36.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.DetailsHeaderBase = void 0;
4var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
5var React = require("react");
6var Utilities_1 = require("../../Utilities");
7var DetailsList_types_1 = require("./DetailsList.types");
8var FocusZone_1 = require("../../FocusZone");
9var Icon_1 = require("../../Icon");
10var Layer_1 = require("../../Layer");
11var GroupSpacer_1 = require("../GroupedList/GroupSpacer");
12var GroupedList_1 = require("../../GroupedList");
13var DetailsRowCheck_1 = require("./DetailsRowCheck");
14var Selection_1 = require("../../Selection");
15var DragDrop_1 = require("../../DragDrop");
16var DetailsColumn_1 = require("../../components/DetailsList/DetailsColumn");
17var DetailsHeader_types_1 = require("./DetailsHeader.types");
18var getClassNames = Utilities_1.classNamesFunction();
19var MOUSEDOWN_PRIMARY_BUTTON = 0; // for mouse down event we are using ev.button property, 0 means left button
20var MOUSEMOVE_PRIMARY_BUTTON = 1; // for mouse move event we are using ev.buttons property, 1 means left button
21var NO_COLUMNS = [];
22var DetailsHeaderBase = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
23 tslib_1.__extends(DetailsHeaderBase, _super);
24 function DetailsHeaderBase(props) {
25 var _this = _super.call(this, props) || this;
26 _this._rootElement = React.createRef();
27 _this._rootComponent = React.createRef();
28 _this._draggedColumnIndex = -1;
29 _this._dropHintDetails = {};
30 _this._updateDroppingState = function (newValue, event) {
31 if (_this._draggedColumnIndex >= 0 && event.type !== 'drop' && !newValue) {
32 _this._resetDropHints();
33 }
34 };
35 _this._onDragOver = function (item, event) {
36 if (_this._draggedColumnIndex >= 0) {
37 event.stopPropagation();
38 _this._computeDropHintToBeShown(event.clientX);
39 }
40 };
41 _this._onDrop = function (item, event) {
42 // Safe to assume this is defined since we're handling a drop event
43 var columnReorderProps = _this._getColumnReorderProps();
44 // Target index will not get changed if draggeditem is after target item.
45 if (_this._draggedColumnIndex >= 0 && event) {
46 var targetIndex = _this._draggedColumnIndex > _this._currentDropHintIndex
47 ? _this._currentDropHintIndex
48 : _this._currentDropHintIndex - 1;
49 var isValidDrop = _this._isValidCurrentDropHintIndex();
50 event.stopPropagation();
51 if (isValidDrop) {
52 _this._onDropIndexInfo.sourceIndex = _this._draggedColumnIndex;
53 _this._onDropIndexInfo.targetIndex = targetIndex;
54 if (columnReorderProps.onColumnDrop) {
55 var dragDropDetails = {
56 draggedIndex: _this._draggedColumnIndex,
57 targetIndex: targetIndex,
58 };
59 columnReorderProps.onColumnDrop(dragDropDetails);
60 /* eslint-disable deprecation/deprecation */
61 }
62 else if (columnReorderProps.handleColumnReorder) {
63 columnReorderProps.handleColumnReorder(_this._draggedColumnIndex, targetIndex);
64 /* eslint-enable deprecation/deprecation */
65 }
66 }
67 }
68 _this._resetDropHints();
69 _this._dropHintDetails = {};
70 _this._draggedColumnIndex = -1;
71 };
72 _this._updateDragInfo = function (props, event) {
73 // Safe to assume this is defined since we're handling a drag event
74 var columnReorderProps = _this._getColumnReorderProps();
75 var itemIndex = props.itemIndex;
76 if (itemIndex >= 0) {
77 // Column index is set based on the checkbox
78 _this._draggedColumnIndex = _this._isCheckboxColumnHidden() ? itemIndex - 1 : itemIndex - 2;
79 _this._getDropHintPositions();
80 if (columnReorderProps.onColumnDragStart) {
81 columnReorderProps.onColumnDragStart(true);
82 }
83 }
84 else if (event && _this._draggedColumnIndex >= 0) {
85 _this._resetDropHints();
86 _this._draggedColumnIndex = -1;
87 _this._dropHintDetails = {};
88 if (columnReorderProps.onColumnDragEnd) {
89 var columnDragEndLocation = _this._isEventOnHeader(event);
90 columnReorderProps.onColumnDragEnd({ dropLocation: columnDragEndLocation }, event);
91 }
92 }
93 };
94 _this._getDropHintPositions = function () {
95 var _a = _this.props.columns, columns = _a === void 0 ? NO_COLUMNS : _a;
96 // Safe to assume this is defined since we're handling a drag/drop event
97 var columnReorderProps = _this._getColumnReorderProps();
98 var prevX = 0;
99 var prevMid = 0;
100 var prevRef;
101 var frozenColumnCountFromStart = columnReorderProps.frozenColumnCountFromStart || 0;
102 var frozenColumnCountFromEnd = columnReorderProps.frozenColumnCountFromEnd || 0;
103 for (var i = frozenColumnCountFromStart; i < columns.length - frozenColumnCountFromEnd + 1; i++) {
104 if (_this._rootElement.current) {
105 var dropHintElement = _this._rootElement.current.querySelectorAll('#columnDropHint_' + i)[0];
106 if (dropHintElement) {
107 if (i === frozenColumnCountFromStart) {
108 prevX = dropHintElement.offsetLeft;
109 prevMid = dropHintElement.offsetLeft;
110 prevRef = dropHintElement;
111 }
112 else {
113 var newMid = (dropHintElement.offsetLeft + prevX) / 2;
114 _this._dropHintDetails[i - 1] = {
115 originX: prevX,
116 startX: prevMid,
117 endX: newMid,
118 dropHintElementRef: prevRef,
119 };
120 prevMid = newMid;
121 prevRef = dropHintElement;
122 prevX = dropHintElement.offsetLeft;
123 if (i === columns.length - frozenColumnCountFromEnd) {
124 _this._dropHintDetails[i] = {
125 originX: prevX,
126 startX: prevMid,
127 endX: dropHintElement.offsetLeft,
128 dropHintElementRef: prevRef,
129 };
130 }
131 }
132 }
133 }
134 }
135 };
136 /**
137 * Based on the given cursor position, finds the nearest drop hint and updates the state to make it visible
138 */
139 _this._computeDropHintToBeShown = function (clientX) {
140 var isRtl = Utilities_1.getRTL(_this.props.theme);
141 if (_this._rootElement.current) {
142 var clientRect = _this._rootElement.current.getBoundingClientRect();
143 var headerOriginX = clientRect.left;
144 var eventXRelativePosition = clientX - headerOriginX;
145 var currentDropHintIndex = _this._currentDropHintIndex;
146 if (_this._isValidCurrentDropHintIndex()) {
147 if (_liesBetween(isRtl, eventXRelativePosition, _this._dropHintDetails[currentDropHintIndex].startX, _this._dropHintDetails[currentDropHintIndex].endX)) {
148 return;
149 }
150 }
151 var _a = _this.props.columns, columns = _a === void 0 ? NO_COLUMNS : _a;
152 // Safe to assume this is defined since we're handling a drag/drop event
153 var columnReorderProps = _this._getColumnReorderProps();
154 var frozenColumnCountFromStart = columnReorderProps.frozenColumnCountFromStart || 0;
155 var frozenColumnCountFromEnd = columnReorderProps.frozenColumnCountFromEnd || 0;
156 var currentIndex = frozenColumnCountFromStart;
157 var lastValidColumn = columns.length - frozenColumnCountFromEnd;
158 var indexToUpdate = -1;
159 if (_isBefore(isRtl, eventXRelativePosition, _this._dropHintDetails[currentIndex].endX)) {
160 indexToUpdate = currentIndex;
161 }
162 else if (_isAfter(isRtl, eventXRelativePosition, _this._dropHintDetails[lastValidColumn].startX)) {
163 indexToUpdate = lastValidColumn;
164 }
165 else if (_this._isValidCurrentDropHintIndex()) {
166 if (_this._dropHintDetails[currentDropHintIndex + 1] &&
167 _liesBetween(isRtl, eventXRelativePosition, _this._dropHintDetails[currentDropHintIndex + 1].startX, _this._dropHintDetails[currentDropHintIndex + 1].endX)) {
168 indexToUpdate = currentDropHintIndex + 1;
169 }
170 else if (_this._dropHintDetails[currentDropHintIndex - 1] &&
171 _liesBetween(isRtl, eventXRelativePosition, _this._dropHintDetails[currentDropHintIndex - 1].startX, _this._dropHintDetails[currentDropHintIndex - 1].endX)) {
172 indexToUpdate = currentDropHintIndex - 1;
173 }
174 }
175 if (indexToUpdate === -1) {
176 var startIndex = frozenColumnCountFromStart;
177 var endIndex = lastValidColumn;
178 while (startIndex < endIndex) {
179 var middleIndex = Math.ceil((endIndex + startIndex) / 2);
180 if (_liesBetween(isRtl, eventXRelativePosition, _this._dropHintDetails[middleIndex].startX, _this._dropHintDetails[middleIndex].endX)) {
181 indexToUpdate = middleIndex;
182 break;
183 }
184 else if (_isBefore(isRtl, eventXRelativePosition, _this._dropHintDetails[middleIndex].originX)) {
185 endIndex = middleIndex;
186 }
187 else if (_isAfter(isRtl, eventXRelativePosition, _this._dropHintDetails[middleIndex].originX)) {
188 startIndex = middleIndex;
189 }
190 }
191 }
192 if (indexToUpdate === _this._draggedColumnIndex || indexToUpdate === _this._draggedColumnIndex + 1) {
193 if (_this._isValidCurrentDropHintIndex()) {
194 _this._resetDropHints();
195 }
196 }
197 else if (currentDropHintIndex !== indexToUpdate && indexToUpdate >= 0) {
198 _this._resetDropHints();
199 _this._updateDropHintElement(_this._dropHintDetails[indexToUpdate].dropHintElementRef, 'inline-block');
200 _this._currentDropHintIndex = indexToUpdate;
201 }
202 }
203 };
204 _this._renderColumnSizer = function (_a) {
205 var _b;
206 var columnIndex = _a.columnIndex;
207 var _c = _this.props.columns, columns = _c === void 0 ? NO_COLUMNS : _c;
208 var column = columns[columnIndex];
209 var columnResizeDetails = _this.state.columnResizeDetails;
210 var classNames = _this._classNames;
211 return column.isResizable ? (React.createElement("div", { key: column.key + "_sizer", "aria-hidden": true, role: "button", "data-is-focusable": false, onClick: _stopPropagation, "data-sizer-index": columnIndex, onBlur: _this._onSizerBlur, className: Utilities_1.css(classNames.cellSizer, columnIndex < columns.length - 1 ? classNames.cellSizerStart : classNames.cellSizerEnd, (_b = {},
212 _b[classNames.cellIsResizing] = columnResizeDetails && columnResizeDetails.columnIndex === columnIndex,
213 _b)), onDoubleClick: _this._onSizerDoubleClick.bind(_this, columnIndex) })) : null;
214 };
215 _this._onRenderColumnHeaderTooltip = function (tooltipHostProps) {
216 return React.createElement("span", { className: tooltipHostProps.hostClassName }, tooltipHostProps.children);
217 };
218 /**
219 * Called when the select all toggle is clicked.
220 */
221 _this._onSelectAllClicked = function () {
222 var selection = _this.props.selection;
223 if (selection) {
224 selection.toggleAllSelected();
225 }
226 };
227 _this._onRootMouseDown = function (ev) {
228 var columnIndexAttr = ev.target.getAttribute('data-sizer-index');
229 var columnIndex = Number(columnIndexAttr);
230 var _a = _this.props.columns, columns = _a === void 0 ? NO_COLUMNS : _a;
231 if (columnIndexAttr === null || ev.button !== MOUSEDOWN_PRIMARY_BUTTON) {
232 // Ignore anything except the primary button.
233 return;
234 }
235 _this.setState({
236 columnResizeDetails: {
237 columnIndex: columnIndex,
238 columnMinWidth: columns[columnIndex].calculatedWidth,
239 originX: ev.clientX,
240 },
241 });
242 ev.preventDefault();
243 ev.stopPropagation();
244 };
245 _this._onRootMouseMove = function (ev) {
246 var _a = _this.state, columnResizeDetails = _a.columnResizeDetails, isSizing = _a.isSizing;
247 if (columnResizeDetails && !isSizing && ev.clientX !== columnResizeDetails.originX) {
248 _this.setState({ isSizing: true });
249 }
250 };
251 _this._onRootKeyDown = function (ev) {
252 var _a = _this.state, columnResizeDetails = _a.columnResizeDetails, isSizing = _a.isSizing;
253 var _b = _this.props, _c = _b.columns, columns = _c === void 0 ? NO_COLUMNS : _c, onColumnResized = _b.onColumnResized;
254 var columnIndexAttr = ev.target.getAttribute('data-sizer-index');
255 if (!columnIndexAttr || isSizing) {
256 return;
257 }
258 var columnIndex = Number(columnIndexAttr);
259 if (!columnResizeDetails) {
260 // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
261 if (ev.which === Utilities_1.KeyCodes.enter) {
262 _this.setState({
263 columnResizeDetails: {
264 columnIndex: columnIndex,
265 columnMinWidth: columns[columnIndex].calculatedWidth,
266 },
267 });
268 ev.preventDefault();
269 ev.stopPropagation();
270 }
271 }
272 else {
273 var increment = void 0;
274 // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
275 if (ev.which === Utilities_1.KeyCodes.enter) {
276 _this.setState({
277 columnResizeDetails: undefined,
278 });
279 ev.preventDefault();
280 ev.stopPropagation();
281 // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
282 }
283 else if (ev.which === Utilities_1.KeyCodes.left) {
284 increment = Utilities_1.getRTL(_this.props.theme) ? 1 : -1;
285 // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
286 }
287 else if (ev.which === Utilities_1.KeyCodes.right) {
288 increment = Utilities_1.getRTL(_this.props.theme) ? -1 : 1;
289 }
290 if (increment) {
291 if (!ev.shiftKey) {
292 increment *= 10;
293 }
294 _this.setState({
295 columnResizeDetails: tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, columnResizeDetails), { columnMinWidth: columnResizeDetails.columnMinWidth + increment }),
296 });
297 if (onColumnResized) {
298 onColumnResized(columns[columnIndex], columnResizeDetails.columnMinWidth + increment, columnIndex);
299 }
300 ev.preventDefault();
301 ev.stopPropagation();
302 }
303 }
304 };
305 /**
306 * mouse move event handler in the header
307 * it will set isSizing state to true when user clicked on the sizer and move the mouse.
308 *
309 * @param ev - mouse move event
310 */
311 _this._onSizerMouseMove = function (ev) {
312 var
313 // use buttons property here since ev.button in some edge case is not upding well during the move.
314 // but firefox doesn't support it, so we set the default value when it is not defined.
315 buttons = ev.buttons;
316 var _a = _this.props, onColumnIsSizingChanged = _a.onColumnIsSizingChanged, onColumnResized = _a.onColumnResized, _b = _a.columns, columns = _b === void 0 ? NO_COLUMNS : _b;
317 var columnResizeDetails = _this.state.columnResizeDetails;
318 if (buttons !== undefined && buttons !== MOUSEMOVE_PRIMARY_BUTTON) {
319 // cancel mouse down event and return early when the primary button is not pressed
320 _this._onSizerMouseUp(ev);
321 return;
322 }
323 if (ev.clientX !== columnResizeDetails.originX) {
324 if (onColumnIsSizingChanged) {
325 onColumnIsSizingChanged(columns[columnResizeDetails.columnIndex], true);
326 }
327 }
328 if (onColumnResized) {
329 var movement = ev.clientX - columnResizeDetails.originX;
330 if (Utilities_1.getRTL(_this.props.theme)) {
331 movement = -movement;
332 }
333 onColumnResized(columns[columnResizeDetails.columnIndex], columnResizeDetails.columnMinWidth + movement, columnResizeDetails.columnIndex);
334 }
335 };
336 _this._onSizerBlur = function (ev) {
337 var columnResizeDetails = _this.state.columnResizeDetails;
338 if (columnResizeDetails) {
339 _this.setState({
340 columnResizeDetails: undefined,
341 isSizing: false,
342 });
343 }
344 };
345 /**
346 * mouse up event handler in the header
347 * clear the resize related state.
348 * This is to ensure we can catch double click event
349 *
350 * @param ev - mouse up event
351 */
352 _this._onSizerMouseUp = function (ev) {
353 var _a = _this.props, _b = _a.columns, columns = _b === void 0 ? NO_COLUMNS : _b, onColumnIsSizingChanged = _a.onColumnIsSizingChanged;
354 var columnResizeDetails = _this.state.columnResizeDetails;
355 _this.setState({
356 columnResizeDetails: undefined,
357 isSizing: false,
358 });
359 if (onColumnIsSizingChanged) {
360 onColumnIsSizingChanged(columns[columnResizeDetails.columnIndex], false);
361 }
362 };
363 _this._onToggleCollapseAll = function () {
364 var onToggleCollapseAll = _this.props.onToggleCollapseAll;
365 var newCollapsed = !_this.state.isAllCollapsed;
366 _this.setState({
367 isAllCollapsed: newCollapsed,
368 });
369 if (onToggleCollapseAll) {
370 onToggleCollapseAll(newCollapsed);
371 }
372 };
373 Utilities_1.initializeComponentRef(_this);
374 _this._events = new Utilities_1.EventGroup(_this);
375 _this.state = {
376 columnResizeDetails: undefined,
377 isAllCollapsed: _this.props.isAllCollapsed,
378 isAllSelected: !!_this.props.selection && _this.props.selection.isAllSelected(),
379 };
380 _this._onDropIndexInfo = {
381 sourceIndex: -1,
382 targetIndex: -1,
383 };
384 _this._id = Utilities_1.getId('header');
385 _this._currentDropHintIndex = -1;
386 // The drag drop handler won't do any work until subscribe() is called,
387 // so always set it up for convenience
388 _this._dragDropHelper = new DragDrop_1.DragDropHelper({
389 selection: {
390 getSelection: function () {
391 return;
392 },
393 },
394 minimumPixelsForDrag: _this.props.minimumPixelsForDrag,
395 });
396 return _this;
397 }
398 DetailsHeaderBase.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {
399 var selection = this.props.selection;
400 this._events.on(selection, Selection_1.SELECTION_CHANGE, this._onSelectionChanged);
401 // this._rootElement.current will be null in tests using react-test-renderer
402 if (this._rootElement.current) {
403 // We need to use native on this to prevent MarqueeSelection from handling the event before us.
404 this._events.on(this._rootElement.current, 'mousedown', this._onRootMouseDown);
405 this._events.on(this._rootElement.current, 'keydown', this._onRootKeyDown);
406 if (this._getColumnReorderProps()) {
407 this._subscriptionObject = this._dragDropHelper.subscribe(this._rootElement.current, this._events, this._getHeaderDragDropOptions());
408 }
409 }
410 };
411 DetailsHeaderBase.prototype.componentDidUpdate = function (prevProps) {
412 if (this._getColumnReorderProps()) {
413 if (!this._subscriptionObject && this._rootElement.current) {
414 this._subscriptionObject = this._dragDropHelper.subscribe(this._rootElement.current, this._events, this._getHeaderDragDropOptions());
415 }
416 }
417 else if (this._subscriptionObject) {
418 this._subscriptionObject.dispose();
419 delete this._subscriptionObject;
420 }
421 if (this.props !== prevProps && this._onDropIndexInfo.sourceIndex >= 0 && this._onDropIndexInfo.targetIndex >= 0) {
422 var _a = prevProps.columns, previousColumns = _a === void 0 ? NO_COLUMNS : _a;
423 var _b = this.props.columns, columns = _b === void 0 ? NO_COLUMNS : _b;
424 if (previousColumns[this._onDropIndexInfo.sourceIndex].key === columns[this._onDropIndexInfo.targetIndex].key) {
425 this._onDropIndexInfo = {
426 sourceIndex: -1,
427 targetIndex: -1,
428 };
429 }
430 }
431 if (this.props.isAllCollapsed !== prevProps.isAllCollapsed) {
432 this.setState({ isAllCollapsed: this.props.isAllCollapsed });
433 }
434 };
435 DetailsHeaderBase.prototype.componentWillUnmount = function () {
436 if (this._subscriptionObject) {
437 this._subscriptionObject.dispose();
438 delete this._subscriptionObject;
439 }
440 this._dragDropHelper.dispose();
441 this._events.dispose();
442 };
443 DetailsHeaderBase.prototype.render = function () {
444 var _this = this;
445 var _a = this.props, _b = _a.columns, columns = _b === void 0 ? NO_COLUMNS : _b, ariaLabel = _a.ariaLabel, ariaLabelForToggleAllGroupsButton = _a.ariaLabelForToggleAllGroupsButton, ariaLabelForSelectAllCheckbox = _a.ariaLabelForSelectAllCheckbox, selectAllVisibility = _a.selectAllVisibility, ariaLabelForSelectionColumn = _a.ariaLabelForSelectionColumn, indentWidth = _a.indentWidth, onColumnClick = _a.onColumnClick, onColumnContextMenu = _a.onColumnContextMenu, _c = _a.onRenderColumnHeaderTooltip, onRenderColumnHeaderTooltip = _c === void 0 ? this._onRenderColumnHeaderTooltip : _c, styles = _a.styles, selectionMode = _a.selectionMode, theme = _a.theme, onRenderDetailsCheckbox = _a.onRenderDetailsCheckbox, groupNestingDepth = _a.groupNestingDepth, useFastIcons = _a.useFastIcons, checkboxVisibility = _a.checkboxVisibility, className = _a.className;
446 var _d = this.state, isAllSelected = _d.isAllSelected, columnResizeDetails = _d.columnResizeDetails, isSizing = _d.isSizing, isAllCollapsed = _d.isAllCollapsed;
447 var showCheckbox = selectAllVisibility !== DetailsHeader_types_1.SelectAllVisibility.none;
448 var isCheckboxHidden = selectAllVisibility === DetailsHeader_types_1.SelectAllVisibility.hidden;
449 var isCheckboxAlwaysVisible = checkboxVisibility === DetailsList_types_1.CheckboxVisibility.always;
450 var columnReorderProps = this._getColumnReorderProps();
451 var frozenColumnCountFromStart = columnReorderProps && columnReorderProps.frozenColumnCountFromStart
452 ? columnReorderProps.frozenColumnCountFromStart
453 : 0;
454 var frozenColumnCountFromEnd = columnReorderProps && columnReorderProps.frozenColumnCountFromEnd
455 ? columnReorderProps.frozenColumnCountFromEnd
456 : 0;
457 this._classNames = getClassNames(styles, {
458 theme: theme,
459 isAllSelected: isAllSelected,
460 isSelectAllHidden: selectAllVisibility === DetailsHeader_types_1.SelectAllVisibility.hidden,
461 isResizingColumn: !!columnResizeDetails && isSizing,
462 isSizing: isSizing,
463 isAllCollapsed: isAllCollapsed,
464 isCheckboxHidden: isCheckboxHidden,
465 className: className,
466 });
467 var classNames = this._classNames;
468 var IconComponent = useFastIcons ? Icon_1.FontIcon : Icon_1.Icon;
469 var showGroupExpander = groupNestingDepth > 0 && this.props.collapseAllVisibility === GroupedList_1.CollapseAllVisibility.visible;
470 var columnIndexOffset = 1 + (showCheckbox ? 1 : 0) + (showGroupExpander ? 1 : 0);
471 var isRTL = Utilities_1.getRTL(theme);
472 return (React.createElement(FocusZone_1.FocusZone, { role: "row", "aria-label": ariaLabel, className: classNames.root, componentRef: this._rootComponent, elementRef: this._rootElement, onMouseMove: this._onRootMouseMove, "data-automationid": "DetailsHeader", direction: FocusZone_1.FocusZoneDirection.horizontal },
473 showCheckbox
474 ? [
475 React.createElement("div", { key: "__checkbox", className: classNames.cellIsCheck, "aria-labelledby": this._id + "-checkTooltip", onClick: !isCheckboxHidden ? this._onSelectAllClicked : undefined, role: 'columnheader' }, onRenderColumnHeaderTooltip({
476 hostClassName: classNames.checkTooltip,
477 id: this._id + "-checkTooltip",
478 setAriaDescribedBy: false,
479 content: ariaLabelForSelectAllCheckbox,
480 children: (React.createElement(DetailsRowCheck_1.DetailsRowCheck, { id: this._id + "-check", "aria-label": selectionMode === Selection_1.SelectionMode.multiple
481 ? ariaLabelForSelectAllCheckbox
482 : ariaLabelForSelectionColumn, "data-is-focusable": !isCheckboxHidden || undefined, isHeader: true, selected: isAllSelected, anySelected: false, canSelect: !isCheckboxHidden, className: classNames.check, onRenderDetailsCheckbox: onRenderDetailsCheckbox, useFastIcons: useFastIcons, isVisible: isCheckboxAlwaysVisible })),
483 }, this._onRenderColumnHeaderTooltip)),
484 !this.props.onRenderColumnHeaderTooltip ? (ariaLabelForSelectAllCheckbox && !isCheckboxHidden ? (React.createElement("label", { key: "__checkboxLabel", id: this._id + "-checkTooltip", className: classNames.accessibleLabel, "aria-hidden": true }, ariaLabelForSelectAllCheckbox)) : ariaLabelForSelectionColumn && isCheckboxHidden ? (React.createElement("label", { key: "__checkboxLabel", id: this._id + "-checkTooltip", className: classNames.accessibleLabel, "aria-hidden": true }, ariaLabelForSelectionColumn)) : null) : null,
485 ]
486 : null,
487 showGroupExpander ? (React.createElement("div", { className: classNames.cellIsGroupExpander, onClick: this._onToggleCollapseAll, "data-is-focusable": true, "aria-label": ariaLabelForToggleAllGroupsButton, "aria-expanded": !isAllCollapsed, role: "columnheader" },
488 React.createElement(IconComponent, { className: classNames.collapseButton, iconName: isRTL ? 'ChevronLeftMed' : 'ChevronRightMed' }),
489 React.createElement("span", { className: classNames.accessibleLabel }, ariaLabelForToggleAllGroupsButton))) : null,
490 React.createElement(GroupSpacer_1.GroupSpacer, { indentWidth: indentWidth, role: "gridcell", count: groupNestingDepth - 1 }),
491 columns.map(function (column, columnIndex) {
492 var _isDraggable = columnReorderProps
493 ? columnIndex >= frozenColumnCountFromStart && columnIndex < columns.length - frozenColumnCountFromEnd
494 : false;
495 return [
496 columnReorderProps &&
497 (_isDraggable || columnIndex === columns.length - frozenColumnCountFromEnd) &&
498 _this._renderDropHint(columnIndex),
499 React.createElement(DetailsColumn_1.DetailsColumn, { column: column, styles: column.styles, key: column.key, columnIndex: columnIndexOffset + columnIndex, parentId: _this._id, isDraggable: _isDraggable, updateDragInfo: _this._updateDragInfo, dragDropHelper: _this._dragDropHelper, onColumnClick: onColumnClick, onColumnContextMenu: onColumnContextMenu,
500 // Do not render tooltips by default, but allow for override via props.
501 onRenderColumnHeaderTooltip: _this.props.onRenderColumnHeaderTooltip, isDropped: _this._onDropIndexInfo.targetIndex === columnIndex, cellStyleProps: _this.props.cellStyleProps, useFastIcons: useFastIcons }),
502 _this._renderColumnDivider(columnIndex),
503 ];
504 }),
505 columnReorderProps && frozenColumnCountFromEnd === 0 && this._renderDropHint(columns.length),
506 isSizing && (React.createElement(Layer_1.Layer, null,
507 React.createElement("div", { className: classNames.sizingOverlay, onMouseMove: this._onSizerMouseMove, onMouseUp: this._onSizerMouseUp })))));
508 };
509 /** Set focus to the active thing in the focus area. */
510 DetailsHeaderBase.prototype.focus = function () {
511 var _a;
512 return !!((_a = this._rootComponent.current) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.focus());
513 };
514 /**
515 * Gets column reorder props from this.props. If the calling code is part of setting up or
516 * handling drag/drop events, it's safe to assume that this method's return value is defined
517 * (because drag/drop handling will only be set up if reorder props are given).
518 */
519 DetailsHeaderBase.prototype._getColumnReorderProps = function () {
520 var _a = this.props, columnReorderOptions = _a.columnReorderOptions, columnReorderProps = _a.columnReorderProps;
521 return columnReorderProps || (columnReorderOptions && tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, columnReorderOptions), { onColumnDragEnd: undefined }));
522 };
523 DetailsHeaderBase.prototype._getHeaderDragDropOptions = function () {
524 var options = {
525 selectionIndex: 1,
526 context: { data: this, index: 0 },
527 canDrag: function () { return false; },
528 canDrop: function () { return true; },
529 onDragStart: function () { return undefined; },
530 updateDropState: this._updateDroppingState,
531 onDrop: this._onDrop,
532 onDragEnd: function () { return undefined; },
533 onDragOver: this._onDragOver,
534 };
535 return options;
536 };
537 DetailsHeaderBase.prototype._isValidCurrentDropHintIndex = function () {
538 return this._currentDropHintIndex >= 0;
539 };
540 /**
541 * @returns whether or not the "Select All" checkbox column is hidden.
542 */
543 DetailsHeaderBase.prototype._isCheckboxColumnHidden = function () {
544 var _a = this.props, selectionMode = _a.selectionMode, checkboxVisibility = _a.checkboxVisibility;
545 return selectionMode === Selection_1.SelectionMode.none || checkboxVisibility === DetailsList_types_1.CheckboxVisibility.hidden;
546 };
547 DetailsHeaderBase.prototype._resetDropHints = function () {
548 if (this._currentDropHintIndex >= 0) {
549 this._updateDropHintElement(this._dropHintDetails[this._currentDropHintIndex].dropHintElementRef, 'none');
550 this._currentDropHintIndex = -1;
551 }
552 };
553 DetailsHeaderBase.prototype._updateDropHintElement = function (element, displayProperty) {
554 element.childNodes[1].style.display = displayProperty;
555 element.childNodes[0].style.display = displayProperty;
556 };
557 DetailsHeaderBase.prototype._isEventOnHeader = function (event) {
558 if (this._rootElement.current) {
559 var clientRect = this._rootElement.current.getBoundingClientRect();
560 if (event.clientX > clientRect.left &&
561 event.clientX < clientRect.right &&
562 event.clientY > clientRect.top &&
563 event.clientY < clientRect.bottom) {
564 return DetailsList_types_1.ColumnDragEndLocation.header;
565 }
566 }
567 };
568 DetailsHeaderBase.prototype._renderColumnDivider = function (columnIndex) {
569 var _a = this.props.columns, columns = _a === void 0 ? NO_COLUMNS : _a;
570 var column = columns[columnIndex];
571 var onRenderDivider = column.onRenderDivider;
572 return onRenderDivider
573 ? onRenderDivider({ column: column, columnIndex: columnIndex }, this._renderColumnSizer)
574 : this._renderColumnSizer({ column: column, columnIndex: columnIndex });
575 };
576 DetailsHeaderBase.prototype._renderDropHint = function (dropHintIndex) {
577 var classNames = this._classNames;
578 var IconComponent = this.props.useFastIcons ? Icon_1.FontIcon : Icon_1.Icon;
579 return (React.createElement("div", { key: 'dropHintKey', className: classNames.dropHintStyle, id: "columnDropHint_" + dropHintIndex },
580 React.createElement("div", { role: "presentation", key: "dropHintCircleKey", className: classNames.dropHintCaretStyle, "data-is-focusable": false, "data-sizer-index": dropHintIndex, "aria-hidden": true },
581 React.createElement(IconComponent, { iconName: 'CircleShapeSolid' })),
582 React.createElement("div", { key: "dropHintLineKey", "aria-hidden": true, "data-is-focusable": false, "data-sizer-index": dropHintIndex, className: classNames.dropHintLineStyle })));
583 };
584 /**
585 * double click on the column sizer will auto ajust column width
586 * to fit the longest content among current rendered rows.
587 *
588 * @param columnIndex - index of the column user double clicked
589 * @param ev - mouse double click event
590 */
591 DetailsHeaderBase.prototype._onSizerDoubleClick = function (columnIndex, ev) {
592 var _a = this.props, onColumnAutoResized = _a.onColumnAutoResized, _b = _a.columns, columns = _b === void 0 ? NO_COLUMNS : _b;
593 if (onColumnAutoResized) {
594 onColumnAutoResized(columns[columnIndex], columnIndex);
595 }
596 };
597 DetailsHeaderBase.prototype._onSelectionChanged = function () {
598 var isAllSelected = !!this.props.selection && this.props.selection.isAllSelected();
599 if (this.state.isAllSelected !== isAllSelected) {
600 this.setState({
601 isAllSelected: isAllSelected,
602 });
603 }
604 };
605 DetailsHeaderBase.defaultProps = {
606 selectAllVisibility: DetailsHeader_types_1.SelectAllVisibility.visible,
607 collapseAllVisibility: GroupedList_1.CollapseAllVisibility.visible,
608 useFastIcons: true,
609 };
610 return DetailsHeaderBase;
612exports.DetailsHeaderBase = DetailsHeaderBase;
613function _liesBetween(rtl, target, left, right) {
614 return rtl ? target <= left && target >= right : target >= left && target <= right;
616function _isBefore(rtl, a, b) {
617 return rtl ? a >= b : a <= b;
619function _isAfter(rtl, a, b) {
620 return rtl ? a <= b : a >= b;
622function _stopPropagation(ev) {
623 ev.stopPropagation();
625//# sourceMappingURL=DetailsHeader.base.js.map
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