1 | // DEPRECATED. USE `api-extractor-base.json` INSTEAD.
2 | {
3 | "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/api-extractor/v7/api-extractor.schema.json",
4 | "extends": "./api-extractor-common-report.json",
5 | /**
6 | * Configures how API Extractor reports error and warning messages produced during analysis.
7 | *
8 | * There are three sources of messages: compiler messages, API Extractor messages, and TSDoc messages.
9 | *
10 | * By setting the 'addToApiReportFile' property to false, API Extractor will report console errors instead of
11 | * silently writing errors into the report file. This in turn will cause build failures.
12 | */
13 | "messages": {
14 | "extractorMessageReporting": {
15 | "default": {
16 | "logLevel": "error",
17 | "addToApiReportFile": false
18 | },
19 | // Prevent cyclic `@inheritDoc` comments
20 | "ae-cyclic-inherit-doc": {
21 | "logLevel": "error",
22 | "addToApiReportFile": false
23 | },
24 | // A documentation comment should contain at most one release tag.
25 | "ae-extra-release-tag": {
26 | "logLevel": "error",
27 | "addToApiReportFile": false
28 | },
29 | // Reported when an exported API refers to another declaration that is not exported.
30 | "ae-forgotten-export": {
31 | "logLevel": "error",
32 | "addToApiReportFile": false
33 | },
34 | // A type signature should not reference another types whose release tag is less visible.
35 | "ae-incompatible-release-tags": {
36 | "logLevel": "error",
37 | "addToApiReportFile": false
38 | },
39 | // Disabled. We don't require that internal members be prefixed with an underscore.
40 | "ae-internal-missing-underscore": {
41 | "logLevel": "none",
42 | "addToApiReportFile": false
43 | },
44 | // Multiple function overloads should not have @internal tags with other tags.
45 | "ae-internal-mixed-release-tag": {
46 | "logLevel": "error",
47 | "addToApiReportFile": false
48 | },
49 | // Require packages to include `@packageDocumentation` comment
50 | "ae-misplaced-package-tag": {
51 | "logLevel": "error",
52 | "addToApiReportFile": false
53 | },
54 | // Disabled. We don't require that all exported members have an explicit release tag. While being explicit
55 | // is preferred and is a best practice, enabling this requires that we have explicit release tags all the
56 | // way down, which makes it very tough to adopt this config for most of our packages.
57 | "ae-missing-release-tag": {
58 | "logLevel": "none",
59 | "addToApiReportFile": false
60 | },
61 | // The @inheritDoc tag needs a TSDoc declaration reference.
62 | "ae-unresolved-inheritdoc-base": {
63 | "logLevel": "error",
64 | "addToApiReportFile": false
65 | },
66 | "ae-unresolved-inheritdoc-reference": {
67 | "logLevel": "error",
68 | "addToApiReportFile": false
69 | },
70 | // The @link tag needs a TSDoc declaration reference.
71 | "ae-unresolved-link": {
72 | "logLevel": "error",
73 | "addToApiReportFile": false
74 | }
75 | }
76 | }
77 | }