12.3 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.BaseExtendedPicker = void 0;
4var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
5var React = require("react");
6var Utilities_1 = require("../../Utilities");
7var Autofill_1 = require("../../Autofill");
8var stylesImport = require("./BaseExtendedPicker.scss");
9var FocusZone_1 = require("../../FocusZone");
10var Selection_1 = require("../../Selection");
11var styles = stylesImport;
12var BaseExtendedPicker = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
13 tslib_1.__extends(BaseExtendedPicker, _super);
14 function BaseExtendedPicker(basePickerProps) {
15 var _this = _super.call(this, basePickerProps) || this;
16 _this.floatingPicker = React.createRef();
17 _this.selectedItemsList = React.createRef();
18 _this.root = React.createRef();
19 _this.input = React.createRef();
20 _this.onSelectionChange = function () {
21 _this.forceUpdate();
22 };
23 _this.onInputChange = function (value, composing) {
24 // We don't want to update the picker's suggestions when the input is still being composed
25 if (!composing) {
26 _this.setState({ queryString: value });
27 if (_this.floatingPicker.current) {
28 _this.floatingPicker.current.onQueryStringChanged(value);
29 }
30 }
31 };
32 _this.onInputFocus = function (ev) {
33 if (_this.selectedItemsList.current) {
34 _this.selectedItemsList.current.unselectAll();
35 }
36 if (_this.props.inputProps && _this.props.inputProps.onFocus) {
37 _this.props.inputProps.onFocus(ev);
38 }
39 };
40 _this.onInputClick = function (ev) {
41 if (_this.selectedItemsList.current) {
42 _this.selectedItemsList.current.unselectAll();
43 }
44 if (_this.floatingPicker.current && _this.inputElement) {
45 // Update the value if the input value is empty or is different than the current inputText from the floatingPicker
46 var shoudUpdateValue = _this.inputElement.value === '' || _this.inputElement.value !== _this.floatingPicker.current.inputText;
47 _this.floatingPicker.current.showPicker(shoudUpdateValue);
48 }
49 };
50 // This is protected because we may expect the backspace key to work differently in a different kind of picker.
51 // This lets the subclass override it and provide it's own onBackspace. For an example see the BasePickerListBelow
52 _this.onBackspace = function (ev) {
53 // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
54 if (ev.which !== Utilities_1.KeyCodes.backspace) {
55 return;
56 }
57 if (_this.selectedItemsList.current && _this.items.length) {
58 if (_this.input.current &&
59 !_this.input.current.isValueSelected &&
60 _this.input.current.inputElement === ev.currentTarget.ownerDocument.activeElement &&
61 _this.input.current.cursorLocation === 0) {
62 if (_this.floatingPicker.current) {
63 _this.floatingPicker.current.hidePicker();
64 }
65 ev.preventDefault();
66 _this.selectedItemsList.current.removeItemAt(_this.items.length - 1);
67 _this._onSelectedItemsChanged();
68 }
69 else if (_this.selectedItemsList.current.hasSelectedItems()) {
70 if (_this.floatingPicker.current) {
71 _this.floatingPicker.current.hidePicker();
72 }
73 ev.preventDefault();
74 _this.selectedItemsList.current.removeSelectedItems();
75 _this._onSelectedItemsChanged();
76 }
77 }
78 };
79 _this.onCopy = function (ev) {
80 if (_this.selectedItemsList.current) {
81 // Pass it down into the selected items list
82 _this.selectedItemsList.current.onCopy(ev);
83 }
84 };
85 _this.onPaste = function (ev) {
86 if (_this.props.onPaste) {
87 var inputText = ev.clipboardData.getData('Text');
88 ev.preventDefault();
89 _this.props.onPaste(inputText);
90 }
91 };
92 _this._onSuggestionSelected = function (item) {
93 var currentRenderedQueryString = _this.props.currentRenderedQueryString;
94 var queryString = _this.state.queryString;
95 if (currentRenderedQueryString === undefined || currentRenderedQueryString === queryString) {
96 var processedItem = _this.props.onItemSelected
97 ? _this.props.onItemSelected(item)
98 : item;
99 if (processedItem === null) {
100 return;
101 }
102 var processedItemObject = processedItem;
103 var processedItemPromiseLike = processedItem;
104 var newItem_1;
105 if (processedItemPromiseLike && processedItemPromiseLike.then) {
106 processedItemPromiseLike.then(function (resolvedProcessedItem) {
107 newItem_1 = resolvedProcessedItem;
108 _this._addProcessedItem(newItem_1);
109 });
110 }
111 else {
112 newItem_1 = processedItemObject;
113 _this._addProcessedItem(newItem_1);
114 }
115 }
116 };
117 _this._onSelectedItemsChanged = function () {
118 _this.focus();
119 };
120 /**
121 * The floating picker is the source of truth for if the menu has been opened or not.
122 *
123 * Because this isn't tracked inside the state of this component, we need to
124 * force an update here to keep the rendered output that depends on the picker being open
125 * in sync with the state
126 *
127 * Called when the suggestions is shown or closed
128 */
129 _this._onSuggestionsShownOrHidden = function () {
130 _this.forceUpdate();
131 };
132 Utilities_1.initializeComponentRef(_this);
133 _this.selection = new Selection_1.Selection({ onSelectionChanged: function () { return _this.onSelectionChange(); } });
134 _this.state = {
135 queryString: '',
136 };
137 return _this;
138 }
139 Object.defineProperty(BaseExtendedPicker.prototype, "items", {
140 get: function () {
141 var _a, _b, _c, _d;
142 return (_d = (_c = (_a = this.props.selectedItems) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : (_b = this.selectedItemsList.current) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.items) !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : this.props.defaultSelectedItems) !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : null;
143 },
144 enumerable: false,
145 configurable: true
146 });
147 BaseExtendedPicker.prototype.componentDidMount = function () {
148 this.forceUpdate();
149 };
150 BaseExtendedPicker.prototype.focus = function () {
151 if (this.input.current) {
152 this.input.current.focus();
153 }
154 };
155 BaseExtendedPicker.prototype.clearInput = function () {
156 if (this.input.current) {
157 this.input.current.clear();
158 }
159 };
160 Object.defineProperty(BaseExtendedPicker.prototype, "inputElement", {
161 get: function () {
162 return this.input.current && this.input.current.inputElement;
163 },
164 enumerable: false,
165 configurable: true
166 });
167 Object.defineProperty(BaseExtendedPicker.prototype, "highlightedItems", {
168 get: function () {
169 return this.selectedItemsList.current ? this.selectedItemsList.current.highlightedItems() : [];
170 },
171 enumerable: false,
172 configurable: true
173 });
174 BaseExtendedPicker.prototype.render = function () {
175 var _a = this.props, className = _a.className, inputProps = _a.inputProps, disabled = _a.disabled, focusZoneProps = _a.focusZoneProps;
176 var activeDescendant = this.floatingPicker.current && this.floatingPicker.current.currentSelectedSuggestionIndex !== -1
177 ? 'sug-' + this.floatingPicker.current.currentSelectedSuggestionIndex
178 : undefined;
179 var isExpanded = this.floatingPicker.current ? this.floatingPicker.current.isSuggestionsShown : false;
180 return (React.createElement("div", { ref: this.root, className: Utilities_1.css('ms-BasePicker ms-BaseExtendedPicker', className ? className : ''), onKeyDown: this.onBackspace, onCopy: this.onCopy },
181 React.createElement(FocusZone_1.FocusZone, tslib_1.__assign({ direction: FocusZone_1.FocusZoneDirection.bidirectional }, focusZoneProps),
182 React.createElement(Selection_1.SelectionZone, { selection: this.selection, selectionMode: Selection_1.SelectionMode.multiple },
183 React.createElement("div", { className: Utilities_1.css('ms-BasePicker-text', styles.pickerText), role: 'list' },
184 this.props.headerComponent,
185 this.renderSelectedItemsList(),
186 this.canAddItems() && (React.createElement(Autofill_1.Autofill, tslib_1.__assign({}, inputProps, { className: Utilities_1.css('ms-BasePicker-input', styles.pickerInput), ref: this.input, onFocus: this.onInputFocus, onClick: this.onInputClick, onInputValueChange: this.onInputChange, "aria-activedescendant": activeDescendant, "aria-owns": isExpanded ? 'suggestion-list' : undefined, "aria-expanded": isExpanded, "aria-haspopup": "true", role: "combobox", disabled: disabled, onPaste: this.onPaste })))))),
187 this.renderFloatingPicker()));
188 };
189 Object.defineProperty(BaseExtendedPicker.prototype, "floatingPickerProps", {
190 get: function () {
191 return this.props.floatingPickerProps;
192 },
193 enumerable: false,
194 configurable: true
195 });
196 Object.defineProperty(BaseExtendedPicker.prototype, "selectedItemsListProps", {
197 get: function () {
198 return this.props.selectedItemsListProps;
199 },
200 enumerable: false,
201 configurable: true
202 });
203 BaseExtendedPicker.prototype.canAddItems = function () {
204 var itemLimit = this.props.itemLimit;
205 return itemLimit === undefined || this.items.length < itemLimit;
206 };
207 BaseExtendedPicker.prototype.renderFloatingPicker = function () {
208 var FloatingPicker = this.props.onRenderFloatingPicker;
209 return (React.createElement(FloatingPicker, tslib_1.__assign({ componentRef: this.floatingPicker, onChange: this._onSuggestionSelected, onSuggestionsHidden: this._onSuggestionsShownOrHidden, onSuggestionsShown: this._onSuggestionsShownOrHidden, inputElement: this.input.current ? this.input.current.inputElement : undefined, selectedItems: this.items, suggestionItems: this.props.suggestionItems ? this.props.suggestionItems : undefined }, this.floatingPickerProps)));
210 };
211 BaseExtendedPicker.prototype.renderSelectedItemsList = function () {
212 var SelectedItems = this.props.onRenderSelectedItems;
213 return (React.createElement(SelectedItems, tslib_1.__assign({ componentRef: this.selectedItemsList, selection: this.selection, selectedItems: this.props.selectedItems ? this.props.selectedItems : undefined, onItemsDeleted: this.props.selectedItems ? this.props.onItemsRemoved : undefined }, this.selectedItemsListProps)));
214 };
215 BaseExtendedPicker.prototype._addProcessedItem = function (newItem) {
216 // If this is a controlled component, call the on item selected callback
217 // Otherwise add it to the selectedItemsList
218 if (this.props.onItemAdded) {
219 this.props.onItemAdded(newItem);
220 }
221 if (this.selectedItemsList.current) {
222 this.selectedItemsList.current.addItems([newItem]);
223 }
224 if (this.input.current) {
225 this.input.current.clear();
226 }
227 if (this.floatingPicker.current) {
228 this.floatingPicker.current.hidePicker();
229 }
230 this.focus();
231 };
232 return BaseExtendedPicker;
234exports.BaseExtendedPicker = BaseExtendedPicker;
235//# sourceMappingURL=BaseExtendedPicker.js.map
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