8.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1describe('ng-stages',function() {
2 "use strict";
4 var ngServices = factory('services/ng-services');
5 var module = factory('services/ng-stages',{
6 'services/ng-services': ngServices,
7 'services/log': logMock
8 });
10 var $rootScope;
11 var $stages;
12 var $q;
13 var mockStage;
14 var mockStageSanitized;
15 var unusedMockStage;
16 var unusedMockStageSanitized;
19 //initialize
20 beforeEach(function() {
21 mockStage = { id: "practice", name: "Practice Rounds", rounds: 2 };
22 mockStageSanitized = { index: 0, id: "practice", name: "Practice Rounds", rounds: 2, $rounds: [1, 2] };
23 unusedMockStage = { id: "unused", name: "Foobar", rounds: 0 };
24 unusedMockStageSanitized = { index: 1, id: "unused", name: "Foobar", rounds: 0, $rounds: [] };
25 })
26 var httpMock;
27 beforeEach(function() {
28 angular.mock.module(module.name);
29 httpMock = createHttpMock({
30 get: {
31 '/stages': { data: [mockStageSanitized] }
32 },
33 post: {
34 '/stages/save': {stages: [mockStageSanitized]}
35 }
36 });
37 angular.mock.module(function($provide) {
38 $provide.value('$http', httpMock);
39 });
40 angular.mock.inject(["$q", "$stages", "$rootScope", function(_$q_, _$stages_, _$rootScope_) {
41 $q = _$q_;
42 $rootScope = _$rootScope_;
43 $stages = _$stages_;
44 }]);
45 });
47 describe('init',function() {
48 beforeEach(function(done){
49 done();
50 });
51 it('should load stages by default', function (done) {
52 return $stages.init().then(function () {
53 expect(httpMock.get).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/stages');
54 expect($stages.stages).toEqual([mockStageSanitized]);
55 done();
56 });
57 });
58 });
60 describe('save',function() {
62 it('should write stages to stages.json',function(done) {
63 $stages.stages = [mockStageSanitized];
64 return $stages.save().then(function() {
65 expect(httpMock.post).toHaveBeenCalledWith('/stages/save',{stages: [mockStageSanitized]});
66 done();
67 });
68 });
69 it('should log an error if writing fails',function(done) {
70 httpMock.post.and.returnValue(Q.reject('aargh'));
71 return $stages.save().then(function() {
72 expect(logMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('stages write error','aargh');
73 done();
74 });
75 });
76 });
78 describe('load', function() {
79 beforeEach(function(done){
80 $stages.init().then(()=>{done();});
81 });
83 it('should load and sanitize stages',function(done) {
84 return $stages.load().then(function() {
85 expect($stages.stages).toEqual([mockStageSanitized]);
86 done();
87 });
88 });
89 it('should log an error if reading fails',function(done) {
90 httpMock.get.and.returnValue(Q.reject('squeek'));
91 return $stages.load().then(function() {
92 expect(logMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('stages read error','squeek');
93 done();
94 });
95 });
96 it('should initialize with default stages if reading fails',function(done) {
97 httpMock.get.and.returnValue(Q.reject('squeek'));
98 return $stages.load().then(function() {
99 expect(logMock).toHaveBeenCalledWith('stages using defaults');
100 expect($stages.allStages).toEqual([
101 {index:0,id:"practice",name:"Practice Rounds",rounds:1,$rounds:[1]},
102 {index:1,id:"qualifying",name:"Qualification Rounds",rounds:3,$rounds:[1,2,3]},
103 {index:2,id:"quarter",name:"Quarterfinals",rounds:0,$rounds:[]},
104 {index:3,id:"semi",name:"Semifinals",rounds:0,$rounds:[]},
105 {index:4,id:"final",name:"Final",rounds:0,$rounds:[]}
106 ]);
107 done();
108 });
109 });
110 });
112 describe('remove',function() {
114 beforeEach(function(done){
115 $stages.init().then(()=>{done();});
116 });
118 it('should remove the provided id',function() {
119 expect($stages.stages).toEqual([mockStageSanitized]);
120 $stages.remove("practice");
121 expect($stages.stages).toEqual([]);
122 });
123 it('should do nothing if id not found',function() {
124 expect($stages.stages).toEqual([mockStageSanitized]);
125 $stages.remove("foobar");
126 expect($stages.stages).toEqual([mockStageSanitized]);
127 });
128 });
130 describe('add',function() {
132 it('should add a stage to the list and add autogen properties',function() {
133 $stages.clear();
134 var res = $stages.add(mockStage);
135 expect($stages.stages).toEqual([mockStageSanitized]);
136 });
137 it('should reject duplicate stage ids',function() {
138 $stages.clear();
139 $stages.add(mockStage);
140 expect(function() {
141 $stages.add(mockStage);
142 }).toThrow();
143 });
144 it('should reject a stage without an id, name, or rounds',function() {
145 $stages.clear();
146 $stages.add({ id: "foo", name: "bar", rounds: 0 });
147 expect(function() {
148 $stages.add(null);
149 }).toThrow();
150 expect(function() {
151 $stages.add("meh");
152 }).toThrow();
153 expect(function() {
154 $stages.add({ id: "foo", name: "bar" });
155 }).toThrow();
156 expect(function() {
157 $stages.add({ id: "foo", rounds: 0 });
158 }).toThrow();
159 expect(function() {
160 $stages.add({ name: "bar", rounds: 0 });
161 }).toThrow();
162 });
163 it('should reject a stage with non-string id or name',function() {
164 $stages.clear();
165 expect(function() {
166 $stages.add({ id: 1, name: "bar" });
167 }).toThrow();
168 expect(function() {
169 $stages.add({ id: "foo", name: 2 });
170 }).toThrow();
171 });
172 it('should maintain existing stages and allStages arrays', function() {
173 $stages.clear();
174 var allStages = $stages.allStages;
175 var stages = $stages.stages;
176 expect(allStages).toEqual([]);
177 expect(stages).toEqual([]);
178 $stages.add(mockStage);
179 $stages.add(unusedMockStage);
180 expect(allStages).toEqual([mockStageSanitized, unusedMockStageSanitized]);
181 expect(stages).toEqual([mockStageSanitized]);
182 });
183 });
185 describe('moveStage',function() {
186 beforeEach(function() {
187 //setup two stages
188 $stages.clear();
189 $stages.add(mockStage);
190 $stages.add(unusedMockStage);
191 })
192 it('move down 1 step',function() {
193 $stages.moveStage(mockStageSanitized,1);
194 expect($stages.allStages).toEqual([
195 { index: 0, id: "unused", name: "Foobar", rounds: 0, $rounds: [] },
196 { index: 1, id:"practice", name:"Practice Rounds", rounds:2, $rounds:[1,2] }
197 ]);
198 });
199 it('move up 1 step',function() {
200 $stages.moveStage(unusedMockStageSanitized,-1);
201 expect($stages.allStages).toEqual([
202 { index: 0, id: "unused", name: "Foobar", rounds: 0, $rounds: [] },
203 { index: 1, id:"practice", name:"Practice Rounds", rounds:2, $rounds:[1,2] }
204 ]);
205 });
206 });
208 describe('get',function() {
210 beforeEach(function(done){
211 $stages.init().then(()=> done());
212 });
214 it('should get a sanitized stage', function() {
215 expect($stages.get("practice")).toEqual(mockStageSanitized);
216 });
217 });
219 describe('_update',function() {
220 it('should throw an error if stage is present twice',function() {
221 $stages._rawStages = [mockStage,mockStage];
222 expect(function() {
223 $stages._update();
224 }).toThrowError('duplicate stage id practice');
225 });
226 });