10.5 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.getStyles = void 0;
4var tslib_1 = require("tslib");
5var Styling_1 = require("../../Styling");
6var Utilities_1 = require("../../Utilities");
7var globalClassNames = {
8 root: 'ms-TeachingBubble',
9 body: 'ms-TeachingBubble-body',
10 bodyContent: 'ms-TeachingBubble-bodycontent',
11 closeButton: 'ms-TeachingBubble-closebutton',
12 content: 'ms-TeachingBubble-content',
13 footer: 'ms-TeachingBubble-footer',
14 header: 'ms-TeachingBubble-header',
15 headerIsCondensed: 'ms-TeachingBubble-header--condensed',
16 headerIsSmall: 'ms-TeachingBubble-header--small',
17 headerIsLarge: 'ms-TeachingBubble-header--large',
18 headline: 'ms-TeachingBubble-headline',
19 image: 'ms-TeachingBubble-image',
20 primaryButton: 'ms-TeachingBubble-primaryButton',
21 secondaryButton: 'ms-TeachingBubble-secondaryButton',
22 subText: 'ms-TeachingBubble-subText',
23 // TODO: Button global class name usage should be converted to a styles function once
24 // Button supports JS styling, which means these button names can be removed.
25 button: 'ms-Button',
26 buttonLabel: 'ms-Button-label',
28var opacityFadeIn = Utilities_1.memoizeFunction(function () {
29 return Styling_1.keyframes({
30 '0%': {
31 opacity: 0,
32 animationTimingFunction: Styling_1.AnimationVariables.easeFunction1,
33 transform: 'scale3d(.90,.90,.90)',
34 },
35 '100%': {
36 opacity: 1,
37 transform: 'scale3d(1,1,1)',
38 },
39 });
41var rootStyle = function (isWide, calloutProps) {
42 var _a = calloutProps || {}, calloutWidth = _a.calloutWidth, calloutMaxWidth = _a.calloutMaxWidth;
43 return [
44 {
45 display: 'block',
46 maxWidth: 364,
47 border: 0,
48 outline: 'transparent',
49 width: calloutWidth || 'calc(100% + 1px)',
50 animationName: "" + opacityFadeIn(),
51 animationDuration: '300ms',
52 animationTimingFunction: 'linear',
53 animationFillMode: 'both',
54 },
55 isWide && {
56 maxWidth: calloutMaxWidth || 456,
57 },
58 ];
60var headerStyle = function (classNames, hasCondensedHeadline, hasSmallHeadline) {
61 if (hasCondensedHeadline) {
62 return [
63 classNames.headerIsCondensed,
64 {
65 marginBottom: 14,
66 },
67 ];
68 }
69 return [
70 hasSmallHeadline && classNames.headerIsSmall,
71 !hasSmallHeadline && classNames.headerIsLarge,
72 {
73 selectors: {
74 ':not(:last-child)': {
75 marginBottom: 14,
76 },
77 },
78 },
79 ];
81var getStyles = function (props) {
82 var _a, _b, _c;
83 var hasCondensedHeadline = props.hasCondensedHeadline, hasSmallHeadline = props.hasSmallHeadline, hasCloseButton = props.hasCloseButton, hasHeadline = props.hasHeadline, isWide = props.isWide, primaryButtonClassName = props.primaryButtonClassName, secondaryButtonClassName = props.secondaryButtonClassName, theme = props.theme, _d = props.calloutProps, calloutProps = _d === void 0 ? { className: undefined, theme: theme } : _d;
84 var hasLargeHeadline = !hasCondensedHeadline && !hasSmallHeadline;
85 var palette = theme.palette, semanticColors = theme.semanticColors, fonts = theme.fonts;
86 var classNames = Styling_1.getGlobalClassNames(globalClassNames, theme);
87 var hideDefaultFocusRing = Styling_1.getFocusStyle(theme, {
88 outlineColor: 'transparent',
89 borderColor: 'transparent',
90 });
91 return {
92 root: [classNames.root, fonts.medium, calloutProps.className],
93 body: [
94 classNames.body,
95 hasCloseButton && !hasHeadline && { marginRight: 24 },
96 {
97 selectors: {
98 ':not(:last-child)': {
99 marginBottom: 20,
100 },
101 },
102 },
103 ],
104 bodyContent: [
105 classNames.bodyContent,
106 {
107 padding: '20px 24px 20px 24px',
108 },
109 ],
110 closeButton: [
111 classNames.closeButton,
112 {
113 position: 'absolute',
114 right: 0,
115 top: 0,
116 margin: '15px 15px 0 0',
117 borderRadius: 0,
118 color: palette.white,
119 fontSize: fonts.small.fontSize,
120 selectors: {
121 ':hover': {
122 background: palette.themeDarkAlt,
123 color: palette.white,
124 },
125 ':active': {
126 background: palette.themeDark,
127 color: palette.white,
128 },
129 ':focus': {
130 border: "1px solid " + semanticColors.variantBorder,
131 },
132 },
133 },
134 ],
135 content: tslib_1.__spreadArray(tslib_1.__spreadArray([
136 classNames.content
137 ], rootStyle(isWide)), [
138 isWide && {
139 display: 'flex',
140 },
141 ]),
142 footer: [
143 classNames.footer,
144 {
145 display: 'flex',
146 flex: 'auto',
147 alignItems: 'center',
148 color: palette.white,
149 selectors: (_a = {},
150 // TODO: global class name usage should be converted to a styles function once Button supports JS styling
151 _a["." + classNames.button + ":not(:first-child)"] = {
152 marginLeft: 10,
153 },
154 _a),
155 },
156 ],
157 header: tslib_1.__spreadArray(tslib_1.__spreadArray([
158 classNames.header
159 ], headerStyle(classNames, hasCondensedHeadline, hasSmallHeadline)), [
160 hasCloseButton && { marginRight: 24 },
161 (hasCondensedHeadline || hasSmallHeadline) && [
162 fonts.medium,
163 {
164 fontWeight: Styling_1.FontWeights.semibold,
165 },
166 ],
167 ]),
168 headline: [
169 classNames.headline,
170 {
171 margin: 0,
172 color: palette.white,
173 fontWeight: Styling_1.FontWeights.semibold,
174 overflowWrap: 'break-word',
175 },
176 hasLargeHeadline && [
177 {
178 fontSize: fonts.xLarge.fontSize,
179 },
180 ],
181 ],
182 imageContent: [
183 classNames.header,
184 classNames.image,
185 isWide && {
186 display: 'flex',
187 alignItems: 'center',
188 maxWidth: 154,
189 },
190 ],
191 primaryButton: [
192 classNames.primaryButton,
193 primaryButtonClassName,
194 hideDefaultFocusRing,
195 {
196 backgroundColor: palette.white,
197 borderColor: palette.white,
198 color: palette.themePrimary,
199 whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
200 selectors: (_b = {},
201 // TODO: global class name usage should be converted to a styles function once Button supports JS styling
202 _b["." + classNames.buttonLabel] = fonts.medium,
203 _b[':hover'] = {
204 backgroundColor: palette.themeLighter,
205 borderColor: palette.themeLighter,
206 color: palette.themeDark,
207 },
208 _b[':focus'] = {
209 backgroundColor: palette.themeLighter,
210 border: "1px solid " + palette.black,
211 color: palette.themeDark,
212 outline: "1px solid " + palette.white,
213 outlineOffset: '-2px',
214 },
215 _b[':active'] = {
216 backgroundColor: palette.white,
217 borderColor: palette.white,
218 color: palette.themePrimary,
219 },
220 _b),
221 },
222 ],
223 secondaryButton: [
224 classNames.secondaryButton,
225 secondaryButtonClassName,
226 hideDefaultFocusRing,
227 {
228 backgroundColor: palette.themePrimary,
229 borderColor: palette.white,
230 whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
231 selectors: (_c = {},
232 // TODO: global class name usage should be converted to a styles function once Button supports JS styling
233 _c["." + classNames.buttonLabel] = [
234 fonts.medium,
235 {
236 color: palette.white,
237 },
238 ],
239 _c[':hover'] = {
240 backgroundColor: palette.themeDarkAlt,
241 borderColor: palette.white,
242 },
243 _c[':focus'] = {
244 backgroundColor: palette.themeDark,
245 border: "1px solid " + palette.black,
246 outline: "1px solid " + palette.white,
247 outlineOffset: '-2px',
248 },
249 _c[':active'] = {
250 backgroundColor: palette.themePrimary,
251 borderColor: palette.white,
252 },
253 _c),
254 },
255 ],
256 subText: [
257 classNames.subText,
258 {
259 margin: 0,
260 fontSize: fonts.medium.fontSize,
261 color: palette.white,
262 fontWeight: Styling_1.FontWeights.regular,
263 },
264 ],
265 subComponentStyles: {
266 callout: {
267 root: tslib_1.__spreadArray(tslib_1.__spreadArray([], rootStyle(isWide, calloutProps)), [fonts.medium]),
268 beak: [
269 {
270 background: palette.themePrimary,
271 },
272 ],
273 calloutMain: [
274 {
275 background: palette.themePrimary,
276 },
277 ],
278 },
279 },
280 };
282exports.getStyles = getStyles;
283//# sourceMappingURL=TeachingBubble.styles.js.map
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