1 | {
2 | "name": "@fluidframework/eslint-config-fluid",
3 | "version": "5.4.0",
4 | "description": "Shareable ESLint config for the Fluid Framework",
5 | "homepage": "https://fluidframework.com",
6 | "repository": {
7 | "type": "git",
8 | "url": "https://github.com/microsoft/FluidFramework.git",
9 | "directory": "common/build/eslint-config-fluid"
10 | },
11 | "license": "MIT",
12 | "author": "Microsoft and contributors",
13 | "main": "index.js",
14 | "dependencies": {
15 | "@fluid-internal/eslint-plugin-fluid": "^0.1.2",
16 | "@microsoft/tsdoc": "^0.14.2",
17 | "@rushstack/eslint-patch": "~1.4.0",
18 | "@rushstack/eslint-plugin": "~0.13.0",
19 | "@rushstack/eslint-plugin-security": "~0.7.0",
20 | "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "~6.7.2",
21 | "@typescript-eslint/parser": "~6.7.2",
22 | "eslint-config-prettier": "~9.0.0",
23 | "eslint-import-resolver-typescript": "~3.6.1",
24 | "eslint-plugin-eslint-comments": "~3.2.0",
25 | "eslint-plugin-import": "npm:eslint-plugin-i@~2.29.0",
26 | "eslint-plugin-jsdoc": "~46.8.1",
27 | "eslint-plugin-promise": "~6.1.1",
28 | "eslint-plugin-react": "~7.33.2",
29 | "eslint-plugin-react-hooks": "~4.6.0",
30 | "eslint-plugin-tsdoc": "~0.2.17",
31 | "eslint-plugin-unicorn": "~48.0.1",
32 | "eslint-plugin-unused-imports": "~3.0.0"
33 | },
34 | "devDependencies": {
35 | "@fluid-tools/markdown-magic": "file:../../../tools/markdown-magic",
36 | "@fluidframework/build-common": "^2.0.3",
37 | "concurrently": "^8.2.1",
38 | "eslint": "~8.55.0",
39 | "mocha-json-output-reporter": "^2.1.0",
40 | "mocha-multi-reporters": "^1.5.1",
41 | "prettier": "~3.0.3",
42 | "sort-json": "^2.0.1",
43 | "typescript": "~5.1.6"
44 | },
45 | "packageManager": "pnpm@8.15.8+sha512.d1a029e1a447ad90bc96cd58b0fad486d2993d531856396f7babf2d83eb1823bb83c5a3d0fc18f675b2d10321d49eb161fece36fe8134aa5823ecd215feed392",
46 | "scripts": {
47 | "build": "npm run print-config && npm run build:readme && npm run prettier",
48 | "build:readme": "markdown-magic --files \"**/*.md\"",
49 | "cleanup-printed-configs": "node ./scripts/cleanup-printed-configs.js ./printed-configs",
50 | "format": "npm run prettier:fix",
51 | "prettier": "prettier --check . --cache --ignore-path ../../../.prettierignore",
52 | "prettier:fix": "prettier --write . --cache --ignore-path ../../../.prettierignore",
53 | "print-config": "concurrently \"npm:print-config:*\" && npm run cleanup-printed-configs",
54 | "print-config:default": "eslint --config ./index.js --print-config ./src/file.ts > ./printed-configs/default.json",
55 | "print-config:minimal": "eslint --config ./minimal-deprecated.js --print-config ./src/file.ts > ./printed-configs/minimal.json",
56 | "print-config:react": "eslint --config ./index.js --print-config ./src/file.tsx > ./printed-configs/react.json",
57 | "print-config:recommended": "eslint --config ./recommended.js --print-config ./src/file.ts > ./printed-configs/recommended.json",
58 | "print-config:strict": "eslint --config ./strict.js --print-config ./src/file.ts > ./printed-configs/strict.json",
59 | "print-config:test": "eslint --config ./index.js --print-config ./src/test/file.ts > ./printed-configs/test.json",
60 | "test": "echo TODO: add tests"
61 | }
62 | } |
\ | No newline at end of file |