19.6 kBJSONView Raw
2 "name": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
3 "entries": [
4 {
5 "date": "Fri, 27 May 2022 07:38:02 GMT",
6 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.9.1",
7 "version": "1.9.1",
8 "comments": {
9 "patch": [
10 {
11 "author": "martinhochel@microsoft.com",
12 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
13 "commit": "680885f2f33f62bc891d1abaa0ad8e6196903481",
14 "comment": "fix(eslint-plugin): move ban-context to react config from base"
15 }
16 ]
17 }
18 },
19 {
20 "date": "Thu, 26 May 2022 07:42:24 GMT",
21 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.9.0",
22 "version": "1.9.0",
23 "comments": {
24 "none": [
25 {
26 "author": "lingfangao@hotmail.com",
27 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
28 "commit": "fff6a012b8a3b165b364ef2c412b9edee0bc05a9",
29 "comment": "chore: new eslint rule: `ban-context-export`"
30 }
31 ]
32 }
33 },
34 {
35 "date": "Wed, 18 May 2022 07:41:14 GMT",
36 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.9.0",
37 "version": "1.9.0",
38 "comments": {
39 "minor": [
40 {
41 "author": "martinhochel@microsoft.com",
42 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
43 "commit": "8d6c673ca9d07fd329c26f16b4c69ea32d284dd4",
44 "comment": "feat: create core base for react/node/legacy lint configs"
45 }
46 ]
47 }
48 },
49 {
50 "date": "Fri, 13 May 2022 07:45:34 GMT",
51 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.8.0",
52 "version": "1.8.0",
53 "comments": {
54 "minor": [
55 {
56 "author": "olfedias@microsoft.com",
57 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
58 "commit": "4b1c0d17aee44ce9cf3630d9c2001d2863e6388b",
59 "comment": "feat: add new rules covering usage of Griffel"
60 }
61 ]
62 }
63 },
64 {
65 "date": "Thu, 07 Apr 2022 07:35:26 GMT",
66 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.7.0",
67 "version": "1.7.0",
68 "comments": {
69 "none": [
70 {
71 "author": "lingfangao@hotmail.com",
72 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
73 "commit": "67dd475e49182d17dbf7d9195c5df9bce02b7b3c",
74 "comment": "exclude e2e tests from extraneuous modules eslint"
75 }
76 ]
77 }
78 },
79 {
80 "date": "Wed, 16 Mar 2022 07:38:50 GMT",
81 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.7.0",
82 "version": "1.7.0",
83 "comments": {
84 "minor": [
85 {
86 "author": "martinhochel@microsoft.com",
87 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
88 "commit": "fcbdedc99e36f562680ebd2b1a7d422dabd5078b",
89 "comment": "feat(eslint-plugin): enable no-export-all:all for all packages public API"
90 }
91 ]
92 }
93 },
94 {
95 "date": "Fri, 11 Mar 2022 07:34:40 GMT",
96 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.6.3",
97 "version": "1.6.3",
98 "comments": {
99 "patch": [
100 {
101 "author": "martinhochel@microsoft.com",
102 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
103 "commit": "8722596e561b57decfe9aa79121db844737102ff",
104 "comment": "fix(eslint-plugin): make import/no-extraneous-dependencies work for react config"
105 }
106 ],
107 "none": [
108 {
109 "author": "martinhochel@microsoft.com",
110 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
111 "commit": "b7c95f33608704335d906c387808e0dba49956a8",
112 "comment": "revert: ESlint - support tsconfig excluded files"
113 }
114 ]
115 }
116 },
117 {
118 "date": "Mon, 14 Feb 2022 07:26:36 GMT",
119 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.6.2",
120 "version": "1.6.2",
121 "comments": {
122 "patch": [
123 {
124 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
125 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
126 "commit": "525ac9640d22576385c37ee6c773de8a832c9644",
127 "comment": "Add ./e2e to list of files allowing devDependencies"
128 }
129 ]
130 }
131 },
132 {
133 "date": "Tue, 25 Jan 2022 07:30:06 GMT",
134 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.6.1",
135 "version": "1.6.1",
136 "comments": {
137 "patch": [
138 {
139 "author": "behowell@microsoft.com",
140 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
141 "commit": "317209bb5cd57c40f35bc42060acb7e3cce5ec95",
142 "comment": "Add naming-convention exception to allow exported hooks with the _unstable suffix"
143 }
144 ]
145 }
146 },
147 {
148 "date": "Thu, 13 Jan 2022 07:30:57 GMT",
149 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.6.0",
150 "version": "1.6.0",
151 "comments": {
152 "minor": [
153 {
154 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
155 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
156 "commit": "a9c3d10d957ef651a0f9f43c86e565f18c8edffa",
157 "comment": "Expand ban-imports rule to also support exports, and support regular expressions for names"
158 }
159 ]
160 }
161 },
162 {
163 "date": "Wed, 15 Dec 2021 07:31:27 GMT",
164 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.5.2",
165 "version": "1.5.2",
166 "comments": {
167 "patch": [
168 {
169 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
170 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
171 "commit": "e839eaaa93e12f70fb844a7d0067ce087b3a6f10",
172 "comment": "Classify .stories.tsx as examples not tests"
173 },
174 {
175 "author": "lingfangao@hotmail.com",
176 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
177 "commit": "7a1af12609368166d99b28c783c8ba8118f5d6b2",
178 "comment": "Re-enable `@rnx-kit/no-export-all`"
179 }
180 ]
181 }
182 },
183 {
184 "date": "Mon, 29 Nov 2021 07:31:31 GMT",
185 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.5.1",
186 "version": "1.5.1",
187 "comments": {
188 "patch": [
189 {
190 "author": "olfedias@microsoft.com",
191 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
192 "commit": "7c5dc03c415baf9a2d8a7ff104b2c0e3bff6daca",
193 "comment": "handle `common` directory as test files"
194 }
195 ]
196 }
197 },
198 {
199 "date": "Thu, 25 Nov 2021 14:54:13 GMT",
200 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.5.0",
201 "version": "1.5.0",
202 "comments": {
203 "minor": [
204 {
205 "author": "dzearing@microsoft.com",
206 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
207 "commit": "cf59ae965a25831ad4969e5cda932a4c15938a9e",
208 "comment": "Adding rnx-kit dependency and enabling the no-export-all rule for exporting library surfaces."
209 }
210 ],
211 "patch": [
212 {
213 "author": "andredias@microsoft.com",
214 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
215 "commit": "1fb5698fb5b996402373339e5f7698595f6a76d4",
216 "comment": "Revert usage of @rnx-kit/eslint-plugin"
217 }
218 ]
219 }
220 },
221 {
222 "date": "Mon, 22 Nov 2021 07:36:13 GMT",
223 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.4.2",
224 "version": "1.4.2",
225 "comments": {
226 "patch": [
227 {
228 "author": "mgodbolt@microsoft.com",
229 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin",
230 "commit": "087c19aa34711c094c03ac63f1fa7a02d3a1607e",
231 "comment": "support excluded files from being linted"
232 }
233 ]
234 }
235 },
236 {
237 "date": "Tue, 24 Aug 2021 07:34:48 GMT",
238 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.4.1",
239 "version": "1.4.1",
240 "comments": {
241 "patch": [
242 {
243 "comment": "Updating eslint max-len rule exclusion for imports/exports.",
244 "author": "dzearing@hotmail.com",
245 "commit": "0abd957c8d4421018e6d792c2a4aa8876967392b",
246 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
247 }
248 ]
249 }
250 },
251 {
252 "date": "Fri, 20 Aug 2021 07:37:28 GMT",
253 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.4.0",
254 "version": "1.4.0",
255 "comments": {
256 "minor": [
257 {
258 "comment": "Add eslint-plugin-jsdoc to check for jsdoc errors",
259 "author": "behowell@microsoft.com",
260 "commit": "21df8406417c5c5c1d053561a498b920ac962b4b",
261 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
262 }
263 ]
264 }
265 },
266 {
267 "date": "Tue, 03 Aug 2021 07:39:30 GMT",
268 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.3.3",
269 "version": "1.3.3",
270 "comments": {
271 "patch": [
272 {
273 "comment": "Enable exhaustive-deps rule for useIsomorphicLayoutEffect",
274 "author": "behowell@microsoft.com",
275 "commit": "86476ee0511ad2693c2829b959f93a87ad10f095",
276 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
277 }
278 ]
279 }
280 },
281 {
282 "date": "Fri, 09 Jul 2021 07:39:31 GMT",
283 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.3.2",
284 "version": "1.3.2",
285 "comments": {
286 "patch": [
287 {
288 "comment": "chore: migrate packages(mostly eslint related) to single version policy",
289 "author": "martinhochel@microsoft.com",
290 "commit": "18902eb64710aa6253a79781357b8390bb13665c",
291 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
292 }
293 ]
294 }
295 },
296 {
297 "date": "Mon, 07 Jun 2021 07:38:15 GMT",
298 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.3.1",
299 "version": "1.3.1",
300 "comments": {
301 "patch": [
302 {
303 "comment": "fix(eslint-plugin): properly resolve configs for projects that use solution kind of TS config",
304 "author": "martinhochel@microsoft.com",
305 "commit": "f856cb3f7fbc3edb3646204c0c7e435fc7678dd1",
306 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
307 }
308 ]
309 }
310 },
311 {
312 "date": "Thu, 20 May 2021 07:41:54 GMT",
313 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.3.0",
314 "version": "1.3.0",
315 "comments": {
316 "patch": [
317 {
318 "comment": "Update eslint-plugin-prettier and disable arrow-body-style rule",
319 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
320 "commit": "505db08044507a6a9260459a1013897ca68a2ed6",
321 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
322 }
323 ],
324 "minor": [
325 {
326 "comment": "Update dependencies, remove eslint@6 from peer deps, and remove usage of process.cwd()",
327 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
328 "commit": "630b71c415cd40ed0e36773eab99d62cd02a30fb",
329 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
330 }
331 ]
332 }
333 },
334 {
335 "date": "Fri, 30 Apr 2021 07:42:23 GMT",
336 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.2.0",
337 "version": "1.2.0",
338 "comments": {
339 "minor": [
340 {
341 "comment": "Upgrade to typescript 4.1.5",
342 "author": "joschect@microsoft.com",
343 "commit": "2b62c457bb860f6675fae4acae86ee6c0b06c279",
344 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
345 }
346 ]
347 }
348 },
349 {
350 "date": "Fri, 23 Apr 2021 07:37:10 GMT",
351 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.1.1",
352 "version": "1.1.1",
353 "comments": {
354 "patch": [
355 {
356 "comment": "ban usage of React.useLayoutEffect as it produces warnings during SSR",
357 "author": "olfedias@microsoft.com",
358 "commit": "7d1a9a8aee217022e55b8c39c723b1390b5d8095",
359 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
360 }
361 ]
362 }
363 },
364 {
365 "date": "Wed, 31 Mar 2021 00:53:43 GMT",
366 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.1.0",
367 "version": "1.1.0",
368 "comments": {
369 "minor": [
370 {
371 "comment": "Fix globs for config and script file linting, and disable no-console for those files",
372 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
373 "commit": "d41b79242e6b682dfa58fcd76797ecfd9146d4cf",
374 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
375 }
376 ]
377 }
378 },
379 {
380 "date": "Fri, 26 Feb 2021 01:16:27 GMT",
381 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.0.1",
382 "version": "1.0.1",
383 "comments": {
384 "patch": [
385 {
386 "comment": "Release major version",
387 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
388 "commit": "71f0a43b375b4a932ecbcf6778288422db2dc267",
389 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
390 }
391 ]
392 }
393 },
394 {
395 "date": "Thu, 18 Feb 2021 12:27:34 GMT",
396 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.0.0-beta.2",
397 "version": "1.0.0-beta.2",
398 "comments": {
399 "prerelease": [
400 {
401 "comment": "Allow references to devDependencies defined in root package.json",
402 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
403 "commit": "1072765ed2e0ffda34688d84d376a8bc4bf928f0",
404 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
405 }
406 ]
407 }
408 },
409 {
410 "date": "Thu, 11 Feb 2021 12:18:41 GMT",
411 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.0.0-beta.1",
412 "version": "1.0.0-beta.1",
413 "comments": {
414 "none": [
415 {
416 "comment": "chore: switch to single version policy with typescript",
417 "author": "martinhochel@microsoft.com",
418 "commit": "7566015a7edd355b4fcd3796bc8f44f732ef0877",
419 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
420 }
421 ]
422 }
423 },
424 {
425 "date": "Thu, 28 Jan 2021 12:25:56 GMT",
426 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.0.0-beta.1",
427 "version": "1.0.0-beta.1",
428 "comments": {
429 "prerelease": [
430 {
431 "comment": "Tweaking max-len exclusion matching.",
432 "author": "dzearing@microsoft.com",
433 "commit": "9c2c4a61c7d9eb8d153945ff57962118b569ea5b",
434 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
435 }
436 ]
437 }
438 },
439 {
440 "date": "Fri, 23 Oct 2020 03:26:15 GMT",
441 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v1.0.0-beta.0",
442 "version": "1.0.0-beta.0",
443 "comments": {
444 "none": [
445 {
446 "comment": "removing overrides from eslintrc.json file",
447 "author": "email not defined",
448 "commit": "7fc8435387fa90c21cdc396b41ed43f6f9e7979b",
449 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
450 },
451 {
452 "comment": "Update package version for @fluentui/react version 8 beta release.",
453 "author": "xgao@microsoft.com",
454 "commit": "ee2622a8572c11f1eeb9d7f1c8d759d6ae0281ca",
455 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
456 }
457 ],
458 "prerelease": [
459 {
460 "comment": "Rename office-ui-fabric-react package and update references",
461 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
462 "commit": "c23194868dfef332395fef60df74d2e86dff7241",
463 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
464 }
465 ]
466 }
467 },
468 {
469 "date": "Wed, 16 Sep 2020 12:27:22 GMT",
470 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v0.54.1",
471 "version": "0.54.1",
472 "comments": {
473 "patch": [
474 {
475 "comment": "Adding isConformant files to list of test files.",
476 "author": "czearing@outlook.com",
477 "commit": "9c17d8cd7af2f8fab4b075c2b95ea43f2e96e2be",
478 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
479 }
480 ]
481 }
482 },
483 {
484 "date": "Thu, 20 Aug 2020 12:37:22 GMT",
485 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v0.54.0",
486 "version": "0.54.0",
487 "comments": {
488 "minor": [
489 {
490 "comment": "Add no-global-react rule",
491 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
492 "commit": "a95407790172cb25bad455e6d4cffb2bf12bc629",
493 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
494 }
495 ]
496 }
497 },
498 {
499 "date": "Thu, 13 Aug 2020 12:41:58 GMT",
500 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v0.53.4",
501 "version": "0.53.4",
502 "comments": {
503 "patch": [
504 {
505 "comment": "Add rule to prevent accidental references to globals",
506 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
507 "commit": "673554b124199cfe65a271ccc9e778c26ca244e7",
508 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
509 }
510 ]
511 }
512 },
513 {
514 "date": "Mon, 10 Aug 2020 06:19:21 GMT",
515 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v0.53.3",
516 "version": "0.53.3",
517 "comments": {
518 "patch": [
519 {
520 "comment": "Lint: update jsx-no-bind settings to ignore native elements",
521 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
522 "commit": "aa142e7c4b64e62db238e727a86b5f2a774a229a",
523 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
524 }
525 ]
526 }
527 },
528 {
529 "date": "Mon, 03 Aug 2020 12:45:42 GMT",
530 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v0.53.2",
531 "version": "0.53.2",
532 "comments": {
533 "patch": [
534 {
535 "comment": "Add testUtilities.{ts,tsx} to list of test files",
536 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
537 "commit": "ac40ad122cd2d1855ff06231c43403bf52054556",
538 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
539 }
540 ]
541 }
542 },
543 {
544 "date": "Tue, 21 Jul 2020 12:43:08 GMT",
545 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v0.53.1",
546 "version": "0.53.1",
547 "comments": {
548 "patch": [
549 {
550 "comment": "Enable react-hooks lint rules",
551 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
552 "commit": "63b41e907049f38dd65f5cbb027b1be4ade7615c",
553 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
554 }
555 ]
556 }
557 },
558 {
559 "date": "Wed, 15 Jul 2020 12:41:19 GMT",
560 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v0.53.0",
561 "version": "0.53.0",
562 "comments": {
563 "minor": [
564 {
565 "comment": "Add custom max-len rule",
566 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
567 "commit": "6ddf7d61096e644b7ee3a63abf02629a786a99ac",
568 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
569 }
570 ]
571 }
572 },
573 {
574 "date": "Mon, 13 Jul 2020 23:14:39 GMT",
575 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v0.52.0",
576 "version": "0.52.0",
577 "comments": {
578 "minor": [
579 {
580 "comment": "Add no-tslint-comments rule; bug fixes",
581 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
582 "commit": "e7b119a05ef8a4aa254df00320f3672298617ade",
583 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
584 }
585 ],
586 "patch": [
587 {
588 "comment": "Update Fluent React Northstar ESLint config to disallow default exports",
589 "author": "olfedias@microsoft.com",
590 "commit": "ae46225e1b94e6b348daa23fe90d983a285ce4ad",
591 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
592 }
593 ]
594 }
595 },
596 {
597 "date": "Fri, 26 Jun 2020 12:36:28 GMT",
598 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v0.51.0",
599 "version": "0.51.0",
600 "comments": {
601 "minor": [
602 {
603 "comment": "Add custom configs and rules",
604 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
605 "commit": "94ab6757c1050007b9f8343986f19c7685fed6d7",
606 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
607 }
608 ]
609 }
610 },
611 {
612 "date": "Tue, 02 Jun 2020 12:36:30 GMT",
613 "tag": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin_v0.50.0",
614 "version": "0.50.0",
615 "comments": {
616 "minor": [
617 {
618 "comment": "Move eslint-plugin package and add keyboard event props rule",
619 "author": "elcraig@microsoft.com",
620 "commit": "2cfb4d4f68ff72187620c43373033b1374fc6a78",
621 "package": "@fluentui/eslint-plugin"
622 }
623 ]
624 }
625 }
626 ]