4.59 kBJSONView Raw
1// DEPRECATED. USE `api-extractor-base.json` INSTEAD.
3 "$schema": "https://developer.microsoft.com/json-schemas/api-extractor/v7/api-extractor.schema.json",
5 /**
6 * (REQUIRED) Specifies the .d.ts file to be used as the starting point for analysis. API Extractor
7 * analyzes the symbols exported by this module.
8 *
9 * The file extension must be ".d.ts" and not ".ts".
10 * The path is resolved relative to the "rootFolder" location described below.
11 */
12 "mainEntryPointFilePath": "<projectFolder>/dist/index.d.ts",
14 /**
15 * Determines how the TypeScript compiler engine will be invoked by API Extractor.
16 */
18 "compiler": {},
20 /**
21 * Configures how the API report file (*.api.md) will be generated.
22 */
23 "apiReport": {
24 "enabled": false,
25 "reportFileName": "<unscopedPackageName>.api.md",
26 "reportFolder": "<projectFolder>/_api-review/",
27 "reportTempFolder": "<projectFolder>/_api-extractor-temp/"
28 },
30 /**
31 * Configures how the doc model file (*.api.json) will be generated.
32 */
33 "docModel": {
34 "enabled": true,
35 "apiJsonFilePath": "<projectFolder>/_api-extractor-temp/doc-models/<unscopedPackageName>.api.json"
36 },
38 /**
39 * Configures how the .d.ts rollup file will be generated.
40 */
41 "dtsRollup": {
42 "enabled": false
43 },
45 /**
46 * Configures how the tsdoc-metadata.json file will be generated.
47 */
48 "tsdocMetadata": {
49 "enabled": true
50 },
52 /**
53 * Configures how API Extractor reports error and warning messages produced during analysis.
54 *
55 * There are three sources of messages: compiler messages, API Extractor messages, and TSDoc messages.
56 */
57 "messages": {
58 /**
59 * Configures handling of diagnostic messages reported by the TypeScript compiler engine while analyzing
60 * the input .d.ts files.
61 *
62 * TypeScript message identifiers start with "TS" followed by an integer. For example: "TS2551"
63 *
64 * DEFAULT VALUE: A single "default" entry with logLevel=warning.
65 */
66 "compilerMessageReporting": {
67 /**
68 * Configures the default routing for messages that don't match an explicit rule in this table.
69 */
70 "default": {
71 /**
72 * Specifies whether the message should be written to the the tool's output log. Note that
73 * the "addToApiReviewFile" property may supersede this option.
74 *
75 * Possible values: "error", "warning", "none"
76 *
77 * Errors cause the build to fail and return a nonzero exit code. Warnings cause a production build fail
78 * and return a nonzero exit code. For a non-production build (e.g. when "api-extractor run" includes
79 * the "--local" option), the warning is displayed but the build will not fail.
80 *
81 * DEFAULT VALUE: "warning"
82 */
83 "logLevel": "error"
84 /**
85 * When addToApiReviewFile is true: If API Extractor is configured to write an API report file (.api.md),
86 * then the message will be written inside that file; otherwise, the message is instead logged according to
87 * the "logLevel" option.
88 *
89 * DEFAULT VALUE: false
90 */
91 // "addToApiReviewFile": false
92 }
93 },
95 /**
96 * Configures handling of messages reported by API Extractor during its analysis.
97 *
98 * API Extractor message identifiers start with "ae-". For example: "ae-extra-release-tag"
99 *
100 * DEFAULT VALUE: See api-extractor-defaults.json for the complete table of extractorMessageReporting mappings
101 */
102 "extractorMessageReporting": {
103 "default": {
104 "logLevel": "error"
105 },
106 // A documentation comment should contain at most one release tag.
107 "ae-extra-release-tag": {
108 "logLevel": "warning"
109 },
110 // Reported when an exported API refers to another declaration that is not exported.
111 "ae-forgotten-export": {
112 "logLevel": "error"
113 },
114 // Disabled. We don't require that internal members be prefixed with an underscore.
115 "ae-internal-missing-underscore": {
116 "logLevel": "none",
117 "addToApiReportFile": false
118 },
119 // A type signature should not reference another types whose release tag is less visible.
120 "ae-missing-release-tag": {
121 "logLevel": "none",
122 "addToApiReportFile": false
123 },
124 // The @inheritDoc tag needs a TSDoc declaration reference.
125 "ae-unresolved-inheritdoc-reference": {
126 "logLevel": "error"
127 }
128 },
130 /**
131 * Configures handling of messages reported by the TSDoc parser when analyzing code comments.
132 *
133 * TSDoc message identifiers start with "tsdoc-". For example: "tsdoc-link-tag-unescaped-text"
134 *
135 * DEFAULT VALUE: A single "default" entry with logLevel=warning.
136 */
137 "tsdocMessageReporting": {
138 "default": {
139 "logLevel": "error"
140 }
141 }
142 }