1.4 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as React from 'react';
2import type { INav, INavProps } from './Nav.types';
3export declare function isRelativeUrl(url: string): boolean;
4export interface INavState {
5 isGroupCollapsed: {
6 [key: string]: boolean;
7 };
8 isLinkExpandStateChanged?: boolean;
9 selectedKey?: string;
11export declare class NavBase extends React.Component<INavProps, INavState> implements INav {
12 static defaultProps: INavProps;
13 private _focusZone;
14 constructor(props: INavProps);
15 render(): JSX.Element | null;
16 get selectedKey(): string | undefined;
17 /**
18 * Sets focus to the first tabbable item in the zone.
19 * @param forceIntoFirstElement - If true, focus will be forced into the first element, even
20 * if focus is already in the focus zone.
21 * @returns True if focus could be set to an active element, false if no operation was taken.
22 */
23 focus(forceIntoFirstElement?: boolean): boolean;
24 private _onRenderLink;
25 private _renderNavLink;
26 private _renderCompositeLink;
27 private _renderLink;
28 private _renderLinks;
29 private _renderGroup;
30 private _renderGroupHeader;
31 private _onGroupHeaderClicked;
32 private _onLinkExpandClicked;
33 private _preventBounce;
34 private _onNavAnchorLinkClicked;
35 private _onNavButtonLinkClicked;
36 private _isLinkSelected;
37 private _isGroupExpanded;
38 private _toggleCollapsed;