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1// start serve, parsing configuration.
2const yargs = require('yargs');
3const path = require('path');
4const run = require('supervisor/lib/supervisor').run
6const argv = yargs.usage(`
7 Usage: mock [options] -d directory \n
8 mock [options] -c ./config.json \n
9 `)
10 .alias('d', 'directory')
11 .alias('c', 'config')
12 .alias('w', 'watch')
13 .alias('p', 'port')
14 .alias('h', 'host')
15 .alias('s', 'socket')
16 .describe('d', 'directory of data')
17 .describe('c', 'config file of mock')
18 .describe('w',
19 'when a change to a js file or json file occurs, reload the server. Default is false'
20 )
21 .describe('p', 'port of mock serve')
22 .describe('h', 'host of mock serve')
23 .describe('s', 'config of socket')
24 .example(`
25 mock -w -p 80 -h -d ./model\n
26 mock -c ./config.json
27 `)
28 .epilog('By Newbility')
29 .argv
31let args = [],
32 configPath = argv.c || argv.config,
33 config = {},
34 port = argv.p || argv.port,
35 host = argv.h || argv.host,
36 isWatch = argv.w || argv.watch,
37 modelDir = argv.d || argv.directory ? path.resolve(argv.d || argv.directory) : null
38 server = path.resolve(__dirname, './lib/index.js')
40if(configPath) {
41 configPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), configPath);
42 config = require(configPath);
43 isWatch = config.watch;
44 modelDir = config.directory && path.resolve(path.dirname(configPath), config.directory) || '';
45 if (isWatch && modelDir) {
46 args = args.concat(['-w', modelDir, '-e', 'js,json']);
47 }
48 args = args.concat(['--', server, '-c', configPath]);
49} else {
50 isWatch && (args = args.concat(['-w', modelDir, '-e', 'js,json']));
51 args = args.concat(['--', server]);
52 port && (args = args.concat(['-p', port]));
53 host && (args = args.concat(['-h', host]));
54 modelDir && (args = args.concat(['-d', modelDir]));