6.73 kBTypeScriptView Raw
1import * as React from 'react';
2import { KeyCodes } from '../../Utilities';
3import { Selection } from '../../utilities/selection/index';
4import { Suggestions } from './Suggestions/Suggestions';
5import { SuggestionsController } from './Suggestions/SuggestionsController';
6import { Autofill } from '../Autofill/index';
7import type { ISuggestions, ISuggestionsProps } from './Suggestions/Suggestions.types';
8import type { IBasePicker, IBasePickerProps } from './BasePicker.types';
9import type { IAutofill } from '../Autofill/index';
10export interface IBasePickerState<T> {
11 items?: any;
12 suggestedDisplayValue?: string;
13 moreSuggestionsAvailable?: boolean;
14 isFocused?: boolean;
15 isSearching?: boolean;
16 isMostRecentlyUsedVisible?: boolean;
17 suggestionsVisible?: boolean;
18 suggestionsLoading?: boolean;
19 isResultsFooterVisible?: boolean;
20 selectedIndices?: number[];
21 selectionRemoved?: T;
24 * Aria id's for internal picker components
25 * {@docCategory Pickers}
26 */
27export declare type IPickerAriaIds = {
28 /**
29 * Aria id for selected suggestion alert component
30 */
31 selectedSuggestionAlert: string;
32 /**
33 * Aria id for selected items container component
34 */
35 selectedItems: string;
36 /**
37 * Aria id for suggestions list component
38 */
39 suggestionList: string;
40 /**
41 * Aria id for element with role=combobox
42 */
43 combobox: string;
46 * {@docCategory Pickers}
47 */
48export declare class BasePicker<T, P extends IBasePickerProps<T>> extends React.Component<P, IBasePickerState<T>> implements IBasePicker<T> {
49 protected root: React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
50 protected input: React.RefObject<IAutofill>;
51 protected suggestionElement: React.RefObject<ISuggestions<T>>;
52 protected selection: Selection;
53 protected suggestionStore: SuggestionsController<T>;
54 /**
55 * @deprecated this is no longer necessary as typescript now supports generic elements
56 */
57 protected SuggestionOfProperType: new (props: ISuggestionsProps<T>) => Suggestions<T>;
58 protected currentPromise: PromiseLike<any> | undefined;
59 protected _ariaMap: IPickerAriaIds;
60 private _styledSuggestions;
61 private _id;
62 private _async;
63 static getDerivedStateFromProps(newProps: IBasePickerProps<any>): {
64 items: any[];
65 } | null;
66 constructor(basePickerProps: P);
67 get items(): T[];
68 componentDidMount(): void;
69 componentDidUpdate(oldProps: P, oldState: IBasePickerState<T>): void;
70 componentWillUnmount(): void;
71 focus(): void;
72 focusInput(): void;
73 dismissSuggestions: (ev?: any) => void;
74 completeSuggestion(forceComplete?: boolean): void;
75 refocusSuggestions: (keyCode: KeyCodes) => void;
76 render(): JSX.Element;
77 protected canAddItems(): boolean;
78 protected renderSuggestions(): JSX.Element | null;
79 protected renderItems(): JSX.Element[];
80 protected resetFocus(index?: number): void;
81 protected onSuggestionSelect(): void;
82 protected onSelectionChange(): void;
83 protected updateSuggestions(suggestions: any[]): void;
84 /**
85 * Only to be called when there is nothing in the input. Checks to see if the consumer has
86 * provided a function to resolve suggestions
87 */
88 protected onEmptyInputFocus(): void;
89 protected updateValue(updatedValue: string): void;
90 protected updateSuggestionsList(suggestions: T[] | PromiseLike<T[]>, updatedValue?: string): void;
91 protected resolveNewValue(updatedValue: string, suggestions: T[]): void;
92 protected onChange(items?: T[]): void;
93 protected onInputChange: (value: string) => void;
94 protected onSuggestionClick: (ev: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>, item: any, index: number) => void;
95 protected onSuggestionRemove: (ev: React.MouseEvent<HTMLElement>, item: T, index: number) => void;
96 protected onInputFocus: (ev: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement | Autofill>) => void;
97 protected onInputBlur: (ev: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement | Autofill>) => void;
98 protected onBlur: (ev: React.FocusEvent<HTMLElement | Autofill>) => void;
99 /**
100 * Resets focus to last element in wrapper div if clicking back into Picker that has hit item limit
101 */
102 protected onWrapperClick: (ev: React.MouseEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
103 /**
104 * Reveals suggestions any time the user clicks on the input element
105 * without shifting focus.
106 */
107 protected onClick: (ev: React.MouseEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
108 protected onFocus: () => void;
109 protected onKeyDown: (ev: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>) => void;
110 protected onItemChange: (changedItem: T, index: number) => void;
111 protected onGetMoreResults: () => void;
112 protected completeSelection: (item: T) => void;
113 protected addItemByIndex: (index: number) => void;
114 protected addItem: (item: T) => void;
115 protected removeItem: (item: T) => void;
116 protected removeItems: (itemsToRemove: any[]) => void;
117 protected onBackspace(ev: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>): void;
118 /**
119 * @deprecated this is no longer necessary as focuszone has been removed
120 */
121 protected _shouldFocusZoneEnterInnerZone: (ev: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>) => boolean;
122 protected getActiveDescendant(): string | undefined;
123 /** @deprecated use renderCustomAlert instead */
124 protected getSuggestionsAlert(suggestionAlertClassName?: string): JSX.Element | undefined;
125 protected renderCustomAlert(alertClassName?: string): JSX.Element;
126 /**
127 * Takes in the current updated value and either resolves it with the new suggestions
128 * or if updated value is undefined then it clears out currently suggested items
129 */
130 private _updateAndResolveValue;
131 /**
132 * Controls what happens whenever there is an action that impacts the selected items.
133 * If `selectedItems` is provided, this will act as a controlled component and it will not update its own state.
134 */
135 private _updateSelectedItems;
136 private _onSelectedItemsUpdated;
137 /**
138 * Suggestions are normally shown after the user updates text and the text
139 * is non-empty, but also when the user clicks on the input element.
140 * @returns True if suggestions should be shown.
141 */
142 private _getShowSuggestions;
143 private _onResolveSuggestions;
144 private _completeGenericSuggestion;
145 private _getTextFromItem;
146 /**
147 * This should be called when the user does something other than use text entry to trigger suggestions.
148 *
149 */
150 private _userTriggeredSuggestions;
152export declare class BasePickerListBelow<T, P extends IBasePickerProps<T>> extends BasePicker<T, P> {
153 render(): JSX.Element;
154 protected onBackspace(ev: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLElement>): void;