4.85 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as React from 'react';
2import type { IStyle } from '../../Styling';
3import type { IRenderFunction } from '../../Utilities';
4import type { IPersonaSharedProps } from '../../Persona';
6 * {@docCategory ActivityItem}
7 */
8export interface IActivityItemProps extends React.AllHTMLAttributes<HTMLElement> {
9 /**
10 * An element describing the activity that took place. If no `activityDescription`, `activityDescriptionText`, or
11 * `onRenderActivityDescription` are included, no description of the activity is shown.
12 */
13 activityDescription?: React.ReactNode[] | React.ReactNode;
14 /**
15 * Text describing the activity that occurred and naming the people involved in it.
16 * @deprecated Use `activityDescription` instead.
17 */
18 activityDescriptionText?: string;
19 /**
20 * An element containing an icon shown next to the activity item.
21 */
22 activityIcon?: React.ReactNode;
23 /**
24 * If `activityIcon` is not set, the personas in this array will be used as the icon for the this activity item.
25 */
26 activityPersonas?: IPersonaSharedProps[];
27 /**
28 * An element containing the text of comments or \@mention messages.
29 * If no `comments`, `commentText`, or `onRenderComments` are included, no comments are shown.
30 */
31 comments?: React.ReactNode[] | React.ReactNode;
32 /**
33 * Text of comments or \@mention messages.
34 * @deprecated Use `comments` instead.
35 */
36 commentText?: string;
37 /**
38 * Indicated if the compact styling should be used.
39 */
40 isCompact?: boolean;
41 /**
42 * A renderer for the description of the current activity.
43 */
44 onRenderActivityDescription?: IRenderFunction<IActivityItemProps>;
45 /**
46 * A renderer that adds the text of a comment below the activity description.
47 */
48 onRenderComments?: IRenderFunction<IActivityItemProps>;
49 /**
50 * A renderer to create the icon next to the activity item.
51 */
52 onRenderIcon?: IRenderFunction<IActivityItemProps>;
53 /**
54 * Custom renderer for a time stamp. If not included, `timeStamp` is shown as plain text below the activity.
55 */
56 onRenderTimeStamp?: IRenderFunction<IActivityItemProps>;
57 /**
58 * Optional styling for the elements within the activity item.
59 */
60 styles?: IActivityItemStyles;
61 /**
62 * Element shown as a timestamp on this activity. If not included, no timestamp is shown.
63 */
64 timeStamp?: string | React.ReactNode[] | React.ReactNode;
65 /**
66 * Beacon color one
67 */
68 beaconColorOne?: string;
69 /**
70 * Beacon color two
71 */
72 beaconColorTwo?: string;
73 /**
74 * Enables/disables the beacon that radiates from the center of the center of the activity icon.
75 * Signals an activity has started.
76 * @defaultvalue false
77 */
78 animateBeaconSignal?: boolean;
81 * {@docCategory ActivityItem}
82 */
83export interface IActivityItemStyles {
84 /**
85 * Styles applied to the root activity item container.
86 */
87 root?: IStyle;
88 /**
89 * Styles applied to the root activity item container.
90 */
91 pulsingBeacon?: IStyle;
92 /**
93 * Styles applied to the main container of the activity's description.
94 */
95 activityContent?: IStyle;
96 /**
97 * Styles applied to the persona of the user that did this activity.
98 */
99 activityPersona?: IStyle;
100 /**
101 * Styles applied to the activity's description.
102 */
103 activityText?: IStyle;
104 /**
105 * Styles applied to the icon indicating the type of the activity. Only shown when personas are unavailable.
106 */
107 activityTypeIcon?: IStyle;
108 /**
109 * Styles applied to the text of comments.
110 */
111 commentText?: IStyle;
112 /**
113 * Styles applied to personas when two users are involved in a single activity.
114 */
115 doublePersona?: IStyle;
116 /**
117 * Styles applied to root in the compact variant.
118 */
119 isCompactRoot?: IStyle;
120 /**
121 * Styles applied to personas and icons in the compact variant.
122 */
123 isCompactIcon?: IStyle;
124 /**
125 * Styles applied to main text container in the compact variant.
126 */
127 isCompactContent?: IStyle;
128 /**
129 * Styles applied to personas in the compact variant.
130 */
131 isCompactPersona?: IStyle;
132 /**
133 * Styles applied to a wrapper around personas in the compact variant.
134 */
135 isCompactPersonaContainer?: IStyle;
136 /**
137 * Styles applied to the container of the persona image or activity type icon.
138 */
139 personaContainer?: IStyle;
140 /**
141 * Styles applied to the timestamp at the end of each activity item.
142 */
143 timeStamp?: IStyle;
144 /**
145 * Styles applied to the timestamp in compact mode.
146 * This can occur if a host overrides the render behavior to force the timestamp to render.
147 */
148 isCompactTimeStamp?: IStyle;