
191 | _a["invalid-phone-number" ] = 'The format of the phone number provided is incorrect. Please enter the ' +
192 | 'phone number in a format that can be parsed into E.164 format. E.164 ' +
193 | 'phone numbers are written in the format [+][country code][subscriber ' +
194 | 'number including area code].',
195 | _a["invalid-provider-id" ] = 'The specified provider ID is invalid.',
196 | _a["invalid-recipient-email" ] = 'The email corresponding to this action failed to send as the provided ' +
197 | 'recipient email address is invalid.',
198 | _a["invalid-sender" ] = 'The email template corresponding to this action contains an invalid sender email or name. ' +
199 | 'Please fix by going to the Auth email templates section in the Firebase Console.',
200 | _a["invalid-verification-id" ] = 'The verification ID used to create the phone auth credential is invalid.',
201 | _a["invalid-tenant-id" ] = "The Auth instance's tenant ID is invalid.",
202 | _a["login-blocked" ] = "Login blocked by user-provided method: {$originalMessage}",
203 | _a["missing-android-pkg-name" ] = 'An Android Package Name must be provided if the Android App is required to be installed.',
204 | _a["auth-domain-config-required" ] = 'Be sure to include authDomain when calling firebase.initializeApp(), ' +
205 | 'by following the instructions in the Firebase console.',
206 | _a["missing-app-credential" ] = 'The phone verification request is missing an application verifier ' +
207 | 'assertion. A reCAPTCHA response token needs to be provided.',
208 | _a["missing-verification-code" ] = 'The phone auth credential was created with an empty SMS verification code.',
209 | _a["missing-continue-uri" ] = 'A continue URL must be provided in the request.',
210 | _a["missing-iframe-start" ] = 'An internal AuthError has occurred.',
211 | _a["missing-ios-bundle-id" ] = 'An iOS Bundle ID must be provided if an App Store ID is provided.',
212 | _a["missing-or-invalid-nonce" ] = 'The request does not contain a valid nonce. This can occur if the ' +
213 | 'SHA-256 hash of the provided raw nonce does not match the hashed nonce ' +
214 | 'in the ID token payload.',
215 | _a["missing-multi-factor-info" ] = 'No second factor identifier is provided.',
216 | _a["missing-multi-factor-session" ] = 'The request is missing proof of first factor successful sign-in.',
217 | _a["missing-phone-number" ] = 'To send verification codes, provide a phone number for the recipient.',
218 | _a["missing-verification-id" ] = 'The phone auth credential was created with an empty verification ID.',
219 | _a["app-deleted" ] = 'This instance of FirebaseApp has been deleted.',
220 | _a["multi-factor-info-not-found" ] = 'The user does not have a second factor matching the identifier provided.',
221 | _a["multi-factor-auth-required" ] = 'Proof of ownership of a second factor is required to complete sign-in.',
222 | _a["account-exists-with-different-credential" ] = 'An account already exists with the same email address but different ' +
223 | 'sign-in credentials. Sign in using a provider associated with this ' +
224 | 'email address.',
225 | _a["network-request-failed" ] = 'A network AuthError (such as timeout, interrupted connection or unreachable host) has occurred.',
226 | _a["no-auth-event" ] = 'An internal AuthError has occurred.',
227 | _a["no-such-provider" ] = 'User was not linked to an account with the given provider.',
228 | _a["null-user" ] = 'A null user object was provided as the argument for an operation which ' +
229 | 'requires a non-null user object.',
230 | _a["operation-not-allowed" ] = 'The given sign-in provider is disabled for this Firebase project. ' +
231 | 'Enable it in the Firebase console, under the sign-in method tab of the ' +
232 | 'Auth section.',
233 | _a["operation-not-supported-in-this-environment" ] = 'This operation is not supported in the environment this application is ' +
234 | 'running on. "location.protocol" must be http, https or chrome-extension' +
235 | ' and web storage must be enabled.',
236 | _a["popup-blocked" ] = 'Unable to establish a connection with the popup. It may have been blocked by the browser.',
237 | _a["popup-closed-by-user" ] = 'The popup has been closed by the user before finalizing the operation.',
238 | _a["provider-already-linked" ] = 'User can only be linked to one identity for the given provider.',
239 | _a["quota-exceeded" ] = "The project's quota for this operation has been exceeded.",
240 | _a["redirect-cancelled-by-user" ] = 'The redirect operation has been cancelled by the user before finalizing.',
241 | _a["redirect-operation-pending" ] = 'A redirect sign-in operation is already pending.',
242 | _a["rejected-credential" ] = 'The request contains malformed or mismatching credentials.',
243 | _a["second-factor-already-in-use" ] = 'The second factor is already enrolled on this account.',
244 | _a["maximum-second-factor-count-exceeded" ] = 'The maximum allowed number of second factors on a user has been exceeded.',
245 | _a["tenant-id-mismatch" ] = "The provided tenant ID does not match the Auth instance's tenant ID",
246 | _a["timeout" ] = 'The operation has timed out.',
247 | _a["user-token-expired" ] = "The user's credential is no longer valid. The user must sign in again.",
248 | _a["too-many-requests" ] = 'We have blocked all requests from this device due to unusual activity. ' +
249 | 'Try again later.',
250 | _a["unauthorized-continue-uri" ] = 'The domain of the continue URL is not whitelisted. Please whitelist ' +
251 | 'the domain in the Firebase console.',
252 | _a["unsupported-first-factor" ] = 'Enrolling a second factor or signing in with a multi-factor account requires sign-in with a supported first factor.',
253 | _a["unsupported-persistence-type" ] = 'The current environment does not support the specified persistence type.',
254 | _a["unsupported-tenant-operation" ] = 'This operation is not supported in a multi-tenant context.',
255 | _a["unverified-email" ] = 'The operation requires a verified email.',
256 | _a["user-cancelled" ] = 'The user did not grant your application the permissions it requested.',
257 | _a["user-not-found" ] = 'There is no user record corresponding to this identifier. The user may ' +
258 | 'have been deleted.',
259 | _a["user-disabled" ] = 'The user account has been disabled by an administrator.',
260 | _a["user-mismatch" ] = 'The supplied credentials do not correspond to the previously signed in user.',
261 | _a["user-signed-out" ] = '',
262 | _a["weak-password" ] = 'The password must be 6 characters long or more.',
263 | _a["web-storage-unsupported" ] = 'This browser is not supported or 3rd party cookies and data may be disabled.',
264 | _a["already-initialized" ] = 'initializeAuth() has already been called with ' +
265 | 'different options. To avoid this error, call initializeAuth() with the ' +
266 | 'same options as when it was originally called, or call getAuth() to return the' +
267 | ' already initialized instance.',
268 | _a;
269 | }
270 | function _prodErrorMap() {
271 | var _a;
272 |
273 |
274 |
275 | return _a = {},
276 | _a["dependent-sdk-initialized-before-auth" ] = 'Another Firebase SDK was initialized and is trying to use Auth before Auth is ' +
277 | 'initialized. Please be sure to call `initializeAuth` or `getAuth` before ' +
278 | 'starting any other Firebase SDK.',
279 | _a;
280 | }
281 |
282 |
283 |
284 |
285 |
286 |
287 |
288 | var debugErrorMap = _debugErrorMap;
289 |
290 |
291 |
292 |
293 |
294 |
295 |
296 | var prodErrorMap = _prodErrorMap;
297 | var _DEFAULT_AUTH_ERROR_FACTORY = new ErrorFactory('auth', 'Firebase', _prodErrorMap());
298 |
299 |
300 |
301 |
302 |
303 |
304 |
305 |
306 |
307 |
308 |
310 | ADMIN_ONLY_OPERATION: 'auth/admin-restricted-operation',
311 | ARGUMENT_ERROR: 'auth/argument-error',
312 | APP_NOT_AUTHORIZED: 'auth/app-not-authorized',
313 | APP_NOT_INSTALLED: 'auth/app-not-installed',
314 | CAPTCHA_CHECK_FAILED: 'auth/captcha-check-failed',
315 | CODE_EXPIRED: 'auth/code-expired',
316 | CORDOVA_NOT_READY: 'auth/cordova-not-ready',
317 | CORS_UNSUPPORTED: 'auth/cors-unsupported',
318 | CREDENTIAL_ALREADY_IN_USE: 'auth/credential-already-in-use',
319 | CREDENTIAL_MISMATCH: 'auth/custom-token-mismatch',
320 | CREDENTIAL_TOO_OLD_LOGIN_AGAIN: 'auth/requires-recent-login',
321 | DEPENDENT_SDK_INIT_BEFORE_AUTH: 'auth/dependent-sdk-initialized-before-auth',
322 | DYNAMIC_LINK_NOT_ACTIVATED: 'auth/dynamic-link-not-activated',
323 | EMAIL_CHANGE_NEEDS_VERIFICATION: 'auth/email-change-needs-verification',
324 | EMAIL_EXISTS: 'auth/email-already-in-use',
325 | EMULATOR_CONFIG_FAILED: 'auth/emulator-config-failed',
326 | EXPIRED_OOB_CODE: 'auth/expired-action-code',
327 | EXPIRED_POPUP_REQUEST: 'auth/cancelled-popup-request',
328 | INTERNAL_ERROR: 'auth/internal-error',
329 | INVALID_API_KEY: 'auth/invalid-api-key',
330 | INVALID_APP_CREDENTIAL: 'auth/invalid-app-credential',
331 | INVALID_APP_ID: 'auth/invalid-app-id',
332 | INVALID_AUTH: 'auth/invalid-user-token',
333 | INVALID_AUTH_EVENT: 'auth/invalid-auth-event',
334 | INVALID_CERT_HASH: 'auth/invalid-cert-hash',
335 | INVALID_CODE: 'auth/invalid-verification-code',
336 | INVALID_CONTINUE_URI: 'auth/invalid-continue-uri',
337 | INVALID_CORDOVA_CONFIGURATION: 'auth/invalid-cordova-configuration',
338 | INVALID_CUSTOM_TOKEN: 'auth/invalid-custom-token',
339 | INVALID_DYNAMIC_LINK_DOMAIN: 'auth/invalid-dynamic-link-domain',
340 | INVALID_EMAIL: 'auth/invalid-email',
341 | INVALID_EMULATOR_SCHEME: 'auth/invalid-emulator-scheme',
342 | INVALID_IDP_RESPONSE: 'auth/invalid-credential',
343 | INVALID_MESSAGE_PAYLOAD: 'auth/invalid-message-payload',
344 | INVALID_MFA_SESSION: 'auth/invalid-multi-factor-session',
345 | INVALID_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: 'auth/invalid-oauth-client-id',
346 | INVALID_OAUTH_PROVIDER: 'auth/invalid-oauth-provider',
347 | INVALID_OOB_CODE: 'auth/invalid-action-code',
348 | INVALID_ORIGIN: 'auth/unauthorized-domain',
349 | INVALID_PASSWORD: 'auth/wrong-password',
350 | INVALID_PERSISTENCE: 'auth/invalid-persistence-type',
351 | INVALID_PHONE_NUMBER: 'auth/invalid-phone-number',
352 | INVALID_PROVIDER_ID: 'auth/invalid-provider-id',
353 | INVALID_RECIPIENT_EMAIL: 'auth/invalid-recipient-email',
354 | INVALID_SENDER: 'auth/invalid-sender',
355 | INVALID_SESSION_INFO: 'auth/invalid-verification-id',
356 | INVALID_TENANT_ID: 'auth/invalid-tenant-id',
357 | MFA_INFO_NOT_FOUND: 'auth/multi-factor-info-not-found',
358 | MFA_REQUIRED: 'auth/multi-factor-auth-required',
359 | MISSING_ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME: 'auth/missing-android-pkg-name',
360 | MISSING_APP_CREDENTIAL: 'auth/missing-app-credential',
361 | MISSING_AUTH_DOMAIN: 'auth/auth-domain-config-required',
362 | MISSING_CODE: 'auth/missing-verification-code',
363 | MISSING_CONTINUE_URI: 'auth/missing-continue-uri',
364 | MISSING_IFRAME_START: 'auth/missing-iframe-start',
365 | MISSING_IOS_BUNDLE_ID: 'auth/missing-ios-bundle-id',
366 | MISSING_OR_INVALID_NONCE: 'auth/missing-or-invalid-nonce',
367 | MISSING_MFA_INFO: 'auth/missing-multi-factor-info',
368 | MISSING_MFA_SESSION: 'auth/missing-multi-factor-session',
369 | MISSING_PHONE_NUMBER: 'auth/missing-phone-number',
370 | MISSING_SESSION_INFO: 'auth/missing-verification-id',
371 | MODULE_DESTROYED: 'auth/app-deleted',
372 | NEED_CONFIRMATION: 'auth/account-exists-with-different-credential',
373 | NETWORK_REQUEST_FAILED: 'auth/network-request-failed',
374 | NULL_USER: 'auth/null-user',
375 | NO_AUTH_EVENT: 'auth/no-auth-event',
376 | NO_SUCH_PROVIDER: 'auth/no-such-provider',
377 | OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED: 'auth/operation-not-allowed',
378 | OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED: 'auth/operation-not-supported-in-this-environment',
379 | POPUP_BLOCKED: 'auth/popup-blocked',
380 | POPUP_CLOSED_BY_USER: 'auth/popup-closed-by-user',
381 | PROVIDER_ALREADY_LINKED: 'auth/provider-already-linked',
382 | QUOTA_EXCEEDED: 'auth/quota-exceeded',
383 | REDIRECT_CANCELLED_BY_USER: 'auth/redirect-cancelled-by-user',
384 | REDIRECT_OPERATION_PENDING: 'auth/redirect-operation-pending',
385 | REJECTED_CREDENTIAL: 'auth/rejected-credential',
386 | SECOND_FACTOR_ALREADY_ENROLLED: 'auth/second-factor-already-in-use',
387 | SECOND_FACTOR_LIMIT_EXCEEDED: 'auth/maximum-second-factor-count-exceeded',
388 | TENANT_ID_MISMATCH: 'auth/tenant-id-mismatch',
389 | TIMEOUT: 'auth/timeout',
390 | TOKEN_EXPIRED: 'auth/user-token-expired',
391 | TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS_TRY_LATER: 'auth/too-many-requests',
392 | UNAUTHORIZED_DOMAIN: 'auth/unauthorized-continue-uri',
393 | UNSUPPORTED_FIRST_FACTOR: 'auth/unsupported-first-factor',
394 | UNSUPPORTED_PERSISTENCE: 'auth/unsupported-persistence-type',
395 | UNSUPPORTED_TENANT_OPERATION: 'auth/unsupported-tenant-operation',
396 | UNVERIFIED_EMAIL: 'auth/unverified-email',
397 | USER_CANCELLED: 'auth/user-cancelled',
398 | USER_DELETED: 'auth/user-not-found',
399 | USER_DISABLED: 'auth/user-disabled',
400 | USER_MISMATCH: 'auth/user-mismatch',
401 | USER_SIGNED_OUT: 'auth/user-signed-out',
402 | WEAK_PASSWORD: 'auth/weak-password',
403 | WEB_STORAGE_UNSUPPORTED: 'auth/web-storage-unsupported',
404 | ALREADY_INITIALIZED: 'auth/already-initialized'
405 | };
406 |
407 |
408 |
409 |
410 |
411 |
412 |
413 |
414 |
415 |
416 |
417 |
418 |
419 |
420 |
421 |
422 |
423 | var logClient = new Logger('@firebase/auth');
424 | function _logError(msg) {
425 | var args = [];
426 | for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
427 | args[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
428 | }
429 | if (logClient.logLevel <= LogLevel.ERROR) {
430 | logClient.error.apply(logClient, __spreadArray(["Auth (" + SDK_VERSION + "): " + msg], args));
431 | }
432 | }
433 |
434 |
435 |
436 |
437 |
438 |
439 |
440 |
441 |
442 |
443 |
444 |
445 |
446 |
447 |
448 |
449 |
450 | function _fail(authOrCode) {
451 | var rest = [];
452 | for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
453 | rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
454 | }
455 | throw createErrorInternal.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([authOrCode], rest));
456 | }
457 | function _createError(authOrCode) {
458 | var rest = [];
459 | for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
460 | rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
461 | }
462 | return createErrorInternal.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([authOrCode], rest));
463 | }
464 | function _errorWithCustomMessage(auth, code, message) {
465 | var _a;
466 | var errorMap = __assign(__assign({}, prodErrorMap()), (_a = {}, _a[code] = message, _a));
467 | var factory = new ErrorFactory('auth', 'Firebase', errorMap);
468 | return factory.create(code, {
469 | appName: auth.name,
470 | });
471 | }
472 | function _assertInstanceOf(auth, object, instance) {
473 | var constructorInstance = instance;
474 | if (!(object instanceof constructorInstance)) {
475 | if (constructorInstance.name !== object.constructor.name) {
476 | _fail(auth, "argument-error" );
477 | }
478 | throw _errorWithCustomMessage(auth, "argument-error" , "Type of " + object.constructor.name + " does not match expected instance." +
479 | "Did you pass a reference from a different Auth SDK?");
480 | }
481 | }
482 | function createErrorInternal(authOrCode) {
483 | var _a;
484 | var rest = [];
485 | for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
486 | rest[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
487 | }
488 | if (typeof authOrCode !== 'string') {
489 | var code = rest[0];
490 | var fullParams = __spreadArray([], rest.slice(1));
491 | if (fullParams[0]) {
492 | fullParams[0].appName = authOrCode.name;
493 | }
494 | return (_a = authOrCode._errorFactory).create.apply(_a, __spreadArray([code], fullParams));
495 | }
496 | return _DEFAULT_AUTH_ERROR_FACTORY.create.apply(_DEFAULT_AUTH_ERROR_FACTORY, __spreadArray([authOrCode], rest));
497 | }
498 | function _assert(assertion, authOrCode) {
499 | var rest = [];
500 | for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
501 | rest[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];
502 | }
503 | if (!assertion) {
504 | throw createErrorInternal.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([authOrCode], rest));
505 | }
506 | }
507 |
508 |
509 |
510 |
511 |
512 |
513 | function debugFail(failure) {
514 |
515 |
516 | var message = "INTERNAL ASSERTION FAILED: " + failure;
517 | _logError(message);
518 |
519 |
520 |
521 | throw new Error(message);
522 | }
523 |
524 |
525 |
526 |
527 |
528 |
529 |
530 | function debugAssert(assertion, message) {
531 | if (!assertion) {
532 | debugFail(message);
533 | }
534 | }
535 |
536 |
537 |
538 |
539 |
540 |
541 |
542 |
543 |
544 |
545 |
546 |
547 |
548 |
549 |
550 |
551 |
552 | var instanceCache = new Map();
553 | function _getInstance(cls) {
554 | debugAssert(cls instanceof Function, 'Expected a class definition');
555 | var instance = instanceCache.get(cls);
556 | if (instance) {
557 | debugAssert(instance instanceof cls, 'Instance stored in cache mismatched with class');
558 | return instance;
559 | }
560 | instance = new cls();
561 | instanceCache.set(cls, instance);
562 | return instance;
563 | }
564 |
565 |
566 |
567 |
568 |
569 |
570 |
571 |
572 |
573 |
574 |
575 |
576 |
577 |
578 |
579 |
580 |
581 |
582 |
583 |
584 |
585 |
586 |
587 |
588 |
589 |
590 |
591 |
592 |
593 |
594 |
595 |
596 |
597 |
598 |
599 |
600 |
601 |
602 |
603 |
604 |
605 |
606 | function initializeAuth(app, deps) {
607 | var provider = _getProvider(app, 'auth');
608 | if (provider.isInitialized()) {
609 | var auth_1 = provider.getImmediate();
610 | var initialOptions = provider.getOptions();
611 | if (deepEqual(initialOptions, deps !== null && deps !== void 0 ? deps : {})) {
612 | return auth_1;
613 | }
614 | else {
615 | _fail(auth_1, "already-initialized" );
616 | }
617 | }
618 | var auth = provider.initialize({ options: deps });
619 | return auth;
620 | }
621 | function _initializeAuthInstance(auth, deps) {
622 | var persistence = (deps === null || deps === void 0 ? void 0 : deps.persistence) || [];
623 | var hierarchy = (Array.isArray(persistence) ? persistence : [persistence]).map(_getInstance);
624 | if (deps === null || deps === void 0 ? void 0 : deps.errorMap) {
625 | auth._updateErrorMap(deps.errorMap);
626 | }
627 |
628 |
629 |
630 | auth._initializeWithPersistence(hierarchy, deps === null || deps === void 0 ? void 0 : deps.popupRedirectResolver);
631 | }
632 |
633 |
634 |
635 |
636 |
637 |
638 |
639 |
640 |
641 |
642 |
643 |
644 |
645 |
646 |
647 |
648 |
649 | function _getCurrentUrl() {
650 | var _a;
651 | return (typeof self !== 'undefined' && ((_a = self.location) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.href)) || '';
652 | }
653 | function _isHttpOrHttps() {
654 | return _getCurrentScheme() === 'http:' || _getCurrentScheme() === 'https:';
655 | }
656 | function _getCurrentScheme() {
657 | var _a;
658 | return (typeof self !== 'undefined' && ((_a = self.location) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.protocol)) || null;
659 | }
660 |
661 |
662 |
663 |
664 |
665 |
666 |
667 |
668 |
669 |
670 |
671 |
672 |
673 |
674 |
675 |
676 |
677 |
678 |
679 |
680 | function _isOnline() {
681 | if (typeof navigator !== 'undefined' &&
682 | navigator &&
683 | 'onLine' in navigator &&
684 | typeof navigator.onLine === 'boolean' &&
685 |
686 |
687 |
688 |
689 |
690 | (_isHttpOrHttps() || isBrowserExtension() || 'connection' in navigator)) {
691 | return navigator.onLine;
692 | }
693 |
694 | return true;
695 | }
696 | function _getUserLanguage() {
697 | if (typeof navigator === 'undefined') {
698 | return null;
699 | }
700 | var navigatorLanguage = navigator;
701 | return (
702 |
703 | (navigatorLanguage.languages && navigatorLanguage.languages[0]) ||
704 |
705 |
706 | navigatorLanguage.language ||
707 |
708 | null);
709 | }
710 |
711 |
712 |
713 |
714 |
715 |
716 |
717 |
718 |
719 |
720 |
721 |
722 |
723 |
724 |
725 |
726 |
727 |
728 |
729 |
730 |
731 |
732 | var Delay = (function () {
733 | function Delay(shortDelay, longDelay) {
734 | this.shortDelay = shortDelay;
735 | this.longDelay = longDelay;
736 |
737 | debugAssert(longDelay > shortDelay, 'Short delay should be less than long delay!');
738 | this.isMobile = isMobileCordova() || isReactNative();
739 | }
740 | Delay.prototype.get = function () {
741 | if (!_isOnline()) {
742 |
743 | return Math.min(5000 , this.shortDelay);
744 | }
745 |
746 |
747 |
748 |
749 | return this.isMobile ? this.longDelay : this.shortDelay;
750 | };
751 | return Delay;
752 | }());
753 |
754 |
755 |
756 |
757 |
758 |
759 |
760 |
761 |
762 |
763 |
764 |
765 |
766 |
767 |
768 |
769 |
770 | function _emulatorUrl(config, path) {
771 | debugAssert(config.emulator, 'Emulator should always be set here');
772 | var url = config.emulator.url;
773 | if (!path) {
774 | return url;
775 | }
776 | return "" + url + (path.startsWith('/') ? path.slice(1) : path);
777 | }
778 |
779 |
780 |
781 |
782 |
783 |
784 |
785 |
786 |
787 |
788 |
789 |
790 |
791 |
792 |
793 |
794 |
795 | var FetchProvider = (function () {
796 | function FetchProvider() {
797 | }
798 | FetchProvider.initialize = function (fetchImpl, headersImpl, responseImpl) {
799 | this.fetchImpl = fetchImpl;
800 | if (headersImpl) {
801 | this.headersImpl = headersImpl;
802 | }
803 | if (responseImpl) {
804 | this.responseImpl = responseImpl;
805 | }
806 | };
807 | FetchProvider.fetch = function () {
808 | if (this.fetchImpl) {
809 | return this.fetchImpl;
810 | }
811 | if (typeof self !== 'undefined' && 'fetch' in self) {
812 | return self.fetch;
813 | }
814 | debugFail('Could not find fetch implementation, make sure you call FetchProvider.initialize() with an appropriate polyfill');
815 | };
816 | FetchProvider.headers = function () {
817 | if (this.headersImpl) {
818 | return this.headersImpl;
819 | }
820 | if (typeof self !== 'undefined' && 'Headers' in self) {
821 | return self.Headers;
822 | }
823 | debugFail('Could not find Headers implementation, make sure you call FetchProvider.initialize() with an appropriate polyfill');
824 | };
825 | FetchProvider.response = function () {
826 | if (this.responseImpl) {
827 | return this.responseImpl;
828 | }
829 | if (typeof self !== 'undefined' && 'Response' in self) {
830 | return self.Response;
831 | }
832 | debugFail('Could not find Response implementation, make sure you call FetchProvider.initialize() with an appropriate polyfill');
833 | };
834 | return FetchProvider;
835 | }());
836 |
837 |
838 |
839 |
840 |
841 |
842 |
843 |
844 |
845 |
846 |
847 |
848 |
849 |
850 |
851 |
852 |
853 | var _a$1;
854 |
855 |
856 |
857 | var SERVER_ERROR_MAP = (_a$1 = {},
858 |
859 | _a$1["CREDENTIAL_MISMATCH" ] = "custom-token-mismatch" ,
860 |
861 | _a$1["MISSING_CUSTOM_TOKEN" ] = "internal-error" ,
862 |
863 | _a$1["INVALID_IDENTIFIER" ] = "invalid-email" ,
864 |
865 | _a$1["MISSING_CONTINUE_URI" ] = "internal-error" ,
866 |
867 | _a$1["INVALID_PASSWORD" ] = "wrong-password" ,
868 |
869 | _a$1["MISSING_PASSWORD" ] = "internal-error" ,
870 |
871 | _a$1["EMAIL_EXISTS" ] = "email-already-in-use" ,
872 | _a$1["PASSWORD_LOGIN_DISABLED" ] = "operation-not-allowed" ,
873 |
874 | _a$1["INVALID_IDP_RESPONSE" ] = "invalid-credential" ,
875 | _a$1["INVALID_PENDING_TOKEN" ] = "invalid-credential" ,
876 | _a$1["FEDERATED_USER_ID_ALREADY_LINKED" ] = "credential-already-in-use" ,
877 |
878 | _a$1["MISSING_REQ_TYPE" ] = "internal-error" ,
879 |
880 | _a$1["EMAIL_NOT_FOUND" ] = "user-not-found" ,
881 | _a$1["RESET_PASSWORD_EXCEED_LIMIT" ] = "too-many-requests" ,
882 | _a$1["EXPIRED_OOB_CODE" ] = "expired-action-code" ,
883 | _a$1["INVALID_OOB_CODE" ] = "invalid-action-code" ,
884 |
885 | _a$1["MISSING_OOB_CODE" ] = "internal-error" ,
886 |
887 | _a$1["CREDENTIAL_TOO_OLD_LOGIN_AGAIN" ] = "requires-recent-login" ,
888 | _a$1["INVALID_ID_TOKEN" ] = "invalid-user-token" ,
889 | _a$1["TOKEN_EXPIRED" ] = "user-token-expired" ,
890 | _a$1["USER_NOT_FOUND" ] = "user-token-expired" ,
891 |
892 | _a$1["TOO_MANY_ATTEMPTS_TRY_LATER" ] = "too-many-requests" ,
893 |
894 | _a$1["INVALID_CODE" ] = "invalid-verification-code" ,
895 | _a$1["INVALID_SESSION_INFO" ] = "invalid-verification-id" ,
896 | _a$1["INVALID_TEMPORARY_PROOF" ] = "invalid-credential" ,
897 | _a$1["MISSING_SESSION_INFO" ] = "missing-verification-id" ,
898 | _a$1["SESSION_EXPIRED" ] = "code-expired" ,
899 |
900 |
901 |
902 | _a$1["MISSING_ANDROID_PACKAGE_NAME" ] = "missing-android-pkg-name" ,
903 | _a$1["UNAUTHORIZED_DOMAIN" ] = "unauthorized-continue-uri" ,
904 |
905 | _a$1["INVALID_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID" ] = "invalid-oauth-client-id" ,
906 |
907 | _a$1["ADMIN_ONLY_OPERATION" ] = "admin-restricted-operation" ,
908 |
909 | _a$1["INVALID_MFA_PENDING_CREDENTIAL" ] = "invalid-multi-factor-session" ,
910 | _a$1["MFA_ENROLLMENT_NOT_FOUND" ] = "multi-factor-info-not-found" ,
911 | _a$1["MISSING_MFA_ENROLLMENT_ID" ] = "missing-multi-factor-info" ,
912 | _a$1["MISSING_MFA_PENDING_CREDENTIAL" ] = "missing-multi-factor-session" ,
913 | _a$1["SECOND_FACTOR_EXISTS" ] = "second-factor-already-in-use" ,
914 | _a$1["SECOND_FACTOR_LIMIT_EXCEEDED" ] = "maximum-second-factor-count-exceeded" ,
915 |
916 | _a$1["BLOCKING_FUNCTION_ERROR_RESPONSE" ] = "internal-error" ,
917 | _a$1);
918 |
919 |
920 |
921 |
922 |
923 |
924 |
925 |
926 |
927 |
928 |
929 |
930 |
931 |
932 |
933 |
934 |
935 | var DEFAULT_API_TIMEOUT_MS = new Delay(30000, 60000);
936 | function _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request) {
937 | if (auth.tenantId && !request.tenantId) {
938 | return __assign(__assign({}, request), { tenantId: auth.tenantId });
939 | }
940 | return request;
941 | }
942 | function _performApiRequest(auth, method, path, request, customErrorMap) {
943 | if (customErrorMap === void 0) { customErrorMap = {}; }
944 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
945 | var _this = this;
946 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
947 | return [2 , _performFetchWithErrorHandling(auth, customErrorMap, function () { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
948 | var body, params, query, headers;
949 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
950 | switch (_a.label) {
951 | case 0:
952 | body = {};
953 | params = {};
954 | if (request) {
955 | if (method === "GET" ) {
956 | params = request;
957 | }
958 | else {
959 | body = {
960 | body: JSON.stringify(request)
961 | };
962 | }
963 | }
964 | query = querystring(__assign({ key: auth.config.apiKey }, params)).slice(1);
965 | return [4 , auth._getAdditionalHeaders()];
966 | case 1:
967 | headers = _a.sent();
968 | headers["Content-Type" ] = 'application/json';
969 | if (auth.languageCode) {
970 | headers["X-Firebase-Locale" ] = auth.languageCode;
971 | }
972 | return [2 , FetchProvider.fetch()(_getFinalTarget(auth, auth.config.apiHost, path, query), __assign({ method: method,
973 | headers: headers, referrerPolicy: 'no-referrer' }, body))];
974 | }
975 | });
976 | }); })];
977 | });
978 | });
979 | }
980 | function _performFetchWithErrorHandling(auth, customErrorMap, fetchFn) {
981 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
982 | var errorMap, networkTimeout, response, json, errorMessage, _a, serverErrorCode, serverErrorMessage, authError, e_1;
983 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
984 | switch (_b.label) {
985 | case 0:
986 | auth._canInitEmulator = false;
987 | errorMap = __assign(__assign({}, SERVER_ERROR_MAP), customErrorMap);
988 | _b.label = 1;
989 | case 1:
990 | _b.trys.push([1, 4, , 5]);
991 | networkTimeout = new NetworkTimeout(auth);
992 | return [4 , Promise.race([
993 | fetchFn(),
994 | networkTimeout.promise
995 | ])];
996 | case 2:
997 | response = _b.sent();
998 |
999 |
1000 | networkTimeout.clearNetworkTimeout();
1001 | return [4 , response.json()];
1002 | case 3:
1003 | json = _b.sent();
1004 | if ('needConfirmation' in json) {
1005 | throw _makeTaggedError(auth, "account-exists-with-different-credential" , json);
1006 | }
1007 | if (response.ok && !('errorMessage' in json)) {
1008 | return [2 , json];
1009 | }
1010 | else {
1011 | errorMessage = response.ok ? json.errorMessage : json.error.message;
1012 | _a = errorMessage.split(' : '), serverErrorCode = _a[0], serverErrorMessage = _a[1];
1013 | if (serverErrorCode === "FEDERATED_USER_ID_ALREADY_LINKED" ) {
1014 | throw _makeTaggedError(auth, "credential-already-in-use" , json);
1015 | }
1016 | else if (serverErrorCode === "EMAIL_EXISTS" ) {
1017 | throw _makeTaggedError(auth, "email-already-in-use" , json);
1018 | }
1019 | authError = errorMap[serverErrorCode] ||
1020 | serverErrorCode
1021 | .toLowerCase()
1022 | .replace(/[_\s]+/g, '-');
1023 | if (serverErrorMessage) {
1024 | throw _errorWithCustomMessage(auth, authError, serverErrorMessage);
1025 | }
1026 | else {
1027 | _fail(auth, authError);
1028 | }
1029 | }
1030 | return [3 , 5];
1031 | case 4:
1032 | e_1 = _b.sent();
1033 | if (e_1 instanceof FirebaseError) {
1034 | throw e_1;
1035 | }
1036 | _fail(auth, "network-request-failed" );
1037 | return [3 , 5];
1038 | case 5: return [2 ];
1039 | }
1040 | });
1041 | });
1042 | }
1043 | function _performSignInRequest(auth, method, path, request, customErrorMap) {
1044 | if (customErrorMap === void 0) { customErrorMap = {}; }
1045 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1046 | var serverResponse;
1047 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1048 | switch (_a.label) {
1049 | case 0: return [4 , _performApiRequest(auth, method, path, request, customErrorMap)];
1050 | case 1:
1051 | serverResponse = (_a.sent());
1052 | if ('mfaPendingCredential' in serverResponse) {
1053 | _fail(auth, "multi-factor-auth-required" , {
1054 | _serverResponse: serverResponse
1055 | });
1056 | }
1057 | return [2 , serverResponse];
1058 | }
1059 | });
1060 | });
1061 | }
1062 | function _getFinalTarget(auth, host, path, query) {
1063 | var base = "" + host + path + "?" + query;
1064 | if (!auth.config.emulator) {
1065 | return auth.config.apiScheme + "://" + base;
1066 | }
1067 | return _emulatorUrl(auth.config, base);
1068 | }
1069 | var NetworkTimeout = (function () {
1070 | function NetworkTimeout(auth) {
1071 | var _this = this;
1072 | this.auth = auth;
1073 |
1074 |
1075 |
1076 | this.timer = null;
1077 | this.promise = new Promise(function (_, reject) {
1078 | _this.timer = setTimeout(function () {
1079 | return reject(_createError(_this.auth, "network-request-failed" ));
1080 | }, DEFAULT_API_TIMEOUT_MS.get());
1081 | });
1082 | }
1083 | NetworkTimeout.prototype.clearNetworkTimeout = function () {
1084 | clearTimeout(this.timer);
1085 | };
1086 | return NetworkTimeout;
1087 | }());
1088 | function _makeTaggedError(auth, code, response) {
1089 | var errorParams = {
1090 | appName: auth.name
1091 | };
1092 | if (response.email) {
1093 | errorParams.email = response.email;
1094 | }
1095 | if (response.phoneNumber) {
1096 | errorParams.phoneNumber = response.phoneNumber;
1097 | }
1098 | var error = _createError(auth, code, errorParams);
1099 |
1100 | error.customData._tokenResponse = response;
1101 | return error;
1102 | }
1103 |
1104 |
1105 |
1106 |
1107 |
1108 |
1109 |
1110 |
1111 |
1112 |
1113 |
1114 |
1115 |
1116 |
1117 |
1118 |
1119 |
1120 | function deleteAccount(auth, request) {
1121 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1122 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1123 | return [2 , _performApiRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:delete" , request)];
1124 | });
1125 | });
1126 | }
1127 | function deleteLinkedAccounts(auth, request) {
1128 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1129 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1130 | return [2 , _performApiRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:update" , request)];
1131 | });
1132 | });
1133 | }
1134 | function getAccountInfo(auth, request) {
1135 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1136 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1137 | return [2 , _performApiRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:lookup" , request)];
1138 | });
1139 | });
1140 | }
1141 |
1142 |
1143 |
1144 |
1145 |
1146 |
1147 |
1148 |
1149 |
1150 |
1151 |
1152 |
1153 |
1154 |
1155 |
1156 |
1157 |
1158 | function utcTimestampToDateString(utcTimestamp) {
1159 | if (!utcTimestamp) {
1160 | return undefined;
1161 | }
1162 | try {
1163 |
1164 | var date = new Date(Number(utcTimestamp));
1165 |
1166 | if (!isNaN(date.getTime())) {
1167 |
1168 | return date.toUTCString();
1169 | }
1170 | }
1171 | catch (e) {
1172 |
1173 | }
1174 | return undefined;
1175 | }
1176 |
1177 |
1178 |
1179 |
1180 |
1181 |
1182 |
1183 |
1184 |
1185 |
1186 |
1187 |
1188 |
1189 |
1190 |
1191 |
1192 |
1193 |
1194 |
1195 |
1196 |
1197 |
1198 |
1199 |
1200 |
1201 |
1202 |
1203 |
1204 |
1205 | function getIdToken(user, forceRefresh) {
1206 | if (forceRefresh === void 0) { forceRefresh = false; }
1207 | return getModularInstance(user).getIdToken(forceRefresh);
1208 | }
1209 |
1210 |
1211 |
1212 |
1213 |
1214 |
1215 |
1216 |
1217 |
1218 |
1219 |
1220 |
1221 | function getIdTokenResult(user, forceRefresh) {
1222 | if (forceRefresh === void 0) { forceRefresh = false; }
1223 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1224 | var userInternal, token, claims, firebase, signInProvider;
1225 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1226 | switch (_a.label) {
1227 | case 0:
1228 | userInternal = getModularInstance(user);
1229 | return [4 , userInternal.getIdToken(forceRefresh)];
1230 | case 1:
1231 | token = _a.sent();
1232 | claims = _parseToken(token);
1233 | _assert(claims && claims.exp && claims.auth_time && claims.iat, userInternal.auth, "internal-error" );
1234 | firebase = typeof claims.firebase === 'object' ? claims.firebase : undefined;
1235 | signInProvider = firebase === null || firebase === void 0 ? void 0 : firebase['sign_in_provider'];
1236 | return [2 , {
1237 | claims: claims,
1238 | token: token,
1239 | authTime: utcTimestampToDateString(secondsStringToMilliseconds(claims.auth_time)),
1240 | issuedAtTime: utcTimestampToDateString(secondsStringToMilliseconds(claims.iat)),
1241 | expirationTime: utcTimestampToDateString(secondsStringToMilliseconds(claims.exp)),
1242 | signInProvider: signInProvider || null,
1243 | signInSecondFactor: (firebase === null || firebase === void 0 ? void 0 : firebase['sign_in_second_factor']) || null
1244 | }];
1245 | }
1246 | });
1247 | });
1248 | }
1249 | function secondsStringToMilliseconds(seconds) {
1250 | return Number(seconds) * 1000;
1251 | }
1252 | function _parseToken(token) {
1253 | var _a = token.split('.'), algorithm = _a[0], payload = _a[1], signature = _a[2];
1254 | if (algorithm === undefined ||
1255 | payload === undefined ||
1256 | signature === undefined) {
1257 | _logError('JWT malformed, contained fewer than 3 sections');
1258 | return null;
1259 | }
1260 | try {
1261 | var decoded = base64Decode(payload);
1262 | if (!decoded) {
1263 | _logError('Failed to decode base64 JWT payload');
1264 | return null;
1265 | }
1266 | return JSON.parse(decoded);
1267 | }
1268 | catch (e) {
1269 | _logError('Caught error parsing JWT payload as JSON', e);
1270 | return null;
1271 | }
1272 | }
1273 |
1274 |
1275 |
1276 | function _tokenExpiresIn(token) {
1277 | var parsedToken = _parseToken(token);
1278 | _assert(parsedToken, "internal-error" );
1279 | _assert(typeof parsedToken.exp !== 'undefined', "internal-error" );
1280 | _assert(typeof parsedToken.iat !== 'undefined', "internal-error" );
1281 | return Number(parsedToken.exp) - Number(parsedToken.iat);
1282 | }
1283 |
1284 |
1285 |
1286 |
1287 |
1288 |
1289 |
1290 |
1291 |
1292 |
1293 |
1294 |
1295 |
1296 |
1297 |
1298 |
1299 |
1300 | function _logoutIfInvalidated(user, promise, bypassAuthState) {
1301 | if (bypassAuthState === void 0) { bypassAuthState = false; }
1302 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1303 | var e_1;
1304 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1305 | switch (_a.label) {
1306 | case 0:
1307 | if (bypassAuthState) {
1308 | return [2 , promise];
1309 | }
1310 | _a.label = 1;
1311 | case 1:
1312 | _a.trys.push([1, 3, , 6]);
1313 | return [4 , promise];
1314 | case 2: return [2 , _a.sent()];
1315 | case 3:
1316 | e_1 = _a.sent();
1317 | if (!(e_1 instanceof FirebaseError && isUserInvalidated(e_1))) return [3 , 5];
1318 | if (!(user.auth.currentUser === user)) return [3 , 5];
1319 | return [4 , user.auth.signOut()];
1320 | case 4:
1321 | _a.sent();
1322 | _a.label = 5;
1323 | case 5: throw e_1;
1324 | case 6: return [2 ];
1325 | }
1326 | });
1327 | });
1328 | }
1329 | function isUserInvalidated(_a) {
1330 | var code = _a.code;
1331 | return (code === "auth/" + "user-disabled" ||
1332 | code === "auth/" + "user-token-expired" );
1333 | }
1334 |
1335 |
1336 |
1337 |
1338 |
1339 |
1340 |
1341 |
1342 |
1343 |
1344 |
1345 |
1346 |
1347 |
1348 |
1349 |
1350 |
1351 | var ProactiveRefresh = (function () {
1352 | function ProactiveRefresh(user) {
1353 | this.user = user;
1354 | this.isRunning = false;
1355 |
1356 |
1357 |
1358 |
1359 | this.timerId = null;
1360 | this.errorBackoff = 30000 ;
1361 | }
1362 | ProactiveRefresh.prototype._start = function () {
1363 | if (this.isRunning) {
1364 | return;
1365 | }
1366 | this.isRunning = true;
1367 | this.schedule();
1368 | };
1369 | ProactiveRefresh.prototype._stop = function () {
1370 | if (!this.isRunning) {
1371 | return;
1372 | }
1373 | this.isRunning = false;
1374 | if (this.timerId !== null) {
1375 | clearTimeout(this.timerId);
1376 | }
1377 | };
1378 | ProactiveRefresh.prototype.getInterval = function (wasError) {
1379 | var _a;
1380 | if (wasError) {
1381 | var interval = this.errorBackoff;
1382 | this.errorBackoff = Math.min(this.errorBackoff * 2, 960000 );
1383 | return interval;
1384 | }
1385 | else {
1386 |
1387 | this.errorBackoff = 30000 ;
1388 | var expTime = (_a = this.user.stsTokenManager.expirationTime) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : 0;
1389 | var interval = expTime - Date.now() - 300000 ;
1390 | return Math.max(0, interval);
1391 | }
1392 | };
1393 | ProactiveRefresh.prototype.schedule = function (wasError) {
1394 | var _this = this;
1395 | if (wasError === void 0) { wasError = false; }
1396 | if (!this.isRunning) {
1397 |
1398 | return;
1399 | }
1400 | var interval = this.getInterval(wasError);
1401 | this.timerId = setTimeout(function () { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1402 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1403 | switch (_a.label) {
1404 | case 0: return [4 , this.iteration()];
1405 | case 1:
1406 | _a.sent();
1407 | return [2 ];
1408 | }
1409 | });
1410 | }); }, interval);
1411 | };
1412 | ProactiveRefresh.prototype.iteration = function () {
1413 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1414 | var e_1;
1415 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1416 | switch (_a.label) {
1417 | case 0:
1418 | _a.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]);
1419 | return [4 , this.user.getIdToken(true)];
1420 | case 1:
1421 | _a.sent();
1422 | return [3 , 3];
1423 | case 2:
1424 | e_1 = _a.sent();
1425 |
1426 | if (e_1.code === "auth/" + "network-request-failed" ) {
1427 | this.schedule( true);
1428 | }
1429 | return [2 ];
1430 | case 3:
1431 | this.schedule();
1432 | return [2 ];
1433 | }
1434 | });
1435 | });
1436 | };
1437 | return ProactiveRefresh;
1438 | }());
1439 |
1440 |
1441 |
1442 |
1443 |
1444 |
1445 |
1446 |
1447 |
1448 |
1449 |
1450 |
1451 |
1452 |
1453 |
1454 |
1455 |
1456 | var UserMetadata = (function () {
1457 | function UserMetadata(createdAt, lastLoginAt) {
1458 | this.createdAt = createdAt;
1459 | this.lastLoginAt = lastLoginAt;
1460 | this._initializeTime();
1461 | }
1462 | UserMetadata.prototype._initializeTime = function () {
1463 | this.lastSignInTime = utcTimestampToDateString(this.lastLoginAt);
1464 | this.creationTime = utcTimestampToDateString(this.createdAt);
1465 | };
1466 | UserMetadata.prototype._copy = function (metadata) {
1467 | this.createdAt = metadata.createdAt;
1468 | this.lastLoginAt = metadata.lastLoginAt;
1469 | this._initializeTime();
1470 | };
1471 | UserMetadata.prototype.toJSON = function () {
1472 | return {
1473 | createdAt: this.createdAt,
1474 | lastLoginAt: this.lastLoginAt
1475 | };
1476 | };
1477 | return UserMetadata;
1478 | }());
1479 |
1480 |
1481 |
1482 |
1483 |
1484 |
1485 |
1486 |
1487 |
1488 |
1489 |
1490 |
1491 |
1492 |
1493 |
1494 |
1495 |
1496 | function _reloadWithoutSaving(user) {
1497 | var _a;
1498 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1499 | var auth, idToken, response, coreAccount, newProviderData, providerData, oldIsAnonymous, newIsAnonymous, isAnonymous, updates;
1500 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
1501 | switch (_b.label) {
1502 | case 0:
1503 | auth = user.auth;
1504 | return [4 , user.getIdToken()];
1505 | case 1:
1506 | idToken = _b.sent();
1507 | return [4 , _logoutIfInvalidated(user, getAccountInfo(auth, { idToken: idToken }))];
1508 | case 2:
1509 | response = _b.sent();
1510 | _assert(response === null || response === void 0 ? void 0 : response.users.length, auth, "internal-error" );
1511 | coreAccount = response.users[0];
1512 | user._notifyReloadListener(coreAccount);
1513 | newProviderData = ((_a = coreAccount.providerUserInfo) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length)
1514 | ? extractProviderData(coreAccount.providerUserInfo)
1515 | : [];
1516 | providerData = mergeProviderData(user.providerData, newProviderData);
1517 | oldIsAnonymous = user.isAnonymous;
1518 | newIsAnonymous = !(user.email && coreAccount.passwordHash) && !(providerData === null || providerData === void 0 ? void 0 : providerData.length);
1519 | isAnonymous = !oldIsAnonymous ? false : newIsAnonymous;
1520 | updates = {
1521 | uid: coreAccount.localId,
1522 | displayName: coreAccount.displayName || null,
1523 | photoURL: coreAccount.photoUrl || null,
1524 | email: coreAccount.email || null,
1525 | emailVerified: coreAccount.emailVerified || false,
1526 | phoneNumber: coreAccount.phoneNumber || null,
1527 | tenantId: coreAccount.tenantId || null,
1528 | providerData: providerData,
1529 | metadata: new UserMetadata(coreAccount.createdAt, coreAccount.lastLoginAt),
1530 | isAnonymous: isAnonymous
1531 | };
1532 | Object.assign(user, updates);
1533 | return [2 ];
1534 | }
1535 | });
1536 | });
1537 | }
1538 |
1539 |
1540 |
1541 |
1542 |
1543 |
1544 |
1545 | function reload(user) {
1546 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1547 | var userInternal;
1548 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1549 | switch (_a.label) {
1550 | case 0:
1551 | userInternal = getModularInstance(user);
1552 | return [4 , _reloadWithoutSaving(userInternal)];
1553 | case 1:
1554 | _a.sent();
1555 |
1556 |
1557 |
1558 | return [4 , userInternal.auth._persistUserIfCurrent(userInternal)];
1559 | case 2:
1560 |
1561 |
1562 |
1563 | _a.sent();
1564 | userInternal.auth._notifyListenersIfCurrent(userInternal);
1565 | return [2 ];
1566 | }
1567 | });
1568 | });
1569 | }
1570 | function mergeProviderData(original, newData) {
1571 | var deduped = original.filter(function (o) { return !newData.some(function (n) { return n.providerId === o.providerId; }); });
1572 | return __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], deduped), newData);
1573 | }
1574 | function extractProviderData(providers) {
1575 | return providers.map(function (_a) {
1576 | var providerId = _a.providerId, provider = __rest(_a, ["providerId"]);
1577 | return {
1578 | providerId: providerId,
1579 | uid: provider.rawId || '',
1580 | displayName: provider.displayName || null,
1581 | email: provider.email || null,
1582 | phoneNumber: provider.phoneNumber || null,
1583 | photoURL: provider.photoUrl || null
1584 | };
1585 | });
1586 | }
1587 |
1588 |
1589 |
1590 |
1591 |
1592 |
1593 |
1594 |
1595 |
1596 |
1597 |
1598 |
1599 |
1600 |
1601 |
1602 |
1603 |
1604 | function requestStsToken(auth, refreshToken) {
1605 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1606 | var response;
1607 | var _this = this;
1608 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1609 | switch (_a.label) {
1610 | case 0: return [4 , _performFetchWithErrorHandling(auth, {}, function () { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1611 | var body, _a, tokenApiHost, apiKey, url, headers;
1612 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
1613 | switch (_b.label) {
1614 | case 0:
1615 | body = querystring({
1616 | 'grant_type': 'refresh_token',
1617 | 'refresh_token': refreshToken
1618 | }).slice(1);
1619 | _a = auth.config, tokenApiHost = _a.tokenApiHost, apiKey = _a.apiKey;
1620 | url = _getFinalTarget(auth, tokenApiHost, "/v1/token" , "key=" + apiKey);
1621 | return [4 , auth._getAdditionalHeaders()];
1622 | case 1:
1623 | headers = _b.sent();
1624 | headers["Content-Type" ] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
1625 | return [2 , FetchProvider.fetch()(url, {
1626 | method: "POST" ,
1627 | headers: headers,
1628 | body: body
1629 | })];
1630 | }
1631 | });
1632 | }); })];
1633 | case 1:
1634 | response = _a.sent();
1635 |
1636 | return [2 , {
1637 | accessToken: response.access_token,
1638 | expiresIn: response.expires_in,
1639 | refreshToken: response.refresh_token
1640 | }];
1641 | }
1642 | });
1643 | });
1644 | }
1645 |
1646 |
1647 |
1648 |
1649 |
1650 |
1651 |
1652 |
1653 |
1654 |
1655 |
1656 |
1657 |
1658 |
1659 |
1660 |
1661 |
1662 |
1663 |
1664 |
1665 |
1666 |
1667 |
1668 | var StsTokenManager = (function () {
1669 | function StsTokenManager() {
1670 | this.refreshToken = null;
1671 | this.accessToken = null;
1672 | this.expirationTime = null;
1673 | }
1674 | Object.defineProperty(StsTokenManager.prototype, "isExpired", {
1675 | get: function () {
1676 | return (!this.expirationTime ||
1677 | Date.now() > this.expirationTime - 30000 );
1678 | },
1679 | enumerable: false,
1680 | configurable: true
1681 | });
1682 | StsTokenManager.prototype.updateFromServerResponse = function (response) {
1683 | _assert(response.idToken, "internal-error" );
1684 | _assert(typeof response.idToken !== 'undefined', "internal-error" );
1685 | _assert(typeof response.refreshToken !== 'undefined', "internal-error" );
1686 | var expiresIn = 'expiresIn' in response && typeof response.expiresIn !== 'undefined'
1687 | ? Number(response.expiresIn)
1688 | : _tokenExpiresIn(response.idToken);
1689 | this.updateTokensAndExpiration(response.idToken, response.refreshToken, expiresIn);
1690 | };
1691 | StsTokenManager.prototype.getToken = function (auth, forceRefresh) {
1692 | if (forceRefresh === void 0) { forceRefresh = false; }
1693 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1694 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1695 | switch (_a.label) {
1696 | case 0:
1697 | _assert(!this.accessToken || this.refreshToken, auth, "user-token-expired" );
1698 | if (!forceRefresh && this.accessToken && !this.isExpired) {
1699 | return [2 , this.accessToken];
1700 | }
1701 | if (!this.refreshToken) return [3 , 2];
1702 | return [4 , this.refresh(auth, this.refreshToken)];
1703 | case 1:
1704 | _a.sent();
1705 | return [2 , this.accessToken];
1706 | case 2: return [2 , null];
1707 | }
1708 | });
1709 | });
1710 | };
1711 | StsTokenManager.prototype.clearRefreshToken = function () {
1712 | this.refreshToken = null;
1713 | };
1714 | StsTokenManager.prototype.refresh = function (auth, oldToken) {
1715 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1716 | var _a, accessToken, refreshToken, expiresIn;
1717 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
1718 | switch (_b.label) {
1719 | case 0: return [4 , requestStsToken(auth, oldToken)];
1720 | case 1:
1721 | _a = _b.sent(), accessToken = _a.accessToken, refreshToken = _a.refreshToken, expiresIn = _a.expiresIn;
1722 | this.updateTokensAndExpiration(accessToken, refreshToken, Number(expiresIn));
1723 | return [2 ];
1724 | }
1725 | });
1726 | });
1727 | };
1728 | StsTokenManager.prototype.updateTokensAndExpiration = function (accessToken, refreshToken, expiresInSec) {
1729 | this.refreshToken = refreshToken || null;
1730 | this.accessToken = accessToken || null;
1731 | this.expirationTime = Date.now() + expiresInSec * 1000;
1732 | };
1733 | StsTokenManager.fromJSON = function (appName, object) {
1734 | var refreshToken = object.refreshToken, accessToken = object.accessToken, expirationTime = object.expirationTime;
1735 | var manager = new StsTokenManager();
1736 | if (refreshToken) {
1737 | _assert(typeof refreshToken === 'string', "internal-error" , {
1738 | appName: appName
1739 | });
1740 | manager.refreshToken = refreshToken;
1741 | }
1742 | if (accessToken) {
1743 | _assert(typeof accessToken === 'string', "internal-error" , {
1744 | appName: appName
1745 | });
1746 | manager.accessToken = accessToken;
1747 | }
1748 | if (expirationTime) {
1749 | _assert(typeof expirationTime === 'number', "internal-error" , {
1750 | appName: appName
1751 | });
1752 | manager.expirationTime = expirationTime;
1753 | }
1754 | return manager;
1755 | };
1756 | StsTokenManager.prototype.toJSON = function () {
1757 | return {
1758 | refreshToken: this.refreshToken,
1759 | accessToken: this.accessToken,
1760 | expirationTime: this.expirationTime
1761 | };
1762 | };
1763 | StsTokenManager.prototype._assign = function (stsTokenManager) {
1764 | this.accessToken = stsTokenManager.accessToken;
1765 | this.refreshToken = stsTokenManager.refreshToken;
1766 | this.expirationTime = stsTokenManager.expirationTime;
1767 | };
1768 | StsTokenManager.prototype._clone = function () {
1769 | return Object.assign(new StsTokenManager(), this.toJSON());
1770 | };
1771 | StsTokenManager.prototype._performRefresh = function () {
1772 | return debugFail('not implemented');
1773 | };
1774 | return StsTokenManager;
1775 | }());
1776 |
1777 |
1778 |
1779 |
1780 |
1781 |
1782 |
1783 |
1784 |
1785 |
1786 |
1787 |
1788 |
1789 |
1790 |
1791 |
1792 |
1793 | function assertStringOrUndefined(assertion, appName) {
1794 | _assert(typeof assertion === 'string' || typeof assertion === 'undefined', "internal-error" , { appName: appName });
1795 | }
1796 | var UserImpl = (function () {
1797 | function UserImpl(_a) {
1798 | var uid = _a.uid, auth = _a.auth, stsTokenManager = _a.stsTokenManager, opt = __rest(_a, ["uid", "auth", "stsTokenManager"]);
1799 |
1800 | this.providerId = "firebase" ;
1801 | this.proactiveRefresh = new ProactiveRefresh(this);
1802 | this.reloadUserInfo = null;
1803 | this.reloadListener = null;
1804 | this.uid = uid;
1805 | this.auth = auth;
1806 | this.stsTokenManager = stsTokenManager;
1807 | this.accessToken = stsTokenManager.accessToken;
1808 | this.displayName = opt.displayName || null;
1809 | this.email = opt.email || null;
1810 | this.emailVerified = opt.emailVerified || false;
1811 | this.phoneNumber = opt.phoneNumber || null;
1812 | this.photoURL = opt.photoURL || null;
1813 | this.isAnonymous = opt.isAnonymous || false;
1814 | this.tenantId = opt.tenantId || null;
1815 | this.providerData = opt.providerData ? __spreadArray([], opt.providerData) : [];
1816 | this.metadata = new UserMetadata(opt.createdAt || undefined, opt.lastLoginAt || undefined);
1817 | }
1818 | UserImpl.prototype.getIdToken = function (forceRefresh) {
1819 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1820 | var accessToken;
1821 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1822 | switch (_a.label) {
1823 | case 0: return [4 , _logoutIfInvalidated(this, this.stsTokenManager.getToken(this.auth, forceRefresh))];
1824 | case 1:
1825 | accessToken = _a.sent();
1826 | _assert(accessToken, this.auth, "internal-error" );
1827 | if (!(this.accessToken !== accessToken)) return [3 , 3];
1828 | this.accessToken = accessToken;
1829 | return [4 , this.auth._persistUserIfCurrent(this)];
1830 | case 2:
1831 | _a.sent();
1832 | this.auth._notifyListenersIfCurrent(this);
1833 | _a.label = 3;
1834 | case 3: return [2 , accessToken];
1835 | }
1836 | });
1837 | });
1838 | };
1839 | UserImpl.prototype.getIdTokenResult = function (forceRefresh) {
1840 | return getIdTokenResult(this, forceRefresh);
1841 | };
1842 | UserImpl.prototype.reload = function () {
1843 | return reload(this);
1844 | };
1845 | UserImpl.prototype._assign = function (user) {
1846 | if (this === user) {
1847 | return;
1848 | }
1849 | _assert(this.uid === user.uid, this.auth, "internal-error" );
1850 | this.displayName = user.displayName;
1851 | this.photoURL = user.photoURL;
1852 | this.email = user.email;
1853 | this.emailVerified = user.emailVerified;
1854 | this.phoneNumber = user.phoneNumber;
1855 | this.isAnonymous = user.isAnonymous;
1856 | this.tenantId = user.tenantId;
1857 | this.providerData = user.providerData.map(function (userInfo) { return (__assign({}, userInfo)); });
1858 | this.metadata._copy(user.metadata);
1859 | this.stsTokenManager._assign(user.stsTokenManager);
1860 | };
1861 | UserImpl.prototype._clone = function (auth) {
1862 | return new UserImpl(__assign(__assign({}, this), { auth: auth, stsTokenManager: this.stsTokenManager._clone() }));
1863 | };
1864 | UserImpl.prototype._onReload = function (callback) {
1865 |
1866 | _assert(!this.reloadListener, this.auth, "internal-error" );
1867 | this.reloadListener = callback;
1868 | if (this.reloadUserInfo) {
1869 | this._notifyReloadListener(this.reloadUserInfo);
1870 | this.reloadUserInfo = null;
1871 | }
1872 | };
1873 | UserImpl.prototype._notifyReloadListener = function (userInfo) {
1874 | if (this.reloadListener) {
1875 | this.reloadListener(userInfo);
1876 | }
1877 | else {
1878 |
1879 | this.reloadUserInfo = userInfo;
1880 | }
1881 | };
1882 | UserImpl.prototype._startProactiveRefresh = function () {
1883 | this.proactiveRefresh._start();
1884 | };
1885 | UserImpl.prototype._stopProactiveRefresh = function () {
1886 | this.proactiveRefresh._stop();
1887 | };
1888 | UserImpl.prototype._updateTokensIfNecessary = function (response, reload) {
1889 | if (reload === void 0) { reload = false; }
1890 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1891 | var tokensRefreshed;
1892 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1893 | switch (_a.label) {
1894 | case 0:
1895 | tokensRefreshed = false;
1896 | if (response.idToken &&
1897 | response.idToken !== this.stsTokenManager.accessToken) {
1898 | this.stsTokenManager.updateFromServerResponse(response);
1899 | tokensRefreshed = true;
1900 | }
1901 | if (!reload) return [3 , 2];
1902 | return [4 , _reloadWithoutSaving(this)];
1903 | case 1:
1904 | _a.sent();
1905 | _a.label = 2;
1906 | case 2: return [4 , this.auth._persistUserIfCurrent(this)];
1907 | case 3:
1908 | _a.sent();
1909 | if (tokensRefreshed) {
1910 | this.auth._notifyListenersIfCurrent(this);
1911 | }
1912 | return [2 ];
1913 | }
1914 | });
1915 | });
1916 | };
1917 | UserImpl.prototype.delete = function () {
1918 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
1919 | var idToken;
1920 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
1921 | switch (_a.label) {
1922 | case 0: return [4 , this.getIdToken()];
1923 | case 1:
1924 | idToken = _a.sent();
1925 | return [4 , _logoutIfInvalidated(this, deleteAccount(this.auth, { idToken: idToken }))];
1926 | case 2:
1927 | _a.sent();
1928 | this.stsTokenManager.clearRefreshToken();
1929 |
1930 |
1931 | return [2 , this.auth.signOut()];
1932 | }
1933 | });
1934 | });
1935 | };
1936 | UserImpl.prototype.toJSON = function () {
1937 | return __assign(__assign({ uid: this.uid, email: this.email || undefined, emailVerified: this.emailVerified, displayName: this.displayName || undefined, isAnonymous: this.isAnonymous, photoURL: this.photoURL || undefined, phoneNumber: this.phoneNumber || undefined, tenantId: this.tenantId || undefined, providerData: this.providerData.map(function (userInfo) { return (__assign({}, userInfo)); }), stsTokenManager: this.stsTokenManager.toJSON(),
1938 |
1939 |
1940 | _redirectEventId: this._redirectEventId }, this.metadata.toJSON()), {
1941 |
1942 | apiKey: this.auth.config.apiKey, appName: this.auth.name });
1943 | };
1944 | Object.defineProperty(UserImpl.prototype, "refreshToken", {
1945 | get: function () {
1946 | return this.stsTokenManager.refreshToken || '';
1947 | },
1948 | enumerable: false,
1949 | configurable: true
1950 | });
1951 | UserImpl._fromJSON = function (auth, object) {
1952 | var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h;
1953 | var displayName = (_a = object.displayName) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : undefined;
1954 | var email = (_b = object.email) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : undefined;
1955 | var phoneNumber = (_c = object.phoneNumber) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : undefined;
1956 | var photoURL = (_d = object.photoURL) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : undefined;
1957 | var tenantId = (_e = object.tenantId) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : undefined;
1958 | var _redirectEventId = (_f = object._redirectEventId) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : undefined;
1959 | var createdAt = (_g = object.createdAt) !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : undefined;
1960 | var lastLoginAt = (_h = object.lastLoginAt) !== null && _h !== void 0 ? _h : undefined;
1961 | var uid = object.uid, emailVerified = object.emailVerified, isAnonymous = object.isAnonymous, providerData = object.providerData, plainObjectTokenManager = object.stsTokenManager;
1962 | _assert(uid && plainObjectTokenManager, auth, "internal-error" );
1963 | var stsTokenManager = StsTokenManager.fromJSON(this.name, plainObjectTokenManager);
1964 | _assert(typeof uid === 'string', auth, "internal-error" );
1965 | assertStringOrUndefined(displayName, auth.name);
1966 | assertStringOrUndefined(email, auth.name);
1967 | _assert(typeof emailVerified === 'boolean', auth, "internal-error" );
1968 | _assert(typeof isAnonymous === 'boolean', auth, "internal-error" );
1969 | assertStringOrUndefined(phoneNumber, auth.name);
1970 | assertStringOrUndefined(photoURL, auth.name);
1971 | assertStringOrUndefined(tenantId, auth.name);
1972 | assertStringOrUndefined(_redirectEventId, auth.name);
1973 | assertStringOrUndefined(createdAt, auth.name);
1974 | assertStringOrUndefined(lastLoginAt, auth.name);
1975 | var user = new UserImpl({
1976 | uid: uid,
1977 | auth: auth,
1978 | email: email,
1979 | emailVerified: emailVerified,
1980 | displayName: displayName,
1981 | isAnonymous: isAnonymous,
1982 | photoURL: photoURL,
1983 | phoneNumber: phoneNumber,
1984 | tenantId: tenantId,
1985 | stsTokenManager: stsTokenManager,
1986 | createdAt: createdAt,
1987 | lastLoginAt: lastLoginAt
1988 | });
1989 | if (providerData && Array.isArray(providerData)) {
1990 | user.providerData = providerData.map(function (userInfo) { return (__assign({}, userInfo)); });
1991 | }
1992 | if (_redirectEventId) {
1993 | user._redirectEventId = _redirectEventId;
1994 | }
1995 | return user;
1996 | };
1997 | |
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
2002 | UserImpl._fromIdTokenResponse = function (auth, idTokenResponse, isAnonymous) {
2003 | if (isAnonymous === void 0) { isAnonymous = false; }
2004 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2005 | var stsTokenManager, user;
2006 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2007 | switch (_a.label) {
2008 | case 0:
2009 | stsTokenManager = new StsTokenManager();
2010 | stsTokenManager.updateFromServerResponse(idTokenResponse);
2011 | user = new UserImpl({
2012 | uid: idTokenResponse.localId,
2013 | auth: auth,
2014 | stsTokenManager: stsTokenManager,
2015 | isAnonymous: isAnonymous
2016 | });
2017 |
2018 | return [4 , _reloadWithoutSaving(user)];
2019 | case 1:
2020 |
2021 | _a.sent();
2022 | return [2 , user];
2023 | }
2024 | });
2025 | });
2026 | };
2027 | return UserImpl;
2028 | }());
2029 |
2030 |
2031 |
2032 |
2033 |
2034 |
2035 |
2036 |
2037 |
2038 |
2039 |
2040 |
2041 |
2042 |
2043 |
2044 |
2045 |
2046 | var InMemoryPersistence = (function () {
2047 | function InMemoryPersistence() {
2048 | this.type = "NONE" ;
2049 | this.storage = {};
2050 | }
2051 | InMemoryPersistence.prototype._isAvailable = function () {
2052 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2053 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2054 | return [2 , true];
2055 | });
2056 | });
2057 | };
2058 | InMemoryPersistence.prototype._set = function (key, value) {
2059 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2060 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2061 | this.storage[key] = value;
2062 | return [2 ];
2063 | });
2064 | });
2065 | };
2066 | InMemoryPersistence.prototype._get = function (key) {
2067 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2068 | var value;
2069 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2070 | value = this.storage[key];
2071 | return [2 , value === undefined ? null : value];
2072 | });
2073 | });
2074 | };
2075 | InMemoryPersistence.prototype._remove = function (key) {
2076 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2077 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2078 | delete this.storage[key];
2079 | return [2 ];
2080 | });
2081 | });
2082 | };
2083 | InMemoryPersistence.prototype._addListener = function (_key, _listener) {
2084 |
2085 | return;
2086 | };
2087 | InMemoryPersistence.prototype._removeListener = function (_key, _listener) {
2088 |
2089 | return;
2090 | };
2091 | InMemoryPersistence.type = 'NONE';
2092 | return InMemoryPersistence;
2093 | }());
2094 |
2095 |
2096 |
2097 |
2098 |
2099 | var inMemoryPersistence = InMemoryPersistence;
2100 |
2101 |
2102 |
2103 |
2104 |
2105 |
2106 |
2107 |
2108 |
2109 |
2110 |
2111 |
2112 |
2113 |
2114 |
2115 |
2116 |
2117 | function _persistenceKeyName(key, apiKey, appName) {
2118 | return "firebase" + ":" + key + ":" + apiKey + ":" + appName;
2119 | }
2120 | var PersistenceUserManager = (function () {
2121 | function PersistenceUserManager(persistence, auth, userKey) {
2122 | this.persistence = persistence;
2123 | this.auth = auth;
2124 | this.userKey = userKey;
2125 | var _a = this.auth, config = _a.config, name = _a.name;
2126 | this.fullUserKey = _persistenceKeyName(this.userKey, config.apiKey, name);
2127 | this.fullPersistenceKey = _persistenceKeyName("persistence" , config.apiKey, name);
2128 | this.boundEventHandler = auth._onStorageEvent.bind(auth);
2129 | this.persistence._addListener(this.fullUserKey, this.boundEventHandler);
2130 | }
2131 | PersistenceUserManager.prototype.setCurrentUser = function (user) {
2132 | return this.persistence._set(this.fullUserKey, user.toJSON());
2133 | };
2134 | PersistenceUserManager.prototype.getCurrentUser = function () {
2135 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2136 | var blob;
2137 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2138 | switch (_a.label) {
2139 | case 0: return [4 , this.persistence._get(this.fullUserKey)];
2140 | case 1:
2141 | blob = _a.sent();
2142 | return [2 , blob ? UserImpl._fromJSON(this.auth, blob) : null];
2143 | }
2144 | });
2145 | });
2146 | };
2147 | PersistenceUserManager.prototype.removeCurrentUser = function () {
2148 | return this.persistence._remove(this.fullUserKey);
2149 | };
2150 | PersistenceUserManager.prototype.savePersistenceForRedirect = function () {
2151 | return this.persistence._set(this.fullPersistenceKey, this.persistence.type);
2152 | };
2153 | PersistenceUserManager.prototype.setPersistence = function (newPersistence) {
2154 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2155 | var currentUser;
2156 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2157 | switch (_a.label) {
2158 | case 0:
2159 | if (this.persistence === newPersistence) {
2160 | return [2 ];
2161 | }
2162 | return [4 , this.getCurrentUser()];
2163 | case 1:
2164 | currentUser = _a.sent();
2165 | return [4 , this.removeCurrentUser()];
2166 | case 2:
2167 | _a.sent();
2168 | this.persistence = newPersistence;
2169 | if (currentUser) {
2170 | return [2 , this.setCurrentUser(currentUser)];
2171 | }
2172 | return [2 ];
2173 | }
2174 | });
2175 | });
2176 | };
2177 | PersistenceUserManager.prototype.delete = function () {
2178 | this.persistence._removeListener(this.fullUserKey, this.boundEventHandler);
2179 | };
2180 | PersistenceUserManager.create = function (auth, persistenceHierarchy, userKey) {
2181 | if (userKey === void 0) { userKey = "authUser" ; }
2182 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2183 | var availablePersistences, selectedPersistence, key, userToMigrate, _i, persistenceHierarchy_1, persistence, blob, user, migrationHierarchy;
2184 | var _this = this;
2185 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
2186 | switch (_b.label) {
2187 | case 0:
2188 | if (!persistenceHierarchy.length) {
2189 | return [2 , new PersistenceUserManager(_getInstance(inMemoryPersistence), auth, userKey)];
2190 | }
2191 | return [4 , Promise.all(persistenceHierarchy.map(function (persistence) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2192 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2193 | switch (_a.label) {
2194 | case 0: return [4 , persistence._isAvailable()];
2195 | case 1:
2196 | if (_a.sent()) {
2197 | return [2 , persistence];
2198 | }
2199 | return [2 , undefined];
2200 | }
2201 | });
2202 | }); }))];
2203 | case 1:
2204 | availablePersistences = (_b.sent()).filter(function (persistence) { return persistence; });
2205 | selectedPersistence = availablePersistences[0] ||
2206 | _getInstance(inMemoryPersistence);
2207 | key = _persistenceKeyName(userKey, auth.config.apiKey, auth.name);
2208 | userToMigrate = null;
2209 | _i = 0, persistenceHierarchy_1 = persistenceHierarchy;
2210 | _b.label = 2;
2211 | case 2:
2212 | if (!(_i < persistenceHierarchy_1.length)) return [3 , 7];
2213 | persistence = persistenceHierarchy_1[_i];
2214 | _b.label = 3;
2215 | case 3:
2216 | _b.trys.push([3, 5, , 6]);
2217 | return [4 , persistence._get(key)];
2218 | case 4:
2219 | blob = _b.sent();
2220 | if (blob) {
2221 | user = UserImpl._fromJSON(auth, blob);
2222 | if (persistence !== selectedPersistence) {
2223 | userToMigrate = user;
2224 | }
2225 | selectedPersistence = persistence;
2226 | return [3 , 7];
2227 | }
2228 | return [3 , 6];
2229 | case 5:
2230 | _b.sent();
2231 | return [3 , 6];
2232 | case 6:
2233 | _i++;
2234 | return [3 , 2];
2235 | case 7:
2236 | migrationHierarchy = availablePersistences.filter(function (p) { return p._shouldAllowMigration; });
2237 |
2238 | if (!selectedPersistence._shouldAllowMigration ||
2239 | !migrationHierarchy.length) {
2240 | return [2 , new PersistenceUserManager(selectedPersistence, auth, userKey)];
2241 | }
2242 | selectedPersistence = migrationHierarchy[0];
2243 | if (!userToMigrate) return [3 , 9];
2244 |
2245 |
2246 | return [4 , selectedPersistence._set(key, userToMigrate.toJSON())];
2247 | case 8:
2248 |
2249 |
2250 | _b.sent();
2251 | _b.label = 9;
2252 | case 9:
2253 |
2254 |
2255 | return [4 , Promise.all(persistenceHierarchy.map(function (persistence) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2256 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
2257 | switch (_b.label) {
2258 | case 0:
2259 | if (!(persistence !== selectedPersistence)) return [3 , 4];
2260 | _b.label = 1;
2261 | case 1:
2262 | _b.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]);
2263 | return [4 , persistence._remove(key)];
2264 | case 2:
2265 | _b.sent();
2266 | return [3 , 4];
2267 | case 3:
2268 | _b.sent();
2269 | return [3 , 4];
2270 | case 4: return [2 ];
2271 | }
2272 | });
2273 | }); }))];
2274 | case 10:
2275 |
2276 |
2277 | _b.sent();
2278 | return [2 , new PersistenceUserManager(selectedPersistence, auth, userKey)];
2279 | }
2280 | });
2281 | });
2282 | };
2283 | return PersistenceUserManager;
2284 | }());
2285 |
2286 |
2287 |
2288 |
2289 |
2290 |
2291 |
2292 |
2293 |
2294 |
2295 |
2296 |
2297 |
2298 |
2299 |
2300 |
2301 |
2302 |
2303 |
2304 |
2305 | function _getBrowserName(userAgent) {
2306 | var ua = userAgent.toLowerCase();
2307 | if (ua.includes('opera/') || ua.includes('opr/') || ua.includes('opios/')) {
2308 | return "Opera" ;
2309 | }
2310 | else if (_isIEMobile(ua)) {
2311 |
2312 | return "IEMobile" ;
2313 | }
2314 | else if (ua.includes('msie') || ua.includes('trident/')) {
2315 | return "IE" ;
2316 | }
2317 | else if (ua.includes('edge/')) {
2318 | return "Edge" ;
2319 | }
2320 | else if (_isFirefox(ua)) {
2321 | return "Firefox" ;
2322 | }
2323 | else if (ua.includes('silk/')) {
2324 | return "Silk" ;
2325 | }
2326 | else if (_isBlackBerry(ua)) {
2327 |
2328 | return "Blackberry" ;
2329 | }
2330 | else if (_isWebOS(ua)) {
2331 |
2332 | return "Webos" ;
2333 | }
2334 | else if (_isSafari(ua)) {
2335 | return "Safari" ;
2336 | }
2337 | else if ((ua.includes('chrome/') || _isChromeIOS(ua)) &&
2338 | !ua.includes('edge/')) {
2339 | return "Chrome" ;
2340 | }
2341 | else if (_isAndroid(ua)) {
2342 |
2343 | return "Android" ;
2344 | }
2345 | else {
2346 |
2347 | var re = /([a-zA-Z\d\.]+)\/[a-zA-Z\d\.]*$/;
2348 | var matches = userAgent.match(re);
2349 | if ((matches === null || matches === void 0 ? void 0 : matches.length) === 2) {
2350 | return matches[1];
2351 | }
2352 | }
2353 | return "Other" ;
2354 | }
2355 | function _isFirefox(ua) {
2356 | if (ua === void 0) { ua = getUA(); }
2357 | return /firefox\//i.test(ua);
2358 | }
2359 | function _isSafari(userAgent) {
2360 | if (userAgent === void 0) { userAgent = getUA(); }
2361 | var ua = userAgent.toLowerCase();
2362 | return (ua.includes('safari/') &&
2363 | !ua.includes('chrome/') &&
2364 | !ua.includes('crios/') &&
2365 | !ua.includes('android'));
2366 | }
2367 | function _isChromeIOS(ua) {
2368 | if (ua === void 0) { ua = getUA(); }
2369 | return /crios\//i.test(ua);
2370 | }
2371 | function _isIEMobile(ua) {
2372 | if (ua === void 0) { ua = getUA(); }
2373 | return /iemobile/i.test(ua);
2374 | }
2375 | function _isAndroid(ua) {
2376 | if (ua === void 0) { ua = getUA(); }
2377 | return /android/i.test(ua);
2378 | }
2379 | function _isBlackBerry(ua) {
2380 | if (ua === void 0) { ua = getUA(); }
2381 | return /blackberry/i.test(ua);
2382 | }
2383 | function _isWebOS(ua) {
2384 | if (ua === void 0) { ua = getUA(); }
2385 | return /webos/i.test(ua);
2386 | }
2387 | function _isIOS(ua) {
2388 | if (ua === void 0) { ua = getUA(); }
2389 | return /iphone|ipad|ipod/i.test(ua);
2390 | }
2391 | function _isIOS7Or8(ua) {
2392 | if (ua === void 0) { ua = getUA(); }
2393 | return (/(iPad|iPhone|iPod).*OS 7_\d/i.test(ua) ||
2394 | /(iPad|iPhone|iPod).*OS 8_\d/i.test(ua));
2395 | }
2396 | function _isIOSStandalone(ua) {
2397 | var _a;
2398 | if (ua === void 0) { ua = getUA(); }
2399 | return _isIOS(ua) && !!((_a = window.navigator) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.standalone);
2400 | }
2401 | function _isIE10() {
2402 | return isIE() && document.documentMode === 10;
2403 | }
2404 | function _isMobileBrowser(ua) {
2405 | if (ua === void 0) { ua = getUA(); }
2406 |
2407 | return (_isIOS(ua) ||
2408 | _isAndroid(ua) ||
2409 | _isWebOS(ua) ||
2410 | _isBlackBerry(ua) ||
2411 | /windows phone/i.test(ua) ||
2412 | _isIEMobile(ua));
2413 | }
2414 | function _isIframe() {
2415 | try {
2416 |
2417 |
2418 | return !!(window && window !== window.top);
2419 | }
2420 | catch (e) {
2421 | return false;
2422 | }
2423 | }
2424 |
2425 |
2426 |
2427 |
2428 |
2429 |
2430 |
2431 |
2432 |
2433 |
2434 |
2435 |
2436 |
2437 |
2438 |
2439 |
2440 |
2441 |
2442 |
2443 |
2444 | function _getClientVersion(clientPlatform, frameworks) {
2445 | if (frameworks === void 0) { frameworks = []; }
2446 | var reportedPlatform;
2447 | switch (clientPlatform) {
2448 | case "Browser" :
2449 |
2450 | reportedPlatform = _getBrowserName(getUA());
2451 | break;
2452 | case "Worker" :
2453 |
2454 |
2455 |
2456 | reportedPlatform = _getBrowserName(getUA()) + "-" + clientPlatform;
2457 | break;
2458 | default:
2459 | reportedPlatform = clientPlatform;
2460 | }
2461 | var reportedFrameworks = frameworks.length
2462 | ? frameworks.join(',')
2463 | : 'FirebaseCore-web';
2464 | return reportedPlatform + "/" + "JsCore" + "/" + SDK_VERSION + "/" + reportedFrameworks;
2465 | }
2466 |
2467 |
2468 |
2469 |
2470 |
2471 |
2472 |
2473 |
2474 |
2475 |
2476 |
2477 |
2478 |
2479 |
2480 |
2481 |
2482 |
2483 | var AuthMiddlewareQueue = (function () {
2484 | function AuthMiddlewareQueue(auth) {
2485 | this.auth = auth;
2486 | this.queue = [];
2487 | }
2488 | AuthMiddlewareQueue.prototype.pushCallback = function (callback, onAbort) {
2489 | var _this = this;
2490 |
2491 |
2492 | var wrappedCallback = function (user) { return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
2493 | try {
2494 | var result = callback(user);
2495 |
2496 |
2497 | resolve(result);
2498 | }
2499 | catch (e) {
2500 |
2501 | reject(e);
2502 | }
2503 | }); };
2504 |
2505 | wrappedCallback.onAbort = onAbort;
2506 | this.queue.push(wrappedCallback);
2507 | var index = this.queue.length - 1;
2508 | return function () {
2509 |
2510 |
2511 | _this.queue[index] = function () { return Promise.resolve(); };
2512 | };
2513 | };
2514 | AuthMiddlewareQueue.prototype.runMiddleware = function (nextUser) {
2515 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2516 | var onAbortStack, _i, _a, beforeStateCallback, e_1, _b, onAbortStack_1, onAbort;
2517 | return __generator(this, function (_c) {
2518 | switch (_c.label) {
2519 | case 0:
2520 | if (this.auth.currentUser === nextUser) {
2521 | return [2 ];
2522 | }
2523 | onAbortStack = [];
2524 | _c.label = 1;
2525 | case 1:
2526 | _c.trys.push([1, 6, , 7]);
2527 | _i = 0, _a = this.queue;
2528 | _c.label = 2;
2529 | case 2:
2530 | if (!(_i < _a.length)) return [3 , 5];
2531 | beforeStateCallback = _a[_i];
2532 | return [4 , beforeStateCallback(nextUser)];
2533 | case 3:
2534 | _c.sent();
2535 |
2536 | if (beforeStateCallback.onAbort) {
2537 | onAbortStack.push(beforeStateCallback.onAbort);
2538 | }
2539 | _c.label = 4;
2540 | case 4:
2541 | _i++;
2542 | return [3 , 2];
2543 | case 5: return [3 , 7];
2544 | case 6:
2545 | e_1 = _c.sent();
2546 |
2547 |
2548 | onAbortStack.reverse();
2549 | for (_b = 0, onAbortStack_1 = onAbortStack; _b < onAbortStack_1.length; _b++) {
2550 | onAbort = onAbortStack_1[_b];
2551 | try {
2552 | onAbort();
2553 | }
2554 | catch (_) { }
2555 | }
2556 | throw this.auth._errorFactory.create("login-blocked" , { originalMessage: e_1.message });
2557 | case 7: return [2 ];
2558 | }
2559 | });
2560 | });
2561 | };
2562 | return AuthMiddlewareQueue;
2563 | }());
2564 |
2565 |
2566 |
2567 |
2568 |
2569 |
2570 |
2571 |
2572 |
2573 |
2574 |
2575 |
2576 |
2577 |
2578 |
2579 |
2580 |
2581 | var AuthImpl = (function () {
2582 | function AuthImpl(app, heartbeatServiceProvider, config) {
2583 | this.app = app;
2584 | this.heartbeatServiceProvider = heartbeatServiceProvider;
2585 | this.config = config;
2586 | this.currentUser = null;
2587 | this.emulatorConfig = null;
2588 | this.operations = Promise.resolve();
2589 | this.authStateSubscription = new Subscription(this);
2590 | this.idTokenSubscription = new Subscription(this);
2591 | this.beforeStateQueue = new AuthMiddlewareQueue(this);
2592 | this.redirectUser = null;
2593 | this.isProactiveRefreshEnabled = false;
2594 |
2595 |
2596 | this._canInitEmulator = true;
2597 | this._isInitialized = false;
2598 | this._deleted = false;
2599 | this._initializationPromise = null;
2600 | this._popupRedirectResolver = null;
2601 | this._errorFactory = _DEFAULT_AUTH_ERROR_FACTORY;
2602 |
2603 |
2604 |
2605 | this.lastNotifiedUid = undefined;
2606 | this.languageCode = null;
2607 | this.tenantId = null;
2608 | this.settings = { appVerificationDisabledForTesting: false };
2609 | this.frameworks = [];
2610 | this.name = app.name;
2611 | this.clientVersion = config.sdkClientVersion;
2612 | }
2613 | AuthImpl.prototype._initializeWithPersistence = function (persistenceHierarchy, popupRedirectResolver) {
2614 | var _this = this;
2615 | if (popupRedirectResolver) {
2616 | this._popupRedirectResolver = _getInstance(popupRedirectResolver);
2617 | }
2618 |
2619 |
2620 | this._initializationPromise = this.queue(function () { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2621 | var _a;
2622 | var _b, _c;
2623 | return __generator(this, function (_d) {
2624 | switch (_d.label) {
2625 | case 0:
2626 | if (this._deleted) {
2627 | return [2 ];
2628 | }
2629 | _a = this;
2630 | return [4 , PersistenceUserManager.create(this, persistenceHierarchy)];
2631 | case 1:
2632 | _a.persistenceManager = _d.sent();
2633 | if (this._deleted) {
2634 | return [2 ];
2635 | }
2636 | if (!((_b = this._popupRedirectResolver) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b._shouldInitProactively)) return [3 , 5];
2637 | _d.label = 2;
2638 | case 2:
2639 | _d.trys.push([2, 4, , 5]);
2640 | return [4 , this._popupRedirectResolver._initialize(this)];
2641 | case 3:
2642 | _d.sent();
2643 | return [3 , 5];
2644 | case 4:
2645 | _d.sent();
2646 | return [3 , 5];
2647 | case 5: return [4 , this.initializeCurrentUser(popupRedirectResolver)];
2648 | case 6:
2649 | _d.sent();
2650 | this.lastNotifiedUid = ((_c = this.currentUser) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.uid) || null;
2651 | if (this._deleted) {
2652 | return [2 ];
2653 | }
2654 | this._isInitialized = true;
2655 | return [2 ];
2656 | }
2657 | });
2658 | }); });
2659 | return this._initializationPromise;
2660 | };
2661 | |
2662 |
2663 |
2664 | AuthImpl.prototype._onStorageEvent = function () {
2665 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2666 | var user;
2667 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2668 | switch (_a.label) {
2669 | case 0:
2670 | if (this._deleted) {
2671 | return [2 ];
2672 | }
2673 | return [4 , this.assertedPersistence.getCurrentUser()];
2674 | case 1:
2675 | user = _a.sent();
2676 | if (!this.currentUser && !user) {
2677 |
2678 | return [2 ];
2679 | }
2680 | if (!(this.currentUser && user && this.currentUser.uid === user.uid)) return [3 , 3];
2681 |
2682 | this._currentUser._assign(user);
2683 |
2684 |
2685 | return [4 , this.currentUser.getIdToken()];
2686 | case 2:
2687 |
2688 |
2689 | _a.sent();
2690 | return [2 ];
2691 | case 3:
2692 |
2693 |
2694 | return [4 , this._updateCurrentUser(user, true)];
2695 | case 4:
2696 |
2697 |
2698 | _a.sent();
2699 | return [2 ];
2700 | }
2701 | });
2702 | });
2703 | };
2704 | AuthImpl.prototype.initializeCurrentUser = function (popupRedirectResolver) {
2705 | var _a;
2706 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2707 | var previouslyStoredUser, futureCurrentUser, needsTocheckMiddleware, redirectUserEventId, storedUserEventId, result, e_2;
2708 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
2709 | switch (_b.label) {
2710 | case 0: return [4 , this.assertedPersistence.getCurrentUser()];
2711 | case 1:
2712 | previouslyStoredUser = (_b.sent());
2713 | futureCurrentUser = previouslyStoredUser;
2714 | needsTocheckMiddleware = false;
2715 | if (!(popupRedirectResolver && this.config.authDomain)) return [3 , 4];
2716 | return [4 , this.getOrInitRedirectPersistenceManager()];
2717 | case 2:
2718 | _b.sent();
2719 | redirectUserEventId = (_a = this.redirectUser) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a._redirectEventId;
2720 | storedUserEventId = futureCurrentUser === null || futureCurrentUser === void 0 ? void 0 : futureCurrentUser._redirectEventId;
2721 | return [4 , this.tryRedirectSignIn(popupRedirectResolver)];
2722 | case 3:
2723 | result = _b.sent();
2724 |
2725 |
2726 |
2727 |
2728 | if ((!redirectUserEventId || redirectUserEventId === storedUserEventId) &&
2729 | (result === null || result === void 0 ? void 0 : result.user)) {
2730 | futureCurrentUser = result.user;
2731 | needsTocheckMiddleware = true;
2732 | }
2733 | _b.label = 4;
2734 | case 4:
2735 |
2736 | if (!futureCurrentUser) {
2737 | return [2 , this.directlySetCurrentUser(null)];
2738 | }
2739 | if (!!futureCurrentUser._redirectEventId) return [3 , 9];
2740 | if (!needsTocheckMiddleware) return [3 , 8];
2741 | _b.label = 5;
2742 | case 5:
2743 | _b.trys.push([5, 7, , 8]);
2744 | return [4 , this.beforeStateQueue.runMiddleware(futureCurrentUser)];
2745 | case 6:
2746 | _b.sent();
2747 | return [3 , 8];
2748 | case 7:
2749 | e_2 = _b.sent();
2750 | futureCurrentUser = previouslyStoredUser;
2751 |
2752 |
2753 | this._popupRedirectResolver._overrideRedirectResult(this, function () { return Promise.reject(e_2); });
2754 | return [3 , 8];
2755 | case 8:
2756 | if (futureCurrentUser) {
2757 | return [2 , this.reloadAndSetCurrentUserOrClear(futureCurrentUser)];
2758 | }
2759 | else {
2760 | return [2 , this.directlySetCurrentUser(null)];
2761 | }
2762 | case 9:
2763 | _assert(this._popupRedirectResolver, this, "argument-error" );
2764 | return [4 , this.getOrInitRedirectPersistenceManager()];
2765 | case 10:
2766 | _b.sent();
2767 |
2768 |
2769 |
2770 | if (this.redirectUser &&
2771 | this.redirectUser._redirectEventId === futureCurrentUser._redirectEventId) {
2772 | return [2 , this.directlySetCurrentUser(futureCurrentUser)];
2773 | }
2774 | return [2 , this.reloadAndSetCurrentUserOrClear(futureCurrentUser)];
2775 | }
2776 | });
2777 | });
2778 | };
2779 | AuthImpl.prototype.tryRedirectSignIn = function (redirectResolver) {
2780 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2781 | var result;
2782 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2783 | switch (_a.label) {
2784 | case 0:
2785 | result = null;
2786 | _a.label = 1;
2787 | case 1:
2788 | _a.trys.push([1, 3, , 5]);
2789 | return [4 , this._popupRedirectResolver._completeRedirectFn(this, redirectResolver, true)];
2790 | case 2:
2791 |
2792 |
2793 | result = _a.sent();
2794 | return [3 , 5];
2795 | case 3:
2796 | _a.sent();
2797 |
2798 |
2799 | return [4 , this._setRedirectUser(null)];
2800 | case 4:
2801 |
2802 |
2803 | _a.sent();
2804 | return [3 , 5];
2805 | case 5: return [2 , result];
2806 | }
2807 | });
2808 | });
2809 | };
2810 | AuthImpl.prototype.reloadAndSetCurrentUserOrClear = function (user) {
2811 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2812 | var e_4;
2813 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2814 | switch (_a.label) {
2815 | case 0:
2816 | _a.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]);
2817 | return [4 , _reloadWithoutSaving(user)];
2818 | case 1:
2819 | _a.sent();
2820 | return [3 , 3];
2821 | case 2:
2822 | e_4 = _a.sent();
2823 | if (e_4.code !== "auth/" + "network-request-failed" ) {
2824 |
2825 |
2826 | return [2 , this.directlySetCurrentUser(null)];
2827 | }
2828 | return [3 , 3];
2829 | case 3: return [2 , this.directlySetCurrentUser(user)];
2830 | }
2831 | });
2832 | });
2833 | };
2834 | AuthImpl.prototype.useDeviceLanguage = function () {
2835 | this.languageCode = _getUserLanguage();
2836 | };
2837 | AuthImpl.prototype._delete = function () {
2838 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2839 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2840 | this._deleted = true;
2841 | return [2 ];
2842 | });
2843 | });
2844 | };
2845 | AuthImpl.prototype.updateCurrentUser = function (userExtern) {
2846 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2847 | var user;
2848 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2849 | user = userExtern
2850 | ? getModularInstance(userExtern)
2851 | : null;
2852 | if (user) {
2853 | _assert(user.auth.config.apiKey === this.config.apiKey, this, "invalid-user-token" );
2854 | }
2855 | return [2 , this._updateCurrentUser(user && user._clone(this))];
2856 | });
2857 | });
2858 | };
2859 | AuthImpl.prototype._updateCurrentUser = function (user, skipBeforeStateCallbacks) {
2860 | if (skipBeforeStateCallbacks === void 0) { skipBeforeStateCallbacks = false; }
2861 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2862 | var _this = this;
2863 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2864 | switch (_a.label) {
2865 | case 0:
2866 | if (this._deleted) {
2867 | return [2 ];
2868 | }
2869 | if (user) {
2870 | _assert(this.tenantId === user.tenantId, this, "tenant-id-mismatch" );
2871 | }
2872 | if (!!skipBeforeStateCallbacks) return [3 , 2];
2873 | return [4 , this.beforeStateQueue.runMiddleware(user)];
2874 | case 1:
2875 | _a.sent();
2876 | _a.label = 2;
2877 | case 2: return [2 , this.queue(function () { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2878 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2879 | switch (_a.label) {
2880 | case 0: return [4 , this.directlySetCurrentUser(user)];
2881 | case 1:
2882 | _a.sent();
2883 | this.notifyAuthListeners();
2884 | return [2 ];
2885 | }
2886 | });
2887 | }); })];
2888 | }
2889 | });
2890 | });
2891 | };
2892 | AuthImpl.prototype.signOut = function () {
2893 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2894 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2895 | switch (_a.label) {
2896 | case 0:
2897 |
2898 | return [4 , this.beforeStateQueue.runMiddleware(null)];
2899 | case 1:
2900 |
2901 | _a.sent();
2902 | if (!(this.redirectPersistenceManager || this._popupRedirectResolver)) return [3 , 3];
2903 | return [4 , this._setRedirectUser(null)];
2904 | case 2:
2905 | _a.sent();
2906 | _a.label = 3;
2907 | case 3:
2908 |
2909 |
2910 | return [2 , this._updateCurrentUser(null, true)];
2911 | }
2912 | });
2913 | });
2914 | };
2915 | AuthImpl.prototype.setPersistence = function (persistence) {
2916 | var _this = this;
2917 | return this.queue(function () { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2918 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2919 | switch (_a.label) {
2920 | case 0: return [4 , this.assertedPersistence.setPersistence(_getInstance(persistence))];
2921 | case 1:
2922 | _a.sent();
2923 | return [2 ];
2924 | }
2925 | });
2926 | }); });
2927 | };
2928 | AuthImpl.prototype._getPersistence = function () {
2929 | return this.assertedPersistence.persistence.type;
2930 | };
2931 | AuthImpl.prototype._updateErrorMap = function (errorMap) {
2932 | this._errorFactory = new ErrorFactory('auth', 'Firebase', errorMap());
2933 | };
2934 | AuthImpl.prototype.onAuthStateChanged = function (nextOrObserver, error, completed) {
2935 | return this.registerStateListener(this.authStateSubscription, nextOrObserver, error, completed);
2936 | };
2937 | AuthImpl.prototype.beforeAuthStateChanged = function (callback, onAbort) {
2938 | return this.beforeStateQueue.pushCallback(callback, onAbort);
2939 | };
2940 | AuthImpl.prototype.onIdTokenChanged = function (nextOrObserver, error, completed) {
2941 | return this.registerStateListener(this.idTokenSubscription, nextOrObserver, error, completed);
2942 | };
2943 | AuthImpl.prototype.toJSON = function () {
2944 | var _a;
2945 | return {
2946 | apiKey: this.config.apiKey,
2947 | authDomain: this.config.authDomain,
2948 | appName: this.name,
2949 | currentUser: (_a = this._currentUser) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.toJSON()
2950 | };
2951 | };
2952 | AuthImpl.prototype._setRedirectUser = function (user, popupRedirectResolver) {
2953 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2954 | var redirectManager;
2955 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
2956 | switch (_a.label) {
2957 | case 0: return [4 , this.getOrInitRedirectPersistenceManager(popupRedirectResolver)];
2958 | case 1:
2959 | redirectManager = _a.sent();
2960 | return [2 , user === null
2961 | ? redirectManager.removeCurrentUser()
2962 | : redirectManager.setCurrentUser(user)];
2963 | }
2964 | });
2965 | });
2966 | };
2967 | AuthImpl.prototype.getOrInitRedirectPersistenceManager = function (popupRedirectResolver) {
2968 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2969 | var resolver, _a, _b;
2970 | return __generator(this, function (_c) {
2971 | switch (_c.label) {
2972 | case 0:
2973 | if (!!this.redirectPersistenceManager) return [3 , 3];
2974 | resolver = (popupRedirectResolver && _getInstance(popupRedirectResolver)) ||
2975 | this._popupRedirectResolver;
2976 | _assert(resolver, this, "argument-error" );
2977 | _a = this;
2978 | return [4 , PersistenceUserManager.create(this, [_getInstance(resolver._redirectPersistence)], "redirectUser" )];
2979 | case 1:
2980 | _a.redirectPersistenceManager = _c.sent();
2981 | _b = this;
2982 | return [4 , this.redirectPersistenceManager.getCurrentUser()];
2983 | case 2:
2984 | _b.redirectUser =
2985 | _c.sent();
2986 | _c.label = 3;
2987 | case 3: return [2 , this.redirectPersistenceManager];
2988 | }
2989 | });
2990 | });
2991 | };
2992 | AuthImpl.prototype._redirectUserForId = function (id) {
2993 | var _a, _b;
2994 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
2995 | var _this = this;
2996 | return __generator(this, function (_c) {
2997 | switch (_c.label) {
2998 | case 0:
2999 | if (!this._isInitialized) return [3 , 2];
3000 | return [4 , this.queue(function () { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () { return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3001 | return [2 ];
3002 | }); }); })];
3003 | case 1:
3004 | _c.sent();
3005 | _c.label = 2;
3006 | case 2:
3007 | if (((_a = this._currentUser) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a._redirectEventId) === id) {
3008 | return [2 , this._currentUser];
3009 | }
3010 | if (((_b = this.redirectUser) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b._redirectEventId) === id) {
3011 | return [2 , this.redirectUser];
3012 | }
3013 | return [2 , null];
3014 | }
3015 | });
3016 | });
3017 | };
3018 | AuthImpl.prototype._persistUserIfCurrent = function (user) {
3019 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3020 | var _this = this;
3021 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3022 | if (user === this.currentUser) {
3023 | return [2 , this.queue(function () { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () { return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3024 | return [2 , this.directlySetCurrentUser(user)];
3025 | }); }); })];
3026 | }
3027 | return [2 ];
3028 | });
3029 | });
3030 | };
3031 |
3032 | AuthImpl.prototype._notifyListenersIfCurrent = function (user) {
3033 | if (user === this.currentUser) {
3034 | this.notifyAuthListeners();
3035 | }
3036 | };
3037 | AuthImpl.prototype._key = function () {
3038 | return this.config.authDomain + ":" + this.config.apiKey + ":" + this.name;
3039 | };
3040 | AuthImpl.prototype._startProactiveRefresh = function () {
3041 | this.isProactiveRefreshEnabled = true;
3042 | if (this.currentUser) {
3043 | this._currentUser._startProactiveRefresh();
3044 | }
3045 | };
3046 | AuthImpl.prototype._stopProactiveRefresh = function () {
3047 | this.isProactiveRefreshEnabled = false;
3048 | if (this.currentUser) {
3049 | this._currentUser._stopProactiveRefresh();
3050 | }
3051 | };
3052 | Object.defineProperty(AuthImpl.prototype, "_currentUser", {
3053 |
3054 | get: function () {
3055 | return this.currentUser;
3056 | },
3057 | enumerable: false,
3058 | configurable: true
3059 | });
3060 | AuthImpl.prototype.notifyAuthListeners = function () {
3061 | var _a, _b;
3062 | if (!this._isInitialized) {
3063 | return;
3064 | }
3065 | this.idTokenSubscription.next(this.currentUser);
3066 | var currentUid = (_b = (_a = this.currentUser) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.uid) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null;
3067 | if (this.lastNotifiedUid !== currentUid) {
3068 | this.lastNotifiedUid = currentUid;
3069 | this.authStateSubscription.next(this.currentUser);
3070 | }
3071 | };
3072 | AuthImpl.prototype.registerStateListener = function (subscription, nextOrObserver, error, completed) {
3073 | var _this = this;
3074 | if (this._deleted) {
3075 | return function () { };
3076 | }
3077 | var cb = typeof nextOrObserver === 'function'
3078 | ? nextOrObserver
3079 | : nextOrObserver.next.bind(nextOrObserver);
3080 | var promise = this._isInitialized
3081 | ? Promise.resolve()
3082 | : this._initializationPromise;
3083 | _assert(promise, this, "internal-error" );
3084 |
3085 |
3086 | promise.then(function () { return cb(_this.currentUser); });
3087 | if (typeof nextOrObserver === 'function') {
3088 | return subscription.addObserver(nextOrObserver, error, completed);
3089 | }
3090 | else {
3091 | return subscription.addObserver(nextOrObserver);
3092 | }
3093 | };
3094 | |
3095 |
3096 |
3097 |
3098 |
3099 | AuthImpl.prototype.directlySetCurrentUser = function (user) {
3100 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3101 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3102 | switch (_a.label) {
3103 | case 0:
3104 | if (this.currentUser && this.currentUser !== user) {
3105 | this._currentUser._stopProactiveRefresh();
3106 | if (user && this.isProactiveRefreshEnabled) {
3107 | user._startProactiveRefresh();
3108 | }
3109 | }
3110 | this.currentUser = user;
3111 | if (!user) return [3 , 2];
3112 | return [4 , this.assertedPersistence.setCurrentUser(user)];
3113 | case 1:
3114 | _a.sent();
3115 | return [3 , 4];
3116 | case 2: return [4 , this.assertedPersistence.removeCurrentUser()];
3117 | case 3:
3118 | _a.sent();
3119 | _a.label = 4;
3120 | case 4: return [2 ];
3121 | }
3122 | });
3123 | });
3124 | };
3125 | AuthImpl.prototype.queue = function (action) {
3126 |
3127 |
3128 | this.operations = this.operations.then(action, action);
3129 | return this.operations;
3130 | };
3131 | Object.defineProperty(AuthImpl.prototype, "assertedPersistence", {
3132 | get: function () {
3133 | _assert(this.persistenceManager, this, "internal-error" );
3134 | return this.persistenceManager;
3135 | },
3136 | enumerable: false,
3137 | configurable: true
3138 | });
3139 | AuthImpl.prototype._logFramework = function (framework) {
3140 | if (!framework || this.frameworks.includes(framework)) {
3141 | return;
3142 | }
3143 | this.frameworks.push(framework);
3144 |
3145 |
3146 | this.frameworks.sort();
3147 | this.clientVersion = _getClientVersion(this.config.clientPlatform, this._getFrameworks());
3148 | };
3149 | AuthImpl.prototype._getFrameworks = function () {
3150 | return this.frameworks;
3151 | };
3152 | AuthImpl.prototype._getAdditionalHeaders = function () {
3153 | var _a;
3154 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3155 | var headers, heartbeatsHeader;
3156 | var _b;
3157 | return __generator(this, function (_c) {
3158 | switch (_c.label) {
3159 | case 0:
3160 | headers = (_b = {},
3161 | _b["X-Client-Version" ] = this.clientVersion,
3162 | _b);
3163 | if (this.app.options.appId) {
3164 | headers["X-Firebase-gmpid" ] = this.app.options.appId;
3165 | }
3166 | return [4 , ((_a = this.heartbeatServiceProvider.getImmediate({
3167 | optional: true,
3168 | })) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getHeartbeatsHeader())];
3169 | case 1:
3170 | heartbeatsHeader = _c.sent();
3171 | if (heartbeatsHeader) {
3172 | headers["X-Firebase-Client" ] = heartbeatsHeader;
3173 | }
3174 | return [2 , headers];
3175 | }
3176 | });
3177 | });
3178 | };
3179 | return AuthImpl;
3180 | }());
3181 |
3182 |
3183 |
3184 |
3185 |
3186 |
3187 | function _castAuth(auth) {
3188 | return getModularInstance(auth);
3189 | }
3190 |
3191 | var Subscription = (function () {
3192 | function Subscription(auth) {
3193 | var _this = this;
3194 | this.auth = auth;
3195 | this.observer = null;
3196 | this.addObserver = createSubscribe(function (observer) { return (_this.observer = observer); });
3197 | }
3198 | Object.defineProperty(Subscription.prototype, "next", {
3199 | get: function () {
3200 | _assert(this.observer, this.auth, "internal-error" );
3201 | return this.observer.next.bind(this.observer);
3202 | },
3203 | enumerable: false,
3204 | configurable: true
3205 | });
3206 | return Subscription;
3207 | }());
3208 |
3209 |
3210 |
3211 |
3212 |
3213 |
3214 |
3215 |
3216 |
3217 |
3218 |
3219 |
3220 |
3221 |
3222 |
3223 |
3224 |
3225 |
3226 |
3227 |
3228 |
3229 |
3230 |
3231 | function connectAuthEmulator(auth, url, options) {
3232 | var authInternal = _castAuth(auth);
3233 | _assert(authInternal._canInitEmulator, authInternal, "emulator-config-failed" );
3234 | _assert(/^https?:\/\//.test(url), authInternal, "invalid-emulator-scheme" );
3235 | var disableWarnings = !!(options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.disableWarnings);
3236 | var protocol = extractProtocol(url);
3237 | var _a = extractHostAndPort(url), host = _a.host, port = _a.port;
3238 | var portStr = port === null ? '' : ":" + port;
3239 |
3240 | authInternal.config.emulator = { url: protocol + "//" + host + portStr + "/" };
3241 | authInternal.settings.appVerificationDisabledForTesting = true;
3242 | authInternal.emulatorConfig = Object.freeze({
3243 | host: host,
3244 | port: port,
3245 | protocol: protocol.replace(':', ''),
3246 | options: Object.freeze({ disableWarnings: disableWarnings })
3247 | });
3248 | if (!disableWarnings) {
3249 | emitEmulatorWarning();
3250 | }
3251 | }
3252 | function extractProtocol(url) {
3253 | var protocolEnd = url.indexOf(':');
3254 | return protocolEnd < 0 ? '' : url.substr(0, protocolEnd + 1);
3255 | }
3256 | function extractHostAndPort(url) {
3257 | var protocol = extractProtocol(url);
3258 | var authority = /(\/\/)?([^?#/]+)/.exec(url.substr(protocol.length));
3259 | if (!authority) {
3260 | return { host: '', port: null };
3261 | }
3262 | var hostAndPort = authority[2].split('@').pop() || '';
3263 | var bracketedIPv6 = /^(\[[^\]]+\])(:|$)/.exec(hostAndPort);
3264 | if (bracketedIPv6) {
3265 | var host = bracketedIPv6[1];
3266 | return { host: host, port: parsePort(hostAndPort.substr(host.length + 1)) };
3267 | }
3268 | else {
3269 | var _a = hostAndPort.split(':'), host = _a[0], port = _a[1];
3270 | return { host: host, port: parsePort(port) };
3271 | }
3272 | }
3273 | function parsePort(portStr) {
3274 | if (!portStr) {
3275 | return null;
3276 | }
3277 | var port = Number(portStr);
3278 | if (isNaN(port)) {
3279 | return null;
3280 | }
3281 | return port;
3282 | }
3283 | function emitEmulatorWarning() {
3284 | function attachBanner() {
3285 | var el = document.createElement('p');
3286 | var sty = el.style;
3287 | el.innerText =
3288 | 'Running in emulator mode. Do not use with production credentials.';
3289 | sty.position = 'fixed';
3290 | sty.width = '100%';
3291 | sty.backgroundColor = '#ffffff';
3292 | sty.border = '.1em solid #000000';
3293 | sty.color = '#b50000';
3294 | sty.bottom = '0px';
3295 | sty.left = '0px';
3296 | sty.margin = '0px';
3297 | sty.zIndex = '10000';
3298 | sty.textAlign = 'center';
3299 | el.classList.add('firebase-emulator-warning');
3300 | document.body.appendChild(el);
3301 | }
3302 | if (typeof console !== 'undefined' && typeof console.info === 'function') {
3303 | console.info('WARNING: You are using the Auth Emulator,' +
3304 | ' which is intended for local testing only. Do not use with' +
3305 | ' production credentials.');
3306 | }
3307 | if (typeof window !== 'undefined' &&
3308 | typeof document !== 'undefined') {
3309 | if (document.readyState === 'loading') {
3310 | window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', attachBanner);
3311 | }
3312 | else {
3313 | attachBanner();
3314 | }
3315 | }
3316 | }
3317 |
3318 |
3319 |
3320 |
3321 |
3322 |
3323 |
3324 |
3325 |
3326 |
3327 |
3328 |
3329 |
3330 |
3331 |
3332 |
3333 |
3334 |
3335 |
3336 |
3337 |
3338 |
3339 |
3340 |
3341 |
3342 | var AuthCredential = (function () {
3343 |
3344 | function AuthCredential(
3345 | /**
3346 | * The authentication provider ID for the credential.
3347 | *
3348 | * @remarks
3349 | * For example, 'facebook.com', or 'google.com'.
3350 | */
3351 | providerId,
3352 | |
3353 |
3354 |
3355 |
3356 |
3357 |
3358 |
3359 |
3360 | signInMethod) {
3361 | this.providerId = providerId;
3362 | this.signInMethod = signInMethod;
3363 | }
3364 | |
3365 |
3366 |
3367 |
3368 |
3369 | AuthCredential.prototype.toJSON = function () {
3370 | return debugFail('not implemented');
3371 | };
3372 |
3373 | AuthCredential.prototype._getIdTokenResponse = function (_auth) {
3374 | return debugFail('not implemented');
3375 | };
3376 |
3377 | AuthCredential.prototype._linkToIdToken = function (_auth, _idToken) {
3378 | return debugFail('not implemented');
3379 | };
3380 |
3381 | AuthCredential.prototype._getReauthenticationResolver = function (_auth) {
3382 | return debugFail('not implemented');
3383 | };
3384 | return AuthCredential;
3385 | }());
3386 |
3387 |
3388 |
3389 |
3390 |
3391 |
3392 |
3393 |
3394 |
3395 |
3396 |
3397 |
3398 |
3399 |
3400 |
3401 |
3402 |
3403 | function resetPassword(auth, request) {
3404 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3405 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3406 | return [2 , _performApiRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:resetPassword" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request))];
3407 | });
3408 | });
3409 | }
3410 | function updateEmailPassword(auth, request) {
3411 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3412 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3413 | return [2 , _performApiRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:update" , request)];
3414 | });
3415 | });
3416 | }
3417 | function applyActionCode$1(auth, request) {
3418 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3419 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3420 | return [2 , _performApiRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:update" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request))];
3421 | });
3422 | });
3423 | }
3424 |
3425 |
3426 |
3427 |
3428 |
3429 |
3430 |
3431 |
3432 |
3433 |
3434 |
3435 |
3436 |
3437 |
3438 |
3439 |
3440 |
3441 | function signInWithPassword(auth, request) {
3442 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3443 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3444 | return [2 , _performSignInRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:signInWithPassword" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request))];
3445 | });
3446 | });
3447 | }
3448 | function sendOobCode(auth, request) {
3449 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3450 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3451 | return [2 , _performApiRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:sendOobCode" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request))];
3452 | });
3453 | });
3454 | }
3455 | function sendEmailVerification$1(auth, request) {
3456 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3457 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3458 | return [2 , sendOobCode(auth, request)];
3459 | });
3460 | });
3461 | }
3462 | function sendPasswordResetEmail$1(auth, request) {
3463 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3464 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3465 | return [2 , sendOobCode(auth, request)];
3466 | });
3467 | });
3468 | }
3469 | function sendSignInLinkToEmail$1(auth, request) {
3470 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3471 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3472 | return [2 , sendOobCode(auth, request)];
3473 | });
3474 | });
3475 | }
3476 | function verifyAndChangeEmail(auth, request) {
3477 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3478 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3479 | return [2 , sendOobCode(auth, request)];
3480 | });
3481 | });
3482 | }
3483 |
3484 |
3485 |
3486 |
3487 |
3488 |
3489 |
3490 |
3491 |
3492 |
3493 |
3494 |
3495 |
3496 |
3497 |
3498 |
3499 |
3500 | function signInWithEmailLink$1(auth, request) {
3501 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3502 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3503 | return [2 , _performSignInRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:signInWithEmailLink" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request))];
3504 | });
3505 | });
3506 | }
3507 | function signInWithEmailLinkForLinking(auth, request) {
3508 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3509 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3510 | return [2 , _performSignInRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:signInWithEmailLink" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request))];
3511 | });
3512 | });
3513 | }
3514 |
3515 |
3516 |
3517 |
3518 |
3519 |
3520 |
3521 |
3522 |
3523 |
3524 |
3525 |
3526 |
3527 |
3528 |
3529 |
3530 |
3531 |
3532 |
3533 |
3534 |
3535 |
3536 |
3537 |
3538 |
3539 |
3540 |
3541 | var EmailAuthCredential = (function (_super) {
3542 | __extends(EmailAuthCredential, _super);
3543 |
3544 | function EmailAuthCredential(
3545 | /** @internal */
3546 | _email,
3547 | /** @internal */
3548 | _password, signInMethod,
3549 | /** @internal */
3550 | _tenantId) {
3551 | if (_tenantId === void 0) { _tenantId = null; }
3552 | var _this = _super.call(this, "password" , signInMethod) || this;
3553 | _this._email = _email;
3554 | _this._password = _password;
3555 | _this._tenantId = _tenantId;
3556 | return _this;
3557 | }
3558 |
3559 | EmailAuthCredential._fromEmailAndPassword = function (email, password) {
3560 | return new EmailAuthCredential(email, password, "password" );
3561 | };
3562 |
3563 | EmailAuthCredential._fromEmailAndCode = function (email, oobCode, tenantId) {
3564 | if (tenantId === void 0) { tenantId = null; }
3565 | return new EmailAuthCredential(email, oobCode, "emailLink" , tenantId);
3566 | };
3567 |
3568 | EmailAuthCredential.prototype.toJSON = function () {
3569 | return {
3570 | email: this._email,
3571 | password: this._password,
3572 | signInMethod: this.signInMethod,
3573 | tenantId: this._tenantId
3574 | };
3575 | };
3576 | |
3577 |
3578 |
3579 |
3580 |
3581 |
3582 |
3583 |
3584 | EmailAuthCredential.fromJSON = function (json) {
3585 | var obj = typeof json === 'string' ? JSON.parse(json) : json;
3586 | if ((obj === null || obj === void 0 ? void 0 : obj.email) && (obj === null || obj === void 0 ? void 0 : obj.password)) {
3587 | if (obj.signInMethod === "password" ) {
3588 | return this._fromEmailAndPassword(obj.email, obj.password);
3589 | }
3590 | else if (obj.signInMethod === "emailLink" ) {
3591 | return this._fromEmailAndCode(obj.email, obj.password, obj.tenantId);
3592 | }
3593 | }
3594 | return null;
3595 | };
3596 |
3597 | EmailAuthCredential.prototype._getIdTokenResponse = function (auth) {
3598 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3599 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3600 | switch (this.signInMethod) {
3601 | case "password" :
3602 | return [2 , signInWithPassword(auth, {
3603 | returnSecureToken: true,
3604 | email: this._email,
3605 | password: this._password
3606 | })];
3607 | case "emailLink" :
3608 | return [2 , signInWithEmailLink$1(auth, {
3609 | email: this._email,
3610 | oobCode: this._password
3611 | })];
3612 | default:
3613 | _fail(auth, "internal-error" );
3614 | }
3615 | return [2 ];
3616 | });
3617 | });
3618 | };
3619 |
3620 | EmailAuthCredential.prototype._linkToIdToken = function (auth, idToken) {
3621 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3622 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3623 | switch (this.signInMethod) {
3624 | case "password" :
3625 | return [2 , updateEmailPassword(auth, {
3626 | idToken: idToken,
3627 | returnSecureToken: true,
3628 | email: this._email,
3629 | password: this._password
3630 | })];
3631 | case "emailLink" :
3632 | return [2 , signInWithEmailLinkForLinking(auth, {
3633 | idToken: idToken,
3634 | email: this._email,
3635 | oobCode: this._password
3636 | })];
3637 | default:
3638 | _fail(auth, "internal-error" );
3639 | }
3640 | return [2 ];
3641 | });
3642 | });
3643 | };
3644 |
3645 | EmailAuthCredential.prototype._getReauthenticationResolver = function (auth) {
3646 | return this._getIdTokenResponse(auth);
3647 | };
3648 | return EmailAuthCredential;
3649 | }(AuthCredential));
3650 |
3651 |
3652 |
3653 |
3654 |
3655 |
3656 |
3657 |
3658 |
3659 |
3660 |
3661 |
3662 |
3663 |
3664 |
3665 |
3666 |
3667 | function signInWithIdp(auth, request) {
3668 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3669 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3670 | return [2 , _performSignInRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:signInWithIdp" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request))];
3671 | });
3672 | });
3673 | }
3674 |
3675 |
3676 |
3677 |
3678 |
3679 |
3680 |
3681 |
3682 |
3683 |
3684 |
3685 |
3686 |
3687 |
3688 |
3689 |
3690 |
3691 | var IDP_REQUEST_URI$1 = 'http://localhost';
3692 |
3693 |
3694 |
3695 |
3696 |
3697 |
3698 |
3699 |
3700 | var OAuthCredential = (function (_super) {
3701 | __extends(OAuthCredential, _super);
3702 | function OAuthCredential() {
3703 | var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
3704 | _this.pendingToken = null;
3705 | return _this;
3706 | }
3707 |
3708 | OAuthCredential._fromParams = function (params) {
3709 | var cred = new OAuthCredential(params.providerId, params.signInMethod);
3710 | if (params.idToken || params.accessToken) {
3711 |
3712 | if (params.idToken) {
3713 | cred.idToken = params.idToken;
3714 | }
3715 | if (params.accessToken) {
3716 | cred.accessToken = params.accessToken;
3717 | }
3718 |
3719 | if (params.nonce && !params.pendingToken) {
3720 | cred.nonce = params.nonce;
3721 | }
3722 | if (params.pendingToken) {
3723 | cred.pendingToken = params.pendingToken;
3724 | }
3725 | }
3726 | else if (params.oauthToken && params.oauthTokenSecret) {
3727 |
3728 | cred.accessToken = params.oauthToken;
3729 | cred.secret = params.oauthTokenSecret;
3730 | }
3731 | else {
3732 | _fail("argument-error" );
3733 | }
3734 | return cred;
3735 | };
3736 |
3737 | OAuthCredential.prototype.toJSON = function () {
3738 | return {
3739 | idToken: this.idToken,
3740 | accessToken: this.accessToken,
3741 | secret: this.secret,
3742 | nonce: this.nonce,
3743 | pendingToken: this.pendingToken,
3744 | providerId: this.providerId,
3745 | signInMethod: this.signInMethod
3746 | };
3747 | };
3748 | |
3749 |
3750 |
3751 |
3752 |
3753 |
3754 |
3755 |
3756 |
3757 | OAuthCredential.fromJSON = function (json) {
3758 | var obj = typeof json === 'string' ? JSON.parse(json) : json;
3759 | var providerId = obj.providerId, signInMethod = obj.signInMethod, rest = __rest(obj, ["providerId", "signInMethod"]);
3760 | if (!providerId || !signInMethod) {
3761 | return null;
3762 | }
3763 | var cred = new OAuthCredential(providerId, signInMethod);
3764 | cred.idToken = rest.idToken || undefined;
3765 | cred.accessToken = rest.accessToken || undefined;
3766 | cred.secret = rest.secret;
3767 | cred.nonce = rest.nonce;
3768 | cred.pendingToken = rest.pendingToken || null;
3769 | return cred;
3770 | };
3771 |
3772 | OAuthCredential.prototype._getIdTokenResponse = function (auth) {
3773 | var request = this.buildRequest();
3774 | return signInWithIdp(auth, request);
3775 | };
3776 |
3777 | OAuthCredential.prototype._linkToIdToken = function (auth, idToken) {
3778 | var request = this.buildRequest();
3779 | request.idToken = idToken;
3780 | return signInWithIdp(auth, request);
3781 | };
3782 |
3783 | OAuthCredential.prototype._getReauthenticationResolver = function (auth) {
3784 | var request = this.buildRequest();
3785 | request.autoCreate = false;
3786 | return signInWithIdp(auth, request);
3787 | };
3788 | OAuthCredential.prototype.buildRequest = function () {
3789 | var request = {
3790 | requestUri: IDP_REQUEST_URI$1,
3791 | returnSecureToken: true
3792 | };
3793 | if (this.pendingToken) {
3794 | request.pendingToken = this.pendingToken;
3795 | }
3796 | else {
3797 | var postBody = {};
3798 | if (this.idToken) {
3799 | postBody['id_token'] = this.idToken;
3800 | }
3801 | if (this.accessToken) {
3802 | postBody['access_token'] = this.accessToken;
3803 | }
3804 | if (this.secret) {
3805 | postBody['oauth_token_secret'] = this.secret;
3806 | }
3807 | postBody['providerId'] = this.providerId;
3808 | if (this.nonce && !this.pendingToken) {
3809 | postBody['nonce'] = this.nonce;
3810 | }
3811 | request.postBody = querystring(postBody);
3812 | }
3813 | return request;
3814 | };
3815 | return OAuthCredential;
3816 | }(AuthCredential));
3817 |
3818 |
3819 |
3820 |
3821 |
3822 |
3823 |
3824 |
3825 |
3826 |
3827 |
3828 |
3829 |
3830 |
3831 |
3832 |
3833 |
3834 | var _a;
3835 | function sendPhoneVerificationCode(auth, request) {
3836 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3837 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3838 | return [2 , _performApiRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:sendVerificationCode" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request))];
3839 | });
3840 | });
3841 | }
3842 | function signInWithPhoneNumber$1(auth, request) {
3843 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3844 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3845 | return [2 , _performSignInRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:signInWithPhoneNumber" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request))];
3846 | });
3847 | });
3848 | }
3849 | function linkWithPhoneNumber$1(auth, request) {
3850 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3851 | var response;
3852 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3853 | switch (_a.label) {
3854 | case 0: return [4 , _performSignInRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:signInWithPhoneNumber" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request))];
3855 | case 1:
3856 | response = _a.sent();
3857 | if (response.temporaryProof) {
3858 | throw _makeTaggedError(auth, "account-exists-with-different-credential" , response);
3859 | }
3860 | return [2 , response];
3861 | }
3862 | });
3863 | });
3864 | }
3866 | _a["USER_NOT_FOUND" ] = "user-not-found" ,
3867 | _a);
3868 | function verifyPhoneNumberForExisting(auth, request) {
3869 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
3870 | var apiRequest;
3871 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
3872 | apiRequest = __assign(__assign({}, request), { operation: 'REAUTH' });
3873 | return [2 , _performSignInRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:signInWithPhoneNumber" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, apiRequest), VERIFY_PHONE_NUMBER_FOR_EXISTING_ERROR_MAP_)];
3874 | });
3875 | });
3876 | }
3877 |
3878 |
3879 |
3880 |
3881 |
3882 |
3883 |
3884 |
3885 |
3886 |
3887 |
3888 |
3889 |
3890 |
3891 |
3892 |
3893 |
3894 |
3895 |
3896 |
3897 |
3898 |
3899 | var PhoneAuthCredential = (function (_super) {
3900 | __extends(PhoneAuthCredential, _super);
3901 | function PhoneAuthCredential(params) {
3902 | var _this = _super.call(this, "phone" , "phone" ) || this;
3903 | _this.params = params;
3904 | return _this;
3905 | }
3906 |
3907 | PhoneAuthCredential._fromVerification = function (verificationId, verificationCode) {
3908 | return new PhoneAuthCredential({ verificationId: verificationId, verificationCode: verificationCode });
3909 | };
3910 |
3911 | PhoneAuthCredential._fromTokenResponse = function (phoneNumber, temporaryProof) {
3912 | return new PhoneAuthCredential({ phoneNumber: phoneNumber, temporaryProof: temporaryProof });
3913 | };
3914 |
3915 | PhoneAuthCredential.prototype._getIdTokenResponse = function (auth) {
3916 | return signInWithPhoneNumber$1(auth, this._makeVerificationRequest());
3917 | };
3918 |
3919 | PhoneAuthCredential.prototype._linkToIdToken = function (auth, idToken) {
3920 | return linkWithPhoneNumber$1(auth, __assign({ idToken: idToken }, this._makeVerificationRequest()));
3921 | };
3922 |
3923 | PhoneAuthCredential.prototype._getReauthenticationResolver = function (auth) {
3924 | return verifyPhoneNumberForExisting(auth, this._makeVerificationRequest());
3925 | };
3926 |
3927 | PhoneAuthCredential.prototype._makeVerificationRequest = function () {
3928 | var _a = this.params, temporaryProof = _a.temporaryProof, phoneNumber = _a.phoneNumber, verificationId = _a.verificationId, verificationCode = _a.verificationCode;
3929 | if (temporaryProof && phoneNumber) {
3930 | return { temporaryProof: temporaryProof, phoneNumber: phoneNumber };
3931 | }
3932 | return {
3933 | sessionInfo: verificationId,
3934 | code: verificationCode
3935 | };
3936 | };
3937 |
3938 | PhoneAuthCredential.prototype.toJSON = function () {
3939 | var obj = {
3940 | providerId: this.providerId
3941 | };
3942 | if (this.params.phoneNumber) {
3943 | obj.phoneNumber = this.params.phoneNumber;
3944 | }
3945 | if (this.params.temporaryProof) {
3946 | obj.temporaryProof = this.params.temporaryProof;
3947 | }
3948 | if (this.params.verificationCode) {
3949 | obj.verificationCode = this.params.verificationCode;
3950 | }
3951 | if (this.params.verificationId) {
3952 | obj.verificationId = this.params.verificationId;
3953 | }
3954 | return obj;
3955 | };
3956 |
3957 | PhoneAuthCredential.fromJSON = function (json) {
3958 | if (typeof json === 'string') {
3959 | json = JSON.parse(json);
3960 | }
3961 | var _a = json, verificationId = _a.verificationId, verificationCode = _a.verificationCode, phoneNumber = _a.phoneNumber, temporaryProof = _a.temporaryProof;
3962 | if (!verificationCode &&
3963 | !verificationId &&
3964 | !phoneNumber &&
3965 | !temporaryProof) {
3966 | return null;
3967 | }
3968 | return new PhoneAuthCredential({
3969 | verificationId: verificationId,
3970 | verificationCode: verificationCode,
3971 | phoneNumber: phoneNumber,
3972 | temporaryProof: temporaryProof
3973 | });
3974 | };
3975 | return PhoneAuthCredential;
3976 | }(AuthCredential));
3977 |
3978 |
3979 |
3980 |
3981 |
3982 |
3983 |
3984 |
3985 |
3986 |
3987 |
3988 |
3989 |
3990 |
3991 |
3992 |
3993 |
3994 |
3995 |
3996 |
3997 |
3998 |
3999 | function parseMode(mode) {
4000 | switch (mode) {
4001 | case 'recoverEmail':
4002 | return "RECOVER_EMAIL" ;
4003 | case 'resetPassword':
4004 | return "PASSWORD_RESET" ;
4005 | case 'signIn':
4006 | return "EMAIL_SIGNIN" ;
4007 | case 'verifyEmail':
4008 | return "VERIFY_EMAIL" ;
4009 | case 'verifyAndChangeEmail':
4010 | return "VERIFY_AND_CHANGE_EMAIL" ;
4011 | case 'revertSecondFactorAddition':
4013 | default:
4014 | return null;
4015 | }
4016 | }
4017 |
4018 |
4019 |
4020 |
4021 |
4022 | function parseDeepLink(url) {
4023 | var link = querystringDecode(extractQuerystring(url))['link'];
4024 |
4025 | var doubleDeepLink = link
4026 | ? querystringDecode(extractQuerystring(link))['deep_link_id']
4027 | : null;
4028 |
4029 | var iOSDeepLink = querystringDecode(extractQuerystring(url))['deep_link_id'];
4030 | var iOSDoubleDeepLink = iOSDeepLink
4031 | ? querystringDecode(extractQuerystring(iOSDeepLink))['link']
4032 | : null;
4033 | return iOSDoubleDeepLink || iOSDeepLink || doubleDeepLink || link || url;
4034 | }
4035 |
4036 |
4037 |
4038 |
4039 |
4040 |
4041 | var ActionCodeURL = (function () {
4042 | |
4043 |
4044 |
4045 |
4046 |
4047 |
4048 | function ActionCodeURL(actionLink) {
4049 | var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f;
4050 | var searchParams = querystringDecode(extractQuerystring(actionLink));
4051 | var apiKey = (_a = searchParams["apiKey" ]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : null;
4052 | var code = (_b = searchParams["oobCode" ]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : null;
4053 | var operation = parseMode((_c = searchParams["mode" ]) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : null);
4054 |
4055 | _assert(apiKey && code && operation, "argument-error" );
4056 | this.apiKey = apiKey;
4057 | this.operation = operation;
4058 | this.code = code;
4059 | this.continueUrl = (_d = searchParams["continueUrl" ]) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : null;
4060 | this.languageCode = (_e = searchParams["languageCode" ]) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : null;
4061 | this.tenantId = (_f = searchParams["tenantId" ]) !== null && _f !== void 0 ? _f : null;
4062 | }
4063 | |
4064 |
4065 |
4066 |
4067 |
4068 |
4069 |
4070 |
4071 |
4072 | ActionCodeURL.parseLink = function (link) {
4073 | var actionLink = parseDeepLink(link);
4074 | try {
4075 | return new ActionCodeURL(actionLink);
4076 | }
4077 | catch (_a) {
4078 | return null;
4079 | }
4080 | };
4081 | return ActionCodeURL;
4082 | }());
4083 |
4084 |
4085 |
4086 |
4087 |
4088 |
4089 | function parseActionCodeURL(link) {
4090 | return ActionCodeURL.parseLink(link);
4091 | }
4092 |
4093 |
4094 |
4095 |
4096 |
4097 |
4098 |
4099 |
4100 |
4101 |
4102 |
4103 |
4104 |
4105 |
4106 |
4107 |
4108 |
4109 |
4110 |
4111 |
4112 |
4113 |
4114 | var EmailAuthProvider = (function () {
4115 | function EmailAuthProvider() {
4116 | |
4117 |
4118 |
4119 | this.providerId = EmailAuthProvider.PROVIDER_ID;
4120 | }
4121 | |
4122 |
4123 |
4124 |
4125 |
4126 |
4127 |
4128 |
4129 |
4130 |
4131 |
4132 |
4133 |
4134 |
4135 |
4136 |
4137 |
4138 |
4139 | EmailAuthProvider.credential = function (email, password) {
4140 | return EmailAuthCredential._fromEmailAndPassword(email, password);
4141 | };
4142 | |
4143 |
4144 |
4145 |
4146 |
4147 |
4148 |
4149 |
4150 |
4151 |
4152 |
4153 |
4154 |
4155 |
4156 |
4157 |
4158 |
4159 |
4160 |
4161 |
4162 |
4163 |
4164 | EmailAuthProvider.credentialWithLink = function (email, emailLink) {
4165 | var actionCodeUrl = ActionCodeURL.parseLink(emailLink);
4166 | _assert(actionCodeUrl, "argument-error" );
4167 | return EmailAuthCredential._fromEmailAndCode(email, actionCodeUrl.code, actionCodeUrl.tenantId);
4168 | };
4169 | |
4170 |
4171 |
4172 | EmailAuthProvider.PROVIDER_ID = "password" ;
4173 | |
4174 |
4175 |
4176 | EmailAuthProvider.EMAIL_PASSWORD_SIGN_IN_METHOD = "password" ;
4177 | |
4178 |
4179 |
4180 | EmailAuthProvider.EMAIL_LINK_SIGN_IN_METHOD = "emailLink" ;
4181 | return EmailAuthProvider;
4182 | }());
4183 |
4184 |
4185 |
4186 |
4187 |
4188 |
4189 |
4190 |
4191 |
4192 |
4193 |
4194 |
4195 |
4196 |
4197 |
4198 |
4199 |
4200 |
4201 |
4202 |
4203 |
4204 |
4205 |
4206 |
4207 | var FederatedAuthProvider = (function () {
4208 | |
4209 |
4210 |
4211 |
4212 |
4213 | function FederatedAuthProvider(providerId) {
4214 | this.providerId = providerId;
4215 |
4216 | this.defaultLanguageCode = null;
4217 |
4218 | this.customParameters = {};
4219 | }
4220 | |
4221 |
4222 |
4223 |
4224 |
4225 | FederatedAuthProvider.prototype.setDefaultLanguage = function (languageCode) {
4226 | this.defaultLanguageCode = languageCode;
4227 | };
4228 | |
4229 |
4230 |
4231 |
4232 |
4233 |
4234 |
4235 |
4236 |
4237 |
4238 | FederatedAuthProvider.prototype.setCustomParameters = function (customOAuthParameters) {
4239 | this.customParameters = customOAuthParameters;
4240 | return this;
4241 | };
4242 | |
4243 |
4244 |
4245 | FederatedAuthProvider.prototype.getCustomParameters = function () {
4246 | return this.customParameters;
4247 | };
4248 | return FederatedAuthProvider;
4249 | }());
4250 |
4251 |
4252 |
4253 |
4254 |
4255 |
4256 |
4257 |
4258 |
4259 |
4260 |
4261 |
4262 |
4263 |
4264 |
4265 |
4266 |
4267 |
4268 |
4269 |
4270 |
4271 |
4272 |
4273 | var BaseOAuthProvider = (function (_super) {
4274 | __extends(BaseOAuthProvider, _super);
4275 | function BaseOAuthProvider() {
4276 | var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
4277 |
4278 | _this.scopes = [];
4279 | return _this;
4280 | }
4281 | |
4282 |
4283 |
4284 |
4285 |
4286 | BaseOAuthProvider.prototype.addScope = function (scope) {
4287 |
4288 | if (!this.scopes.includes(scope)) {
4289 | this.scopes.push(scope);
4290 | }
4291 | return this;
4292 | };
4293 | |
4294 |
4295 |
4296 | BaseOAuthProvider.prototype.getScopes = function () {
4297 | return __spreadArray([], this.scopes);
4298 | };
4299 | return BaseOAuthProvider;
4300 | }(FederatedAuthProvider));
4301 |
4302 |
4303 |
4304 |
4305 |
4306 |
4307 |
4308 |
4309 |
4310 |
4311 |
4312 |
4313 |
4314 |
4315 |
4316 |
4317 |
4318 |
4319 |
4320 |
4321 |
4322 |
4323 |
4324 |
4325 |
4326 |
4327 |
4328 |
4329 |
4330 |
4331 |
4332 |
4333 |
4334 |
4335 |
4336 |
4337 |
4338 |
4339 |
4340 |
4341 | var OAuthProvider = (function (_super) {
4342 | __extends(OAuthProvider, _super);
4343 | function OAuthProvider() {
4344 | return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
4345 | }
4346 | |
4347 |
4348 |
4349 |
4350 | OAuthProvider.credentialFromJSON = function (json) {
4351 | var obj = typeof json === 'string' ? JSON.parse(json) : json;
4352 | _assert('providerId' in obj && 'signInMethod' in obj, "argument-error" );
4353 | return OAuthCredential._fromParams(obj);
4354 | };
4355 | |
4356 |
4357 |
4358 |
4359 |
4360 |
4361 |
4362 |
4363 |
4364 |
4365 |
4366 |
4367 |
4368 |
4369 |
4370 |
4371 |
4372 |
4373 |
4374 |
4375 |
4376 | OAuthProvider.prototype.credential = function (params) {
4377 | return this._credential(__assign(__assign({}, params), { nonce: params.rawNonce }));
4378 | };
4379 |
4380 | OAuthProvider.prototype._credential = function (params) {
4381 | _assert(params.idToken || params.accessToken, "argument-error" );
4382 |
4383 | return OAuthCredential._fromParams(__assign(__assign({}, params), { providerId: this.providerId, signInMethod: this.providerId }));
4384 | };
4385 | |
4386 |
4387 |
4388 |
4389 |
4390 | OAuthProvider.credentialFromResult = function (userCredential) {
4391 | return OAuthProvider.oauthCredentialFromTaggedObject(userCredential);
4392 | };
4393 | |
4394 |
4395 |
4396 |
4397 |
4398 |
4399 | OAuthProvider.credentialFromError = function (error) {
4400 | return OAuthProvider.oauthCredentialFromTaggedObject((error.customData || {}));
4401 | };
4402 | OAuthProvider.oauthCredentialFromTaggedObject = function (_a) {
4403 | var tokenResponse = _a._tokenResponse;
4404 | if (!tokenResponse) {
4405 | return null;
4406 | }
4407 | var _b = tokenResponse, oauthIdToken = _b.oauthIdToken, oauthAccessToken = _b.oauthAccessToken, oauthTokenSecret = _b.oauthTokenSecret, pendingToken = _b.pendingToken, nonce = _b.nonce, providerId = _b.providerId;
4408 | if (!oauthAccessToken &&
4409 | !oauthTokenSecret &&
4410 | !oauthIdToken &&
4411 | !pendingToken) {
4412 | return null;
4413 | }
4414 | if (!providerId) {
4415 | return null;
4416 | }
4417 | try {
4418 | return new OAuthProvider(providerId)._credential({
4419 | idToken: oauthIdToken,
4420 | accessToken: oauthAccessToken,
4421 | nonce: nonce,
4422 | pendingToken: pendingToken
4423 | });
4424 | }
4425 | catch (e) {
4426 | return null;
4427 | }
4428 | };
4429 | return OAuthProvider;
4430 | }(BaseOAuthProvider));
4431 |
4432 |
4433 |
4434 |
4435 |
4436 |
4437 |
4438 |
4439 |
4440 |
4441 |
4442 |
4443 |
4444 |
4445 |
4446 |
4447 |
4448 |
4449 |
4450 |
4451 |
4452 |
4453 |
4454 |
4455 |
4456 |
4457 |
4458 |
4459 |
4460 |
4461 |
4462 |
4463 |
4464 |
4465 |
4466 |
4467 |
4468 |
4469 |
4470 |
4471 |
4472 |
4473 |
4474 |
4475 |
4476 |
4477 |
4478 |
4479 |
4480 |
4481 |
4482 |
4483 |
4484 |
4485 |
4486 |
4487 | var FacebookAuthProvider = (function (_super) {
4488 | __extends(FacebookAuthProvider, _super);
4489 | function FacebookAuthProvider() {
4490 | return _super.call(this, "facebook.com" ) || this;
4491 | }
4492 | |
4493 |
4494 |
4495 |
4496 |
4497 |
4498 |
4499 |
4500 |
4501 |
4502 |
4503 |
4504 | FacebookAuthProvider.credential = function (accessToken) {
4505 | return OAuthCredential._fromParams({
4506 | providerId: FacebookAuthProvider.PROVIDER_ID,
4507 | signInMethod: FacebookAuthProvider.FACEBOOK_SIGN_IN_METHOD,
4508 | accessToken: accessToken
4509 | });
4510 | };
4511 | |
4512 |
4513 |
4514 |
4515 |
4516 | FacebookAuthProvider.credentialFromResult = function (userCredential) {
4517 | return FacebookAuthProvider.credentialFromTaggedObject(userCredential);
4518 | };
4519 | |
4520 |
4521 |
4522 |
4523 |
4524 |
4525 | FacebookAuthProvider.credentialFromError = function (error) {
4526 | return FacebookAuthProvider.credentialFromTaggedObject((error.customData || {}));
4527 | };
4528 | FacebookAuthProvider.credentialFromTaggedObject = function (_a) {
4529 | var tokenResponse = _a._tokenResponse;
4530 | if (!tokenResponse || !('oauthAccessToken' in tokenResponse)) {
4531 | return null;
4532 | }
4533 | if (!tokenResponse.oauthAccessToken) {
4534 | return null;
4535 | }
4536 | try {
4537 | return FacebookAuthProvider.credential(tokenResponse.oauthAccessToken);
4538 | }
4539 | catch (_b) {
4540 | return null;
4541 | }
4542 | };
4543 |
4544 | FacebookAuthProvider.FACEBOOK_SIGN_IN_METHOD = "facebook.com" ;
4545 |
4546 | FacebookAuthProvider.PROVIDER_ID = "facebook.com" ;
4547 | return FacebookAuthProvider;
4548 | }(BaseOAuthProvider));
4549 |
4550 |
4551 |
4552 |
4553 |
4554 |
4555 |
4556 |
4557 |
4558 |
4559 |
4560 |
4561 |
4562 |
4563 |
4564 |
4565 |
4566 |
4567 |
4568 |
4569 |
4570 |
4571 |
4572 |
4573 |
4574 |
4575 |
4576 |
4577 |
4578 |
4579 |
4580 |
4581 |
4582 |
4583 |
4584 |
4585 |
4586 |
4587 |
4588 |
4589 |
4590 |
4591 |
4592 |
4593 |
4594 |
4595 |
4596 |
4597 |
4598 |
4599 |
4600 |
4601 |
4602 |
4603 |
4604 |
4605 |
4606 |
4607 | var GoogleAuthProvider = (function (_super) {
4608 | __extends(GoogleAuthProvider, _super);
4609 | function GoogleAuthProvider() {
4610 | var _this = _super.call(this, "google.com" ) || this;
4611 | _this.addScope('profile');
4612 | return _this;
4613 | }
4614 | |
4615 |
4616 |
4617 |
4618 |
4619 |
4620 |
4621 |
4622 |
4623 |
4624 |
4625 |
4626 |
4627 | GoogleAuthProvider.credential = function (idToken, accessToken) {
4628 | return OAuthCredential._fromParams({
4629 | providerId: GoogleAuthProvider.PROVIDER_ID,
4630 | signInMethod: GoogleAuthProvider.GOOGLE_SIGN_IN_METHOD,
4631 | idToken: idToken,
4632 | accessToken: accessToken
4633 | });
4634 | };
4635 | |
4636 |
4637 |
4638 |
4639 |
4640 | GoogleAuthProvider.credentialFromResult = function (userCredential) {
4641 | return GoogleAuthProvider.credentialFromTaggedObject(userCredential);
4642 | };
4643 | |
4644 |
4645 |
4646 |
4647 |
4648 |
4649 | GoogleAuthProvider.credentialFromError = function (error) {
4650 | return GoogleAuthProvider.credentialFromTaggedObject((error.customData || {}));
4651 | };
4652 | GoogleAuthProvider.credentialFromTaggedObject = function (_a) {
4653 | var tokenResponse = _a._tokenResponse;
4654 | if (!tokenResponse) {
4655 | return null;
4656 | }
4657 | var _b = tokenResponse, oauthIdToken = _b.oauthIdToken, oauthAccessToken = _b.oauthAccessToken;
4658 | if (!oauthIdToken && !oauthAccessToken) {
4659 |
4660 | return null;
4661 | }
4662 | try {
4663 | return GoogleAuthProvider.credential(oauthIdToken, oauthAccessToken);
4664 | }
4665 | catch (_c) {
4666 | return null;
4667 | }
4668 | };
4669 |
4670 | GoogleAuthProvider.GOOGLE_SIGN_IN_METHOD = "google.com" ;
4671 |
4672 | GoogleAuthProvider.PROVIDER_ID = "google.com" ;
4673 | return GoogleAuthProvider;
4674 | }(BaseOAuthProvider));
4675 |
4676 |
4677 |
4678 |
4679 |
4680 |
4681 |
4682 |
4683 |
4684 |
4685 |
4686 |
4687 |
4688 |
4689 |
4690 |
4691 |
4692 |
4693 |
4694 |
4695 |
4696 |
4697 |
4698 |
4699 |
4700 |
4701 |
4702 |
4703 |
4704 |
4705 |
4706 |
4707 |
4708 |
4709 |
4710 |
4711 |
4712 |
4713 |
4714 |
4715 |
4716 |
4717 |
4718 |
4719 |
4720 |
4721 |
4722 |
4723 |
4724 |
4725 |
4726 |
4727 |
4728 |
4729 |
4730 |
4731 |
4732 |
4733 |
4734 | var GithubAuthProvider = (function (_super) {
4735 | __extends(GithubAuthProvider, _super);
4736 | function GithubAuthProvider() {
4737 | return _super.call(this, "github.com" ) || this;
4738 | }
4739 | |
4740 |
4741 |
4742 |
4743 |
4744 | GithubAuthProvider.credential = function (accessToken) {
4745 | return OAuthCredential._fromParams({
4746 | providerId: GithubAuthProvider.PROVIDER_ID,
4747 | signInMethod: GithubAuthProvider.GITHUB_SIGN_IN_METHOD,
4748 | accessToken: accessToken
4749 | });
4750 | };
4751 | |
4752 |
4753 |
4754 |
4755 |
4756 | GithubAuthProvider.credentialFromResult = function (userCredential) {
4757 | return GithubAuthProvider.credentialFromTaggedObject(userCredential);
4758 | };
4759 | |
4760 |
4761 |
4762 |
4763 |
4764 |
4765 | GithubAuthProvider.credentialFromError = function (error) {
4766 | return GithubAuthProvider.credentialFromTaggedObject((error.customData || {}));
4767 | };
4768 | GithubAuthProvider.credentialFromTaggedObject = function (_a) {
4769 | var tokenResponse = _a._tokenResponse;
4770 | if (!tokenResponse || !('oauthAccessToken' in tokenResponse)) {
4771 | return null;
4772 | }
4773 | if (!tokenResponse.oauthAccessToken) {
4774 | return null;
4775 | }
4776 | try {
4777 | return GithubAuthProvider.credential(tokenResponse.oauthAccessToken);
4778 | }
4779 | catch (_b) {
4780 | return null;
4781 | }
4782 | };
4783 |
4784 | GithubAuthProvider.GITHUB_SIGN_IN_METHOD = "github.com" ;
4785 |
4786 | GithubAuthProvider.PROVIDER_ID = "github.com" ;
4787 | return GithubAuthProvider;
4788 | }(BaseOAuthProvider));
4789 |
4790 |
4791 |
4792 |
4793 |
4794 |
4795 |
4796 |
4797 |
4798 |
4799 |
4800 |
4801 |
4802 |
4803 |
4804 |
4805 |
4806 | var IDP_REQUEST_URI = 'http://localhost';
4807 |
4808 |
4809 |
4810 | var SAMLAuthCredential = (function (_super) {
4811 | __extends(SAMLAuthCredential, _super);
4812 |
4813 | function SAMLAuthCredential(providerId, pendingToken) {
4814 | var _this = _super.call(this, providerId, providerId) || this;
4815 | _this.pendingToken = pendingToken;
4816 | return _this;
4817 | }
4818 |
4819 | SAMLAuthCredential.prototype._getIdTokenResponse = function (auth) {
4820 | var request = this.buildRequest();
4821 | return signInWithIdp(auth, request);
4822 | };
4823 |
4824 | SAMLAuthCredential.prototype._linkToIdToken = function (auth, idToken) {
4825 | var request = this.buildRequest();
4826 | request.idToken = idToken;
4827 | return signInWithIdp(auth, request);
4828 | };
4829 |
4830 | SAMLAuthCredential.prototype._getReauthenticationResolver = function (auth) {
4831 | var request = this.buildRequest();
4832 | request.autoCreate = false;
4833 | return signInWithIdp(auth, request);
4834 | };
4835 |
4836 | SAMLAuthCredential.prototype.toJSON = function () {
4837 | return {
4838 | signInMethod: this.signInMethod,
4839 | providerId: this.providerId,
4840 | pendingToken: this.pendingToken
4841 | };
4842 | };
4843 | |
4844 |
4845 |
4846 |
4847 |
4848 |
4849 |
4850 |
4851 |
4852 | SAMLAuthCredential.fromJSON = function (json) {
4853 | var obj = typeof json === 'string' ? JSON.parse(json) : json;
4854 | var providerId = obj.providerId, signInMethod = obj.signInMethod, pendingToken = obj.pendingToken;
4855 | if (!providerId ||
4856 | !signInMethod ||
4857 | !pendingToken ||
4858 | providerId !== signInMethod) {
4859 | return null;
4860 | }
4861 | return new SAMLAuthCredential(providerId, pendingToken);
4862 | };
4863 | |
4864 |
4865 |
4866 |
4867 |
4868 | SAMLAuthCredential._create = function (providerId, pendingToken) {
4869 | return new SAMLAuthCredential(providerId, pendingToken);
4870 | };
4871 | SAMLAuthCredential.prototype.buildRequest = function () {
4872 | return {
4873 | requestUri: IDP_REQUEST_URI,
4874 | returnSecureToken: true,
4875 | pendingToken: this.pendingToken
4876 | };
4877 | };
4878 | return SAMLAuthCredential;
4879 | }(AuthCredential));
4880 |
4881 |
4882 |
4883 |
4884 |
4885 |
4886 |
4887 |
4888 |
4889 |
4890 |
4891 |
4892 |
4893 |
4894 |
4895 |
4896 |
4897 | var SAML_PROVIDER_PREFIX = 'saml.';
4898 |
4899 |
4900 |
4901 |
4902 |
4903 | var SAMLAuthProvider = (function (_super) {
4904 | __extends(SAMLAuthProvider, _super);
4905 | |
4906 |
4907 |
4908 |
4909 | function SAMLAuthProvider(providerId) {
4910 | var _this = this;
4911 | _assert(providerId.startsWith(SAML_PROVIDER_PREFIX), "argument-error" );
4912 | _this = _super.call(this, providerId) || this;
4913 | return _this;
4914 | }
4915 | |
4916 |
4917 |
4918 |
4919 |
4920 |
4921 |
4922 |
4923 |
4924 |
4925 |
4926 |
4927 |
4928 |
4929 |
4930 |
4931 | SAMLAuthProvider.credentialFromResult = function (userCredential) {
4932 | return SAMLAuthProvider.samlCredentialFromTaggedObject(userCredential);
4933 | };
4934 | |
4935 |
4936 |
4937 |
4938 |
4939 |
4940 | SAMLAuthProvider.credentialFromError = function (error) {
4941 | return SAMLAuthProvider.samlCredentialFromTaggedObject((error.customData || {}));
4942 | };
4943 | |
4944 |
4945 |
4946 |
4947 | SAMLAuthProvider.credentialFromJSON = function (json) {
4948 | var credential = SAMLAuthCredential.fromJSON(json);
4949 | _assert(credential, "argument-error" );
4950 | return credential;
4951 | };
4952 | SAMLAuthProvider.samlCredentialFromTaggedObject = function (_a) {
4953 | var tokenResponse = _a._tokenResponse;
4954 | if (!tokenResponse) {
4955 | return null;
4956 | }
4957 | var _b = tokenResponse, pendingToken = _b.pendingToken, providerId = _b.providerId;
4958 | if (!pendingToken || !providerId) {
4959 | return null;
4960 | }
4961 | try {
4962 | return SAMLAuthCredential._create(providerId, pendingToken);
4963 | }
4964 | catch (e) {
4965 | return null;
4966 | }
4967 | };
4968 | return SAMLAuthProvider;
4969 | }(FederatedAuthProvider));
4970 |
4971 |
4972 |
4973 |
4974 |
4975 |
4976 |
4977 |
4978 |
4979 |
4980 |
4981 |
4982 |
4983 |
4984 |
4985 |
4986 |
4987 |
4988 |
4989 |
4990 |
4991 |
4992 |
4993 |
4994 |
4995 |
4996 |
4997 |
4998 |
4999 |
5000 |
5001 |
5002 |
5003 |
5004 |
5005 |
5006 |
5007 |
5008 |
5009 |
5010 |
5011 |
5012 |
5013 |
5014 |
5015 |
5016 |
5017 |
5018 |
5019 |
5020 |
5021 |
5022 |
5023 |
5024 |
5025 |
5026 | var TwitterAuthProvider = (function (_super) {
5027 | __extends(TwitterAuthProvider, _super);
5028 | function TwitterAuthProvider() {
5029 | return _super.call(this, "twitter.com" ) || this;
5030 | }
5031 | |
5032 |
5033 |
5034 |
5035 |
5036 |
5037 | TwitterAuthProvider.credential = function (token, secret) {
5038 | return OAuthCredential._fromParams({
5039 | providerId: TwitterAuthProvider.PROVIDER_ID,
5040 | signInMethod: TwitterAuthProvider.TWITTER_SIGN_IN_METHOD,
5041 | oauthToken: token,
5042 | oauthTokenSecret: secret
5043 | });
5044 | };
5045 | |
5046 |
5047 |
5048 |
5049 |
5050 | TwitterAuthProvider.credentialFromResult = function (userCredential) {
5051 | return TwitterAuthProvider.credentialFromTaggedObject(userCredential);
5052 | };
5053 | |
5054 |
5055 |
5056 |
5057 |
5058 |
5059 | TwitterAuthProvider.credentialFromError = function (error) {
5060 | return TwitterAuthProvider.credentialFromTaggedObject((error.customData || {}));
5061 | };
5062 | TwitterAuthProvider.credentialFromTaggedObject = function (_a) {
5063 | var tokenResponse = _a._tokenResponse;
5064 | if (!tokenResponse) {
5065 | return null;
5066 | }
5067 | var _b = tokenResponse, oauthAccessToken = _b.oauthAccessToken, oauthTokenSecret = _b.oauthTokenSecret;
5068 | if (!oauthAccessToken || !oauthTokenSecret) {
5069 | return null;
5070 | }
5071 | try {
5072 | return TwitterAuthProvider.credential(oauthAccessToken, oauthTokenSecret);
5073 | }
5074 | catch (_c) {
5075 | return null;
5076 | }
5077 | };
5078 |
5079 | TwitterAuthProvider.TWITTER_SIGN_IN_METHOD = "twitter.com" ;
5080 |
5081 | TwitterAuthProvider.PROVIDER_ID = "twitter.com" ;
5082 | return TwitterAuthProvider;
5083 | }(BaseOAuthProvider));
5084 |
5085 |
5086 |
5087 |
5088 |
5089 |
5090 |
5091 |
5092 |
5093 |
5094 |
5095 |
5096 |
5097 |
5098 |
5099 |
5100 |
5101 | function signUp(auth, request) {
5102 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5103 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5104 | return [2 , _performSignInRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:signUp" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request))];
5105 | });
5106 | });
5107 | }
5108 |
5109 |
5110 |
5111 |
5112 |
5113 |
5114 |
5115 |
5116 |
5117 |
5118 |
5119 |
5120 |
5121 |
5122 |
5123 |
5124 |
5125 | var UserCredentialImpl = (function () {
5126 | function UserCredentialImpl(params) {
5127 | this.user = params.user;
5128 | this.providerId = params.providerId;
5129 | this._tokenResponse = params._tokenResponse;
5130 | this.operationType = params.operationType;
5131 | }
5132 | UserCredentialImpl._fromIdTokenResponse = function (auth, operationType, idTokenResponse, isAnonymous) {
5133 | if (isAnonymous === void 0) { isAnonymous = false; }
5134 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5135 | var user, providerId, userCred;
5136 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5137 | switch (_a.label) {
5138 | case 0: return [4 , UserImpl._fromIdTokenResponse(auth, idTokenResponse, isAnonymous)];
5139 | case 1:
5140 | user = _a.sent();
5141 | providerId = providerIdForResponse(idTokenResponse);
5142 | userCred = new UserCredentialImpl({
5143 | user: user,
5144 | providerId: providerId,
5145 | _tokenResponse: idTokenResponse,
5146 | operationType: operationType
5147 | });
5148 | return [2 , userCred];
5149 | }
5150 | });
5151 | });
5152 | };
5153 | UserCredentialImpl._forOperation = function (user, operationType, response) {
5154 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5155 | var providerId;
5156 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5157 | switch (_a.label) {
5158 | case 0: return [4 , user._updateTokensIfNecessary(response, true)];
5159 | case 1:
5160 | _a.sent();
5161 | providerId = providerIdForResponse(response);
5162 | return [2 , new UserCredentialImpl({
5163 | user: user,
5164 | providerId: providerId,
5165 | _tokenResponse: response,
5166 | operationType: operationType
5167 | })];
5168 | }
5169 | });
5170 | });
5171 | };
5172 | return UserCredentialImpl;
5173 | }());
5174 | function providerIdForResponse(response) {
5175 | if (response.providerId) {
5176 | return response.providerId;
5177 | }
5178 | if ('phoneNumber' in response) {
5179 | return "phone" ;
5180 | }
5181 | return null;
5182 | }
5183 |
5184 |
5185 |
5186 |
5187 |
5188 |
5189 |
5190 |
5191 |
5192 |
5193 |
5194 |
5195 |
5196 |
5197 |
5198 |
5199 |
5200 |
5201 |
5202 |
5203 |
5204 |
5205 |
5206 |
5207 |
5208 |
5209 |
5210 |
5211 | function signInAnonymously(auth) {
5212 | var _a;
5213 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5214 | var authInternal, response, userCredential;
5215 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
5216 | switch (_b.label) {
5217 | case 0:
5218 | authInternal = _castAuth(auth);
5219 | return [4 , authInternal._initializationPromise];
5220 | case 1:
5221 | _b.sent();
5222 | if ((_a = authInternal.currentUser) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.isAnonymous) {
5223 |
5224 | return [2 , new UserCredentialImpl({
5225 | user: authInternal.currentUser,
5226 | providerId: null,
5227 | operationType: "signIn"
5228 | })];
5229 | }
5230 | return [4 , signUp(authInternal, {
5231 | returnSecureToken: true
5232 | })];
5233 | case 2:
5234 | response = _b.sent();
5235 | return [4 , UserCredentialImpl._fromIdTokenResponse(authInternal, "signIn" , response, true)];
5236 | case 3:
5237 | userCredential = _b.sent();
5238 | return [4 , authInternal._updateCurrentUser(userCredential.user)];
5239 | case 4:
5240 | _b.sent();
5241 | return [2 , userCredential];
5242 | }
5243 | });
5244 | });
5245 | }
5246 |
5247 |
5248 |
5249 |
5250 |
5251 |
5252 |
5253 |
5254 |
5255 |
5256 |
5257 |
5258 |
5259 |
5260 |
5261 |
5262 |
5263 | var MultiFactorError = (function (_super) {
5264 | __extends(MultiFactorError, _super);
5265 | function MultiFactorError(auth, error, operationType, user) {
5266 | var _a;
5267 | var _this = _super.call(this, error.code, error.message) || this;
5268 | _this.operationType = operationType;
5269 | _this.user = user;
5270 |
5271 | Object.setPrototypeOf(_this, MultiFactorError.prototype);
5272 | _this.customData = {
5273 | appName: auth.name,
5274 | tenantId: (_a = auth.tenantId) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : undefined,
5275 | _serverResponse: error.customData._serverResponse,
5276 | operationType: operationType,
5277 | };
5278 | return _this;
5279 | }
5280 | MultiFactorError._fromErrorAndOperation = function (auth, error, operationType, user) {
5281 | return new MultiFactorError(auth, error, operationType, user);
5282 | };
5283 | return MultiFactorError;
5284 | }(FirebaseError));
5285 | function _processCredentialSavingMfaContextIfNecessary(auth, operationType, credential, user) {
5286 | var idTokenProvider = operationType === "reauthenticate"
5287 | ? credential._getReauthenticationResolver(auth)
5288 | : credential._getIdTokenResponse(auth);
5289 | return idTokenProvider.catch(function (error) {
5290 | if (error.code === "auth/" + "multi-factor-auth-required" ) {
5291 | throw MultiFactorError._fromErrorAndOperation(auth, error, operationType, user);
5292 | }
5293 | throw error;
5294 | });
5295 | }
5296 |
5297 |
5298 |
5299 |
5300 |
5301 |
5302 |
5303 |
5304 |
5305 |
5306 |
5307 |
5308 |
5309 |
5310 |
5311 |
5312 |
5313 |
5314 |
5315 |
5316 | function providerDataAsNames(providerData) {
5317 | return new Set(providerData
5318 | .map(function (_a) {
5319 | var providerId = _a.providerId;
5320 | return providerId;
5321 | })
5322 | .filter(function (pid) { return !!pid; }));
5323 | }
5324 |
5325 |
5326 |
5327 |
5328 |
5329 |
5330 |
5331 |
5332 |
5333 |
5334 |
5335 |
5336 |
5337 |
5338 |
5339 |
5340 |
5341 |
5342 |
5343 |
5344 |
5345 |
5346 |
5347 |
5348 |
5349 | function unlink(user, providerId) {
5350 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5351 | var userInternal, providerUserInfo, _a, _b, providersLeft;
5352 | var _c;
5353 | return __generator(this, function (_d) {
5354 | switch (_d.label) {
5355 | case 0:
5356 | userInternal = getModularInstance(user);
5357 | return [4 , _assertLinkedStatus(true, userInternal, providerId)];
5358 | case 1:
5359 | _d.sent();
5360 | _a = deleteLinkedAccounts;
5361 | _b = [userInternal.auth];
5362 | _c = {};
5363 | return [4 , userInternal.getIdToken()];
5364 | case 2: return [4 , _a.apply(void 0, _b.concat([(_c.idToken = _d.sent(),
5365 | _c.deleteProvider = [providerId],
5366 | _c)]))];
5367 | case 3:
5368 | providerUserInfo = (_d.sent()).providerUserInfo;
5369 | providersLeft = providerDataAsNames(providerUserInfo || []);
5370 | userInternal.providerData = userInternal.providerData.filter(function (pd) {
5371 | return providersLeft.has(pd.providerId);
5372 | });
5373 | if (!providersLeft.has("phone" )) {
5374 | userInternal.phoneNumber = null;
5375 | }
5376 | return [4 , userInternal.auth._persistUserIfCurrent(userInternal)];
5377 | case 4:
5378 | _d.sent();
5379 | return [2 , userInternal];
5380 | }
5381 | });
5382 | });
5383 | }
5384 | function _link$1(user, credential, bypassAuthState) {
5385 | if (bypassAuthState === void 0) { bypassAuthState = false; }
5386 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5387 | var response, _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
5388 | return __generator(this, function (_f) {
5389 | switch (_f.label) {
5390 | case 0:
5391 | _a = _logoutIfInvalidated;
5392 | _b = [user];
5393 | _d = (_c = credential)._linkToIdToken;
5394 | _e = [user.auth];
5395 | return [4 , user.getIdToken()];
5396 | case 1: return [4 , _a.apply(void 0, _b.concat([_d.apply(_c, _e.concat([_f.sent()])), bypassAuthState]))];
5397 | case 2:
5398 | response = _f.sent();
5399 | return [2 , UserCredentialImpl._forOperation(user, "link" , response)];
5400 | }
5401 | });
5402 | });
5403 | }
5404 | function _assertLinkedStatus(expected, user, provider) {
5405 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5406 | var providerIds, code;
5407 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5408 | switch (_a.label) {
5409 | case 0: return [4 , _reloadWithoutSaving(user)];
5410 | case 1:
5411 | _a.sent();
5412 | providerIds = providerDataAsNames(user.providerData);
5413 | code = expected === false
5414 | ? "provider-already-linked"
5415 | : "no-such-provider" ;
5416 | _assert(providerIds.has(provider) === expected, user.auth, code);
5417 | return [2 ];
5418 | }
5419 | });
5420 | });
5421 | }
5422 |
5423 |
5424 |
5425 |
5426 |
5427 |
5428 |
5429 |
5430 |
5431 |
5432 |
5433 |
5434 |
5435 |
5436 |
5437 |
5438 |
5439 | function _reauthenticate(user, credential, bypassAuthState) {
5440 | if (bypassAuthState === void 0) { bypassAuthState = false; }
5441 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5442 | var auth, operationType, response, parsed, localId, e_1;
5443 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5444 | switch (_a.label) {
5445 | case 0:
5446 | auth = user.auth;
5447 | operationType = "reauthenticate" ;
5448 | _a.label = 1;
5449 | case 1:
5450 | _a.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]);
5451 | return [4 , _logoutIfInvalidated(user, _processCredentialSavingMfaContextIfNecessary(auth, operationType, credential, user), bypassAuthState)];
5452 | case 2:
5453 | response = _a.sent();
5454 | _assert(response.idToken, auth, "internal-error" );
5455 | parsed = _parseToken(response.idToken);
5456 | _assert(parsed, auth, "internal-error" );
5457 | localId = parsed.sub;
5458 | _assert(user.uid === localId, auth, "user-mismatch" );
5459 | return [2 , UserCredentialImpl._forOperation(user, operationType, response)];
5460 | case 3:
5461 | e_1 = _a.sent();
5462 |
5463 | if ((e_1 === null || e_1 === void 0 ? void 0 : e_1.code) === "auth/" + "user-not-found" ) {
5464 | _fail(auth, "user-mismatch" );
5465 | }
5466 | throw e_1;
5467 | case 4: return [2 ];
5468 | }
5469 | });
5470 | });
5471 | }
5472 |
5473 |
5474 |
5475 |
5476 |
5477 |
5478 |
5479 |
5480 |
5481 |
5482 |
5483 |
5484 |
5485 |
5486 |
5487 |
5488 |
5489 | function _signInWithCredential(auth, credential, bypassAuthState) {
5490 | if (bypassAuthState === void 0) { bypassAuthState = false; }
5491 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5492 | var operationType, response, userCredential;
5493 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5494 | switch (_a.label) {
5495 | case 0:
5496 | operationType = "signIn" ;
5497 | return [4 , _processCredentialSavingMfaContextIfNecessary(auth, operationType, credential)];
5498 | case 1:
5499 | response = _a.sent();
5500 | return [4 , UserCredentialImpl._fromIdTokenResponse(auth, operationType, response)];
5501 | case 2:
5502 | userCredential = _a.sent();
5503 | if (!!bypassAuthState) return [3 , 4];
5504 | return [4 , auth._updateCurrentUser(userCredential.user)];
5505 | case 3:
5506 | _a.sent();
5507 | _a.label = 4;
5508 | case 4: return [2 , userCredential];
5509 | }
5510 | });
5511 | });
5512 | }
5513 |
5514 |
5515 |
5516 |
5517 |
5518 |
5519 |
5520 |
5521 |
5522 |
5523 |
5524 | function signInWithCredential(auth, credential) {
5525 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5526 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5527 | return [2 , _signInWithCredential(_castAuth(auth), credential)];
5528 | });
5529 | });
5530 | }
5531 |
5532 |
5533 |
5534 |
5535 |
5536 |
5537 |
5538 |
5539 |
5540 |
5541 |
5542 | function linkWithCredential(user, credential) {
5543 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5544 | var userInternal;
5545 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5546 | switch (_a.label) {
5547 | case 0:
5548 | userInternal = getModularInstance(user);
5549 | return [4 , _assertLinkedStatus(false, userInternal, credential.providerId)];
5550 | case 1:
5551 | _a.sent();
5552 | return [2 , _link$1(userInternal, credential)];
5553 | }
5554 | });
5555 | });
5556 | }
5557 |
5558 |
5559 |
5560 |
5561 |
5562 |
5563 |
5564 |
5565 |
5566 |
5567 |
5568 |
5569 | function reauthenticateWithCredential(user, credential) {
5570 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5571 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5572 | return [2 , _reauthenticate(getModularInstance(user), credential)];
5573 | });
5574 | });
5575 | }
5576 |
5577 |
5578 |
5579 |
5580 |
5581 |
5582 |
5583 |
5584 |
5585 |
5586 |
5587 |
5588 |
5589 |
5590 |
5591 |
5592 |
5593 | function signInWithCustomToken$1(auth, request) {
5594 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5595 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5596 | return [2 , _performSignInRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:signInWithCustomToken" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request))];
5597 | });
5598 | });
5599 | }
5600 |
5601 |
5602 |
5603 |
5604 |
5605 |
5606 |
5607 |
5608 |
5609 |
5610 |
5611 |
5612 |
5613 |
5614 |
5615 |
5616 |
5617 |
5618 |
5619 |
5620 |
5621 |
5622 |
5623 |
5624 |
5625 |
5626 |
5627 |
5628 |
5629 |
5630 |
5631 |
5632 |
5633 | function signInWithCustomToken(auth, customToken) {
5634 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5635 | var authInternal, response, cred;
5636 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5637 | switch (_a.label) {
5638 | case 0:
5639 | authInternal = _castAuth(auth);
5640 | return [4 , signInWithCustomToken$1(authInternal, {
5641 | token: customToken,
5642 | returnSecureToken: true
5643 | })];
5644 | case 1:
5645 | response = _a.sent();
5646 | return [4 , UserCredentialImpl._fromIdTokenResponse(authInternal, "signIn" , response)];
5647 | case 2:
5648 | cred = _a.sent();
5649 | return [4 , authInternal._updateCurrentUser(cred.user)];
5650 | case 3:
5651 | _a.sent();
5652 | return [2 , cred];
5653 | }
5654 | });
5655 | });
5656 | }
5657 |
5658 |
5659 |
5660 |
5661 |
5662 |
5663 |
5664 |
5665 |
5666 |
5667 |
5668 |
5669 |
5670 |
5671 |
5672 |
5673 |
5674 | var MultiFactorInfoImpl = (function () {
5675 | function MultiFactorInfoImpl(factorId, response) {
5676 | this.factorId = factorId;
5677 | this.uid = response.mfaEnrollmentId;
5678 | this.enrollmentTime = new Date(response.enrolledAt).toUTCString();
5679 | this.displayName = response.displayName;
5680 | }
5681 | MultiFactorInfoImpl._fromServerResponse = function (auth, enrollment) {
5682 | if ('phoneInfo' in enrollment) {
5683 | return PhoneMultiFactorInfoImpl._fromServerResponse(auth, enrollment);
5684 | }
5685 | return _fail(auth, "internal-error" );
5686 | };
5687 | return MultiFactorInfoImpl;
5688 | }());
5689 | var PhoneMultiFactorInfoImpl = (function (_super) {
5690 | __extends(PhoneMultiFactorInfoImpl, _super);
5691 | function PhoneMultiFactorInfoImpl(response) {
5692 | var _this = _super.call(this, "phone" , response) || this;
5693 | _this.phoneNumber = response.phoneInfo;
5694 | return _this;
5695 | }
5696 | PhoneMultiFactorInfoImpl._fromServerResponse = function (_auth, enrollment) {
5697 | return new PhoneMultiFactorInfoImpl(enrollment);
5698 | };
5699 | return PhoneMultiFactorInfoImpl;
5700 | }(MultiFactorInfoImpl));
5701 |
5702 |
5703 |
5704 |
5705 |
5706 |
5707 |
5708 |
5709 |
5710 |
5711 |
5712 |
5713 |
5714 |
5715 |
5716 |
5717 |
5718 | function _setActionCodeSettingsOnRequest(auth, request, actionCodeSettings) {
5719 | var _a;
5720 | _assert(((_a = actionCodeSettings.url) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.length) > 0, auth, "invalid-continue-uri" );
5721 | _assert(typeof actionCodeSettings.dynamicLinkDomain === 'undefined' ||
5722 | actionCodeSettings.dynamicLinkDomain.length > 0, auth, "invalid-dynamic-link-domain" );
5723 | request.continueUrl = actionCodeSettings.url;
5724 | request.dynamicLinkDomain = actionCodeSettings.dynamicLinkDomain;
5725 | request.canHandleCodeInApp = actionCodeSettings.handleCodeInApp;
5726 | if (actionCodeSettings.iOS) {
5727 | _assert(actionCodeSettings.iOS.bundleId.length > 0, auth, "missing-ios-bundle-id" );
5728 | request.iOSBundleId = actionCodeSettings.iOS.bundleId;
5729 | }
5730 | if (actionCodeSettings.android) {
5731 | _assert(actionCodeSettings.android.packageName.length > 0, auth, "missing-android-pkg-name" );
5732 | request.androidInstallApp = actionCodeSettings.android.installApp;
5733 | request.androidMinimumVersionCode =
5734 | actionCodeSettings.android.minimumVersion;
5735 | request.androidPackageName = actionCodeSettings.android.packageName;
5736 | }
5737 | }
5738 |
5739 |
5740 |
5741 |
5742 |
5743 |
5744 |
5745 |
5746 |
5747 |
5748 |
5749 |
5750 |
5751 |
5752 |
5753 |
5754 |
5755 |
5756 |
5757 |
5758 |
5759 |
5760 |
5761 |
5762 |
5763 |
5764 |
5765 |
5766 |
5767 |
5768 |
5769 |
5770 |
5771 |
5772 |
5773 |
5774 |
5775 |
5776 |
5777 |
5778 |
5779 |
5780 |
5781 |
5782 |
5783 |
5784 |
5785 |
5786 |
5787 | function sendPasswordResetEmail(auth, email, actionCodeSettings) {
5788 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5789 | var authModular, request;
5790 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5791 | switch (_a.label) {
5792 | case 0:
5793 | authModular = getModularInstance(auth);
5794 | request = {
5795 | requestType: "PASSWORD_RESET" ,
5796 | email: email
5797 | };
5798 | if (actionCodeSettings) {
5799 | _setActionCodeSettingsOnRequest(authModular, request, actionCodeSettings);
5800 | }
5801 | return [4 , sendPasswordResetEmail$1(authModular, request)];
5802 | case 1:
5803 | _a.sent();
5804 | return [2 ];
5805 | }
5806 | });
5807 | });
5808 | }
5809 |
5810 |
5811 |
5812 |
5813 |
5814 |
5815 |
5816 |
5817 |
5818 | function confirmPasswordReset(auth, oobCode, newPassword) {
5819 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5820 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5821 | switch (_a.label) {
5822 | case 0: return [4 , resetPassword(getModularInstance(auth), {
5823 | oobCode: oobCode,
5824 | newPassword: newPassword
5825 | })];
5826 | case 1:
5827 | _a.sent();
5828 | return [2 ];
5829 | }
5830 | });
5831 | });
5832 | }
5833 |
5834 |
5835 |
5836 |
5837 |
5838 |
5839 |
5840 |
5841 | function applyActionCode(auth, oobCode) {
5842 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5843 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5844 | switch (_a.label) {
5845 | case 0: return [4 , applyActionCode$1(getModularInstance(auth), { oobCode: oobCode })];
5846 | case 1:
5847 | _a.sent();
5848 | return [2 ];
5849 | }
5850 | });
5851 | });
5852 | }
5853 |
5854 |
5855 |
5856 |
5857 |
5858 |
5859 |
5860 |
5861 |
5862 |
5863 | function checkActionCode(auth, oobCode) {
5864 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5865 | var authModular, response, operation, multiFactorInfo;
5866 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5867 | switch (_a.label) {
5868 | case 0:
5869 | authModular = getModularInstance(auth);
5870 | return [4 , resetPassword(authModular, { oobCode: oobCode })];
5871 | case 1:
5872 | response = _a.sent();
5873 | operation = response.requestType;
5874 | _assert(operation, authModular, "internal-error" );
5875 | switch (operation) {
5876 | case "EMAIL_SIGNIN" :
5877 | break;
5879 | _assert(response.newEmail, authModular, "internal-error" );
5880 | break;
5882 | _assert(response.mfaInfo, authModular, "internal-error" );
5883 |
5884 | default:
5885 | _assert(response.email, authModular, "internal-error" );
5886 | }
5887 | multiFactorInfo = null;
5888 | if (response.mfaInfo) {
5889 | multiFactorInfo = MultiFactorInfoImpl._fromServerResponse(_castAuth(authModular), response.mfaInfo);
5890 | }
5891 | return [2 , {
5892 | data: {
5893 | email: (response.requestType === "VERIFY_AND_CHANGE_EMAIL"
5894 | ? response.newEmail
5895 | : response.email) || null,
5896 | previousEmail: (response.requestType === "VERIFY_AND_CHANGE_EMAIL"
5897 | ? response.email
5898 | : response.newEmail) || null,
5899 | multiFactorInfo: multiFactorInfo
5900 | },
5901 | operation: operation
5902 | }];
5903 | }
5904 | });
5905 | });
5906 | }
5907 |
5908 |
5909 |
5910 |
5911 |
5912 |
5913 |
5914 |
5915 |
5916 |
5917 | function verifyPasswordResetCode(auth, code) {
5918 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5919 | var data;
5920 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5921 | switch (_a.label) {
5922 | case 0: return [4 , checkActionCode(getModularInstance(auth), code)];
5923 | case 1:
5924 | data = (_a.sent()).data;
5925 |
5926 | return [2 , data.email];
5927 | }
5928 | });
5929 | });
5930 | }
5931 |
5932 |
5933 |
5934 |
5935 |
5936 |
5937 |
5938 |
5939 |
5940 |
5941 |
5942 |
5943 |
5944 |
5945 |
5946 |
5947 |
5948 | function createUserWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password) {
5949 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
5950 | var authInternal, response, userCredential;
5951 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
5952 | switch (_a.label) {
5953 | case 0:
5954 | authInternal = _castAuth(auth);
5955 | return [4 , signUp(authInternal, {
5956 | returnSecureToken: true,
5957 | email: email,
5958 | password: password
5959 | })];
5960 | case 1:
5961 | response = _a.sent();
5962 | return [4 , UserCredentialImpl._fromIdTokenResponse(authInternal, "signIn" , response)];
5963 | case 2:
5964 | userCredential = _a.sent();
5965 | return [4 , authInternal._updateCurrentUser(userCredential.user)];
5966 | case 3:
5967 | _a.sent();
5968 | return [2 , userCredential];
5969 | }
5970 | });
5971 | });
5972 | }
5973 |
5974 |
5975 |
5976 |
5977 |
5978 |
5979 |
5980 |
5981 |
5982 |
5983 |
5984 |
5985 |
5986 |
5987 |
5988 |
5989 | function signInWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password) {
5990 | return signInWithCredential(getModularInstance(auth), EmailAuthProvider.credential(email, password));
5991 | }
5992 |
5993 |
5994 |
5995 |
5996 |
5997 |
5998 |
5999 |
6000 |
6001 |
6002 |
6003 |
6004 |
6005 |
6006 |
6007 |
6008 |
6009 |
6010 |
6011 |
6012 |
6013 |
6014 |
6015 |
6016 |
6017 |
6018 |
6019 |
6020 |
6021 |
6022 |
6023 |
6024 |
6025 |
6026 |
6027 |
6028 |
6029 |
6030 |
6031 |
6032 |
6033 |
6034 |
6035 |
6036 |
6037 |
6038 |
6039 |
6040 |
6041 |
6042 |
6043 |
6044 |
6045 |
6046 |
6047 | function sendSignInLinkToEmail(auth, email, actionCodeSettings) {
6048 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
6049 | var authModular, request;
6050 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
6051 | switch (_a.label) {
6052 | case 0:
6053 | authModular = getModularInstance(auth);
6054 | request = {
6055 | requestType: "EMAIL_SIGNIN" ,
6056 | email: email
6057 | };
6058 | _assert(actionCodeSettings.handleCodeInApp, authModular, "argument-error" );
6059 | if (actionCodeSettings) {
6060 | _setActionCodeSettingsOnRequest(authModular, request, actionCodeSettings);
6061 | }
6062 | return [4 , sendSignInLinkToEmail$1(authModular, request)];
6063 | case 1:
6064 | _a.sent();
6065 | return [2 ];
6066 | }
6067 | });
6068 | });
6069 | }
6070 |
6071 |
6072 |
6073 |
6074 |
6075 |
6076 |
6077 |
6078 | function isSignInWithEmailLink(auth, emailLink) {
6079 | var actionCodeUrl = ActionCodeURL.parseLink(emailLink);
6080 | return (actionCodeUrl === null || actionCodeUrl === void 0 ? void 0 : actionCodeUrl.operation) === "EMAIL_SIGNIN" ;
6081 | }
6082 |
6083 |
6084 |
6085 |
6086 |
6087 |
6088 |
6089 |
6090 |
6091 |
6092 |
6093 |
6094 |
6095 |
6096 |
6097 |
6098 |
6099 |
6100 |
6101 |
6102 |
6103 |
6104 |
6105 |
6106 |
6107 |
6108 |
6109 |
6110 |
6111 |
6112 |
6113 |
6114 |
6115 |
6116 |
6117 |
6118 |
6119 | function signInWithEmailLink(auth, email, emailLink) {
6120 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
6121 | var authModular, credential;
6122 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
6123 | authModular = getModularInstance(auth);
6124 | credential = EmailAuthProvider.credentialWithLink(email, emailLink || _getCurrentUrl());
6125 |
6126 |
6127 | _assert(credential._tenantId === (authModular.tenantId || null), authModular, "tenant-id-mismatch" );
6128 | return [2 , signInWithCredential(authModular, credential)];
6129 | });
6130 | });
6131 | }
6132 |
6133 |
6134 |
6135 |
6136 |
6137 |
6138 |
6139 |
6140 |
6141 |
6142 |
6143 |
6144 |
6145 |
6146 |
6147 |
6148 |
6149 | function createAuthUri(auth, request) {
6150 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
6151 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
6152 | return [2 , _performApiRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:createAuthUri" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request))];
6153 | });
6154 | });
6155 | }
6156 |
6157 |
6158 |
6159 |
6160 |
6161 |
6162 |
6163 |
6164 |
6165 |
6166 |
6167 |
6168 |
6169 |
6170 |
6171 |
6172 |
6173 |
6174 |
6175 |
6176 |
6177 |
6178 |
6179 |
6180 |
6181 |
6182 |
6183 |
6184 |
6185 |
6186 |
6187 | function fetchSignInMethodsForEmail(auth, email) {
6188 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
6189 | var continueUri, request, signinMethods;
6190 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
6191 | switch (_a.label) {
6192 | case 0:
6193 | continueUri = _isHttpOrHttps() ? _getCurrentUrl() : 'http://localhost';
6194 | request = {
6195 | identifier: email,
6196 | continueUri: continueUri
6197 | };
6198 | return [4 , createAuthUri(getModularInstance(auth), request)];
6199 | case 1:
6200 | signinMethods = (_a.sent()).signinMethods;
6201 | return [2 , signinMethods || []];
6202 | }
6203 | });
6204 | });
6205 | }
6206 |
6207 |
6208 |
6209 |
6210 |
6211 |
6212 |
6213 |
6214 |
6215 |
6216 |
6217 |
6218 |
6219 |
6220 |
6221 |
6222 |
6223 |
6224 |
6225 |
6226 |
6227 |
6228 |
6229 |
6230 |
6231 |
6232 |
6233 |
6234 |
6235 |
6236 | function sendEmailVerification(user, actionCodeSettings) {
6237 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
6238 | var userInternal, idToken, request, email;
6239 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
6240 | switch (_a.label) {
6241 | case 0:
6242 | userInternal = getModularInstance(user);
6243 | return [4 , user.getIdToken()];
6244 | case 1:
6245 | idToken = _a.sent();
6246 | request = {
6247 | requestType: "VERIFY_EMAIL" ,
6248 | idToken: idToken
6249 | };
6250 | if (actionCodeSettings) {
6251 | _setActionCodeSettingsOnRequest(userInternal.auth, request, actionCodeSettings);
6252 | }
6253 | return [4 , sendEmailVerification$1(userInternal.auth, request)];
6254 | case 2:
6255 | email = (_a.sent()).email;
6256 | if (!(email !== user.email)) return [3 , 4];
6257 | return [4 , user.reload()];
6258 | case 3:
6259 | _a.sent();
6260 | _a.label = 4;
6261 | case 4: return [2 ];
6262 | }
6263 | });
6264 | });
6265 | }
6266 |
6267 |
6268 |
6269 |
6270 |
6271 |
6272 |
6273 |
6274 |
6275 |
6276 |
6277 |
6278 |
6279 |
6280 |
6281 |
6282 |
6283 |
6284 |
6285 |
6286 |
6287 |
6288 |
6289 |
6290 |
6291 |
6292 |
6293 |
6294 |
6295 |
6296 |
6297 |
6298 |
6299 |
6300 | function verifyBeforeUpdateEmail(user, newEmail, actionCodeSettings) {
6301 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
6302 | var userInternal, idToken, request, email;
6303 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
6304 | switch (_a.label) {
6305 | case 0:
6306 | userInternal = getModularInstance(user);
6307 | return [4 , user.getIdToken()];
6308 | case 1:
6309 | idToken = _a.sent();
6310 | request = {
6311 | requestType: "VERIFY_AND_CHANGE_EMAIL" ,
6312 | idToken: idToken,
6313 | newEmail: newEmail
6314 | };
6315 | if (actionCodeSettings) {
6316 | _setActionCodeSettingsOnRequest(userInternal.auth, request, actionCodeSettings);
6317 | }
6318 | return [4 , verifyAndChangeEmail(userInternal.auth, request)];
6319 | case 2:
6320 | email = (_a.sent()).email;
6321 | if (!(email !== user.email)) return [3 , 4];
6322 |
6323 |
6324 | return [4 , user.reload()];
6325 | case 3:
6326 |
6327 |
6328 | _a.sent();
6329 | _a.label = 4;
6330 | case 4: return [2 ];
6331 | }
6332 | });
6333 | });
6334 | }
6335 |
6336 |
6337 |
6338 |
6339 |
6340 |
6341 |
6342 |
6343 |
6344 |
6345 |
6346 |
6347 |
6348 |
6349 |
6350 |
6351 |
6352 | function updateProfile$1(auth, request) {
6353 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
6354 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
6355 | return [2 , _performApiRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v1/accounts:update" , request)];
6356 | });
6357 | });
6358 | }
6359 |
6360 |
6361 |
6362 |
6363 |
6364 |
6365 |
6366 |
6367 |
6368 |
6369 |
6370 |
6371 |
6372 |
6373 |
6374 |
6375 |
6376 |
6377 |
6378 |
6379 |
6380 |
6381 |
6382 |
6383 |
6384 | function updateProfile(user, _a) {
6385 | var displayName = _a.displayName, photoUrl = _a.photoURL;
6386 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
6387 | var userInternal, idToken, profileRequest, response, passwordProvider;
6388 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
6389 | switch (_b.label) {
6390 | case 0:
6391 | if (displayName === undefined && photoUrl === undefined) {
6392 | return [2 ];
6393 | }
6394 | userInternal = getModularInstance(user);
6395 | return [4 , userInternal.getIdToken()];
6396 | case 1:
6397 | idToken = _b.sent();
6398 | profileRequest = {
6399 | idToken: idToken,
6400 | displayName: displayName,
6401 | photoUrl: photoUrl,
6402 | returnSecureToken: true
6403 | };
6404 | return [4 , _logoutIfInvalidated(userInternal, updateProfile$1(userInternal.auth, profileRequest))];
6405 | case 2:
6406 | response = _b.sent();
6407 | userInternal.displayName = response.displayName || null;
6408 | userInternal.photoURL = response.photoUrl || null;
6409 | passwordProvider = userInternal.providerData.find(function (_a) {
6410 | var providerId = _a.providerId;
6411 | return providerId === "password" ;
6412 | });
6413 | if (passwordProvider) {
6414 | passwordProvider.displayName = userInternal.displayName;
6415 | passwordProvider.photoURL = userInternal.photoURL;
6416 | }
6417 | return [4 , userInternal._updateTokensIfNecessary(response)];
6418 | case 3:
6419 | _b.sent();
6420 | return [2 ];
6421 | }
6422 | });
6423 | });
6424 | }
6425 |
6426 |
6427 |
6428 |
6429 |
6430 |
6431 |
6432 |
6433 |
6434 |
6435 |
6436 |
6437 |
6438 |
6439 |
6440 |
6441 | function updateEmail(user, newEmail) {
6442 | return updateEmailOrPassword(getModularInstance(user), newEmail, null);
6443 | }
6444 |
6445 |
6446 |
6447 |
6448 |
6449 |
6450 |
6451 |
6452 |
6453 |
6454 |
6455 |
6456 |
6457 | function updatePassword(user, newPassword) {
6458 | return updateEmailOrPassword(getModularInstance(user), null, newPassword);
6459 | }
6460 | function updateEmailOrPassword(user, email, password) {
6461 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
6462 | var auth, idToken, request, response;
6463 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
6464 | switch (_a.label) {
6465 | case 0:
6466 | auth = user.auth;
6467 | return [4 , user.getIdToken()];
6468 | case 1:
6469 | idToken = _a.sent();
6470 | request = {
6471 | idToken: idToken,
6472 | returnSecureToken: true
6473 | };
6474 | if (email) {
6475 | request.email = email;
6476 | }
6477 | if (password) {
6478 | request.password = password;
6479 | }
6480 | return [4 , _logoutIfInvalidated(user, updateEmailPassword(auth, request))];
6481 | case 2:
6482 | response = _a.sent();
6483 | return [4 , user._updateTokensIfNecessary(response, true)];
6484 | case 3:
6485 | _a.sent();
6486 | return [2 ];
6487 | }
6488 | });
6489 | });
6490 | }
6491 |
6492 |
6493 |
6494 |
6495 |
6496 |
6497 |
6498 |
6499 |
6500 |
6501 |
6502 |
6503 |
6504 |
6505 |
6506 |
6507 |
6508 |
6509 |
6510 |
6511 |
6512 | function _fromIdTokenResponse(idTokenResponse) {
6513 | var _a, _b;
6514 | if (!idTokenResponse) {
6515 | return null;
6516 | }
6517 | var providerId = idTokenResponse.providerId;
6518 | var profile = idTokenResponse.rawUserInfo
6519 | ? JSON.parse(idTokenResponse.rawUserInfo)
6520 | : {};
6521 | var isNewUser = idTokenResponse.isNewUser ||
6522 | idTokenResponse.kind === "identitytoolkit#SignupNewUserResponse" ;
6523 | if (!providerId && (idTokenResponse === null || idTokenResponse === void 0 ? void 0 : idTokenResponse.idToken)) {
6524 | var signInProvider = (_b = (_a = _parseToken(idTokenResponse.idToken)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.firebase) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b['sign_in_provider'];
6525 | if (signInProvider) {
6526 | var filteredProviderId = signInProvider !== "anonymous" &&
6527 | signInProvider !== "custom"
6528 | ? signInProvider
6529 | : null;
6530 |
6531 | return new GenericAdditionalUserInfo(isNewUser, filteredProviderId);
6532 | }
6533 | }
6534 | if (!providerId) {
6535 | return null;
6536 | }
6537 | switch (providerId) {
6538 | case "facebook.com" :
6539 | return new FacebookAdditionalUserInfo(isNewUser, profile);
6540 | case "github.com" :
6541 | return new GithubAdditionalUserInfo(isNewUser, profile);
6542 | case "google.com" :
6543 | return new GoogleAdditionalUserInfo(isNewUser, profile);
6544 | case "twitter.com" :
6545 | return new TwitterAdditionalUserInfo(isNewUser, profile, idTokenResponse.screenName || null);
6546 | case "custom" :
6547 | case "anonymous" :
6548 | return new GenericAdditionalUserInfo(isNewUser, null);
6549 | default:
6550 | return new GenericAdditionalUserInfo(isNewUser, providerId, profile);
6551 | }
6552 | }
6553 | var GenericAdditionalUserInfo = (function () {
6554 | function GenericAdditionalUserInfo(isNewUser, providerId, profile) {
6555 | if (profile === void 0) { profile = {}; }
6556 | this.isNewUser = isNewUser;
6557 | this.providerId = providerId;
6558 | this.profile = profile;
6559 | }
6560 | return GenericAdditionalUserInfo;
6561 | }());
6562 | var FederatedAdditionalUserInfoWithUsername = (function (_super) {
6563 | __extends(FederatedAdditionalUserInfoWithUsername, _super);
6564 | function FederatedAdditionalUserInfoWithUsername(isNewUser, providerId, profile, username) {
6565 | var _this = _super.call(this, isNewUser, providerId, profile) || this;
6566 | _this.username = username;
6567 | return _this;
6568 | }
6569 | return FederatedAdditionalUserInfoWithUsername;
6570 | }(GenericAdditionalUserInfo));
6571 | var FacebookAdditionalUserInfo = (function (_super) {
6572 | __extends(FacebookAdditionalUserInfo, _super);
6573 | function FacebookAdditionalUserInfo(isNewUser, profile) {
6574 | return _super.call(this, isNewUser, "facebook.com" , profile) || this;
6575 | }
6576 | return FacebookAdditionalUserInfo;
6577 | }(GenericAdditionalUserInfo));
6578 | var GithubAdditionalUserInfo = (function (_super) {
6579 | __extends(GithubAdditionalUserInfo, _super);
6580 | function GithubAdditionalUserInfo(isNewUser, profile) {
6581 | return _super.call(this, isNewUser, "github.com" , profile, typeof (profile === null || profile === void 0 ? void 0 : profile.login) === 'string' ? profile === null || profile === void 0 ? void 0 : profile.login : null) || this;
6582 | }
6583 | return GithubAdditionalUserInfo;
6584 | }(FederatedAdditionalUserInfoWithUsername));
6585 | var GoogleAdditionalUserInfo = (function (_super) {
6586 | __extends(GoogleAdditionalUserInfo, _super);
6587 | function GoogleAdditionalUserInfo(isNewUser, profile) {
6588 | return _super.call(this, isNewUser, "google.com" , profile) || this;
6589 | }
6590 | return GoogleAdditionalUserInfo;
6591 | }(GenericAdditionalUserInfo));
6592 | var TwitterAdditionalUserInfo = (function (_super) {
6593 | __extends(TwitterAdditionalUserInfo, _super);
6594 | function TwitterAdditionalUserInfo(isNewUser, profile, screenName) {
6595 | return _super.call(this, isNewUser, "twitter.com" , profile, screenName) || this;
6596 | }
6597 | return TwitterAdditionalUserInfo;
6598 | }(FederatedAdditionalUserInfoWithUsername));
6599 |
6600 |
6601 |
6602 |
6603 |
6604 |
6605 |
6606 | function getAdditionalUserInfo(userCredential) {
6607 | var _a = userCredential, user = _a.user, _tokenResponse = _a._tokenResponse;
6608 | if (user.isAnonymous && !_tokenResponse) {
6609 |
6610 |
6611 | return {
6612 | providerId: null,
6613 | isNewUser: false,
6614 | profile: null
6615 | };
6616 | }
6617 | return _fromIdTokenResponse(_tokenResponse);
6618 | }
6619 |
6620 |
6621 |
6622 |
6623 |
6624 |
6625 |
6626 |
6627 |
6628 |
6629 |
6630 |
6631 |
6632 |
6633 |
6634 |
6635 |
6636 |
6637 |
6638 |
6639 |
6640 |
6641 |
6642 |
6643 |
6644 |
6645 |
6646 |
6647 |
6648 |
6649 |
6650 |
6651 |
6652 |
6653 |
6654 |
6655 |
6656 |
6657 |
6658 | function setPersistence(auth, persistence) {
6659 | return getModularInstance(auth).setPersistence(persistence);
6660 | }
6661 |
6662 |
6663 |
6664 |
6665 |
6666 |
6667 |
6668 |
6669 |
6670 |
6671 |
6672 | function onIdTokenChanged(auth, nextOrObserver, error, completed) {
6673 | return getModularInstance(auth).onIdTokenChanged(nextOrObserver, error, completed);
6674 | }
6675 |
6676 |
6677 |
6678 |
6679 |
6680 |
6681 |
6682 |
6683 |
6684 |
6685 | function beforeAuthStateChanged(auth, callback, onAbort) {
6686 | return getModularInstance(auth).beforeAuthStateChanged(callback, onAbort);
6687 | }
6688 |
6689 |
6690 |
6691 |
6692 |
6693 |
6694 |
6695 |
6696 |
6697 |
6698 |
6699 |
6700 |
6701 | function onAuthStateChanged(auth, nextOrObserver, error, completed) {
6702 | return getModularInstance(auth).onAuthStateChanged(nextOrObserver, error, completed);
6703 | }
6704 |
6705 |
6706 |
6707 |
6708 |
6709 |
6710 |
6711 | function useDeviceLanguage(auth) {
6712 | getModularInstance(auth).useDeviceLanguage();
6713 | }
6714 |
6715 |
6716 |
6717 |
6718 |
6719 |
6720 |
6721 |
6722 |
6723 |
6724 |
6725 |
6726 |
6727 |
6728 |
6729 |
6730 |
6731 |
6732 | function updateCurrentUser(auth, user) {
6733 | return getModularInstance(auth).updateCurrentUser(user);
6734 | }
6735 |
6736 |
6737 |
6738 |
6739 |
6740 |
6741 |
6742 | function signOut(auth) {
6743 | return getModularInstance(auth).signOut();
6744 | }
6745 |
6746 |
6747 |
6748 |
6749 |
6750 |
6751 |
6752 |
6753 |
6754 |
6755 |
6756 |
6757 | function deleteUser(user) {
6758 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
6759 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
6760 | return [2 , getModularInstance(user).delete()];
6761 | });
6762 | });
6763 | }
6764 |
6765 | var MultiFactorSessionImpl = (function () {
6766 | function MultiFactorSessionImpl(type, credential) {
6767 | this.type = type;
6768 | this.credential = credential;
6769 | }
6770 | MultiFactorSessionImpl._fromIdtoken = function (idToken) {
6771 | return new MultiFactorSessionImpl("enroll" , idToken);
6772 | };
6773 | MultiFactorSessionImpl._fromMfaPendingCredential = function (mfaPendingCredential) {
6774 | return new MultiFactorSessionImpl("signin" , mfaPendingCredential);
6775 | };
6776 | MultiFactorSessionImpl.prototype.toJSON = function () {
6777 | var _a;
6778 | var key = this.type === "enroll"
6779 | ? 'idToken'
6780 | : 'pendingCredential';
6781 | return {
6782 | multiFactorSession: (_a = {},
6783 | _a[key] = this.credential,
6784 | _a)
6785 | };
6786 | };
6787 | MultiFactorSessionImpl.fromJSON = function (obj) {
6788 | var _a, _b;
6789 | if (obj === null || obj === void 0 ? void 0 : obj.multiFactorSession) {
6790 | if ((_a = obj.multiFactorSession) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.pendingCredential) {
6791 | return MultiFactorSessionImpl._fromMfaPendingCredential(obj.multiFactorSession.pendingCredential);
6792 | }
6793 | else if ((_b = obj.multiFactorSession) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.idToken) {
6794 | return MultiFactorSessionImpl._fromIdtoken(obj.multiFactorSession.idToken);
6795 | }
6796 | }
6797 | return null;
6798 | };
6799 | return MultiFactorSessionImpl;
6800 | }());
6801 |
6802 |
6803 |
6804 |
6805 |
6806 |
6807 |
6808 |
6809 |
6810 |
6811 |
6812 |
6813 |
6814 |
6815 |
6816 |
6817 |
6818 | var MultiFactorResolverImpl = (function () {
6819 | function MultiFactorResolverImpl(session, hints, signInResolver) {
6820 | this.session = session;
6821 | this.hints = hints;
6822 | this.signInResolver = signInResolver;
6823 | }
6824 |
6825 | MultiFactorResolverImpl._fromError = function (authExtern, error) {
6826 | var _this = this;
6827 | var auth = _castAuth(authExtern);
6828 | var serverResponse = error.customData._serverResponse;
6829 | var hints = (serverResponse.mfaInfo || []).map(function (enrollment) {
6830 | return MultiFactorInfoImpl._fromServerResponse(auth, enrollment);
6831 | });
6832 | _assert(serverResponse.mfaPendingCredential, auth, "internal-error" );
6833 | var session = MultiFactorSessionImpl._fromMfaPendingCredential(serverResponse.mfaPendingCredential);
6834 | return new MultiFactorResolverImpl(session, hints, function (assertion) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
6835 | var mfaResponse, idTokenResponse, _a, userCredential;
6836 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
6837 | switch (_b.label) {
6838 | case 0: return [4 , assertion._process(auth, session)];
6839 | case 1:
6840 | mfaResponse = _b.sent();
6841 |
6842 | delete serverResponse.mfaInfo;
6843 | delete serverResponse.mfaPendingCredential;
6844 | idTokenResponse = __assign(__assign({}, serverResponse), { idToken: mfaResponse.idToken, refreshToken: mfaResponse.refreshToken });
6845 | _a = error.operationType;
6846 | switch (_a) {
6847 | case "signIn" : return [3 , 2];
6848 | case "reauthenticate" : return [3 , 5];
6849 | }
6850 | return [3 , 6];
6851 | case 2: return [4 , UserCredentialImpl._fromIdTokenResponse(auth, error.operationType, idTokenResponse)];
6852 | case 3:
6853 | userCredential = _b.sent();
6854 | return [4 , auth._updateCurrentUser(userCredential.user)];
6855 | case 4:
6856 | _b.sent();
6857 | return [2 , userCredential];
6858 | case 5:
6859 | _assert(error.user, auth, "internal-error" );
6860 | return [2 , UserCredentialImpl._forOperation(error.user, error.operationType, idTokenResponse)];
6861 | case 6:
6862 | _fail(auth, "internal-error" );
6863 | _b.label = 7;
6864 | case 7: return [2 ];
6865 | }
6866 | });
6867 | }); });
6868 | };
6869 | MultiFactorResolverImpl.prototype.resolveSignIn = function (assertionExtern) {
6870 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
6871 | var assertion;
6872 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
6873 | assertion = assertionExtern;
6874 | return [2 , this.signInResolver(assertion)];
6875 | });
6876 | });
6877 | };
6878 | return MultiFactorResolverImpl;
6879 | }());
6880 |
6881 |
6882 |
6883 |
6884 |
6885 |
6886 |
6887 |
6888 |
6889 |
6890 | function getMultiFactorResolver(auth, error) {
6891 | var _a;
6892 | var authModular = getModularInstance(auth);
6893 | var errorInternal = error;
6894 | _assert(error.customData.operationType, authModular, "argument-error" );
6895 | _assert((_a = errorInternal.customData._serverResponse) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.mfaPendingCredential, authModular, "argument-error" );
6896 | return MultiFactorResolverImpl._fromError(authModular, errorInternal);
6897 | }
6898 |
6899 |
6900 |
6901 |
6902 |
6903 |
6904 |
6905 |
6906 |
6907 |
6908 |
6909 |
6910 |
6911 |
6912 |
6913 |
6914 |
6915 | function startEnrollPhoneMfa(auth, request) {
6916 | return _performApiRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v2/accounts/mfaEnrollment:start" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request));
6917 | }
6918 | function finalizeEnrollPhoneMfa(auth, request) {
6919 | return _performApiRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v2/accounts/mfaEnrollment:finalize" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request));
6920 | }
6921 | function withdrawMfa(auth, request) {
6922 | return _performApiRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v2/accounts/mfaEnrollment:withdraw" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request));
6923 | }
6924 |
6925 | var MultiFactorUserImpl = (function () {
6926 | function MultiFactorUserImpl(user) {
6927 | var _this = this;
6928 | this.user = user;
6929 | this.enrolledFactors = [];
6930 | user._onReload(function (userInfo) {
6931 | if (userInfo.mfaInfo) {
6932 | _this.enrolledFactors = userInfo.mfaInfo.map(function (enrollment) {
6933 | return MultiFactorInfoImpl._fromServerResponse(user.auth, enrollment);
6934 | });
6935 | }
6936 | });
6937 | }
6938 | MultiFactorUserImpl._fromUser = function (user) {
6939 | return new MultiFactorUserImpl(user);
6940 | };
6941 | MultiFactorUserImpl.prototype.getSession = function () {
6942 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
6943 | var _a, _b;
6944 | return __generator(this, function (_c) {
6945 | switch (_c.label) {
6946 | case 0:
6947 | _b = (_a = MultiFactorSessionImpl)._fromIdtoken;
6948 | return [4 , this.user.getIdToken()];
6949 | case 1: return [2 , _b.apply(_a, [_c.sent()])];
6950 | }
6951 | });
6952 | });
6953 | };
6954 | MultiFactorUserImpl.prototype.enroll = function (assertionExtern, displayName) {
6955 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
6956 | var assertion, session, finalizeMfaResponse;
6957 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
6958 | switch (_a.label) {
6959 | case 0:
6960 | assertion = assertionExtern;
6961 | return [4 , this.getSession()];
6962 | case 1:
6963 | session = (_a.sent());
6964 | return [4 , _logoutIfInvalidated(this.user, assertion._process(this.user.auth, session, displayName))];
6965 | case 2:
6966 | finalizeMfaResponse = _a.sent();
6967 |
6968 |
6969 | return [4 , this.user._updateTokensIfNecessary(finalizeMfaResponse)];
6970 | case 3:
6971 |
6972 |
6973 | _a.sent();
6974 |
6975 |
6976 |
6977 | return [2 , this.user.reload()];
6978 | }
6979 | });
6980 | });
6981 | };
6982 | MultiFactorUserImpl.prototype.unenroll = function (infoOrUid) {
6983 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
6984 | var mfaEnrollmentId, idToken, idTokenResponse, e_1;
6985 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
6986 | switch (_a.label) {
6987 | case 0:
6988 | mfaEnrollmentId = typeof infoOrUid === 'string' ? infoOrUid : infoOrUid.uid;
6989 | return [4 , this.user.getIdToken()];
6990 | case 1:
6991 | idToken = _a.sent();
6992 | return [4 , _logoutIfInvalidated(this.user, withdrawMfa(this.user.auth, {
6993 | idToken: idToken,
6994 | mfaEnrollmentId: mfaEnrollmentId
6995 | }))];
6996 | case 2:
6997 | idTokenResponse = _a.sent();
6998 |
6999 | this.enrolledFactors = this.enrolledFactors.filter(function (_a) {
7000 | var uid = _a.uid;
7001 | return uid !== mfaEnrollmentId;
7002 | });
7003 |
7004 |
7005 |
7006 |
7007 | return [4 , this.user._updateTokensIfNecessary(idTokenResponse)];
7008 | case 3:
7009 |
7010 |
7011 |
7012 |
7013 | _a.sent();
7014 | _a.label = 4;
7015 | case 4:
7016 | _a.trys.push([4, 6, , 7]);
7017 | return [4 , this.user.reload()];
7018 | case 5:
7019 | _a.sent();
7020 | return [3 , 7];
7021 | case 6:
7022 | e_1 = _a.sent();
7023 | if (e_1.code !== "auth/" + "user-token-expired" ) {
7024 | throw e_1;
7025 | }
7026 | return [3 , 7];
7027 | case 7: return [2 ];
7028 | }
7029 | });
7030 | });
7031 | };
7032 | return MultiFactorUserImpl;
7033 | }());
7034 | var multiFactorUserCache = new WeakMap();
7035 |
7036 |
7037 |
7038 |
7039 |
7040 |
7041 |
7042 |
7043 |
7044 |
7045 | function multiFactor(user) {
7046 | var userModular = getModularInstance(user);
7047 | if (!multiFactorUserCache.has(userModular)) {
7048 | multiFactorUserCache.set(userModular, MultiFactorUserImpl._fromUser(userModular));
7049 | }
7050 | return multiFactorUserCache.get(userModular);
7051 | }
7052 |
7053 | var STORAGE_AVAILABLE_KEY = '__sak';
7054 |
7055 |
7056 |
7057 |
7058 |
7059 |
7060 |
7061 |
7062 |
7063 |
7064 |
7065 |
7066 |
7067 |
7068 |
7069 |
7070 |
7071 |
7072 |
7073 |
7074 | var BrowserPersistenceClass = (function () {
7075 | function BrowserPersistenceClass(storageRetriever, type) {
7076 | this.storageRetriever = storageRetriever;
7077 | this.type = type;
7078 | }
7079 | BrowserPersistenceClass.prototype._isAvailable = function () {
7080 | try {
7081 | if (!this.storage) {
7082 | return Promise.resolve(false);
7083 | }
7084 | this.storage.setItem(STORAGE_AVAILABLE_KEY, '1');
7085 | this.storage.removeItem(STORAGE_AVAILABLE_KEY);
7086 | return Promise.resolve(true);
7087 | }
7088 | catch (_a) {
7089 | return Promise.resolve(false);
7090 | }
7091 | };
7092 | BrowserPersistenceClass.prototype._set = function (key, value) {
7093 | this.storage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value));
7094 | return Promise.resolve();
7095 | };
7096 | BrowserPersistenceClass.prototype._get = function (key) {
7097 | var json = this.storage.getItem(key);
7098 | return Promise.resolve(json ? JSON.parse(json) : null);
7099 | };
7100 | BrowserPersistenceClass.prototype._remove = function (key) {
7101 | this.storage.removeItem(key);
7102 | return Promise.resolve();
7103 | };
7104 | Object.defineProperty(BrowserPersistenceClass.prototype, "storage", {
7105 | get: function () {
7106 | return this.storageRetriever();
7107 | },
7108 | enumerable: false,
7109 | configurable: true
7110 | });
7111 | return BrowserPersistenceClass;
7112 | }());
7113 |
7114 |
7115 |
7116 |
7117 |
7118 |
7119 |
7120 |
7121 |
7122 |
7123 |
7124 |
7125 |
7126 |
7127 |
7128 |
7129 |
7130 | function _iframeCannotSyncWebStorage() {
7131 | var ua = getUA();
7132 | return _isSafari(ua) || _isIOS(ua);
7133 | }
7134 |
7135 | var _POLLING_INTERVAL_MS$1 = 1000;
7136 |
7137 | var IE10_LOCAL_STORAGE_SYNC_DELAY = 10;
7138 | var BrowserLocalPersistence = (function (_super) {
7139 | __extends(BrowserLocalPersistence, _super);
7140 | function BrowserLocalPersistence() {
7141 | var _this = _super.call(this, function () { return window.localStorage; }, "LOCAL" ) || this;
7142 | _this.boundEventHandler = function (event, poll) { return _this.onStorageEvent(event, poll); };
7143 | _this.listeners = {};
7144 | _this.localCache = {};
7145 |
7146 |
7147 | _this.pollTimer = null;
7148 |
7149 | _this.safariLocalStorageNotSynced = _iframeCannotSyncWebStorage() && _isIframe();
7150 |
7151 | _this.fallbackToPolling = _isMobileBrowser();
7152 | _this._shouldAllowMigration = true;
7153 | return _this;
7154 | }
7155 | BrowserLocalPersistence.prototype.forAllChangedKeys = function (cb) {
7156 |
7157 | for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.keys(this.listeners); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
7158 | var key = _a[_i];
7159 |
7160 | var newValue = this.storage.getItem(key);
7161 | var oldValue = this.localCache[key];
7162 |
7163 |
7164 | if (newValue !== oldValue) {
7165 | cb(key, oldValue, newValue);
7166 | }
7167 | }
7168 | };
7169 | BrowserLocalPersistence.prototype.onStorageEvent = function (event, poll) {
7170 | var _this = this;
7171 | if (poll === void 0) { poll = false; }
7172 |
7173 | if (!event.key) {
7174 | this.forAllChangedKeys(function (key, _oldValue, newValue) {
7175 | _this.notifyListeners(key, newValue);
7176 | });
7177 | return;
7178 | }
7179 | var key = event.key;
7180 |
7181 |
7182 | if (poll) {
7183 |
7184 |
7185 | this.detachListener();
7186 | }
7187 | else {
7188 |
7189 |
7190 | this.stopPolling();
7191 | }
7192 |
7193 |
7194 | if (this.safariLocalStorageNotSynced) {
7195 |
7196 | var storedValue_1 = this.storage.getItem(key);
7197 |
7198 | if (event.newValue !== storedValue_1) {
7199 | if (event.newValue !== null) {
7200 |
7201 | this.storage.setItem(key, event.newValue);
7202 | }
7203 | else {
7204 |
7205 | this.storage.removeItem(key);
7206 | }
7207 | }
7208 | else if (this.localCache[key] === event.newValue && !poll) {
7209 |
7210 | return;
7211 | }
7212 | }
7213 | var triggerListeners = function () {
7214 |
7215 |
7216 | var storedValue = _this.storage.getItem(key);
7217 | if (!poll && _this.localCache[key] === storedValue) {
7218 |
7219 |
7220 | return;
7221 | }
7222 | _this.notifyListeners(key, storedValue);
7223 | };
7224 | var storedValue = this.storage.getItem(key);
7225 | if (_isIE10() &&
7226 | storedValue !== event.newValue &&
7227 | event.newValue !== event.oldValue) {
7228 |
7229 |
7230 |
7231 |
7232 | setTimeout(triggerListeners, IE10_LOCAL_STORAGE_SYNC_DELAY);
7233 | }
7234 | else {
7235 | triggerListeners();
7236 | }
7237 | };
7238 | BrowserLocalPersistence.prototype.notifyListeners = function (key, value) {
7239 | this.localCache[key] = value;
7240 | var listeners = this.listeners[key];
7241 | if (listeners) {
7242 | for (var _i = 0, _a = Array.from(listeners); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
7243 | var listener = _a[_i];
7244 | listener(value ? JSON.parse(value) : value);
7245 | }
7246 | }
7247 | };
7248 | BrowserLocalPersistence.prototype.startPolling = function () {
7249 | var _this = this;
7250 | this.stopPolling();
7251 | this.pollTimer = setInterval(function () {
7252 | _this.forAllChangedKeys(function (key, oldValue, newValue) {
7253 | _this.onStorageEvent(new StorageEvent('storage', {
7254 | key: key,
7255 | oldValue: oldValue,
7256 | newValue: newValue
7257 | }),
7258 | true);
7259 | });
7260 | }, _POLLING_INTERVAL_MS$1);
7261 | };
7262 | BrowserLocalPersistence.prototype.stopPolling = function () {
7263 | if (this.pollTimer) {
7264 | clearInterval(this.pollTimer);
7265 | this.pollTimer = null;
7266 | }
7267 | };
7268 | BrowserLocalPersistence.prototype.attachListener = function () {
7269 | window.addEventListener('storage', this.boundEventHandler);
7270 | };
7271 | BrowserLocalPersistence.prototype.detachListener = function () {
7272 | window.removeEventListener('storage', this.boundEventHandler);
7273 | };
7274 | BrowserLocalPersistence.prototype._addListener = function (key, listener) {
7275 | if (Object.keys(this.listeners).length === 0) {
7276 |
7277 |
7278 |
7279 |
7280 | if (this.fallbackToPolling) {
7281 | this.startPolling();
7282 | }
7283 | else {
7284 | this.attachListener();
7285 | }
7286 | }
7287 | if (!this.listeners[key]) {
7288 | this.listeners[key] = new Set();
7289 |
7290 | this.localCache[key] = this.storage.getItem(key);
7291 | }
7292 | this.listeners[key].add(listener);
7293 | };
7294 | BrowserLocalPersistence.prototype._removeListener = function (key, listener) {
7295 | if (this.listeners[key]) {
7296 | this.listeners[key].delete(listener);
7297 | if (this.listeners[key].size === 0) {
7298 | delete this.listeners[key];
7299 | }
7300 | }
7301 | if (Object.keys(this.listeners).length === 0) {
7302 | this.detachListener();
7303 | this.stopPolling();
7304 | }
7305 | };
7306 |
7307 | BrowserLocalPersistence.prototype._set = function (key, value) {
7308 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
7309 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
7310 | switch (_a.label) {
7311 | case 0: return [4 , _super.prototype._set.call(this, key, value)];
7312 | case 1:
7313 | _a.sent();
7314 | this.localCache[key] = JSON.stringify(value);
7315 | return [2 ];
7316 | }
7317 | });
7318 | });
7319 | };
7320 | BrowserLocalPersistence.prototype._get = function (key) {
7321 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
7322 | var value;
7323 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
7324 | switch (_a.label) {
7325 | case 0: return [4 , _super.prototype._get.call(this, key)];
7326 | case 1:
7327 | value = _a.sent();
7328 | this.localCache[key] = JSON.stringify(value);
7329 | return [2 , value];
7330 | }
7331 | });
7332 | });
7333 | };
7334 | BrowserLocalPersistence.prototype._remove = function (key) {
7335 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
7336 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
7337 | switch (_a.label) {
7338 | case 0: return [4 , _super.prototype._remove.call(this, key)];
7339 | case 1:
7340 | _a.sent();
7341 | delete this.localCache[key];
7342 | return [2 ];
7343 | }
7344 | });
7345 | });
7346 | };
7347 | BrowserLocalPersistence.type = 'LOCAL';
7348 | return BrowserLocalPersistence;
7349 | }(BrowserPersistenceClass));
7350 |
7351 |
7352 |
7353 |
7354 |
7355 |
7356 | var browserLocalPersistence = BrowserLocalPersistence;
7357 |
7358 |
7359 |
7360 |
7361 |
7362 |
7363 |
7364 |
7365 |
7366 |
7367 |
7368 |
7369 |
7370 |
7371 |
7372 |
7373 |
7374 | var BrowserSessionPersistence = (function (_super) {
7375 | __extends(BrowserSessionPersistence, _super);
7376 | function BrowserSessionPersistence() {
7377 | return _super.call(this, function () { return window.sessionStorage; }, "SESSION" ) || this;
7378 | }
7379 | BrowserSessionPersistence.prototype._addListener = function (_key, _listener) {
7380 |
7381 | return;
7382 | };
7383 | BrowserSessionPersistence.prototype._removeListener = function (_key, _listener) {
7384 |
7385 | return;
7386 | };
7387 | BrowserSessionPersistence.type = 'SESSION';
7388 | return BrowserSessionPersistence;
7389 | }(BrowserPersistenceClass));
7390 |
7391 |
7392 |
7393 |
7394 |
7395 |
7396 | var browserSessionPersistence = BrowserSessionPersistence;
7397 |
7398 |
7399 |
7400 |
7401 |
7402 |
7403 |
7404 |
7405 |
7406 |
7407 |
7408 |
7409 |
7410 |
7411 |
7412 |
7413 |
7414 |
7415 |
7416 |
7417 |
7418 |
7419 | function _allSettled(promises) {
7420 | var _this = this;
7421 | return Promise.all(promises.map(function (promise) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
7422 | var value, reason_1;
7423 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
7424 | switch (_a.label) {
7425 | case 0:
7426 | _a.trys.push([0, 2, , 3]);
7427 | return [4 , promise];
7428 | case 1:
7429 | value = _a.sent();
7430 | return [2 , {
7431 | fulfilled: true,
7432 | value: value
7433 | }];
7434 | case 2:
7435 | reason_1 = _a.sent();
7436 | return [2 , {
7437 | fulfilled: false,
7438 | reason: reason_1
7439 | }];
7440 | case 3: return [2 ];
7441 | }
7442 | });
7443 | }); }));
7444 | }
7445 |
7446 |
7447 |
7448 |
7449 |
7450 |
7451 |
7452 |
7453 |
7454 |
7455 |
7456 |
7457 |
7458 |
7459 |
7460 |
7461 |
7462 |
7463 |
7464 |
7465 |
7466 | var Receiver = (function () {
7467 | function Receiver(eventTarget) {
7468 | this.eventTarget = eventTarget;
7469 | this.handlersMap = {};
7470 | this.boundEventHandler = this.handleEvent.bind(this);
7471 | }
7472 | |
7473 |
7474 |
7475 |
7476 |
7477 |
7478 | Receiver._getInstance = function (eventTarget) {
7479 |
7480 |
7481 |
7482 | var existingInstance = this.receivers.find(function (receiver) {
7483 | return receiver.isListeningto(eventTarget);
7484 | });
7485 | if (existingInstance) {
7486 | return existingInstance;
7487 | }
7488 | var newInstance = new Receiver(eventTarget);
7489 | this.receivers.push(newInstance);
7490 | return newInstance;
7491 | };
7492 | Receiver.prototype.isListeningto = function (eventTarget) {
7493 | return this.eventTarget === eventTarget;
7494 | };
7495 | |
7496 |
7497 |
7498 |
7499 |
7500 |
7501 |
7502 |
7503 |
7504 |
7505 | Receiver.prototype.handleEvent = function (event) {
7506 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
7507 | var messageEvent, _a, eventId, eventType, data, handlers, promises, response;
7508 | var _this = this;
7509 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
7510 | switch (_b.label) {
7511 | case 0:
7512 | messageEvent = event;
7513 | _a = messageEvent.data, eventId = _a.eventId, eventType = _a.eventType, data = _a.data;
7514 | handlers = this.handlersMap[eventType];
7515 | if (!(handlers === null || handlers === void 0 ? void 0 : handlers.size)) {
7516 | return [2 ];
7517 | }
7518 | messageEvent.ports[0].postMessage({
7519 | status: "ack" ,
7520 | eventId: eventId,
7521 | eventType: eventType
7522 | });
7523 | promises = Array.from(handlers).map(function (handler) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () { return __generator(this, function (_a) {
7524 | return [2 , handler(messageEvent.origin, data)];
7525 | }); }); });
7526 | return [4 , _allSettled(promises)];
7527 | case 1:
7528 | response = _b.sent();
7529 | messageEvent.ports[0].postMessage({
7530 | status: "done" ,
7531 | eventId: eventId,
7532 | eventType: eventType,
7533 | response: response
7534 | });
7535 | return [2 ];
7536 | }
7537 | });
7538 | });
7539 | };
7540 | |
7541 |
7542 |
7543 |
7544 |
7545 |
7546 |
7547 | Receiver.prototype._subscribe = function (eventType, eventHandler) {
7548 | if (Object.keys(this.handlersMap).length === 0) {
7549 | this.eventTarget.addEventListener('message', this.boundEventHandler);
7550 | }
7551 | if (!this.handlersMap[eventType]) {
7552 | this.handlersMap[eventType] = new Set();
7553 | }
7554 | this.handlersMap[eventType].add(eventHandler);
7555 | };
7556 | |
7557 |
7558 |
7559 |
7560 |
7561 |
7562 |
7563 | Receiver.prototype._unsubscribe = function (eventType, eventHandler) {
7564 | if (this.handlersMap[eventType] && eventHandler) {
7565 | this.handlersMap[eventType].delete(eventHandler);
7566 | }
7567 | if (!eventHandler || this.handlersMap[eventType].size === 0) {
7568 | delete this.handlersMap[eventType];
7569 | }
7570 | if (Object.keys(this.handlersMap).length === 0) {
7571 | this.eventTarget.removeEventListener('message', this.boundEventHandler);
7572 | }
7573 | };
7574 | Receiver.receivers = [];
7575 | return Receiver;
7576 | }());
7577 |
7578 |
7579 |
7580 |
7581 |
7582 |
7583 |
7584 |
7585 |
7586 |
7587 |
7588 |
7589 |
7590 |
7591 |
7592 |
7593 |
7594 | function _generateEventId(prefix, digits) {
7595 | if (prefix === void 0) { prefix = ''; }
7596 | if (digits === void 0) { digits = 10; }
7597 | var random = '';
7598 | for (var i = 0; i < digits; i++) {
7599 | random += Math.floor(Math.random() * 10);
7600 | }
7601 | return prefix + random;
7602 | }
7603 |
7604 |
7605 |
7606 |
7607 |
7608 |
7609 |
7610 |
7611 |
7612 |
7613 |
7614 |
7615 |
7616 |
7617 |
7618 |
7619 |
7620 |
7621 |
7622 |
7623 |
7624 | var Sender = (function () {
7625 | function Sender(target) {
7626 | this.target = target;
7627 | this.handlers = new Set();
7628 | }
7629 | |
7630 |
7631 |
7632 |
7633 |
7634 | Sender.prototype.removeMessageHandler = function (handler) {
7635 | if (handler.messageChannel) {
7636 | handler.messageChannel.port1.removeEventListener('message', handler.onMessage);
7637 | handler.messageChannel.port1.close();
7638 | }
7639 | this.handlers.delete(handler);
7640 | };
7641 | |
7642 |
7643 |
7644 |
7645 |
7646 |
7647 |
7648 |
7649 |
7650 |
7651 |
7652 |
7653 |
7654 | Sender.prototype._send = function (eventType, data, timeout) {
7655 | if (timeout === void 0) { timeout = 50 ; }
7656 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
7657 | var messageChannel, completionTimer, handler;
7658 | var _this = this;
7659 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
7660 | messageChannel = typeof MessageChannel !== 'undefined' ? new MessageChannel() : null;
7661 | if (!messageChannel) {
7662 | throw new Error("connection_unavailable" );
7663 | }
7664 | return [2 , new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
7665 | var eventId = _generateEventId('', 20);
7666 | messageChannel.port1.start();
7667 | var ackTimer = setTimeout(function () {
7668 | reject(new Error("unsupported_event" ));
7669 | }, timeout);
7670 | handler = {
7671 | messageChannel: messageChannel,
7672 | onMessage: function (event) {
7673 | var messageEvent = event;
7674 | if (messageEvent.data.eventId !== eventId) {
7675 | return;
7676 | }
7677 | switch (messageEvent.data.status) {
7678 | case "ack" :
7679 |
7680 | clearTimeout(ackTimer);
7681 | completionTimer = setTimeout(function () {
7682 | reject(new Error("timeout" ));
7683 | }, 3000 );
7684 | break;
7685 | case "done" :
7686 |
7687 | clearTimeout(completionTimer);
7688 | resolve(messageEvent.data.response);
7689 | break;
7690 | default:
7691 | clearTimeout(ackTimer);
7692 | clearTimeout(completionTimer);
7693 | reject(new Error("invalid_response" ));
7694 | break;
7695 | }
7696 | }
7697 | };
7698 | _this.handlers.add(handler);
7699 | messageChannel.port1.addEventListener('message', handler.onMessage);
7700 | _this.target.postMessage({
7701 | eventType: eventType,
7702 | eventId: eventId,
7703 | data: data
7704 | }, [messageChannel.port2]);
7705 | }).finally(function () {
7706 | if (handler) {
7707 | _this.removeMessageHandler(handler);
7708 | }
7709 | })];
7710 | });
7711 | });
7712 | };
7713 | return Sender;
7714 | }());
7715 |
7716 |
7717 |
7718 |
7719 |
7720 |
7721 |
7722 |
7723 |
7724 |
7725 |
7726 |
7727 |
7728 |
7729 |
7730 |
7731 |
7732 |
7733 |
7734 |
7735 |
7736 | function _window() {
7737 | return window;
7738 | }
7739 | function _setWindowLocation(url) {
7740 | _window().location.href = url;
7741 | }
7742 |
7743 |
7744 |
7745 |
7746 |
7747 |
7748 |
7749 |
7750 |
7751 |
7752 |
7753 |
7754 |
7755 |
7756 |
7757 |
7758 |
7759 | function _isWorker() {
7760 | return (typeof _window()['WorkerGlobalScope'] !== 'undefined' &&
7761 | typeof _window()['importScripts'] === 'function');
7762 | }
7763 | function _getActiveServiceWorker() {
7764 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
7765 | var registration;
7766 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
7767 | switch (_b.label) {
7768 | case 0:
7769 | if (!(navigator === null || navigator === void 0 ? void 0 : navigator.serviceWorker)) {
7770 | return [2 , null];
7771 | }
7772 | _b.label = 1;
7773 | case 1:
7774 | _b.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]);
7775 | return [4 , navigator.serviceWorker.ready];
7776 | case 2:
7777 | registration = _b.sent();
7778 | return [2 , registration.active];
7779 | case 3:
7780 | _b.sent();
7781 | return [2 , null];
7782 | case 4: return [2 ];
7783 | }
7784 | });
7785 | });
7786 | }
7787 | function _getServiceWorkerController() {
7788 | var _a;
7789 | return ((_a = navigator === null || navigator === void 0 ? void 0 : navigator.serviceWorker) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.controller) || null;
7790 | }
7791 | function _getWorkerGlobalScope() {
7792 | return _isWorker() ? self : null;
7793 | }
7794 |
7795 |
7796 |
7797 |
7798 |
7799 |
7800 |
7801 |
7802 |
7803 |
7804 |
7805 |
7806 |
7807 |
7808 |
7809 |
7810 |
7811 | var DB_NAME = 'firebaseLocalStorageDb';
7812 | var DB_VERSION = 1;
7813 | var DB_OBJECTSTORE_NAME = 'firebaseLocalStorage';
7814 | var DB_DATA_KEYPATH = 'fbase_key';
7815 |
7816 |
7817 |
7818 |
7819 |
7820 |
7821 | var DBPromise = (function () {
7822 | function DBPromise(request) {
7823 | this.request = request;
7824 | }
7825 | DBPromise.prototype.toPromise = function () {
7826 | var _this = this;
7827 | return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
7828 | _this.request.addEventListener('success', function () {
7829 | resolve(_this.request.result);
7830 | });
7831 | _this.request.addEventListener('error', function () {
7832 | reject(_this.request.error);
7833 | });
7834 | });
7835 | };
7836 | return DBPromise;
7837 | }());
7838 | function getObjectStore(db, isReadWrite) {
7839 | return db
7840 | .transaction([DB_OBJECTSTORE_NAME], isReadWrite ? 'readwrite' : 'readonly')
7841 | .objectStore(DB_OBJECTSTORE_NAME);
7842 | }
7843 | function _deleteDatabase() {
7844 | var request = indexedDB.deleteDatabase(DB_NAME);
7845 | return new DBPromise(request).toPromise();
7846 | }
7847 | function _openDatabase() {
7848 | var _this = this;
7849 | var request = indexedDB.open(DB_NAME, DB_VERSION);
7850 | return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
7851 | request.addEventListener('error', function () {
7852 | reject(request.error);
7853 | });
7854 | request.addEventListener('upgradeneeded', function () {
7855 | var db = request.result;
7856 | try {
7857 | db.createObjectStore(DB_OBJECTSTORE_NAME, { keyPath: DB_DATA_KEYPATH });
7858 | }
7859 | catch (e) {
7860 | reject(e);
7861 | }
7862 | });
7863 | request.addEventListener('success', function () { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
7864 | var db, _a;
7865 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
7866 | switch (_b.label) {
7867 | case 0:
7868 | db = request.result;
7869 | if (!!db.objectStoreNames.contains(DB_OBJECTSTORE_NAME)) return [3 , 3];
7870 |
7871 | db.close();
7872 | return [4 , _deleteDatabase()];
7873 | case 1:
7874 | _b.sent();
7875 | _a = resolve;
7876 | return [4 , _openDatabase()];
7877 | case 2:
7878 | _a.apply(void 0, [_b.sent()]);
7879 | return [3 , 4];
7880 | case 3:
7881 | resolve(db);
7882 | _b.label = 4;
7883 | case 4: return [2 ];
7884 | }
7885 | });
7886 | }); });
7887 | });
7888 | }
7889 | function _putObject(db, key, value) {
7890 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
7891 | var request;
7892 | var _a;
7893 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
7894 | request = getObjectStore(db, true).put((_a = {},
7895 | _a[DB_DATA_KEYPATH] = key,
7896 | _a.value = value,
7897 | _a));
7898 | return [2 , new DBPromise(request).toPromise()];
7899 | });
7900 | });
7901 | }
7902 | function getObject(db, key) {
7903 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
7904 | var request, data;
7905 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
7906 | switch (_a.label) {
7907 | case 0:
7908 | request = getObjectStore(db, false).get(key);
7909 | return [4 , new DBPromise(request).toPromise()];
7910 | case 1:
7911 | data = _a.sent();
7912 | return [2 , data === undefined ? null : data.value];
7913 | }
7914 | });
7915 | });
7916 | }
7917 | function _deleteObject(db, key) {
7918 | var request = getObjectStore(db, true).delete(key);
7919 | return new DBPromise(request).toPromise();
7920 | }
7921 | var _POLLING_INTERVAL_MS = 800;
7923 | var IndexedDBLocalPersistence = (function () {
7924 | function IndexedDBLocalPersistence() {
7925 | this.type = "LOCAL" ;
7926 | this._shouldAllowMigration = true;
7927 | this.listeners = {};
7928 | this.localCache = {};
7929 |
7930 |
7931 | this.pollTimer = null;
7932 | this.pendingWrites = 0;
7933 | this.receiver = null;
7934 | this.sender = null;
7935 | this.serviceWorkerReceiverAvailable = false;
7936 | this.activeServiceWorker = null;
7937 |
7938 | this._workerInitializationPromise =
7939 | this.initializeServiceWorkerMessaging().then(function () { }, function () { });
7940 | }
7941 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.prototype._openDb = function () {
7942 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
7943 | var _a;
7944 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
7945 | switch (_b.label) {
7946 | case 0:
7947 | if (this.db) {
7948 | return [2 , this.db];
7949 | }
7950 | _a = this;
7951 | return [4 , _openDatabase()];
7952 | case 1:
7953 | _a.db = _b.sent();
7954 | return [2 , this.db];
7955 | }
7956 | });
7957 | });
7958 | };
7959 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.prototype._withRetries = function (op) {
7960 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
7961 | var numAttempts, db, e_1;
7962 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
7963 | switch (_a.label) {
7964 | case 0:
7965 | numAttempts = 0;
7966 | _a.label = 1;
7967 | case 1:
7968 | _a.label = 2;
7969 | case 2:
7970 | _a.trys.push([2, 5, , 6]);
7971 | return [4 , this._openDb()];
7972 | case 3:
7973 | db = _a.sent();
7974 | return [4 , op(db)];
7975 | case 4: return [2 , _a.sent()];
7976 | case 5:
7977 | e_1 = _a.sent();
7978 | if (numAttempts++ > _TRANSACTION_RETRY_COUNT) {
7979 | throw e_1;
7980 | }
7981 | if (this.db) {
7982 | this.db.close();
7983 | this.db = undefined;
7984 | }
7985 | return [3 , 6];
7986 | case 6: return [3 , 1];
7987 | case 7: return [2 ];
7988 | }
7989 | });
7990 | });
7991 | };
7992 | |
7993 |
7994 |
7995 |
7996 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.prototype.initializeServiceWorkerMessaging = function () {
7997 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
7998 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
7999 | return [2 , _isWorker() ? this.initializeReceiver() : this.initializeSender()];
8000 | });
8001 | });
8002 | };
8003 | |
8004 |
8005 |
8006 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.prototype.initializeReceiver = function () {
8007 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8008 | var _this = this;
8009 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
8010 | this.receiver = Receiver._getInstance(_getWorkerGlobalScope());
8011 |
8012 | this.receiver._subscribe("keyChanged" , function (_origin, data) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8013 | var keys;
8014 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
8015 | switch (_a.label) {
8016 | case 0: return [4 , this._poll()];
8017 | case 1:
8018 | keys = _a.sent();
8019 | return [2 , {
8020 | keyProcessed: keys.includes(data.key)
8021 | }];
8022 | }
8023 | });
8024 | }); });
8025 |
8026 | this.receiver._subscribe("ping" , function (_origin, _data) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8027 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
8028 | return [2 , ["keyChanged" ]];
8029 | });
8030 | }); });
8031 | return [2 ];
8032 | });
8033 | });
8034 | };
8035 | |
8036 |
8037 |
8038 |
8039 |
8040 |
8041 |
8042 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.prototype.initializeSender = function () {
8043 | var _a, _b;
8044 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8045 | var _c, results;
8046 | return __generator(this, function (_d) {
8047 | switch (_d.label) {
8048 | case 0:
8049 |
8050 | _c = this;
8051 | return [4 , _getActiveServiceWorker()];
8052 | case 1:
8053 |
8054 | _c.activeServiceWorker = _d.sent();
8055 | if (!this.activeServiceWorker) {
8056 | return [2 ];
8057 | }
8058 | this.sender = new Sender(this.activeServiceWorker);
8059 | return [4 , this.sender._send("ping" , {}, 800 )];
8060 | case 2:
8061 | results = _d.sent();
8062 | if (!results) {
8063 | return [2 ];
8064 | }
8065 | if (((_a = results[0]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.fulfilled) &&
8066 | ((_b = results[0]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.value.includes("keyChanged" ))) {
8067 | this.serviceWorkerReceiverAvailable = true;
8068 | }
8069 | return [2 ];
8070 | }
8071 | });
8072 | });
8073 | };
8074 | |
8075 |
8076 |
8077 |
8078 |
8079 |
8080 |
8081 |
8082 |
8083 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.prototype.notifyServiceWorker = function (key) {
8084 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8085 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
8086 | switch (_b.label) {
8087 | case 0:
8088 | if (!this.sender ||
8089 | !this.activeServiceWorker ||
8090 | _getServiceWorkerController() !== this.activeServiceWorker) {
8091 | return [2 ];
8092 | }
8093 | _b.label = 1;
8094 | case 1:
8095 | _b.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]);
8096 | return [4 , this.sender._send("keyChanged" , { key: key },
8097 |
8098 | this.serviceWorkerReceiverAvailable
8099 | ? 800
8100 | : 50 )];
8101 | case 2:
8102 | _b.sent();
8103 | return [3 , 4];
8104 | case 3:
8105 | _b.sent();
8106 | return [3 , 4];
8107 | case 4: return [2 ];
8108 | }
8109 | });
8110 | });
8111 | };
8112 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.prototype._isAvailable = function () {
8113 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8114 | var db;
8115 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
8116 | switch (_b.label) {
8117 | case 0:
8118 | _b.trys.push([0, 4, , 5]);
8119 | if (!indexedDB) {
8120 | return [2 , false];
8121 | }
8122 | return [4 , _openDatabase()];
8123 | case 1:
8124 | db = _b.sent();
8125 | return [4 , _putObject(db, STORAGE_AVAILABLE_KEY, '1')];
8126 | case 2:
8127 | _b.sent();
8128 | return [4 , _deleteObject(db, STORAGE_AVAILABLE_KEY)];
8129 | case 3:
8130 | _b.sent();
8131 | return [2 , true];
8132 | case 4:
8133 | _b.sent();
8134 | return [3 , 5];
8135 | case 5: return [2 , false];
8136 | }
8137 | });
8138 | });
8139 | };
8140 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.prototype._withPendingWrite = function (write) {
8141 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8142 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
8143 | switch (_a.label) {
8144 | case 0:
8145 | this.pendingWrites++;
8146 | _a.label = 1;
8147 | case 1:
8148 | _a.trys.push([1, , 3, 4]);
8149 | return [4 , write()];
8150 | case 2:
8151 | _a.sent();
8152 | return [3 , 4];
8153 | case 3:
8154 | this.pendingWrites--;
8155 | return [7 ];
8156 | case 4: return [2 ];
8157 | }
8158 | });
8159 | });
8160 | };
8161 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.prototype._set = function (key, value) {
8162 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8163 | var _this = this;
8164 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
8165 | return [2 , this._withPendingWrite(function () { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8166 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
8167 | switch (_a.label) {
8168 | case 0: return [4 , this._withRetries(function (db) { return _putObject(db, key, value); })];
8169 | case 1:
8170 | _a.sent();
8171 | this.localCache[key] = value;
8172 | return [2 , this.notifyServiceWorker(key)];
8173 | }
8174 | });
8175 | }); })];
8176 | });
8177 | });
8178 | };
8179 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.prototype._get = function (key) {
8180 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8181 | var obj;
8182 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
8183 | switch (_a.label) {
8184 | case 0: return [4 , this._withRetries(function (db) {
8185 | return getObject(db, key);
8186 | })];
8187 | case 1:
8188 | obj = (_a.sent());
8189 | this.localCache[key] = obj;
8190 | return [2 , obj];
8191 | }
8192 | });
8193 | });
8194 | };
8195 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.prototype._remove = function (key) {
8196 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8197 | var _this = this;
8198 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
8199 | return [2 , this._withPendingWrite(function () { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8200 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
8201 | switch (_a.label) {
8202 | case 0: return [4 , this._withRetries(function (db) { return _deleteObject(db, key); })];
8203 | case 1:
8204 | _a.sent();
8205 | delete this.localCache[key];
8206 | return [2 , this.notifyServiceWorker(key)];
8207 | }
8208 | });
8209 | }); })];
8210 | });
8211 | });
8212 | };
8213 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.prototype._poll = function () {
8214 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8215 | var result, keys, keysInResult, _i, result_1, _a, key, value, _b, _c, localKey;
8216 | return __generator(this, function (_d) {
8217 | switch (_d.label) {
8218 | case 0: return [4 , this._withRetries(function (db) {
8219 | var getAllRequest = getObjectStore(db, false).getAll();
8220 | return new DBPromise(getAllRequest).toPromise();
8221 | })];
8222 | case 1:
8223 | result = _d.sent();
8224 | if (!result) {
8225 | return [2 , []];
8226 | }
8227 |
8228 | if (this.pendingWrites !== 0) {
8229 | return [2 , []];
8230 | }
8231 | keys = [];
8232 | keysInResult = new Set();
8233 | for (_i = 0, result_1 = result; _i < result_1.length; _i++) {
8234 | _a = result_1[_i], key = _a.fbase_key, value = _a.value;
8235 | keysInResult.add(key);
8236 | if (JSON.stringify(this.localCache[key]) !== JSON.stringify(value)) {
8237 | this.notifyListeners(key, value);
8238 | keys.push(key);
8239 | }
8240 | }
8241 | for (_b = 0, _c = Object.keys(this.localCache); _b < _c.length; _b++) {
8242 | localKey = _c[_b];
8243 | if (this.localCache[localKey] && !keysInResult.has(localKey)) {
8244 |
8245 | this.notifyListeners(localKey, null);
8246 | keys.push(localKey);
8247 | }
8248 | }
8249 | return [2 , keys];
8250 | }
8251 | });
8252 | });
8253 | };
8254 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.prototype.notifyListeners = function (key, newValue) {
8255 | this.localCache[key] = newValue;
8256 | var listeners = this.listeners[key];
8257 | if (listeners) {
8258 | for (var _i = 0, _a = Array.from(listeners); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
8259 | var listener = _a[_i];
8260 | listener(newValue);
8261 | }
8262 | }
8263 | };
8264 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.prototype.startPolling = function () {
8265 | var _this = this;
8266 | this.stopPolling();
8267 | this.pollTimer = setInterval(function () { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () { return __generator(this, function (_a) {
8268 | return [2 , this._poll()];
8269 | }); }); }, _POLLING_INTERVAL_MS);
8270 | };
8271 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.prototype.stopPolling = function () {
8272 | if (this.pollTimer) {
8273 | clearInterval(this.pollTimer);
8274 | this.pollTimer = null;
8275 | }
8276 | };
8277 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.prototype._addListener = function (key, listener) {
8278 | if (Object.keys(this.listeners).length === 0) {
8279 | this.startPolling();
8280 | }
8281 | if (!this.listeners[key]) {
8282 | this.listeners[key] = new Set();
8283 |
8284 | void this._get(key);
8285 | }
8286 | this.listeners[key].add(listener);
8287 | };
8288 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.prototype._removeListener = function (key, listener) {
8289 | if (this.listeners[key]) {
8290 | this.listeners[key].delete(listener);
8291 | if (this.listeners[key].size === 0) {
8292 | delete this.listeners[key];
8293 | }
8294 | }
8295 | if (Object.keys(this.listeners).length === 0) {
8296 | this.stopPolling();
8297 | }
8298 | };
8299 | IndexedDBLocalPersistence.type = 'LOCAL';
8300 | return IndexedDBLocalPersistence;
8301 | }());
8302 |
8303 |
8304 |
8305 |
8306 |
8307 |
8308 | var indexedDBLocalPersistence = IndexedDBLocalPersistence;
8309 |
8310 |
8311 |
8312 |
8313 |
8314 |
8315 |
8316 |
8317 |
8318 |
8319 |
8320 |
8321 |
8322 |
8323 |
8324 |
8325 |
8326 | function startSignInPhoneMfa(auth, request) {
8327 | return _performApiRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v2/accounts/mfaSignIn:start" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request));
8328 | }
8329 | function finalizeSignInPhoneMfa(auth, request) {
8330 | return _performApiRequest(auth, "POST" , "/v2/accounts/mfaSignIn:finalize" , _addTidIfNecessary(auth, request));
8331 | }
8332 |
8333 |
8334 |
8335 |
8336 |
8337 |
8338 |
8339 |
8340 |
8341 |
8342 |
8343 |
8344 |
8345 |
8346 |
8347 |
8348 |
8349 | function getRecaptchaParams(auth) {
8350 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8351 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
8352 | switch (_a.label) {
8353 | case 0: return [4 , _performApiRequest(auth, "GET" , "/v1/recaptchaParams" )];
8354 | case 1: return [2 , ((_a.sent()).recaptchaSiteKey || '')];
8355 | }
8356 | });
8357 | });
8358 | }
8359 |
8360 |
8361 |
8362 |
8363 |
8364 |
8365 |
8366 |
8367 |
8368 |
8369 |
8370 |
8371 |
8372 |
8373 |
8374 |
8375 |
8376 | function getScriptParentElement() {
8377 | var _a, _b;
8378 | return (_b = (_a = document.getElementsByTagName('head')) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0]) !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : document;
8379 | }
8380 | function _loadJS(url) {
8381 |
8382 | return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
8383 | var el = document.createElement('script');
8384 | el.setAttribute('src', url);
8385 | el.onload = resolve;
8386 | el.onerror = function (e) {
8387 | var error = _createError("internal-error" );
8388 | error.customData = e;
8389 | reject(error);
8390 | };
8391 | el.type = 'text/javascript';
8392 | el.charset = 'UTF-8';
8393 | getScriptParentElement().appendChild(el);
8394 | });
8395 | }
8396 | function _generateCallbackName(prefix) {
8397 | return "__" + prefix + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000);
8398 | }
8399 |
8400 |
8401 |
8402 |
8403 |
8404 |
8405 |
8406 |
8407 |
8408 |
8409 |
8410 |
8411 |
8412 |
8413 |
8414 |
8415 |
8416 | var _SOLVE_TIME_MS = 500;
8417 | var _EXPIRATION_TIME_MS = 60000;
8418 | var _WIDGET_ID_START = 1000000000000;
8419 | var MockReCaptcha = (function () {
8420 | function MockReCaptcha(auth) {
8421 | this.auth = auth;
8422 | this.counter = _WIDGET_ID_START;
8423 | this._widgets = new Map();
8424 | }
8425 | MockReCaptcha.prototype.render = function (container, parameters) {
8426 | var id = this.counter;
8427 | this._widgets.set(id, new MockWidget(container, this.auth.name, parameters || {}));
8428 | this.counter++;
8429 | return id;
8430 | };
8431 | MockReCaptcha.prototype.reset = function (optWidgetId) {
8432 | var _a;
8433 | var id = optWidgetId || _WIDGET_ID_START;
8434 | void ((_a = this._widgets.get(id)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.delete());
8435 | this._widgets.delete(id);
8436 | };
8437 | MockReCaptcha.prototype.getResponse = function (optWidgetId) {
8438 | var _a;
8439 | var id = optWidgetId || _WIDGET_ID_START;
8440 | return ((_a = this._widgets.get(id)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.getResponse()) || '';
8441 | };
8442 | MockReCaptcha.prototype.execute = function (optWidgetId) {
8443 | var _a;
8444 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8445 | var id;
8446 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
8447 | id = optWidgetId || _WIDGET_ID_START;
8448 | void ((_a = this._widgets.get(id)) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.execute());
8449 | return [2 , ''];
8450 | });
8451 | });
8452 | };
8453 | return MockReCaptcha;
8454 | }());
8455 | var MockWidget = (function () {
8456 | function MockWidget(containerOrId, appName, params) {
8457 | var _this = this;
8458 | this.params = params;
8459 | this.timerId = null;
8460 | this.deleted = false;
8461 | this.responseToken = null;
8462 | this.clickHandler = function () {
8463 | _this.execute();
8464 | };
8465 | var container = typeof containerOrId === 'string'
8466 | ? document.getElementById(containerOrId)
8467 | : containerOrId;
8468 | _assert(container, "argument-error" , { appName: appName });
8469 | this.container = container;
8470 | this.isVisible = this.params.size !== 'invisible';
8471 | if (this.isVisible) {
8472 | this.execute();
8473 | }
8474 | else {
8475 | this.container.addEventListener('click', this.clickHandler);
8476 | }
8477 | }
8478 | MockWidget.prototype.getResponse = function () {
8479 | this.checkIfDeleted();
8480 | return this.responseToken;
8481 | };
8482 | MockWidget.prototype.delete = function () {
8483 | this.checkIfDeleted();
8484 | this.deleted = true;
8485 | if (this.timerId) {
8486 | clearTimeout(this.timerId);
8487 | this.timerId = null;
8488 | }
8489 | this.container.removeEventListener('click', this.clickHandler);
8490 | };
8491 | MockWidget.prototype.execute = function () {
8492 | var _this = this;
8493 | this.checkIfDeleted();
8494 | if (this.timerId) {
8495 | return;
8496 | }
8497 | this.timerId = window.setTimeout(function () {
8498 | _this.responseToken = generateRandomAlphaNumericString(50);
8499 | var _a = _this.params, callback = _a.callback, expiredCallback = _a["expired-callback"];
8500 | if (callback) {
8501 | try {
8502 | callback(_this.responseToken);
8503 | }
8504 | catch (e) { }
8505 | }
8506 | _this.timerId = window.setTimeout(function () {
8507 | _this.timerId = null;
8508 | _this.responseToken = null;
8509 | if (expiredCallback) {
8510 | try {
8511 | expiredCallback();
8512 | }
8513 | catch (e) { }
8514 | }
8515 | if (_this.isVisible) {
8516 | _this.execute();
8517 | }
8519 | }, _SOLVE_TIME_MS);
8520 | };
8521 | MockWidget.prototype.checkIfDeleted = function () {
8522 | if (this.deleted) {
8523 | throw new Error('reCAPTCHA mock was already deleted!');
8524 | }
8525 | };
8526 | return MockWidget;
8527 | }());
8528 | function generateRandomAlphaNumericString(len) {
8529 | var chars = [];
8530 | var allowedChars = '1234567890abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
8531 | for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
8532 | chars.push(allowedChars.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * allowedChars.length)));
8533 | }
8534 | return chars.join('');
8535 | }
8536 |
8537 |
8538 |
8539 |
8540 |
8541 |
8542 |
8543 |
8544 |
8545 |
8546 |
8547 |
8548 |
8549 |
8550 |
8551 |
8552 |
8553 |
8554 |
8555 | var _JSLOAD_CALLBACK = _generateCallbackName('rcb');
8556 | var NETWORK_TIMEOUT_DELAY = new Delay(30000, 60000);
8557 | var RECAPTCHA_BASE = 'https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?';
8558 |
8559 |
8560 |
8561 | var ReCaptchaLoaderImpl = (function () {
8562 | function ReCaptchaLoaderImpl() {
8563 | this.hostLanguage = '';
8564 | this.counter = 0;
8565 | this.librarySeparatelyLoaded = !!_window().grecaptcha;
8566 | }
8567 | ReCaptchaLoaderImpl.prototype.load = function (auth, hl) {
8568 | var _this = this;
8569 | if (hl === void 0) { hl = ''; }
8570 | _assert(isHostLanguageValid(hl), auth, "argument-error" );
8571 | if (this.shouldResolveImmediately(hl)) {
8572 | return Promise.resolve(_window().grecaptcha);
8573 | }
8574 | return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
8575 | var networkTimeout = _window().setTimeout(function () {
8576 | reject(_createError(auth, "network-request-failed" ));
8577 | }, NETWORK_TIMEOUT_DELAY.get());
8578 | _window()[_JSLOAD_CALLBACK] = function () {
8579 | _window().clearTimeout(networkTimeout);
8580 | delete _window()[_JSLOAD_CALLBACK];
8581 | var recaptcha = _window().grecaptcha;
8582 | if (!recaptcha) {
8583 | reject(_createError(auth, "internal-error" ));
8584 | return;
8585 | }
8586 |
8587 |
8588 | var render = recaptcha.render;
8589 | recaptcha.render = function (container, params) {
8590 | var widgetId = render(container, params);
8591 | _this.counter++;
8592 | return widgetId;
8593 | };
8594 | _this.hostLanguage = hl;
8595 | resolve(recaptcha);
8596 | };
8597 | var url = RECAPTCHA_BASE + "?" + querystring({
8598 | onload: _JSLOAD_CALLBACK,
8599 | render: 'explicit',
8600 | hl: hl
8601 | });
8602 | _loadJS(url).catch(function () {
8603 | clearTimeout(networkTimeout);
8604 | reject(_createError(auth, "internal-error" ));
8605 | });
8606 | });
8607 | };
8608 | ReCaptchaLoaderImpl.prototype.clearedOneInstance = function () {
8609 | this.counter--;
8610 | };
8611 | ReCaptchaLoaderImpl.prototype.shouldResolveImmediately = function (hl) {
8612 |
8613 |
8614 |
8615 |
8616 |
8617 |
8618 |
8619 | return (!!_window().grecaptcha &&
8620 | (hl === this.hostLanguage ||
8621 | this.counter > 0 ||
8622 | this.librarySeparatelyLoaded));
8623 | };
8624 | return ReCaptchaLoaderImpl;
8625 | }());
8626 | function isHostLanguageValid(hl) {
8627 | return hl.length <= 6 && /^\s*[a-zA-Z0-9\-]*\s*$/.test(hl);
8628 | }
8629 | var MockReCaptchaLoaderImpl = (function () {
8630 | function MockReCaptchaLoaderImpl() {
8631 | }
8632 | MockReCaptchaLoaderImpl.prototype.load = function (auth) {
8633 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8634 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
8635 | return [2 , new MockReCaptcha(auth)];
8636 | });
8637 | });
8638 | };
8639 | MockReCaptchaLoaderImpl.prototype.clearedOneInstance = function () { };
8640 | return MockReCaptchaLoaderImpl;
8641 | }());
8642 |
8643 |
8644 |
8645 |
8646 |
8647 |
8648 |
8649 |
8650 |
8651 |
8652 |
8653 |
8654 |
8655 |
8656 |
8657 |
8658 |
8659 | var RECAPTCHA_VERIFIER_TYPE = 'recaptcha';
8660 | var DEFAULT_PARAMS = {
8661 | theme: 'light',
8662 | type: 'image'
8663 | };
8664 |
8665 |
8666 |
8667 |
8668 |
8669 | var RecaptchaVerifier = (function () {
8670 | |
8671 |
8672 |
8673 |
8674 |
8675 |
8676 |
8677 |
8678 |
8679 |
8680 |
8681 |
8682 |
8683 |
8684 |
8685 |
8686 |
8687 |
8688 |
8689 |
8690 |
8691 |
8692 |
8693 |
8694 | function RecaptchaVerifier(containerOrId, parameters, authExtern) {
8695 | if (parameters === void 0) { parameters = __assign({}, DEFAULT_PARAMS); }
8696 | this.parameters = parameters;
8697 | |
8698 |
8699 |
8700 |
8701 |
8702 |
8703 | this.type = RECAPTCHA_VERIFIER_TYPE;
8704 | this.destroyed = false;
8705 | this.widgetId = null;
8706 | this.tokenChangeListeners = new Set();
8707 | this.renderPromise = null;
8708 | this.recaptcha = null;
8709 | this.auth = _castAuth(authExtern);
8710 | this.isInvisible = this.parameters.size === 'invisible';
8711 | _assert(typeof document !== 'undefined', this.auth, "operation-not-supported-in-this-environment" );
8712 | var container = typeof containerOrId === 'string'
8713 | ? document.getElementById(containerOrId)
8714 | : containerOrId;
8715 | _assert(container, this.auth, "argument-error" );
8716 | this.container = container;
8717 | this.parameters.callback = this.makeTokenCallback(this.parameters.callback);
8718 | this._recaptchaLoader = this.auth.settings.appVerificationDisabledForTesting
8719 | ? new MockReCaptchaLoaderImpl()
8720 | : new ReCaptchaLoaderImpl();
8721 | this.validateStartingState();
8722 |
8723 | }
8724 | |
8725 |
8726 |
8727 |
8728 |
8729 | RecaptchaVerifier.prototype.verify = function () {
8730 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8731 | var id, recaptcha, response;
8732 | var _this = this;
8733 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
8734 | switch (_a.label) {
8735 | case 0:
8736 | this.assertNotDestroyed();
8737 | return [4 , this.render()];
8738 | case 1:
8739 | id = _a.sent();
8740 | recaptcha = this.getAssertedRecaptcha();
8741 | response = recaptcha.getResponse(id);
8742 | if (response) {
8743 | return [2 , response];
8744 | }
8745 | return [2 , new Promise(function (resolve) {
8746 | var tokenChange = function (token) {
8747 | if (!token) {
8748 | return;
8749 | }
8750 | _this.tokenChangeListeners.delete(tokenChange);
8751 | resolve(token);
8752 | };
8753 | _this.tokenChangeListeners.add(tokenChange);
8754 | if (_this.isInvisible) {
8755 | recaptcha.execute(id);
8756 | }
8757 | })];
8758 | }
8759 | });
8760 | });
8761 | };
8762 | |
8763 |
8764 |
8765 |
8766 |
8767 | RecaptchaVerifier.prototype.render = function () {
8768 | var _this = this;
8769 | try {
8770 | this.assertNotDestroyed();
8771 | }
8772 | catch (e) {
8773 |
8774 |
8775 |
8776 | return Promise.reject(e);
8777 | }
8778 | if (this.renderPromise) {
8779 | return this.renderPromise;
8780 | }
8781 | this.renderPromise = this.makeRenderPromise().catch(function (e) {
8782 | _this.renderPromise = null;
8783 | throw e;
8784 | });
8785 | return this.renderPromise;
8786 | };
8787 |
8788 | RecaptchaVerifier.prototype._reset = function () {
8789 | this.assertNotDestroyed();
8790 | if (this.widgetId !== null) {
8791 | this.getAssertedRecaptcha().reset(this.widgetId);
8792 | }
8793 | };
8794 | |
8795 |
8796 |
8797 | RecaptchaVerifier.prototype.clear = function () {
8798 | var _this = this;
8799 | this.assertNotDestroyed();
8800 | this.destroyed = true;
8801 | this._recaptchaLoader.clearedOneInstance();
8802 | if (!this.isInvisible) {
8803 | this.container.childNodes.forEach(function (node) {
8804 | _this.container.removeChild(node);
8805 | });
8806 | }
8807 | };
8808 | RecaptchaVerifier.prototype.validateStartingState = function () {
8809 | _assert(!this.parameters.sitekey, this.auth, "argument-error" );
8810 | _assert(this.isInvisible || !this.container.hasChildNodes(), this.auth, "argument-error" );
8811 | _assert(typeof document !== 'undefined', this.auth, "operation-not-supported-in-this-environment" );
8812 | };
8813 | RecaptchaVerifier.prototype.makeTokenCallback = function (existing) {
8814 | var _this = this;
8815 | return function (token) {
8816 | _this.tokenChangeListeners.forEach(function (listener) { return listener(token); });
8817 | if (typeof existing === 'function') {
8818 | existing(token);
8819 | }
8820 | else if (typeof existing === 'string') {
8821 | var globalFunc = _window()[existing];
8822 | if (typeof globalFunc === 'function') {
8823 | globalFunc(token);
8824 | }
8825 | }
8826 | };
8827 | };
8828 | RecaptchaVerifier.prototype.assertNotDestroyed = function () {
8829 | _assert(!this.destroyed, this.auth, "internal-error" );
8830 | };
8831 | RecaptchaVerifier.prototype.makeRenderPromise = function () {
8832 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8833 | var container, guaranteedEmpty;
8834 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
8835 | switch (_a.label) {
8836 | case 0: return [4 , this.init()];
8837 | case 1:
8838 | _a.sent();
8839 | if (!this.widgetId) {
8840 | container = this.container;
8841 | if (!this.isInvisible) {
8842 | guaranteedEmpty = document.createElement('div');
8843 | container.appendChild(guaranteedEmpty);
8844 | container = guaranteedEmpty;
8845 | }
8846 | this.widgetId = this.getAssertedRecaptcha().render(container, this.parameters);
8847 | }
8848 | return [2 , this.widgetId];
8849 | }
8850 | });
8851 | });
8852 | };
8853 | RecaptchaVerifier.prototype.init = function () {
8854 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8855 | var _a, siteKey;
8856 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
8857 | switch (_b.label) {
8858 | case 0:
8859 | _assert(_isHttpOrHttps() && !_isWorker(), this.auth, "internal-error" );
8860 | return [4 , domReady()];
8861 | case 1:
8862 | _b.sent();
8863 | _a = this;
8864 | return [4 , this._recaptchaLoader.load(this.auth, this.auth.languageCode || undefined)];
8865 | case 2:
8866 | _a.recaptcha = _b.sent();
8867 | return [4 , getRecaptchaParams(this.auth)];
8868 | case 3:
8869 | siteKey = _b.sent();
8870 | _assert(siteKey, this.auth, "internal-error" );
8871 | this.parameters.sitekey = siteKey;
8872 | return [2 ];
8873 | }
8874 | });
8875 | });
8876 | };
8877 | RecaptchaVerifier.prototype.getAssertedRecaptcha = function () {
8878 | _assert(this.recaptcha, this.auth, "internal-error" );
8879 | return this.recaptcha;
8880 | };
8881 | return RecaptchaVerifier;
8882 | }());
8883 | function domReady() {
8884 | var resolver = null;
8885 | return new Promise(function (resolve) {
8886 | if (document.readyState === 'complete') {
8887 | resolve();
8888 | return;
8889 | }
8890 |
8891 |
8892 |
8893 | resolver = function () { return resolve(); };
8894 | window.addEventListener('load', resolver);
8895 | }).catch(function (e) {
8896 | if (resolver) {
8897 | window.removeEventListener('load', resolver);
8898 | }
8899 | throw e;
8900 | });
8901 | }
8902 |
8903 |
8904 |
8905 |
8906 |
8907 |
8908 |
8909 |
8910 |
8911 |
8912 |
8913 |
8914 |
8915 |
8916 |
8917 |
8918 |
8919 | var ConfirmationResultImpl = (function () {
8920 | function ConfirmationResultImpl(verificationId, onConfirmation) {
8921 | this.verificationId = verificationId;
8922 | this.onConfirmation = onConfirmation;
8923 | }
8924 | ConfirmationResultImpl.prototype.confirm = function (verificationCode) {
8925 | var authCredential = PhoneAuthCredential._fromVerification(this.verificationId, verificationCode);
8926 | return this.onConfirmation(authCredential);
8927 | };
8928 | return ConfirmationResultImpl;
8929 | }());
8930 |
8931 |
8932 |
8933 |
8934 |
8935 |
8936 |
8937 |
8938 |
8939 |
8940 |
8941 |
8942 |
8943 |
8944 |
8945 |
8946 |
8947 |
8948 |
8949 |
8950 |
8951 |
8952 |
8953 |
8954 |
8955 |
8956 |
8957 |
8958 |
8959 |
8960 | function signInWithPhoneNumber(auth, phoneNumber, appVerifier) {
8961 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8962 | var authInternal, verificationId;
8963 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
8964 | switch (_a.label) {
8965 | case 0:
8966 | authInternal = _castAuth(auth);
8967 | return [4 , _verifyPhoneNumber(authInternal, phoneNumber, getModularInstance(appVerifier))];
8968 | case 1:
8969 | verificationId = _a.sent();
8970 | return [2 , new ConfirmationResultImpl(verificationId, function (cred) {
8971 | return signInWithCredential(authInternal, cred);
8972 | })];
8973 | }
8974 | });
8975 | });
8976 | }
8977 |
8978 |
8979 |
8980 |
8981 |
8982 |
8983 |
8984 |
8985 |
8986 | function linkWithPhoneNumber(user, phoneNumber, appVerifier) {
8987 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
8988 | var userInternal, verificationId;
8989 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
8990 | switch (_a.label) {
8991 | case 0:
8992 | userInternal = getModularInstance(user);
8993 | return [4 , _assertLinkedStatus(false, userInternal, "phone" )];
8994 | case 1:
8995 | _a.sent();
8996 | return [4 , _verifyPhoneNumber(userInternal.auth, phoneNumber, getModularInstance(appVerifier))];
8997 | case 2:
8998 | verificationId = _a.sent();
8999 | return [2 , new ConfirmationResultImpl(verificationId, function (cred) {
9000 | return linkWithCredential(userInternal, cred);
9001 | })];
9002 | }
9003 | });
9004 | });
9005 | }
9006 |
9007 |
9008 |
9009 |
9010 |
9011 |
9012 |
9013 |
9014 |
9015 |
9016 |
9017 | function reauthenticateWithPhoneNumber(user, phoneNumber, appVerifier) {
9018 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
9019 | var userInternal, verificationId;
9020 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
9021 | switch (_a.label) {
9022 | case 0:
9023 | userInternal = getModularInstance(user);
9024 | return [4 , _verifyPhoneNumber(userInternal.auth, phoneNumber, getModularInstance(appVerifier))];
9025 | case 1:
9026 | verificationId = _a.sent();
9027 | return [2 , new ConfirmationResultImpl(verificationId, function (cred) {
9028 | return reauthenticateWithCredential(userInternal, cred);
9029 | })];
9030 | }
9031 | });
9032 | });
9033 | }
9034 |
9035 |
9036 |
9037 |
9038 | function _verifyPhoneNumber(auth, options, verifier) {
9039 | var _a;
9040 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
9041 | var recaptchaToken, phoneInfoOptions, session, response, mfaEnrollmentId, response, sessionInfo;
9042 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
9043 | switch (_b.label) {
9044 | case 0: return [4 , verifier.verify()];
9045 | case 1:
9046 | recaptchaToken = _b.sent();
9047 | _b.label = 2;
9048 | case 2:
9049 | _b.trys.push([2, , 10, 11]);
9050 | _assert(typeof recaptchaToken === 'string', auth, "argument-error" );
9051 | _assert(verifier.type === RECAPTCHA_VERIFIER_TYPE, auth, "argument-error" );
9052 | phoneInfoOptions = void 0;
9053 | if (typeof options === 'string') {
9054 | phoneInfoOptions = {
9055 | phoneNumber: options
9056 | };
9057 | }
9058 | else {
9059 | phoneInfoOptions = options;
9060 | }
9061 | if (!('session' in phoneInfoOptions)) return [3 , 7];
9062 | session = phoneInfoOptions.session;
9063 | if (!('phoneNumber' in phoneInfoOptions)) return [3 , 4];
9064 | _assert(session.type === "enroll" , auth, "internal-error" );
9065 | return [4 , startEnrollPhoneMfa(auth, {
9066 | idToken: session.credential,
9067 | phoneEnrollmentInfo: {
9068 | phoneNumber: phoneInfoOptions.phoneNumber,
9069 | recaptchaToken: recaptchaToken
9070 | }
9071 | })];
9072 | case 3:
9073 | response = _b.sent();
9074 | return [2 , response.phoneSessionInfo.sessionInfo];
9075 | case 4:
9076 | _assert(session.type === "signin" , auth, "internal-error" );
9077 | mfaEnrollmentId = ((_a = phoneInfoOptions.multiFactorHint) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.uid) ||
9078 | phoneInfoOptions.multiFactorUid;
9079 | _assert(mfaEnrollmentId, auth, "missing-multi-factor-info" );
9080 | return [4 , startSignInPhoneMfa(auth, {
9081 | mfaPendingCredential: session.credential,
9082 | mfaEnrollmentId: mfaEnrollmentId,
9083 | phoneSignInInfo: {
9084 | recaptchaToken: recaptchaToken
9085 | }
9086 | })];
9087 | case 5:
9088 | response = _b.sent();
9089 | return [2 , response.phoneResponseInfo.sessionInfo];
9090 | case 6: return [3 , 9];
9091 | case 7: return [4 , sendPhoneVerificationCode(auth, {
9092 | phoneNumber: phoneInfoOptions.phoneNumber,
9093 | recaptchaToken: recaptchaToken
9094 | })];
9095 | case 8:
9096 | sessionInfo = (_b.sent()).sessionInfo;
9097 | return [2 , sessionInfo];
9098 | case 9: return [3 , 11];
9099 | case 10:
9100 | verifier._reset();
9101 | return [7 ];
9102 | case 11: return [2 ];
9103 | }
9104 | });
9105 | });
9106 | }
9107 |
9108 |
9109 |
9110 |
9111 |
9112 |
9113 |
9114 |
9115 |
9116 |
9117 |
9118 |
9119 |
9120 |
9121 |
9122 |
9123 |
9124 |
9125 |
9126 | function updatePhoneNumber(user, credential) {
9127 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
9128 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
9129 | switch (_a.label) {
9130 | case 0: return [4 , _link$1(getModularInstance(user), credential)];
9131 | case 1:
9132 | _a.sent();
9133 | return [2 ];
9134 | }
9135 | });
9136 | });
9137 | }
9138 |
9139 |
9140 |
9141 |
9142 |
9143 |
9144 |
9145 |
9146 |
9147 |
9148 |
9149 |
9150 |
9151 |
9152 |
9153 |
9154 |
9155 |
9156 |
9157 |
9158 |
9159 |
9160 |
9161 |
9162 |
9163 |
9164 |
9165 |
9166 |
9167 |
9168 |
9169 |
9170 |
9171 | var PhoneAuthProvider = (function () {
9172 | |
9173 |
9174 |
9175 |
9176 | function PhoneAuthProvider(auth) {
9177 |
9178 | this.providerId = PhoneAuthProvider.PROVIDER_ID;
9179 | this.auth = _castAuth(auth);
9180 | }
9181 | |
9182 |
9183 |
9184 |
9185 |
9186 |
9187 |
9188 |
9189 |
9190 |
9191 |
9192 |
9193 |
9194 |
9195 |
9196 |
9197 |
9198 |
9199 |
9200 |
9201 |
9202 |
9203 |
9204 |
9205 |
9206 |
9207 |
9208 |
9209 |
9210 |
9211 |
9212 | PhoneAuthProvider.prototype.verifyPhoneNumber = function (phoneOptions, applicationVerifier) {
9213 | return _verifyPhoneNumber(this.auth, phoneOptions, getModularInstance(applicationVerifier));
9214 | };
9215 | |
9216 |
9217 |
9218 |
9219 |
9220 |
9221 |
9222 |
9223 |
9224 |
9225 |
9226 |
9227 |
9228 |
9229 |
9230 |
9231 |
9232 |
9233 |
9234 |
9235 |
9236 |
9237 |
9238 |
9239 |
9240 |
9241 |
9242 | PhoneAuthProvider.credential = function (verificationId, verificationCode) {
9243 | return PhoneAuthCredential._fromVerification(verificationId, verificationCode);
9244 | };
9245 | |
9246 |
9247 |
9248 |
9249 | PhoneAuthProvider.credentialFromResult = function (userCredential) {
9250 | var credential = userCredential;
9251 | return PhoneAuthProvider.credentialFromTaggedObject(credential);
9252 | };
9253 | |
9254 |
9255 |
9256 |
9257 |
9258 |
9259 |
9260 |
9261 |
9262 |
9263 |
9264 |
9265 |
9266 |
9267 |
9268 |
9269 |
9270 |
9271 |
9272 |
9273 |
9274 |
9275 |
9276 |
9277 |
9278 |
9279 |
9280 |
9281 |
9282 |
9283 |
9284 |
9285 | PhoneAuthProvider.credentialFromError = function (error) {
9286 | return PhoneAuthProvider.credentialFromTaggedObject((error.customData || {}));
9287 | };
9288 | PhoneAuthProvider.credentialFromTaggedObject = function (_a) {
9289 | var tokenResponse = _a._tokenResponse;
9290 | if (!tokenResponse) {
9291 | return null;
9292 | }
9293 | var _b = tokenResponse, phoneNumber = _b.phoneNumber, temporaryProof = _b.temporaryProof;
9294 | if (phoneNumber && temporaryProof) {
9295 | return PhoneAuthCredential._fromTokenResponse(phoneNumber, temporaryProof);
9296 | }
9297 | return null;
9298 | };
9299 |
9300 | PhoneAuthProvider.PROVIDER_ID = "phone" ;
9301 |
9302 | PhoneAuthProvider.PHONE_SIGN_IN_METHOD = "phone" ;
9303 | return PhoneAuthProvider;
9304 | }());
9305 |
9306 |
9307 |
9308 |
9309 |
9310 |
9311 |
9312 |
9313 |
9314 |
9315 |
9316 |
9317 |
9318 |
9319 |
9320 |
9321 |
9322 |
9323 |
9324 |
9325 |
9326 |
9327 | function _withDefaultResolver(auth, resolverOverride) {
9328 | if (resolverOverride) {
9329 | return _getInstance(resolverOverride);
9330 | }
9331 | _assert(auth._popupRedirectResolver, auth, "argument-error" );
9332 | return auth._popupRedirectResolver;
9333 | }
9334 |
9335 |
9336 |
9337 |
9338 |
9339 |
9340 |
9341 |
9342 |
9343 |
9344 |
9345 |
9346 |
9347 |
9348 |
9349 |
9350 |
9351 | var IdpCredential = (function (_super) {
9352 | __extends(IdpCredential, _super);
9353 | function IdpCredential(params) {
9354 | var _this = _super.call(this, "custom" , "custom" ) || this;
9355 | _this.params = params;
9356 | return _this;
9357 | }
9358 | IdpCredential.prototype._getIdTokenResponse = function (auth) {
9359 | return signInWithIdp(auth, this._buildIdpRequest());
9360 | };
9361 | IdpCredential.prototype._linkToIdToken = function (auth, idToken) {
9362 | return signInWithIdp(auth, this._buildIdpRequest(idToken));
9363 | };
9364 | IdpCredential.prototype._getReauthenticationResolver = function (auth) {
9365 | return signInWithIdp(auth, this._buildIdpRequest());
9366 | };
9367 | IdpCredential.prototype._buildIdpRequest = function (idToken) {
9368 | var request = {
9369 | requestUri: this.params.requestUri,
9370 | sessionId: this.params.sessionId,
9371 | postBody: this.params.postBody,
9372 | tenantId: this.params.tenantId,
9373 | pendingToken: this.params.pendingToken,
9374 | returnSecureToken: true,
9375 | returnIdpCredential: true
9376 | };
9377 | if (idToken) {
9378 | request.idToken = idToken;
9379 | }
9380 | return request;
9381 | };
9382 | return IdpCredential;
9383 | }(AuthCredential));
9384 | function _signIn(params) {
9385 | return _signInWithCredential(params.auth, new IdpCredential(params), params.bypassAuthState);
9386 | }
9387 | function _reauth(params) {
9388 | var auth = params.auth, user = params.user;
9389 | _assert(user, auth, "internal-error" );
9390 | return _reauthenticate(user, new IdpCredential(params), params.bypassAuthState);
9391 | }
9392 | function _link(params) {
9393 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
9394 | var auth, user;
9395 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
9396 | auth = params.auth, user = params.user;
9397 | _assert(user, auth, "internal-error" );
9398 | return [2 , _link$1(user, new IdpCredential(params), params.bypassAuthState)];
9399 | });
9400 | });
9401 | }
9402 |
9403 |
9404 |
9405 |
9406 |
9407 |
9408 |
9409 |
9410 |
9411 |
9412 |
9413 |
9414 |
9415 |
9416 |
9417 |
9418 |
9419 |
9420 |
9421 |
9422 |
9423 | var AbstractPopupRedirectOperation = (function () {
9424 | function AbstractPopupRedirectOperation(auth, filter, resolver, user, bypassAuthState) {
9425 | if (bypassAuthState === void 0) { bypassAuthState = false; }
9426 | this.auth = auth;
9427 | this.resolver = resolver;
9428 | this.user = user;
9429 | this.bypassAuthState = bypassAuthState;
9430 | this.pendingPromise = null;
9431 | this.eventManager = null;
9432 | this.filter = Array.isArray(filter) ? filter : [filter];
9433 | }
9434 | AbstractPopupRedirectOperation.prototype.execute = function () {
9435 | var _this = this;
9436 | return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
9437 | var _a, e_1;
9438 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
9439 | switch (_b.label) {
9440 | case 0:
9441 | this.pendingPromise = { resolve: resolve, reject: reject };
9442 | _b.label = 1;
9443 | case 1:
9444 | _b.trys.push([1, 4, , 5]);
9445 | _a = this;
9446 | return [4 , this.resolver._initialize(this.auth)];
9447 | case 2:
9448 | _a.eventManager = _b.sent();
9449 | return [4 , this.onExecution()];
9450 | case 3:
9451 | _b.sent();
9452 | this.eventManager.registerConsumer(this);
9453 | return [3 , 5];
9454 | case 4:
9455 | e_1 = _b.sent();
9456 | this.reject(e_1);
9457 | return [3 , 5];
9458 | case 5: return [2 ];
9459 | }
9460 | });
9461 | }); });
9462 | };
9463 | AbstractPopupRedirectOperation.prototype.onAuthEvent = function (event) {
9464 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
9465 | var urlResponse, sessionId, postBody, tenantId, error, type, params, _a, e_2;
9466 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
9467 | switch (_b.label) {
9468 | case 0:
9469 | urlResponse = event.urlResponse, sessionId = event.sessionId, postBody = event.postBody, tenantId = event.tenantId, error = event.error, type = event.type;
9470 | if (error) {
9471 | this.reject(error);
9472 | return [2 ];
9473 | }
9474 | params = {
9475 | auth: this.auth,
9476 | requestUri: urlResponse,
9477 | sessionId: sessionId,
9478 | tenantId: tenantId || undefined,
9479 | postBody: postBody || undefined,
9480 | user: this.user,
9481 | bypassAuthState: this.bypassAuthState
9482 | };
9483 | _b.label = 1;
9484 | case 1:
9485 | _b.trys.push([1, 3, , 4]);
9486 | _a = this.resolve;
9487 | return [4 , this.getIdpTask(type)(params)];
9488 | case 2:
9489 | _a.apply(this, [_b.sent()]);
9490 | return [3 , 4];
9491 | case 3:
9492 | e_2 = _b.sent();
9493 | this.reject(e_2);
9494 | return [3 , 4];
9495 | case 4: return [2 ];
9496 | }
9497 | });
9498 | });
9499 | };
9500 | AbstractPopupRedirectOperation.prototype.onError = function (error) {
9501 | this.reject(error);
9502 | };
9503 | AbstractPopupRedirectOperation.prototype.getIdpTask = function (type) {
9504 | switch (type) {
9505 | case "signInViaPopup" :
9506 | case "signInViaRedirect" :
9507 | return _signIn;
9508 | case "linkViaPopup" :
9509 | case "linkViaRedirect" :
9510 | return _link;
9511 | case "reauthViaPopup" :
9512 | case "reauthViaRedirect" :
9513 | return _reauth;
9514 | default:
9515 | _fail(this.auth, "internal-error" );
9516 | }
9517 | };
9518 | AbstractPopupRedirectOperation.prototype.resolve = function (cred) {
9519 | debugAssert(this.pendingPromise, 'Pending promise was never set');
9520 | this.pendingPromise.resolve(cred);
9521 | this.unregisterAndCleanUp();
9522 | };
9523 | AbstractPopupRedirectOperation.prototype.reject = function (error) {
9524 | debugAssert(this.pendingPromise, 'Pending promise was never set');
9525 | this.pendingPromise.reject(error);
9526 | this.unregisterAndCleanUp();
9527 | };
9528 | AbstractPopupRedirectOperation.prototype.unregisterAndCleanUp = function () {
9529 | if (this.eventManager) {
9530 | this.eventManager.unregisterConsumer(this);
9531 | }
9532 | this.pendingPromise = null;
9533 | this.cleanUp();
9534 | };
9535 | return AbstractPopupRedirectOperation;
9536 | }());
9537 |
9538 |
9539 |
9540 |
9541 |
9542 |
9543 |
9544 |
9545 |
9546 |
9547 |
9548 |
9549 |
9550 |
9551 |
9552 |
9553 |
9554 | var _POLL_WINDOW_CLOSE_TIMEOUT = new Delay(2000, 10000);
9555 |
9556 |
9557 |
9558 |
9559 |
9560 |
9561 |
9562 |
9563 |
9564 |
9565 |
9566 |
9567 |
9568 |
9569 |
9570 |
9571 |
9572 |
9573 |
9574 |
9575 |
9576 |
9577 |
9578 |
9579 |
9580 |
9581 |
9582 |
9583 |
9584 | function signInWithPopup(auth, provider, resolver) {
9585 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
9586 | var authInternal, resolverInternal, action;
9587 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
9588 | authInternal = _castAuth(auth);
9589 | _assertInstanceOf(auth, provider, FederatedAuthProvider);
9590 | resolverInternal = _withDefaultResolver(authInternal, resolver);
9591 | action = new PopupOperation(authInternal, "signInViaPopup" , provider, resolverInternal);
9592 | return [2 , action.executeNotNull()];
9593 | });
9594 | });
9595 | }
9596 |
9597 |
9598 |
9599 |
9600 |
9601 |
9602 |
9603 |
9604 |
9605 |
9606 |
9607 |
9608 |
9609 |
9610 |
9611 |
9612 |
9613 |
9614 |
9615 |
9616 |
9617 |
9618 |
9619 |
9620 |
9621 | function reauthenticateWithPopup(user, provider, resolver) {
9622 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
9623 | var userInternal, resolverInternal, action;
9624 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
9625 | userInternal = getModularInstance(user);
9626 | _assertInstanceOf(userInternal.auth, provider, FederatedAuthProvider);
9627 | resolverInternal = _withDefaultResolver(userInternal.auth, resolver);
9628 | action = new PopupOperation(userInternal.auth, "reauthViaPopup" , provider, resolverInternal, userInternal);
9629 | return [2 , action.executeNotNull()];
9630 | });
9631 | });
9632 | }
9633 |
9634 |
9635 |
9636 |
9637 |
9638 |
9639 |
9640 |
9641 |
9642 |
9643 |
9644 |
9645 |
9646 |
9647 |
9648 |
9649 |
9650 |
9651 |
9652 |
9653 |
9654 |
9655 |
9656 |
9657 | function linkWithPopup(user, provider, resolver) {
9658 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
9659 | var userInternal, resolverInternal, action;
9660 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
9661 | userInternal = getModularInstance(user);
9662 | _assertInstanceOf(userInternal.auth, provider, FederatedAuthProvider);
9663 | resolverInternal = _withDefaultResolver(userInternal.auth, resolver);
9664 | action = new PopupOperation(userInternal.auth, "linkViaPopup" , provider, resolverInternal, userInternal);
9665 | return [2 , action.executeNotNull()];
9666 | });
9667 | });
9668 | }
9669 |
9670 |
9671 |
9672 |
9673 |
9674 | var PopupOperation = (function (_super) {
9675 | __extends(PopupOperation, _super);
9676 | function PopupOperation(auth, filter, provider, resolver, user) {
9677 | var _this = _super.call(this, auth, filter, resolver, user) || this;
9678 | _this.provider = provider;
9679 | _this.authWindow = null;
9680 | _this.pollId = null;
9681 | if (PopupOperation.currentPopupAction) {
9682 | PopupOperation.currentPopupAction.cancel();
9683 | }
9684 | PopupOperation.currentPopupAction = _this;
9685 | return _this;
9686 | }
9687 | PopupOperation.prototype.executeNotNull = function () {
9688 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
9689 | var result;
9690 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
9691 | switch (_a.label) {
9692 | case 0: return [4 , this.execute()];
9693 | case 1:
9694 | result = _a.sent();
9695 | _assert(result, this.auth, "internal-error" );
9696 | return [2 , result];
9697 | }
9698 | });
9699 | });
9700 | };
9701 | PopupOperation.prototype.onExecution = function () {
9702 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
9703 | var eventId, _a;
9704 | var _this = this;
9705 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
9706 | switch (_b.label) {
9707 | case 0:
9708 | debugAssert(this.filter.length === 1, 'Popup operations only handle one event');
9709 | eventId = _generateEventId();
9710 | _a = this;
9711 | return [4 , this.resolver._openPopup(this.auth, this.provider, this.filter[0],
9712 | eventId)];
9713 | case 1:
9714 | _a.authWindow = _b.sent();
9715 | this.authWindow.associatedEvent = eventId;
9716 |
9717 |
9718 |
9719 |
9720 |
9721 |
9722 |
9723 | this.resolver._originValidation(this.auth).catch(function (e) {
9724 | _this.reject(e);
9725 | });
9726 | this.resolver._isIframeWebStorageSupported(this.auth, function (isSupported) {
9727 | if (!isSupported) {
9728 | _this.reject(_createError(_this.auth, "web-storage-unsupported" ));
9729 | }
9730 | });
9731 |
9732 | this.pollUserCancellation();
9733 | return [2 ];
9734 | }
9735 | });
9736 | });
9737 | };
9738 | Object.defineProperty(PopupOperation.prototype, "eventId", {
9739 | get: function () {
9740 | var _a;
9741 | return ((_a = this.authWindow) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.associatedEvent) || null;
9742 | },
9743 | enumerable: false,
9744 | configurable: true
9745 | });
9746 | PopupOperation.prototype.cancel = function () {
9747 | this.reject(_createError(this.auth, "cancelled-popup-request" ));
9748 | };
9749 | PopupOperation.prototype.cleanUp = function () {
9750 | if (this.authWindow) {
9751 | this.authWindow.close();
9752 | }
9753 | if (this.pollId) {
9754 | window.clearTimeout(this.pollId);
9755 | }
9756 | this.authWindow = null;
9757 | this.pollId = null;
9758 | PopupOperation.currentPopupAction = null;
9759 | };
9760 | PopupOperation.prototype.pollUserCancellation = function () {
9761 | var _this = this;
9762 | var poll = function () {
9763 | var _a, _b;
9764 | if ((_b = (_a = _this.authWindow) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.window) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.closed) {
9765 |
9766 |
9767 |
9768 | _this.pollId = window.setTimeout(function () {
9769 | _this.pollId = null;
9770 | _this.reject(_createError(_this.auth, "popup-closed-by-user" ));
9771 | }, 2000 );
9772 | return;
9773 | }
9774 | _this.pollId = window.setTimeout(poll, _POLL_WINDOW_CLOSE_TIMEOUT.get());
9775 | };
9776 | poll();
9777 | };
9778 |
9779 |
9780 | PopupOperation.currentPopupAction = null;
9781 | return PopupOperation;
9782 | }(AbstractPopupRedirectOperation));
9783 |
9784 |
9785 |
9786 |
9787 |
9788 |
9789 |
9790 |
9791 |
9792 |
9793 |
9794 |
9795 |
9796 |
9797 |
9798 |
9799 |
9800 | var PENDING_REDIRECT_KEY = 'pendingRedirect';
9801 |
9802 |
9803 | var redirectOutcomeMap = new Map();
9804 | var RedirectAction = (function (_super) {
9805 | __extends(RedirectAction, _super);
9806 | function RedirectAction(auth, resolver, bypassAuthState) {
9807 | if (bypassAuthState === void 0) { bypassAuthState = false; }
9808 | var _this = _super.call(this, auth, [
9809 | "signInViaRedirect" ,
9810 | "linkViaRedirect" ,
9811 | "reauthViaRedirect" ,
9812 | "unknown"
9813 | ], resolver, undefined, bypassAuthState) || this;
9814 | _this.eventId = null;
9815 | return _this;
9816 | }
9817 | |
9818 |
9819 |
9820 |
9821 | RedirectAction.prototype.execute = function () {
9822 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
9823 | var readyOutcome, hasPendingRedirect, result_1, _a, e_1;
9824 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
9825 | switch (_b.label) {
9826 | case 0:
9827 | readyOutcome = redirectOutcomeMap.get(this.auth._key());
9828 | if (!!readyOutcome) return [3 , 8];
9829 | _b.label = 1;
9830 | case 1:
9831 | _b.trys.push([1, 6, , 7]);
9832 | return [4 , _getAndClearPendingRedirectStatus(this.resolver, this.auth)];
9833 | case 2:
9834 | hasPendingRedirect = _b.sent();
9835 | if (!hasPendingRedirect) return [3 , 4];
9836 | return [4 , _super.prototype.execute.call(this)];
9837 | case 3:
9838 | _a = _b.sent();
9839 | return [3 , 5];
9840 | case 4:
9841 | _a = null;
9842 | _b.label = 5;
9843 | case 5:
9844 | result_1 = _a;
9845 | readyOutcome = function () { return Promise.resolve(result_1); };
9846 | return [3 , 7];
9847 | case 6:
9848 | e_1 = _b.sent();
9849 | readyOutcome = function () { return Promise.reject(e_1); };
9850 | return [3 , 7];
9851 | case 7:
9852 | redirectOutcomeMap.set(this.auth._key(), readyOutcome);
9853 | _b.label = 8;
9854 | case 8:
9855 |
9856 |
9857 | if (!this.bypassAuthState) {
9858 | redirectOutcomeMap.set(this.auth._key(), function () { return Promise.resolve(null); });
9859 | }
9860 | return [2 , readyOutcome()];
9861 | }
9862 | });
9863 | });
9864 | };
9865 | RedirectAction.prototype.onAuthEvent = function (event) {
9866 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
9867 | var user;
9868 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
9869 | switch (_a.label) {
9870 | case 0:
9871 | if (event.type === "signInViaRedirect" ) {
9872 | return [2 , _super.prototype.onAuthEvent.call(this, event)];
9873 | }
9874 | else if (event.type === "unknown" ) {
9875 |
9876 | this.resolve(null);
9877 | return [2 ];
9878 | }
9879 | if (!event.eventId) return [3 , 2];
9880 | return [4 , this.auth._redirectUserForId(event.eventId)];
9881 | case 1:
9882 | user = _a.sent();
9883 | if (user) {
9884 | this.user = user;
9885 | return [2 , _super.prototype.onAuthEvent.call(this, event)];
9886 | }
9887 | else {
9888 | this.resolve(null);
9889 | }
9890 | _a.label = 2;
9891 | case 2: return [2 ];
9892 | }
9893 | });
9894 | });
9895 | };
9896 | RedirectAction.prototype.onExecution = function () {
9897 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () { return __generator(this, function (_a) {
9898 | return [2 ];
9899 | }); });
9900 | };
9901 | RedirectAction.prototype.cleanUp = function () { };
9902 | return RedirectAction;
9903 | }(AbstractPopupRedirectOperation));
9904 | function _getAndClearPendingRedirectStatus(resolver, auth) {
9905 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
9906 | var key, persistence, hasPendingRedirect;
9907 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
9908 | switch (_a.label) {
9909 | case 0:
9910 | key = pendingRedirectKey(auth);
9911 | persistence = resolverPersistence(resolver);
9912 | return [4 , persistence._isAvailable()];
9913 | case 1:
9914 | if (!(_a.sent())) {
9915 | return [2 , false];
9916 | }
9917 | return [4 , persistence._get(key)];
9918 | case 2:
9919 | hasPendingRedirect = (_a.sent()) === 'true';
9920 | return [4 , persistence._remove(key)];
9921 | case 3:
9922 | _a.sent();
9923 | return [2 , hasPendingRedirect];
9924 | }
9925 | });
9926 | });
9927 | }
9928 | function _setPendingRedirectStatus(resolver, auth) {
9929 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
9930 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
9931 | return [2 , resolverPersistence(resolver)._set(pendingRedirectKey(auth), 'true')];
9932 | });
9933 | });
9934 | }
9935 | function _clearRedirectOutcomes() {
9936 | redirectOutcomeMap.clear();
9937 | }
9938 | function _overrideRedirectResult(auth, result) {
9939 | redirectOutcomeMap.set(auth._key(), result);
9940 | }
9941 | function resolverPersistence(resolver) {
9942 | return _getInstance(resolver._redirectPersistence);
9943 | }
9944 | function pendingRedirectKey(auth) {
9945 | return _persistenceKeyName(PENDING_REDIRECT_KEY, auth.config.apiKey, auth.name);
9946 | }
9947 |
9948 |
9949 |
9950 |
9951 |
9952 |
9953 |
9954 |
9955 |
9956 |
9957 |
9958 |
9959 |
9960 |
9961 |
9962 |
9963 |
9964 |
9965 |
9966 |
9967 |
9968 |
9969 |
9970 |
9971 |
9972 |
9973 |
9974 |
9975 |
9976 |
9977 |
9978 |
9979 |
9980 |
9981 |
9982 |
9983 |
9984 |
9985 |
9986 |
9987 |
9988 |
9989 |
9990 |
9991 |
9992 |
9993 |
9994 |
9995 |
9996 |
9997 |
9998 |
9999 |
10000 |
10001 |
10002 |
10003 | function signInWithRedirect(auth, provider, resolver) {
10004 | return _signInWithRedirect(auth, provider, resolver);
10005 | }
10006 | function _signInWithRedirect(auth, provider, resolver) {
10007 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
10008 | var authInternal, resolverInternal;
10009 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
10010 | switch (_a.label) {
10011 | case 0:
10012 | authInternal = _castAuth(auth);
10013 | _assertInstanceOf(auth, provider, FederatedAuthProvider);
10014 | resolverInternal = _withDefaultResolver(authInternal, resolver);
10015 | return [4 , _setPendingRedirectStatus(resolverInternal, authInternal)];
10016 | case 1:
10017 | _a.sent();
10018 | return [2 , resolverInternal._openRedirect(authInternal, provider, "signInViaRedirect" )];
10019 | }
10020 | });
10021 | });
10022 | }
10023 |
10024 |
10025 |
10026 |
10027 |
10028 |
10029 |
10030 |
10031 |
10032 |
10033 |
10034 |
10035 |
10036 |
10037 |
10038 |
10039 |
10040 |
10041 |
10042 |
10043 |
10044 |
10045 |
10046 |
10047 |
10048 |
10049 |
10050 |
10051 | function reauthenticateWithRedirect(user, provider, resolver) {
10052 | return _reauthenticateWithRedirect(user, provider, resolver);
10053 | }
10054 | function _reauthenticateWithRedirect(user, provider, resolver) {
10055 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
10056 | var userInternal, resolverInternal, eventId;
10057 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
10058 | switch (_a.label) {
10059 | case 0:
10060 | userInternal = getModularInstance(user);
10061 | _assertInstanceOf(userInternal.auth, provider, FederatedAuthProvider);
10062 | resolverInternal = _withDefaultResolver(userInternal.auth, resolver);
10063 | return [4 , _setPendingRedirectStatus(resolverInternal, userInternal.auth)];
10064 | case 1:
10065 | _a.sent();
10066 | return [4 , prepareUserForRedirect(userInternal)];
10067 | case 2:
10068 | eventId = _a.sent();
10069 | return [2 , resolverInternal._openRedirect(userInternal.auth, provider, "reauthViaRedirect" , eventId)];
10070 | }
10071 | });
10072 | });
10073 | }
10074 |
10075 |
10076 |
10077 |
10078 |
10079 |
10080 |
10081 |
10082 |
10083 |
10084 |
10085 |
10086 |
10087 |
10088 |
10089 |
10090 |
10091 |
10092 |
10093 |
10094 |
10095 |
10096 |
10097 |
10098 |
10099 | function linkWithRedirect(user, provider, resolver) {
10100 | return _linkWithRedirect(user, provider, resolver);
10101 | }
10102 | function _linkWithRedirect(user, provider, resolver) {
10103 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
10104 | var userInternal, resolverInternal, eventId;
10105 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
10106 | switch (_a.label) {
10107 | case 0:
10108 | userInternal = getModularInstance(user);
10109 | _assertInstanceOf(userInternal.auth, provider, FederatedAuthProvider);
10110 | resolverInternal = _withDefaultResolver(userInternal.auth, resolver);
10111 | return [4 , _assertLinkedStatus(false, userInternal, provider.providerId)];
10112 | case 1:
10113 | _a.sent();
10114 | return [4 , _setPendingRedirectStatus(resolverInternal, userInternal.auth)];
10115 | case 2:
10116 | _a.sent();
10117 | return [4 , prepareUserForRedirect(userInternal)];
10118 | case 3:
10119 | eventId = _a.sent();
10120 | return [2 , resolverInternal._openRedirect(userInternal.auth, provider, "linkViaRedirect" , eventId)];
10121 | }
10122 | });
10123 | });
10124 | }
10125 |
10126 |
10127 |
10128 |
10129 |
10130 |
10131 |
10132 |
10133 |
10134 |
10135 |
10136 |
10137 |
10138 |
10139 |
10140 |
10141 |
10142 |
10143 |
10144 |
10145 |
10146 |
10147 |
10148 |
10149 |
10150 |
10151 |
10152 |
10153 |
10154 |
10155 |
10156 |
10157 |
10158 |
10159 |
10160 |
10161 |
10162 |
10163 |
10164 | function getRedirectResult(auth, resolver) {
10165 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
10166 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
10167 | switch (_a.label) {
10168 | case 0: return [4 , _castAuth(auth)._initializationPromise];
10169 | case 1:
10170 | _a.sent();
10171 | return [2 , _getRedirectResult(auth, resolver, false)];
10172 | }
10173 | });
10174 | });
10175 | }
10176 | function _getRedirectResult(auth, resolverExtern, bypassAuthState) {
10177 | if (bypassAuthState === void 0) { bypassAuthState = false; }
10178 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
10179 | var authInternal, resolver, action, result;
10180 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
10181 | switch (_a.label) {
10182 | case 0:
10183 | authInternal = _castAuth(auth);
10184 | resolver = _withDefaultResolver(authInternal, resolverExtern);
10185 | action = new RedirectAction(authInternal, resolver, bypassAuthState);
10186 | return [4 , action.execute()];
10187 | case 1:
10188 | result = _a.sent();
10189 | if (!(result && !bypassAuthState)) return [3 , 4];
10190 | delete result.user._redirectEventId;
10191 | return [4 , authInternal._persistUserIfCurrent(result.user)];
10192 | case 2:
10193 | _a.sent();
10194 | return [4 , authInternal._setRedirectUser(null, resolverExtern)];
10195 | case 3:
10196 | _a.sent();
10197 | _a.label = 4;
10198 | case 4: return [2 , result];
10199 | }
10200 | });
10201 | });
10202 | }
10203 | function prepareUserForRedirect(user) {
10204 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
10205 | var eventId;
10206 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
10207 | switch (_a.label) {
10208 | case 0:
10209 | eventId = _generateEventId(user.uid + ":::");
10210 | user._redirectEventId = eventId;
10211 | return [4 , user.auth._setRedirectUser(user)];
10212 | case 1:
10213 | _a.sent();
10214 | return [4 , user.auth._persistUserIfCurrent(user)];
10215 | case 2:
10216 | _a.sent();
10217 | return [2 , eventId];
10218 | }
10219 | });
10220 | });
10221 | }
10222 |
10223 |
10224 |
10225 |
10226 |
10227 |
10228 |
10229 |
10230 |
10231 |
10232 |
10233 |
10234 |
10235 |
10236 |
10237 |
10238 |
10239 |
10240 |
10241 | var EVENT_DUPLICATION_CACHE_DURATION_MS = 10 * 60 * 1000;
10242 | var AuthEventManager = (function () {
10243 | function AuthEventManager(auth) {
10244 | this.auth = auth;
10245 | this.cachedEventUids = new Set();
10246 | this.consumers = new Set();
10247 | this.queuedRedirectEvent = null;
10248 | this.hasHandledPotentialRedirect = false;
10249 | this.lastProcessedEventTime = Date.now();
10250 | }
10251 | AuthEventManager.prototype.registerConsumer = function (authEventConsumer) {
10252 | this.consumers.add(authEventConsumer);
10253 | if (this.queuedRedirectEvent &&
10254 | this.isEventForConsumer(this.queuedRedirectEvent, authEventConsumer)) {
10255 | this.sendToConsumer(this.queuedRedirectEvent, authEventConsumer);
10256 | this.saveEventToCache(this.queuedRedirectEvent);
10257 | this.queuedRedirectEvent = null;
10258 | }
10259 | };
10260 | AuthEventManager.prototype.unregisterConsumer = function (authEventConsumer) {
10261 | this.consumers.delete(authEventConsumer);
10262 | };
10263 | AuthEventManager.prototype.onEvent = function (event) {
10264 | var _this = this;
10265 |
10266 | if (this.hasEventBeenHandled(event)) {
10267 | return false;
10268 | }
10269 | var handled = false;
10270 | this.consumers.forEach(function (consumer) {
10271 | if (_this.isEventForConsumer(event, consumer)) {
10272 | handled = true;
10273 | _this.sendToConsumer(event, consumer);
10274 | _this.saveEventToCache(event);
10275 | }
10276 | });
10277 | if (this.hasHandledPotentialRedirect || !isRedirectEvent(event)) {
10278 |
10279 |
10280 | return handled;
10281 | }
10282 | this.hasHandledPotentialRedirect = true;
10283 |
10284 | if (!handled) {
10285 | this.queuedRedirectEvent = event;
10286 | handled = true;
10287 | }
10288 | return handled;
10289 | };
10290 | AuthEventManager.prototype.sendToConsumer = function (event, consumer) {
10291 | var _a;
10292 | if (event.error && !isNullRedirectEvent(event)) {
10293 | var code = ((_a = event.error.code) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.split('auth/')[1]) ||
10294 | "internal-error" ;
10295 | consumer.onError(_createError(this.auth, code));
10296 | }
10297 | else {
10298 | consumer.onAuthEvent(event);
10299 | }
10300 | };
10301 | AuthEventManager.prototype.isEventForConsumer = function (event, consumer) {
10302 | var eventIdMatches = consumer.eventId === null ||
10303 | (!!event.eventId && event.eventId === consumer.eventId);
10304 | return consumer.filter.includes(event.type) && eventIdMatches;
10305 | };
10306 | AuthEventManager.prototype.hasEventBeenHandled = function (event) {
10307 | if (Date.now() - this.lastProcessedEventTime >=
10309 | this.cachedEventUids.clear();
10310 | }
10311 | return this.cachedEventUids.has(eventUid(event));
10312 | };
10313 | AuthEventManager.prototype.saveEventToCache = function (event) {
10314 | this.cachedEventUids.add(eventUid(event));
10315 | this.lastProcessedEventTime = Date.now();
10316 | };
10317 | return AuthEventManager;
10318 | }());
10319 | function eventUid(e) {
10320 | return [e.type, e.eventId, e.sessionId, e.tenantId].filter(function (v) { return v; }).join('-');
10321 | }
10322 | function isNullRedirectEvent(_a) {
10323 | var type = _a.type, error = _a.error;
10324 | return (type === "unknown" &&
10325 | (error === null || error === void 0 ? void 0 : error.code) === "auth/" + "no-auth-event" );
10326 | }
10327 | function isRedirectEvent(event) {
10328 | switch (event.type) {
10329 | case "signInViaRedirect" :
10330 | case "linkViaRedirect" :
10331 | case "reauthViaRedirect" :
10332 | return true;
10333 | case "unknown" :
10334 | return isNullRedirectEvent(event);
10335 | default:
10336 | return false;
10337 | }
10338 | }
10339 |
10340 |
10341 |
10342 |
10343 |
10344 |
10345 |
10346 |
10347 |
10348 |
10349 |
10350 |
10351 |
10352 |
10353 |
10354 |
10355 |
10356 | function _getProjectConfig(auth, request) {
10357 | if (request === void 0) { request = {}; }
10358 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
10359 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
10360 | return [2 , _performApiRequest(auth, "GET" , "/v1/projects" , request)];
10361 | });
10362 | });
10363 | }
10364 |
10365 |
10366 |
10367 |
10368 |
10369 |
10370 |
10371 |
10372 |
10373 |
10374 |
10375 |
10376 |
10377 |
10378 |
10379 |
10380 |
10381 | var IP_ADDRESS_REGEX = /^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$/;
10382 | var HTTP_REGEX = /^https?/;
10383 | function _validateOrigin(auth) {
10384 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
10385 | var authorizedDomains, _i, authorizedDomains_1, domain;
10386 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
10387 | switch (_a.label) {
10388 | case 0:
10389 |
10390 | if (auth.config.emulator) {
10391 | return [2 ];
10392 | }
10393 | return [4 , _getProjectConfig(auth)];
10394 | case 1:
10395 | authorizedDomains = (_a.sent()).authorizedDomains;
10396 | for (_i = 0, authorizedDomains_1 = authorizedDomains; _i < authorizedDomains_1.length; _i++) {
10397 | domain = authorizedDomains_1[_i];
10398 | try {
10399 | if (matchDomain(domain)) {
10400 | return [2 ];
10401 | }
10402 | }
10403 | catch (_b) {
10404 |
10405 | }
10406 | }
10407 |
10408 | _fail(auth, "unauthorized-domain" );
10409 | return [2 ];
10410 | }
10411 | });
10412 | });
10413 | }
10414 | function matchDomain(expected) {
10415 | var currentUrl = _getCurrentUrl();
10416 | var _a = new URL(currentUrl), protocol = _a.protocol, hostname = _a.hostname;
10417 | if (expected.startsWith('chrome-extension://')) {
10418 | var ceUrl = new URL(expected);
10419 | if (ceUrl.hostname === '' && hostname === '') {
10420 |
10421 | return (protocol === 'chrome-extension:' &&
10422 | expected.replace('chrome-extension://', '') ===
10423 | currentUrl.replace('chrome-extension://', ''));
10424 | }
10425 | return protocol === 'chrome-extension:' && ceUrl.hostname === hostname;
10426 | }
10427 | if (!HTTP_REGEX.test(protocol)) {
10428 | return false;
10429 | }
10430 | if (IP_ADDRESS_REGEX.test(expected)) {
10431 |
10432 |
10433 | return hostname === expected;
10434 | }
10435 |
10436 | var escapedDomainPattern = expected.replace(/\./g, '\\.');
10437 |
10438 |
10439 | var re = new RegExp('^(.+\\.' + escapedDomainPattern + '|' + escapedDomainPattern + ')$', 'i');
10440 | return re.test(hostname);
10441 | }
10442 |
10443 |
10444 |
10445 |
10446 |
10447 |
10448 |
10449 |
10450 |
10451 |
10452 |
10453 |
10454 |
10455 |
10456 |
10457 |
10458 |
10459 | var NETWORK_TIMEOUT = new Delay(30000, 60000);
10460 |
10461 |
10462 |
10463 |
10464 | function resetUnloadedGapiModules() {
10465 |
10466 |
10467 |
10468 | var beacon = _window().___jsl;
10469 |
10470 | if (beacon === null || beacon === void 0 ? void 0 : beacon.H) {
10471 |
10472 | for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.keys(beacon.H); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
10473 | var hint = _a[_i];
10474 |
10475 | beacon.H[hint].r = beacon.H[hint].r || [];
10476 |
10477 | beacon.H[hint].L = beacon.H[hint].L || [];
10478 |
10479 | beacon.H[hint].r = __spreadArray([], beacon.H[hint].L);
10480 |
10481 | if (beacon.CP) {
10482 | for (var i = 0; i < beacon.CP.length; i++) {
10483 |
10484 | beacon.CP[i] = null;
10485 | }
10486 | }
10487 | }
10488 | }
10489 | }
10490 | function loadGapi(auth) {
10491 | return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
10492 | var _a, _b, _c;
10493 |
10494 | function loadGapiIframe() {
10495 |
10496 |
10497 | resetUnloadedGapiModules();
10498 | gapi.load('gapi.iframes', {
10499 | callback: function () {
10500 | resolve(gapi.iframes.getContext());
10501 | },
10502 | ontimeout: function () {
10503 |
10504 |
10505 |
10506 |
10507 |
10508 |
10509 | resetUnloadedGapiModules();
10510 | reject(_createError(auth, "network-request-failed" ));
10511 | },
10512 | timeout: NETWORK_TIMEOUT.get()
10513 | });
10514 | }
10515 | if ((_b = (_a = _window().gapi) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.iframes) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.Iframe) {
10516 |
10517 | resolve(gapi.iframes.getContext());
10518 | }
10519 | else if (!!((_c = _window().gapi) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.load)) {
10520 |
10521 | loadGapiIframe();
10522 | }
10523 | else {
10524 |
10525 |
10526 |
10527 |
10528 |
10529 | var cbName = _generateCallbackName('iframefcb');
10530 |
10531 | _window()[cbName] = function () {
10532 |
10533 | if (!!gapi.load) {
10534 | loadGapiIframe();
10535 | }
10536 | else {
10537 |
10538 | reject(_createError(auth, "network-request-failed" ));
10539 | }
10540 | };
10541 |
10542 | return _loadJS("https://apis.google.com/js/api.js?onload=" + cbName).catch(function (e) { return reject(e); });
10543 | }
10544 | }).catch(function (error) {
10545 |
10546 | cachedGApiLoader = null;
10547 | throw error;
10548 | });
10549 | }
10550 | var cachedGApiLoader = null;
10551 | function _loadGapi(auth) {
10552 | cachedGApiLoader = cachedGApiLoader || loadGapi(auth);
10553 | return cachedGApiLoader;
10554 | }
10555 |
10556 |
10557 |
10558 |
10559 |
10560 |
10561 |
10562 |
10563 |
10564 |
10565 |
10566 |
10567 |
10568 |
10569 |
10570 |
10571 |
10572 | var PING_TIMEOUT = new Delay(5000, 15000);
10573 | var IFRAME_PATH = '__/auth/iframe';
10574 | var EMULATED_IFRAME_PATH = 'emulator/auth/iframe';
10575 | var IFRAME_ATTRIBUTES = {
10576 | style: {
10577 | position: 'absolute',
10578 | top: '-100px',
10579 | width: '1px',
10580 | height: '1px'
10581 | },
10582 | 'aria-hidden': 'true',
10583 | tabindex: '-1'
10584 | };
10585 |
10586 |
10587 | var EID_FROM_APIHOST = new Map([
10588 | ["identitytoolkit.googleapis.com" , 'p'],
10589 | ['staging-identitytoolkit.sandbox.googleapis.com', 's'],
10590 | ['test-identitytoolkit.sandbox.googleapis.com', 't']
10591 | ]);
10592 | function getIframeUrl(auth) {
10593 | var config = auth.config;
10594 | _assert(config.authDomain, auth, "auth-domain-config-required" );
10595 | var url = config.emulator
10596 | ? _emulatorUrl(config, EMULATED_IFRAME_PATH)
10597 | : "https://" + auth.config.authDomain + "/" + IFRAME_PATH;
10598 | var params = {
10599 | apiKey: config.apiKey,
10600 | appName: auth.name,
10601 | v: SDK_VERSION
10602 | };
10603 | var eid = EID_FROM_APIHOST.get(auth.config.apiHost);
10604 | if (eid) {
10605 | params.eid = eid;
10606 | }
10607 | var frameworks = auth._getFrameworks();
10608 | if (frameworks.length) {
10609 | params.fw = frameworks.join(',');
10610 | }
10611 | return url + "?" + querystring(params).slice(1);
10612 | }
10613 | function _openIframe(auth) {
10614 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
10615 | var context, gapi;
10616 | var _this = this;
10617 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
10618 | switch (_a.label) {
10619 | case 0: return [4 , _loadGapi(auth)];
10620 | case 1:
10621 | context = _a.sent();
10622 | gapi = _window().gapi;
10623 | _assert(gapi, auth, "internal-error" );
10624 | return [2 , context.open({
10625 | where: document.body,
10626 | url: getIframeUrl(auth),
10627 | messageHandlersFilter: gapi.iframes.CROSS_ORIGIN_IFRAMES_FILTER,
10628 | attributes: IFRAME_ATTRIBUTES,
10629 | dontclear: true
10630 | }, function (iframe) {
10631 | return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { return __awaiter(_this, void 0, void 0, function () {
10632 |
10633 | function clearTimerAndResolve() {
10634 | _window().clearTimeout(networkErrorTimer);
10635 | resolve(iframe);
10636 | }
10637 | var networkError, networkErrorTimer;
10638 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
10639 | switch (_a.label) {
10640 | case 0: return [4 , iframe.restyle({
10641 |
10642 | setHideOnLeave: false
10643 | })];
10644 | case 1:
10645 | _a.sent();
10646 | networkError = _createError(auth, "network-request-failed" );
10647 | networkErrorTimer = _window().setTimeout(function () {
10648 | reject(networkError);
10649 | }, PING_TIMEOUT.get());
10650 |
10651 |
10652 | iframe.ping(clearTimerAndResolve).then(clearTimerAndResolve, function () {
10653 | reject(networkError);
10654 | });
10655 | return [2 ];
10656 | }
10657 | });
10658 | }); });
10659 | })];
10660 | }
10661 | });
10662 | });
10663 | }
10664 |
10665 |
10666 |
10667 |
10668 |
10669 |
10670 |
10671 |
10672 |
10673 |
10674 |
10675 |
10676 |
10677 |
10678 |
10679 |
10680 |
10681 | var BASE_POPUP_OPTIONS = {
10682 | location: 'yes',
10683 | resizable: 'yes',
10684 | statusbar: 'yes',
10685 | toolbar: 'no'
10686 | };
10687 | var DEFAULT_WIDTH = 500;
10688 | var DEFAULT_HEIGHT = 600;
10689 | var TARGET_BLANK = '_blank';
10690 | var FIREFOX_EMPTY_URL = 'http://localhost';
10691 | var AuthPopup = (function () {
10692 | function AuthPopup(window) {
10693 | this.window = window;
10694 | this.associatedEvent = null;
10695 | }
10696 | AuthPopup.prototype.close = function () {
10697 | if (this.window) {
10698 | try {
10699 | this.window.close();
10700 | }
10701 | catch (e) { }
10702 | }
10703 | };
10704 | return AuthPopup;
10705 | }());
10706 | function _open(auth, url, name, width, height) {
10707 | if (width === void 0) { width = DEFAULT_WIDTH; }
10708 | if (height === void 0) { height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT; }
10709 | var top = Math.max((window.screen.availHeight - height) / 2, 0).toString();
10710 | var left = Math.max((window.screen.availWidth - width) / 2, 0).toString();
10711 | var target = '';
10712 | var options = __assign(__assign({}, BASE_POPUP_OPTIONS), { width: width.toString(), height: height.toString(), top: top,
10713 | left: left });
10714 |
10715 |
10716 | var ua = getUA().toLowerCase();
10717 | if (name) {
10718 | target = _isChromeIOS(ua) ? TARGET_BLANK : name;
10719 | }
10720 | if (_isFirefox(ua)) {
10721 |
10722 | url = url || FIREFOX_EMPTY_URL;
10723 |
10724 |
10725 | options.scrollbars = 'yes';
10726 | }
10727 | var optionsString = Object.entries(options).reduce(function (accum, _a) {
10728 | var key = _a[0], value = _a[1];
10729 | return "" + accum + key + "=" + value + ",";
10730 | }, '');
10731 | if (_isIOSStandalone(ua) && target !== '_self') {
10732 | openAsNewWindowIOS(url || '', target);
10733 | return new AuthPopup(null);
10734 | }
10735 |
10736 |
10737 | var newWin = window.open(url || '', target, optionsString);
10738 | _assert(newWin, auth, "popup-blocked" );
10739 |
10740 | try {
10741 | newWin.focus();
10742 | }
10743 | catch (e) { }
10744 | return new AuthPopup(newWin);
10745 | }
10746 | function openAsNewWindowIOS(url, target) {
10747 | var el = document.createElement('a');
10748 | el.href = url;
10749 | el.target = target;
10750 | var click = document.createEvent('MouseEvent');
10751 | click.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 1, null);
10752 | el.dispatchEvent(click);
10753 | }
10754 |
10755 |
10756 |
10757 |
10758 |
10759 |
10760 |
10761 |
10762 |
10763 |
10764 |
10765 |
10766 |
10767 |
10768 |
10769 |
10770 |
10771 |
10772 |
10773 |
10774 |
10775 |
10776 | var WIDGET_PATH = '__/auth/handler';
10777 |
10778 |
10779 |
10780 |
10781 |
10782 | var EMULATOR_WIDGET_PATH = 'emulator/auth/handler';
10783 | function _getRedirectUrl(auth, provider, authType, redirectUrl, eventId, additionalParams) {
10784 | _assert(auth.config.authDomain, auth, "auth-domain-config-required" );
10785 | _assert(auth.config.apiKey, auth, "invalid-api-key" );
10786 | var params = {
10787 | apiKey: auth.config.apiKey,
10788 | appName: auth.name,
10789 | authType: authType,
10790 | redirectUrl: redirectUrl,
10791 | v: SDK_VERSION,
10792 | eventId: eventId
10793 | };
10794 | if (provider instanceof FederatedAuthProvider) {
10795 | provider.setDefaultLanguage(auth.languageCode);
10796 | params.providerId = provider.providerId || '';
10797 | if (!isEmpty(provider.getCustomParameters())) {
10798 | params.customParameters = JSON.stringify(provider.getCustomParameters());
10799 | }
10800 |
10801 | for (var _i = 0, _a = Object.entries(additionalParams || {}); _i < _a.length; _i++) {
10802 | var _b = _a[_i], key = _b[0], value = _b[1];
10803 | params[key] = value;
10804 | }
10805 | }
10806 | if (provider instanceof BaseOAuthProvider) {
10807 | var scopes = provider.getScopes().filter(function (scope) { return scope !== ''; });
10808 | if (scopes.length > 0) {
10809 | params.scopes = scopes.join(',');
10810 | }
10811 | }
10812 | if (auth.tenantId) {
10813 | params.tid = auth.tenantId;
10814 | }
10815 |
10816 |
10817 | var paramsDict = params;
10818 | for (var _c = 0, _d = Object.keys(paramsDict); _c < _d.length; _c++) {
10819 | var key = _d[_c];
10820 | if (paramsDict[key] === undefined) {
10821 | delete paramsDict[key];
10822 | }
10823 | }
10824 | return getHandlerBase(auth) + "?" + querystring(paramsDict).slice(1);
10825 | }
10826 | function getHandlerBase(_a) {
10827 | var config = _a.config;
10828 | if (!config.emulator) {
10829 | return "https://" + config.authDomain + "/" + WIDGET_PATH;
10830 | }
10831 | return _emulatorUrl(config, EMULATOR_WIDGET_PATH);
10832 | }
10833 |
10834 |
10835 |
10836 |
10837 |
10838 |
10839 |
10840 |
10841 |
10842 |
10843 |
10844 |
10845 |
10846 |
10847 |
10848 |
10849 |
10850 |
10851 |
10852 |
10853 |
10854 | var WEB_STORAGE_SUPPORT_KEY = 'webStorageSupport';
10855 | var BrowserPopupRedirectResolver = (function () {
10856 | function BrowserPopupRedirectResolver() {
10857 | this.eventManagers = {};
10858 | this.iframes = {};
10859 | this.originValidationPromises = {};
10860 | this._redirectPersistence = browserSessionPersistence;
10861 | this._completeRedirectFn = _getRedirectResult;
10862 | this._overrideRedirectResult = _overrideRedirectResult;
10863 | }
10864 |
10865 |
10866 | BrowserPopupRedirectResolver.prototype._openPopup = function (auth, provider, authType, eventId) {
10867 | var _a;
10868 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
10869 | var url;
10870 | return __generator(this, function (_b) {
10871 | debugAssert((_a = this.eventManagers[auth._key()]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.manager, '_initialize() not called before _openPopup()');
10872 | url = _getRedirectUrl(auth, provider, authType, _getCurrentUrl(), eventId);
10873 | return [2 , _open(auth, url, _generateEventId())];
10874 | });
10875 | });
10876 | };
10877 | BrowserPopupRedirectResolver.prototype._openRedirect = function (auth, provider, authType, eventId) {
10878 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
10879 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
10880 | switch (_a.label) {
10881 | case 0: return [4 , this._originValidation(auth)];
10882 | case 1:
10883 | _a.sent();
10884 | _setWindowLocation(_getRedirectUrl(auth, provider, authType, _getCurrentUrl(), eventId));
10885 | return [2 , new Promise(function () { })];
10886 | }
10887 | });
10888 | });
10889 | };
10890 | BrowserPopupRedirectResolver.prototype._initialize = function (auth) {
10891 | var _this = this;
10892 | var key = auth._key();
10893 | if (this.eventManagers[key]) {
10894 | var _a = this.eventManagers[key], manager = _a.manager, promise_1 = _a.promise;
10895 | if (manager) {
10896 | return Promise.resolve(manager);
10897 | }
10898 | else {
10899 | debugAssert(promise_1, 'If manager is not set, promise should be');
10900 | return promise_1;
10901 | }
10902 | }
10903 | var promise = this.initAndGetManager(auth);
10904 | this.eventManagers[key] = { promise: promise };
10905 |
10906 |
10907 | promise.catch(function () {
10908 | delete _this.eventManagers[key];
10909 | });
10910 | return promise;
10911 | };
10912 | BrowserPopupRedirectResolver.prototype.initAndGetManager = function (auth) {
10913 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
10914 | var iframe, manager;
10915 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
10916 | switch (_a.label) {
10917 | case 0: return [4 , _openIframe(auth)];
10918 | case 1:
10919 | iframe = _a.sent();
10920 | manager = new AuthEventManager(auth);
10921 | iframe.register('authEvent', function (iframeEvent) {
10922 | _assert(iframeEvent === null || iframeEvent === void 0 ? void 0 : iframeEvent.authEvent, auth, "invalid-auth-event" );
10923 |
10924 | var handled = manager.onEvent(iframeEvent.authEvent);
10925 | return { status: handled ? "ACK" : "ERROR" };
10926 | }, gapi.iframes.CROSS_ORIGIN_IFRAMES_FILTER);
10927 | this.eventManagers[auth._key()] = { manager: manager };
10928 | this.iframes[auth._key()] = iframe;
10929 | return [2 , manager];
10930 | }
10931 | });
10932 | });
10933 | };
10934 | BrowserPopupRedirectResolver.prototype._isIframeWebStorageSupported = function (auth, cb) {
10935 | var iframe = this.iframes[auth._key()];
10936 | iframe.send(WEB_STORAGE_SUPPORT_KEY, { type: WEB_STORAGE_SUPPORT_KEY }, function (result) {
10937 | var _a;
10938 | var isSupported = (_a = result === null || result === void 0 ? void 0 : result[0]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[WEB_STORAGE_SUPPORT_KEY];
10939 | if (isSupported !== undefined) {
10940 | cb(!!isSupported);
10941 | }
10942 | _fail(auth, "internal-error" );
10943 | }, gapi.iframes.CROSS_ORIGIN_IFRAMES_FILTER);
10944 | };
10945 | BrowserPopupRedirectResolver.prototype._originValidation = function (auth) {
10946 | var key = auth._key();
10947 | if (!this.originValidationPromises[key]) {
10948 | this.originValidationPromises[key] = _validateOrigin(auth);
10949 | }
10950 | return this.originValidationPromises[key];
10951 | };
10952 | Object.defineProperty(BrowserPopupRedirectResolver.prototype, "_shouldInitProactively", {
10953 | get: function () {
10954 |
10955 | return _isMobileBrowser() || _isSafari() || _isIOS();
10956 | },
10957 | enumerable: false,
10958 | configurable: true
10959 | });
10960 | return BrowserPopupRedirectResolver;
10961 | }());
10962 |
10963 |
10964 |
10965 |
10966 |
10967 |
10968 | var browserPopupRedirectResolver = BrowserPopupRedirectResolver;
10969 |
10970 | var MultiFactorAssertionImpl = (function () {
10971 | function MultiFactorAssertionImpl(factorId) {
10972 | this.factorId = factorId;
10973 | }
10974 | MultiFactorAssertionImpl.prototype._process = function (auth, session, displayName) {
10975 | switch (session.type) {
10976 | case "enroll" :
10977 | return this._finalizeEnroll(auth, session.credential, displayName);
10978 | case "signin" :
10979 | return this._finalizeSignIn(auth, session.credential);
10980 | default:
10981 | return debugFail('unexpected MultiFactorSessionType');
10982 | }
10983 | };
10984 | return MultiFactorAssertionImpl;
10985 | }());
10986 |
10987 |
10988 |
10989 |
10990 |
10991 |
10992 | var PhoneMultiFactorAssertionImpl = (function (_super) {
10993 | __extends(PhoneMultiFactorAssertionImpl, _super);
10994 | function PhoneMultiFactorAssertionImpl(credential) {
10995 | var _this = _super.call(this, "phone" ) || this;
10996 | _this.credential = credential;
10997 | return _this;
10998 | }
10999 |
11000 | PhoneMultiFactorAssertionImpl._fromCredential = function (credential) {
11001 | return new PhoneMultiFactorAssertionImpl(credential);
11002 | };
11003 |
11004 | PhoneMultiFactorAssertionImpl.prototype._finalizeEnroll = function (auth, idToken, displayName) {
11005 | return finalizeEnrollPhoneMfa(auth, {
11006 | idToken: idToken,
11007 | displayName: displayName,
11008 | phoneVerificationInfo: this.credential._makeVerificationRequest()
11009 | });
11010 | };
11011 |
11012 | PhoneMultiFactorAssertionImpl.prototype._finalizeSignIn = function (auth, mfaPendingCredential) {
11013 | return finalizeSignInPhoneMfa(auth, {
11014 | mfaPendingCredential: mfaPendingCredential,
11015 | phoneVerificationInfo: this.credential._makeVerificationRequest()
11016 | });
11017 | };
11018 | return PhoneMultiFactorAssertionImpl;
11019 | }(MultiFactorAssertionImpl));
11020 |
11021 |
11022 |
11023 |
11024 |
11025 | var PhoneMultiFactorGenerator = (function () {
11026 | function PhoneMultiFactorGenerator() {
11027 | }
11028 | |
11029 |
11030 |
11031 |
11032 |
11033 |
11034 |
11035 | PhoneMultiFactorGenerator.assertion = function (credential) {
11036 | return PhoneMultiFactorAssertionImpl._fromCredential(credential);
11037 | };
11038 | |
11039 |
11040 |
11041 | PhoneMultiFactorGenerator.FACTOR_ID = 'phone';
11042 | return PhoneMultiFactorGenerator;
11043 | }());
11044 |
11045 | var name = "@firebase/auth";
11046 | var version = "0.20.1";
11047 |
11048 |
11049 |
11050 |
11051 |
11052 |
11053 |
11054 |
11055 |
11056 |
11057 |
11058 |
11059 |
11060 |
11061 |
11062 |
11063 |
11064 | var AuthInterop = (function () {
11065 | function AuthInterop(auth) {
11066 | this.auth = auth;
11067 | this.internalListeners = new Map();
11068 | }
11069 | AuthInterop.prototype.getUid = function () {
11070 | var _a;
11071 | this.assertAuthConfigured();
11072 | return ((_a = this.auth.currentUser) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.uid) || null;
11073 | };
11074 | AuthInterop.prototype.getToken = function (forceRefresh) {
11075 | return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function () {
11076 | var accessToken;
11077 | return __generator(this, function (_a) {
11078 | switch (_a.label) {
11079 | case 0:
11080 | this.assertAuthConfigured();
11081 | return [4 , this.auth._initializationPromise];
11082 | case 1:
11083 | _a.sent();
11084 | if (!this.auth.currentUser) {
11085 | return [2 , null];
11086 | }
11087 | return [4 , this.auth.currentUser.getIdToken(forceRefresh)];
11088 | case 2:
11089 | accessToken = _a.sent();
11090 | return [2 , { accessToken: accessToken }];
11091 | }
11092 | });
11093 | });
11094 | };
11095 | AuthInterop.prototype.addAuthTokenListener = function (listener) {
11096 | this.assertAuthConfigured();
11097 | if (this.internalListeners.has(listener)) {
11098 | return;
11099 | }
11100 | var unsubscribe = this.auth.onIdTokenChanged(function (user) {
11101 | var _a;
11102 | listener(((_a = user) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.stsTokenManager.accessToken) || null);
11103 | });
11104 | this.internalListeners.set(listener, unsubscribe);
11105 | this.updateProactiveRefresh();
11106 | };
11107 | AuthInterop.prototype.removeAuthTokenListener = function (listener) {
11108 | this.assertAuthConfigured();
11109 | var unsubscribe = this.internalListeners.get(listener);
11110 | if (!unsubscribe) {
11111 | return;
11112 | }
11113 | this.internalListeners.delete(listener);
11114 | unsubscribe();
11115 | this.updateProactiveRefresh();
11116 | };
11117 | AuthInterop.prototype.assertAuthConfigured = function () {
11118 | _assert(this.auth._initializationPromise, "dependent-sdk-initialized-before-auth" );
11119 | };
11120 | AuthInterop.prototype.updateProactiveRefresh = function () {
11121 | if (this.internalListeners.size > 0) {
11122 | this.auth._startProactiveRefresh();
11123 | }
11124 | else {
11125 | this.auth._stopProactiveRefresh();
11126 | }
11127 | };
11128 | return AuthInterop;
11129 | }());
11130 |
11131 |
11132 |
11133 |
11134 |
11135 |
11136 |
11137 |
11138 |
11139 |
11140 |
11141 |
11142 |
11143 |
11144 |
11145 |
11146 |
11147 | function getVersionForPlatform(clientPlatform) {
11148 | switch (clientPlatform) {
11149 | case "Node" :
11150 | return 'node';
11151 | case "ReactNative" :
11152 | return 'rn';
11153 | case "Worker" :
11154 | return 'webworker';
11155 | case "Cordova" :
11156 | return 'cordova';
11157 | default:
11158 | return undefined;
11159 | }
11160 | }
11161 |
11162 | function registerAuth(clientPlatform) {
11163 | _registerComponent(new Component("auth" , function (container, _a) {
11164 | var deps = _a.options;
11165 | var app = container.getProvider('app').getImmediate();
11166 | var heartbeatServiceProvider = container.getProvider('heartbeat');
11167 | var _b = app.options, apiKey = _b.apiKey, authDomain = _b.authDomain;
11168 | return (function (app, heartbeatServiceProvider) {
11169 | _assert(apiKey && !apiKey.includes(':'), "invalid-api-key" , { appName: app.name });
11170 |
11171 | _assert(!(authDomain === null || authDomain === void 0 ? void 0 : authDomain.includes(':')), "argument-error" , {
11172 | appName: app.name
11173 | });
11174 | var config = {
11175 | apiKey: apiKey,
11176 | authDomain: authDomain,
11177 | clientPlatform: clientPlatform,
11178 | apiHost: "identitytoolkit.googleapis.com" ,
11179 | tokenApiHost: "securetoken.googleapis.com" ,
11180 | apiScheme: "https" ,
11181 | sdkClientVersion: _getClientVersion(clientPlatform)
11182 | };
11183 | var authInstance = new AuthImpl(app, heartbeatServiceProvider, config);
11184 | _initializeAuthInstance(authInstance, deps);
11185 | return authInstance;
11186 | })(app, heartbeatServiceProvider);
11187 | }, "PUBLIC" )
11188 | |
11189 |
11190 |
11191 |
11192 | .setInstantiationMode("EXPLICIT" )
11193 | |
11194 |
11195 |
11196 |
11197 | .setInstanceCreatedCallback(function (container, _instanceIdentifier, _instance) {
11198 | var authInternalProvider = container.getProvider("auth-internal" );
11199 | authInternalProvider.initialize();
11200 | }));
11201 | _registerComponent(new Component("auth-internal" , function (container) {
11202 | var auth = _castAuth(container.getProvider("auth" ).getImmediate());
11203 | return (function (auth) { return new AuthInterop(auth); })(auth);
11204 | }, "PRIVATE" ).setInstantiationMode("EXPLICIT" ));
11205 | registerVersion(name, version, getVersionForPlatform(clientPlatform));
11206 |
11207 | registerVersion(name, version, 'esm5');
11208 | }
11209 |
11210 |
11211 |
11212 |
11213 |
11214 |
11215 |
11216 |
11217 |
11218 |
11219 |
11220 |
11221 |
11222 |
11223 |
11224 |
11225 |
11226 |
11227 |
11228 |
11229 |
11230 |
11231 |
11232 |
11233 |
11234 | function getAuth(app) {
11235 | if (app === void 0) { app = getApp(); }
11236 | var provider = _getProvider(app, 'auth');
11237 | if (provider.isInitialized()) {
11238 | return provider.getImmediate();
11239 | }
11240 | return initializeAuth(app, {
11241 | popupRedirectResolver: browserPopupRedirectResolver,
11242 | persistence: [
11243 | indexedDBLocalPersistence,
11244 | browserLocalPersistence,
11245 | browserSessionPersistence
11246 | ]
11247 | });
11248 | }
11249 | registerAuth("Browser" );
11250 |
11251 | export { signInWithCustomToken as $, ActionCodeOperation as A, debugErrorMap as B, prodErrorMap as C, AUTH_ERROR_CODES_MAP_DO_NOT_USE_INTERNALLY as D, initializeAuth as E, FactorId as F, connectAuthEmulator as G, AuthCredential as H, EmailAuthCredential as I, OAuthCredential as J, PhoneAuthCredential as K, inMemoryPersistence as L, EmailAuthProvider as M, FacebookAuthProvider as N, OperationType as O, PhoneAuthProvider as P, GoogleAuthProvider as Q, RecaptchaVerifier as R, SignInMethod as S, GithubAuthProvider as T, OAuthProvider as U, SAMLAuthProvider as V, TwitterAuthProvider as W, signInAnonymously as X, signInWithCredential as Y, linkWithCredential as Z, reauthenticateWithCredential as _, browserSessionPersistence as a, sendPasswordResetEmail as a0, confirmPasswordReset as a1, applyActionCode as a2, checkActionCode as a3, verifyPasswordResetCode as a4, createUserWithEmailAndPassword as a5, signInWithEmailAndPassword as a6, sendSignInLinkToEmail as a7, isSignInWithEmailLink as a8, signInWithEmailLink as a9, _persistenceKeyName as aA, _clearRedirectOutcomes as aB, _getRedirectResult as aC, _overrideRedirectResult as aD, _castAuth as aE, UserImpl as aF, AuthImpl as aG, _getClientVersion as aH, _generateEventId as aI, AuthPopup as aJ, FetchProvider as aK, SAMLAuthCredential as aL, fetchSignInMethodsForEmail as aa, sendEmailVerification as ab, verifyBeforeUpdateEmail as ac, ActionCodeURL as ad, parseActionCodeURL as ae, updateProfile as af, updateEmail as ag, updatePassword as ah, getIdToken as ai, getIdTokenResult as aj, unlink as ak, getAdditionalUserInfo as al, reload as am, getMultiFactorResolver as an, multiFactor as ao, _isAndroid as ap, _isIOS7Or8 as aq, _isIOS as ar, _fail as as, _getRedirectUrl as at, debugAssert as au, _getProjectConfig as av, _createError as aw, _assert as ax, AuthEventManager as ay, _getInstance as az, browserLocalPersistence as b, signInWithPopup as c, linkWithPopup as d, reauthenticateWithPopup as e, signInWithRedirect as f, linkWithRedirect as g, reauthenticateWithRedirect as h, indexedDBLocalPersistence as i, getRedirectResult as j, browserPopupRedirectResolver as k, linkWithPhoneNumber as l, PhoneMultiFactorGenerator as m, getAuth as n, ProviderId as o, setPersistence as p, onIdTokenChanged as q, reauthenticateWithPhoneNumber as r, signInWithPhoneNumber as s, beforeAuthStateChanged as t, updatePhoneNumber as u, onAuthStateChanged as v, useDeviceLanguage as w, updateCurrentUser as x, signOut as y, deleteUser as z };
11252 |