4.92 kBJavaScriptView Raw
1"use strict";
2Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
3exports.getStyles = void 0;
4var Styling_1 = require("../../Styling");
5var GlobalClassNames = {
6 root: 'ms-BasePicker',
7 text: 'ms-BasePicker-text',
8 itemsWrapper: 'ms-BasePicker-itemsWrapper',
9 input: 'ms-BasePicker-input',
11function getStyles(props) {
12 var _a, _b, _c;
13 var className = props.className, theme = props.theme, isFocused = props.isFocused, inputClassName = props.inputClassName, disabled = props.disabled;
14 if (!theme) {
15 throw new Error('theme is undefined or null in base BasePicker getStyles function.');
16 }
17 var semanticColors = theme.semanticColors, effects = theme.effects, fonts = theme.fonts;
18 var inputBorder = semanticColors.inputBorder, inputBorderHovered = semanticColors.inputBorderHovered, inputFocusBorderAlt = semanticColors.inputFocusBorderAlt;
19 var classNames = Styling_1.getGlobalClassNames(GlobalClassNames, theme);
20 // placeholder style constants
21 var placeholderStyles = [
22 fonts.medium,
23 {
24 color: semanticColors.inputPlaceholderText,
25 opacity: 1,
26 selectors: (_a = {},
27 _a[Styling_1.HighContrastSelector] = {
28 color: 'GrayText',
29 },
30 _a),
31 },
32 ];
33 var disabledPlaceholderStyles = {
34 color: semanticColors.disabledText,
35 selectors: (_b = {},
36 _b[Styling_1.HighContrastSelector] = {
37 color: 'GrayText',
38 },
39 _b),
40 };
41 // The following lines are to create a semi-transparent color overlay for the disabled state with designer's approval.
42 // @todo: investigate the performance cost of the calculation below and apply if negligible.
43 // Replacing with a static color for now.
44 // const rgbColor: IRGB | undefined = cssColor(palette.neutralQuaternaryAlt);
45 // const disabledOverlayColor = rgbColor ? `rgba(${rgbColor.r}, ${rgbColor.g}, ${rgbColor.b}, 0.29)` : 'transparent';
46 var disabledOverlayColor = 'rgba(218, 218, 218, 0.29)';
47 return {
48 root: [classNames.root, className],
49 text: [
50 classNames.text,
51 {
52 display: 'flex',
53 position: 'relative',
54 flexWrap: 'wrap',
55 alignItems: 'center',
56 boxSizing: 'border-box',
57 minWidth: 180,
58 minHeight: 30,
59 border: "1px solid " + inputBorder,
60 borderRadius: effects.roundedCorner2,
61 },
62 !isFocused &&
63 !disabled && {
64 selectors: {
65 ':hover': {
66 borderColor: inputBorderHovered,
67 },
68 },
69 },
70 isFocused && !disabled && Styling_1.getInputFocusStyle(inputFocusBorderAlt, effects.roundedCorner2),
71 disabled && {
72 borderColor: disabledOverlayColor,
73 selectors: (_c = {
74 ':after': {
75 content: '""',
76 position: 'absolute',
77 top: 0,
78 right: 0,
79 bottom: 0,
80 left: 0,
81 background: disabledOverlayColor,
82 }
83 },
84 _c[Styling_1.HighContrastSelector] = {
85 borderColor: 'GrayText',
86 selectors: {
87 ':after': {
88 background: 'none',
89 },
90 },
91 },
92 _c),
93 },
94 ],
95 itemsWrapper: [
96 classNames.itemsWrapper,
97 {
98 display: 'flex',
99 flexWrap: 'wrap',
100 maxWidth: '100%',
101 },
102 ],
103 input: [
104 classNames.input,
105 fonts.medium,
106 {
107 height: 30,
108 border: 'none',
109 flexGrow: 1,
110 outline: 'none',
111 padding: '0 6px 0',
112 alignSelf: 'flex-end',
113 borderRadius: effects.roundedCorner2,
114 backgroundColor: 'transparent',
115 color: semanticColors.inputText,
116 selectors: {
117 '::-ms-clear': {
118 display: 'none',
119 },
120 },
121 },
122 Styling_1.getPlaceholderStyles(placeholderStyles),
123 disabled && Styling_1.getPlaceholderStyles(disabledPlaceholderStyles),
124 inputClassName,
125 ],
126 screenReaderText: Styling_1.hiddenContentStyle,
127 };
129exports.getStyles = getStyles;
130//# sourceMappingURL=BasePicker.styles.js.map
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