6.64 kBYAMLView Raw
1- property: control_type
2 name: Control type
3 description: Choose between a dropdown, buttons or a time slider.
4 width: three quarters
5 new_section: Controls
6 type: string
7 style: buttons
8 choices:
9 -
11 - dropdown
12 -
14 - "buttons"
15 -
16 - 
17 - slider
18- property: control_styles
19 name: Adv.
20 type: boolean
21 width: quarter
23# Button & Dropdown styles
24- property: control_title
25 name: Control title
26 type: string
27 show_if:
28 control_styles: true
29- property: button_group
30 name: Grouped
31 type: boolean
32 width: quarter
33 choices:
34 - [ On, true ]
35 - [ Off, false ]
36 show_if:
37 control_type: buttons
38 control_styles: true
39- property: button_group_width_mode
40 name: Button group width
41 type: string
42 style: buttons
43 choices:
44 - [ Auto, auto ]
45 - [ Full, full ]
46 - [ Fixed, fixed ]
47 show_if:
48 control_type: buttons
49 button_group: true
50 control_styles: true
51 width: half
52- property: button_group_width_fixed
53 name: Width
54 type: number
55 min: 0
56 max: 100
57 show_if:
58 control_type: buttons
59 button_group: true
60 button_group_width_mode: fixed
61 control_styles: true
62 width: quarter
63- property: dropdown_width_mode
64 name: Dropdown width
65 type: string
66 style: buttons
67 choices:
68 - [ Auto, auto ]
69 - [ Full, full ]
70 - [ Fixed, fixed ]
71 show_if:
72 control_type: dropdown
73 control_styles: true
74 width: half
75- property: dropdown_width_fixed
76 name: Width
77 type: number
78 min: 0
79 max: 100
80 show_if:
81 control_type: dropdown
82 control_styles: true
83 dropdown_width_mode: fixed
84 width: half
86# Slider styles
87- property: slider_background_color
88 name: Background
89 type: color
90 width: quarter
91 show_if:
92 control_type: slider
93 control_styles: true
94- property: slider_font_color
95 name: Text
96 type: color
97 width: quarter
98 optional: true
99 show_if:
100 control_type: slider
101 control_styles: true
102- property: slider_handle_color
103 name: Handle
104 type: color
105 width: half
106 show_if:
107 control_type: slider
108 control_styles: true
109- property: slider_width
110 name: Width
111 type: number
112 min: 0
113 max: 100
114 show_if:
115 control_type: slider
116 control_styles: true
117 width: quarter
118- property: slider_margin
119 name: Label width
120 type: number
121 show_if:
122 control_type: slider
123 control_styles: true
124 width: quarter
125 step: 0.1
126 min: 0
127 max: 50
128- property: slider_handle_height
129 name: Height
130 type: number
131 step: 0.1
132 min: 0
133 max: 10
134 show_if:
135 control_type: slider
136 control_styles: true
137 width: quarter
138- property: slider_track_height
139 name: Track height
140 type: number
141 step: 0.1
142 min: 0
143 max: 10
144 show_if:
145 control_type: slider
146 control_styles: true
147 width: quarter
148- property: slider_play_button
149 name: Play button
150 type: boolean
151 show_if:
152 control_type: slider
153 control_styles: true
154 width: half
155- property: slider_loop
156 name: Loop
157 type: boolean
158 width: half
159 show_if:
160 control_type: slider
161 control_styles: true
162 slider_play_button: true
163- property: slider_step_time
164 name: Time between steps
165 description: Measured in seconds, positive values move the slider left to right, negative values move the slider right to left.
166 type: number
167 step: 0.25
168 min: -100
169 max: 100
170 show_if:
171 control_type: slider
172 control_styles: true
173 slider_play_button: true
174- property: slider_restart_pause
175 name: Pause before loop
176 description: Measured in seconds and in addition to the regular step time displayed above.
177 type: number
178 step: 0.25
179 min: 0
180 max: 100
181 width: half
182 show_if:
183 control_type: slider
184 control_styles: true
185 slider_play_button: true
186 slider_loop: true
188# Data formatting
189- property: sort
190 name: Sorting
191 type: string
192 width: half
193 choices:
194 -
195 - Unsorted
196 - unsorted
197 -
198 - Categories
199 - categorical
200 -
201 - Dates/times
202 - temporal
203 -
204 - Numbers
205 - numeric
206 show_if:
207 control_styles: true
208- property: sort_temporal_format
209 name: Date/time format in data
210 description: "The date/time format in your data sheet. Used only to sort the data, if required. If your format isn’t in the list, you can enter a custom format using d3-time-format syntax. See npmjs.com/package/d3-time-format for details."
211 type: string
212 show_if:
213 sort: temporal
214 control_styles: true
215 choices:
216 - [ "1986-01-28T11:39:13.000Z", "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ" ]
217 - [ "1986-01-28", "%Y-%m-%d" ]
218 - [ "01/28/1986", "%m/%d/%Y" ]
219 - [ "28-Jan-86", "%d-%b-%y" ]
220 - [ "01/1986", "%m/%Y" ]
221 - [ "Jan 1986", "%b %Y" ]
222 - [ "January 28", "%B %d" ]
223 - [ "28 Jan", "%d %b" ]
224 - [ "1986", "%Y" ]
225 - [ "January", "%B" ]
226 - [ "Jan", "%b" ]
227 - [ "Tuesday", "%A" ]
228 - [ "Tue", "%a" ]
229 - [ "11:39:13", "%X" ]
230 - [ "11:39 AM", "%H:%M %p" ]
231 - [ "11:39", "%H:%M" ]
232 choices_other: true