1.91 kBSource Map (JSON)View Raw
1{"version":3,"file":"DetailsRowFields.types.js","sourceRoot":"../src/","sources":["components/DetailsList/DetailsRowFields.types.ts"],"names":[],"mappings":"","sourcesContent":["import type { IColumn } from './DetailsList.types';\nimport type { ICellStyleProps, IDetailsRowStyles } from './DetailsRow.types';\nimport type { IDetailsListProps } from './DetailsList';\nimport type { IDetailsRowProps } from './DetailsRow';\n\n/**\n * Extended column render props.\n *\n * {@docCategory DetailsList}\n */\nexport type IOverrideColumnRenderProps = Pick<\n IDetailsListProps,\n 'onRenderItemColumn' | 'getCellValueKey' | 'onRenderField'\n> &\n Pick<IDetailsRowProps, 'cellsByColumn'>;\n\n/**\n * Props interface for the DetailsRowFields component.\n *\n * {@docCategory DetailsList}\n */\nexport interface IDetailsRowFieldsProps extends IOverrideColumnRenderProps {\n /**\n * Data source for this component\n */\n item: any;\n\n /**\n * The item index of the collection for the DetailsList\n */\n itemIndex: number;\n\n /**\n * Index to start for the column\n */\n columnStartIndex: number;\n\n /**\n * Columns metadata\n */\n columns: IColumn[];\n\n /**\n * whether to render as a compact field\n */\n compact?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Subset of classnames currently generated in DetailsRow that are used within DetailsRowFields.\n */\n rowClassNames: {\n [k in keyof Pick<\n IDetailsRowStyles,\n 'isMultiline' | 'isRowHeader' | 'cell' | 'cellAnimation' | 'cellPadded' | 'cellUnpadded' | 'fields'\n >]: string;\n };\n\n /**\n * Whether or not the details row is in a selected state.\n */\n isSelected?: boolean;\n\n /**\n * Id for the current row's row-header\n */\n rowHeaderId?: string;\n\n /**\n * Style properties to customize cell render output.\n */\n cellStyleProps?: ICellStyleProps;\n\n enableUpdateAnimations?: boolean;\n}\n"]}
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