4.27 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.IconBase = void 0;
4var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
5var React = require("react");
6var Icon_types_1 = require("./Icon.types");
7var Image_1 = require("../Image/Image");
8var Image_types_1 = require("../Image/Image.types");
9var Utilities_1 = require("../../Utilities");
10var FontIcon_1 = require("./FontIcon");
11var getClassNames = Utilities_1.classNamesFunction({
12 // Icon is used a lot by other components.
13 // It's likely to see expected cases which pass different className to the Icon.
14 // Therefore setting a larger cache size.
15 cacheSize: 100,
17var IconBase = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
18 tslib_1.__extends(IconBase, _super);
19 function IconBase(props) {
20 var _this = _super.call(this, props) || this;
21 _this._onImageLoadingStateChange = function (state) {
22 if (_this.props.imageProps && _this.props.imageProps.onLoadingStateChange) {
23 _this.props.imageProps.onLoadingStateChange(state);
24 }
25 if (state === Image_types_1.ImageLoadState.error) {
26 _this.setState({ imageLoadError: true });
27 }
28 };
29 _this.state = {
30 imageLoadError: false,
31 };
32 return _this;
33 }
34 IconBase.prototype.render = function () {
35 var _a = this.props, children = _a.children, className = _a.className, styles = _a.styles, iconName = _a.iconName, imageErrorAs = _a.imageErrorAs, theme = _a.theme;
36 var isPlaceholder = typeof iconName === 'string' && iconName.length === 0;
37 var isImage =
38 // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
39 !!this.props.imageProps || this.props.iconType === Icon_types_1.IconType.image || this.props.iconType === Icon_types_1.IconType.Image;
40 var iconContent = FontIcon_1.getIconContent(iconName) || {};
41 var iconClassName = iconContent.iconClassName, iconContentChildren = iconContent.children, mergeImageProps = iconContent.mergeImageProps;
42 var classNames = getClassNames(styles, {
43 theme: theme,
44 className: className,
45 iconClassName: iconClassName,
46 isImage: isImage,
47 isPlaceholder: isPlaceholder,
48 });
49 var RootType = isImage ? 'span' : 'i';
50 var nativeProps = Utilities_1.getNativeProps(this.props, Utilities_1.htmlElementProperties, [
51 'aria-label',
52 ]);
53 var imageLoadError = this.state.imageLoadError;
54 var imageProps = tslib_1.__assign(tslib_1.__assign({}, this.props.imageProps), { onLoadingStateChange: this._onImageLoadingStateChange });
55 var ImageType = (imageLoadError && imageErrorAs) || Image_1.Image;
56 // eslint-disable-next-line deprecation/deprecation
57 var ariaLabel = this.props['aria-label'] || this.props.ariaLabel;
58 var accessibleName = imageProps.alt || ariaLabel || this.props.title;
59 var hasName = !!(accessibleName ||
60 this.props['aria-labelledby'] ||
61 imageProps['aria-label'] ||
62 imageProps['aria-labelledby']);
63 var containerProps = hasName
64 ? {
65 role: isImage || mergeImageProps ? undefined : 'img',
66 'aria-label': isImage || mergeImageProps ? undefined : accessibleName,
67 }
68 : {
69 'aria-hidden': true,
70 };
71 var finalIconContentChildren = iconContentChildren;
72 if (mergeImageProps && iconContentChildren && typeof iconContentChildren === 'object' && accessibleName) {
73 finalIconContentChildren = React.cloneElement(iconContentChildren, {
74 alt: accessibleName,
75 });
76 }
77 return (React.createElement(RootType, tslib_1.__assign({ "data-icon-name": iconName }, containerProps, nativeProps, (mergeImageProps
78 ? {
79 title: undefined,
80 'aria-label': undefined,
81 }
82 : {}), { className: classNames.root }), isImage ? React.createElement(ImageType, tslib_1.__assign({}, imageProps)) : children || finalIconContentChildren));
83 };
84 return IconBase;
86exports.IconBase = IconBase;
87//# sourceMappingURL=Icon.base.js.map
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