1.47 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "@firebase/webchannel-wrapper",
3 "version": "0.6.2",
4 "description": "A wrapper of the webchannel packages from closure-library for use outside of a closure compiled application",
5 "author": "Firebase <firebase-support@google.com> (https://firebase.google.com/)",
6 "main": "dist/index.js",
7 "module": "dist/index.esm2017.js",
8 "esm5": "dist/index.esm.js",
9 "exports": {
10 ".": {
11 "types": "./src/index.d.ts",
12 "require": "./dist/index.js",
13 "esm5": "./dist/index.esm.js",
14 "default": "./dist/index.esm2017.js"
15 },
16 "./package.json": "./package.json"
17 },
18 "files": [
19 "dist"
20 ],
21 "scripts": {
22 "dev": "watch 'yarn build' src",
23 "build": "gulp",
24 "test": "echo 'No test suite for webchannel-wrapper'",
25 "test:ci": "echo 'No test suite for webchannel-wrapper'"
26 },
27 "license": "Apache-2.0",
28 "devDependencies": {
29 "google-closure-compiler": "20210601.0.0",
30 "google-closure-library": "20210406.0.0",
31 "gulp": "4.0.2",
32 "gulp-sourcemaps": "3.0.0",
33 "rollup": "2.72.1",
34 "@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "21.1.0",
35 "rollup-plugin-sourcemaps": "0.6.3",
36 "rollup-plugin-typescript2": "0.31.2",
37 "typescript": "4.2.2"
38 },
39 "repository": {
40 "directory": "packages/webchannel-wrapper",
41 "type": "git",
42 "url": "https://github.com/firebase/firebase-js-sdk.git"
43 },
44 "typings": "src/index.d.ts",
45 "bugs": {
46 "url": "https://github.com/firebase/firebase-js-sdk/issues"
47 }