3.1 kBPlain TextView Raw
1#! /usr/bin/env node
3const { join } = require('path')
4const shell = require('shelljs')
5const yargs = require('yargs')
6const getFilePath = (file) => join(__dirname, '..', file)
8const thisIpAddress = require(getFilePath('./ipAddressHelpers')).getMyIpAddress()
10function startMainMockServer (argv) {
11 const commandString = [`node "${getFilePath('server.js')}" --port ${argv['main-port']} --upload-dir ${argv.uploadDir}`]
12 if (argv.database) commandString.push(`--database ${argv.database}`)
13 shell.exec(commandString.join(' '), {async: true})
16function startStudioMockServer (argv) {
17 const commandString = [`node "${getFilePath('app-server.js')}"`]
18 commandString.push(`--port ${argv['studio-port']}`)
20 const endpoint = argv.reportEndpoint || `http://${thisIpAddress}:${argv['main-port']}/studiomachines/report`
21 commandString.push(`--report-endpoint ${endpoint}`)
23 shell.exec(commandString.join(' '), {async: true})
26yargs // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions
27 .usage('$0 command')
28 .option('database', {
29 alias: 'd',
30 describe: 'Specify a path to a database file. Make sure it is a proper relative path (starting with ./ or ../) or absolute path. If you do not provide a database file, then default data will be used. (See the "data" command.)',
31 type: 'string'
32 })
33 .option('upload-dir', {
34 alias: 'u',
35 describe: 'Specify a path to an uploaded file directory. This folder will be served statically and will receive any file uploads from the application. Make sure it is a proper relative path (starting with ./ or ../) or absolute path.',
36 type: 'string',
37 default: './uploads'
38 })
39 .option('main-port', {
40 describe: 'specify a port for the main server',
41 type: 'number',
42 default: 3000
43 })
44 .option('studio-port', {
45 describe: 'specify a port',
46 type: 'number',
47 default: 4201
48 })
49 .option('report-endpoint', {
50 describe: 'Override the remote endpoint for reporting this server\'s IP address/port. This option by default will point to the main mock server, even if you change its port.',
51 type: 'string',
52 defaultDescription: `http://${thisIpAddress}:3000/studiomachines/report`
53 })
54 .command(
55 'main',
56 'Starts the mock server for the main site',
57 (yargs) => {},
58 (argv) => startMainMockServer(argv)
59 )
60 .command(
61 'studio',
62 'starts the mock server for the local studio',
63 (yargs) => {},
64 (argv) => startStudioMockServer(argv)
65 )
66 .command(
67 'both',
68 'starts the mock servers for the local studio and the main studio',
69 (yargs) => {},
70 (argv) => {
71 startMainMockServer(argv)
72 setTimeout(() => startStudioMockServer(argv), 1000) // making sure the other is started
73 }
74 )
75 .command(
76 'data',
77 'Echoes the database file so you can have a starting point to create your own. Perhaps you should redirect output into a file using ">".',
78 (yargs) => {},
79 (argv) => {
80 const cat = shell.cat(`${getFilePath('db.js')}`).stdout
81 console.log(cat)
82 }
83 )
84 .demandCommand(1, 'must provide a valid command')
85 .help('h')
86 .alias('h', 'help')
87 .argv